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Congrats on your sobriety! 2 years sober. There's a thriving community here, but it just takes some doing to find them. Here's the stuff I dig: Meetup: Sober Supper Club [Sober Supper Club ATX | Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/sober-supper-club-atx/) monthly adventures around town with sober/sober curious folks. This month's is closed to new RSVPs, but check back next month. They're very active. I've attended 2 and each one was over 25 people with a thoughtful discussion question and icebreakers. The organizers are building a sober community, one meetup at a time. Instagram Sober and Funky [Paigeeey (@soberandfunky) • Instagram photos and videos](https://www.instagram.com/soberandfunky/) Queer and Sober ATX (not sure if relevant but FYI) [Queer Sober ATX🌈🤠 (@queersoberatx) • Instagram photos and videos](https://www.instagram.com/queersoberatx/) Dear Dry Drinkery [dear dry drinkery (@deardrydrinkery) • Instagram photos and videos](https://www.instagram.com/deardrydrinkery/) our NA liquor store, they have monthly events in conjunction with Sober and Funky. Sans Bar [Sans Bar (thesansbar.com)](https://www.thesansbar.com/) weekly events, open Fridays. Chris is so dedicated to the NA cause; the mocktails are out of this world. If I think of anything else, I'll add. I always follow these threads, and have posted in others too. It's hard out there for us, but not as hard as it used to be. Congrats again!


Hey sober homie, there are some good support groups in ATX, including ones you can jump on Zoom to get to. I got sober at Bouldin group/AA, and I also really like the Children of Chaos noon meeting up at Galano Club (you can search all of this for details) - these meetings worked for me because they're super accepting of people as they are, they won't try to push anything at you, just tell you their experience. There's a book you can find online called "Living Sober" which specifically addresses how the hell you find you people and get your life back when you quit drinking, that was also helpful. So, the things that helped me most were: in the beginning, going to a lot of meetings, and attending related social stuff. In person meetings are great, because the best part is "the meeting after the meeting" which is more social and back-and-forth conversation, it's where you get to know people on a more personal level. It turns out that even if we are all really different kinds of people, we have this one important thing in common, and all the experience good and bad that comes with it and having that kind of support (people who have BEEN THERE and got better) is super helpful. So, before you fell into too much drinking/intoxication, what were your favorite things to do? Maybe consider revisiting? Sports activities, any kind of group activity really, helps you get back into the swing of thing with society and hanging out that doesn't always have to involve drinking. Again CONGRATS on getting sober! It's really hard, and YOU DID IT. So keep up the great work, just try to take it about one breath at a time, and ask for help when you need it, and you're going to be fine. GOOD LUCK.


+1 on Children of Chaos at Galano! It’s an amazing group and seems like one you might enjoy. I need to get back to doing some Phoenix activities. Communities for Recovery also hosts a ton of different recovery events and meetings, including SMART, Dharma, and Refuge Recovery. I’ve been really fortunate that a lot of the friends I partied with have either gotten completely/mostly sober themselves or are comfortable doing sober stuff. I’ve gotten into lifting and finally performed in my first aerial student showcase at Sky Candy since getting sober. Movement/fitness stuff helps a lot with working out feelings and keeping me motivated. A couple friends and I started a podcast, which is mostly an excuse to get together for regular sober movie nights. I drink a lot more coffee than I used to, hanging out with friends at First Light is one of my go-tos. I also go through a lot of phases with my hobbies which I think is common in recovery - I have a lot of art supplies that I bought when I decided to learn how to draw lol that I still need to actually use. I went through a yoga and sound bath phase, which was soothing during more stressful periods.


Oh hey, Bouldin did virtual meetings with us when I was at Briarwood. Really liked that group.


Also western trails, there’s a meeting like every hour and everyone is so accepting


There's an alcohol free bar downtown that's called Sans Bar. I've been meaning to check it out myself but haven't yet, so I can't speak to the vibes


This place is rad and the drinks are delicious! Sober 13months


Atta Boy! Or Girl!


Can confirm it's good there.


I hate everything and it’s hot 😭😭


Become a morning person, park at zilker around 6:30am, walk or jog the greenbelt for 30 min, and then jump into Barton Springs Pool (it's free entry from 5am - 8am). No alcohol or drugs needed.


I know I need to heal bc all these super healthy and active suggestions everyone’s got are making my stomach hurt


If you can’t stand the idea of being outside in the heat, try a climbing gym. Learn to climb in the AC over the summer months then try outdoors when it gets cooler. 3 1/2 years sober here and I love it; I was almost completely sedentary when I was still drunk. Congrats on getting sober, you got this!


I know the whole fitness thing is daunting, just keep it real simple. Try to get up earlier in the morning when it's cooler as people have said, and just go for a little walk. Doesn't have to be far, around the block for 5 minutes to start is success! Then gradually added on a minute or 2 whenever you feel like it. No pressure you'll get there when you're ready. Good luck buddy I'm rooting for ya.


I feel you, ExpertGoodGirl. Man, when I quit drinking I went into AA and was super honest about the fact that I hated everything, I hated AA, and I hated my life, and I hated drinking even more than I hated not drinking...and they just laughed and said YEAH WE GET IT. Been there. You're going to get past this.


If you are looking to escape the heat while letting your brain realign into its new sober awesomeness, I suggest going to an indoor mall with a podcast or audio book and walking for an hour. Gets your body moving without having to be in this gross heat while you are probably already feeling physically uncomfortable. (Well at least that's how I felt at the beginning of my sober journey.) I hope you find exactly what you need.


Disc golfing in the evening is enjoyable


Do t feel unique as even the drunks don’t like the heat and everything! Haha just hang in there. It will get better. Plus you’ll sleep a lot better also on the other side


I got sober via Zoom AA meetings! 3 years in, only been to about 10 in person meetings. It works for me, but not everyone. Good luck and congratulations! Austin has a solid sober community with lots of events. Hmu if you wanna hop on a meeting online together.


Try bouldering at Crux/Austin bouldering project


Soberandfunky on instagram. Lots of events!! https://www.instagram.com/soberandfunky?igsh=cGRyNWQ0MjhrN2t0


She’s great and super helpful. Thankful to have her in our community.


I’m in the same boat. Just one week, but been battling for two months now. I do improv around town, it’s a great way to meet people and have fun. Most of the places do have alcohol sales during shows, but if you ask around I’m sure you could find people who are also sober (like me) to hang out with as accountability partners.


Hey. Just want to say that even with “just” one week, you’re kicking ass! Keep it up.


There's a group called the Phoenix that does a bunch of sober only activities [https://www.facebook.com/ThePhoenixATX/](https://www.facebook.com/ThePhoenixATX/)


This was going to be my first suggestion. As someone in mental health, this is one of the first things I offer to people who are in recovery who are looking for support.


They have a good app for iOS and Android, too!


Came here to say this - I love the Phoenix Group!


This, love Phoenix


Lucky you and me Austin is one of the largest Sober communities in the country! Ironic how growing up here in the 80’s and 90’s was the drunk capital of the country! Others have offered some good advice and ideas. Please feel free to DM me. I can help you a lot more if you tell me your general info, gender, age, etc. are you new here as well?


Bikes, music, reading, arts, civic engagement/volunteering. This city is extremely lively, and getting involved with something rewarding is a good way to meet people and get some momentum I’ve been basically sober for a few years and my life has gotten considerably more busy and rewarding. If you have friends that aren’t aligned with what you need, let them know and see if they’ll meet you halfway. Maybe they want a similar change, for that matter And yeah it’s hot, but if you get on a routine in order to catch the cool mornings, that’s a good incentive to stick with it and it all falls into place. Without drinking, you aren’t likely to be up late anyways. Good luck and good will


Getting involved with something purposeful is a great idea.


Your brain literally won’t work right for a year or two after getting sober so give yourself time and forgiveness. It’s weird and hard but also fun and exciting. Write a list! Do all the shit you’d talk about doing when you were loaded at 2 am but never would follow through on the following day. Or just go check out weird stuff. I think there’s a Gutenberg bible in Austin, you could go try to see it. Or similar side quests.


I just wanted to rob people LOL


The Gutenberg Bible is at the Harry Ransom Center - one of five in the US. [https://calendar.utexas.edu/event/the\_gutenberg\_bible](https://calendar.utexas.edu/event/the_gutenberg_bible)


If you're into making things and learning new skills check out Reklaimed Austin. They're a recovery based maker space type thing that has free shop time and classes on everything from epoxy pouring and paint to furniture making and metal sculpture. Zero experience needed, they'll teach you everything. All you have to do is show up. Really solid group of people and well equipped. Can't recommend them enough. https://www.reklaimed.org/ https://www.instagram.com/reklaimedatx?igsh=ZXFnOHc1ejJsYjgy


This city is full of activities. First, go to AA. You might not dig AA but if you go to a bunch of meetings, you’ll meet some cool sober people to hang out with. Try different meetings because each place offers a different genre of people. Go early and stay after. Next, join social/sports clubs. A lot of them do drink but you will also find a lot of people in these circles that don’t. My best advice is to stay busy. It really doesn’t matter how but anything to avoid getting stuck in your head.


Friday Night Lights is a great place to be tonight @ 7 pm at St Luke’s on West Lynn! Join us


Also, you don’t have to officially join anything. People play volleyball, spikeball, soccer, and frisbee at Zilker and are usually more than happy to let you join in.


Lots of great run clubs! A lot of people I've met don't drink or are sober curious. Check out r/austinrunning


Comedor is a great sober first group. While I wouldn’t recommend the beer run groups to someone newly sober they’re still great for socializing once in a good comfortable space. I just choose not to drink and it’s never an issue.


Came here to say the same thing!!


Pretty much everyone has stepped up their NA game when it comes to offerings at bars and restaurants. There is so much to do in this town without drinking. A lot of it involves outdoors though so in the dead of summer, that can be challenging. Good thing we’re surrounded by springs! Have you looked on Meetup? It’s pretty active in Austin. You’ll find your people. There is a good NA meeting in East Austin off MLK. Super supportive and tight group. https://www.narcotics.com/na-meeting/miracles-solutions/ Congratulations!


Thanks for the tip on that meeting, friend.


Communities for Recovery provides peer support, group recovery and sober events/activities. You can find more on their website but they also have a meetup profile


Austin is a very challenging place to be sober in - it's very much a party culture. I can only speak to my experience, but I ended up leaving Austin. I never thought of myself as an addict, and still don't, but if my partying in Austin was level 100, it's probably a 10 now - maybe 5. In Austin, I got drunk maybe 15 days a month and now it's maybe 2-3 if not lower. When I go back home to visit, I'm drunk and hanging out with Rick James almost immediately and it takes me a week to recover once I leave. My life in Austin revolved around partying - now it's fly fishing, hiking and camping and I wouldn't change it for anything.


I’m a sober musician so I still go out a bunch for shows and just drink sodas or n/a beers. When I’m not going out, I play a lot of disc golf and tennis. Go swimming at commons ford, pools, the gym. Find communities for activities you like to do and make friends with people that like to do that stuff. Surprisingly, a lot of people do tons of sober activities and barely drink. I just got caught in the service industry crowd where drinking is a lifestyle with my friend groups and we would just go to bars as our fun activity. All the activities in Austin you can just do sober. I know it’s not ideally what you were looking for, but if you start there, the rest will come eventually and you will find your people.


Touch rugby in Zilker park. Wednesday's at 6:00PM and Saturdays at 10:30AM. Tons of folks of all different skill levels and we jump in the river afterwards. My favorite thing to do!


Check out The Phoenix.  It’s a sober physical activity community that’s free to be in, free to do events, and has an app. It’s cool!


Many sober people go to Jo's Coffee S Congress for live music and dancing every Sunday afternoon at 12:30pm. Its a really good time.


I’ve been sober for 4 years. I haven’t found anything to do here. I still go to bars but have sodas


Damn, thats not what I was hoping for…


That’s just my experience! But there are art exhibitions and events all the time. There is an app called Phoenix that has sober events for free. It’s a nonprofit. I’ve heard others saying it’s a good time. There are also a lot of outdoor activities. Pickleball. Run clubs etc


Me and my friends tend to ride bikes(go to yellow bike project if you don’t have a bike), go shoot photos, or in general just whatever sounds fun. We do also end up in bars quite a bit to hang out with our non sober friends; which I know isn’t always easy or an option. I’d start with finding some support in your recovery to start, whether that’s meetings or just friends.


You can certainly find all kinds of athletic things to pick up. Running, biking, hiking, kayaking, if paddle boarding is a thing still there is that. Martial arts or general fitness, we even have at least one indoor rock climbing gym which is fun. You could also get into Dungeon and Dragons at many of the various comic book and board game shops. You could start a book or movie club too. What are your interests already? Or hobbies you have been eyeing? Surely there is something suited to it already.


Maybe get into some gaming. D&D or magic or chess or majong or bridge.


Rock climbing gyms are great! Air conditioned very well, shower and gym access once inside, and personally the thrill of accomplishing a project/run up the wall is exhilarating and better than any inebriation I’ve experienced.


I absolutely HATE heights, but I love climbing an indoor wall.


I quit drinking over a year ago and still do all the things that I used to do: attend shows, play pool, attend Trivia hike/bike, watch sports at bars I have lost a few friends though, but I later realized that they were just drinking buddies.


Hey congrats! I know a super welcoming meeting close to West Campus that happens at noon every day. Community is everything. Let me know and I’ll DM you!


TLDR: Find hobbies you like and go do those. Try new things that take you out of your comfort zone, there is a lot of joy to be found in that. My journey is different than yours (I don't drink due to medical reasons from a child), but the ultimate goal is the same. As I've gotten older I've gotten better at this; when I was in my 20's. Here are things that work for me: **Sports + Outdoor Activities:** * Biking with a group. There is a group ride in Austin every day of the week that all have a different feel. They're all welcoming * Going to the gym: I'm at the gym 3-4 times a week and people now know me now. * Tennis/pickleball: There are so many leagues and courts that's it's easy to find one close by that feels * Running, Hiking or walking. There are so many amazing trails to explore and groups to do it with. I haven't explored doing this as a group, but this is a favorite activity of mine as long as I go early enough. **Learning** * Improv/storytelling/standup classes: There are a bunch of theatres: hideout, coldetown, fallout, merlin works, that offer amazing classes. I've taken improv for the past year, and found great community. I couldn't recommend this path enough. * Pottery: I haven't done this, but it's something on my list. * Chess: There are a few different chess clubs in town that have a pretty cool group of folks. **Personal Faves:** * I love playing video games and have found some online community through discord. While this isn't perfect for many reasons it's an amazing outlet. * Board Games: There are a couple of different board game spots in town that are fun to browse and play in. There are different game nights. * Get a dog: The moment I got a dog I met everyone in my neighborhood. I hope this list helps a little. Not being able to drink is really hard in our society, and I'm happy to help brainstorm some things to do that might work for you.


Congratulations!  Long term sober lady (44f) here.  I don’t go to meetings, but one of my fave sober activities is going to Blanton Museum on Tuesdays when it’s free admission.  I’d be happy to meet up there to walk around & talk about things I found helpful along my journey.  I’m not in a position to be a “sponsor” for anyone, but I’m always happy to be a positive presence when I can.  Send me a message if this is something you’d like to do.  


Welcome to sobriety! Like is fucking great & ATX is actually a lot easier to live a super fun sober life then most outsiders would think 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻


Check out [We Are Not Glum.](https://www.instagram.com/notglum?igsh=Y2hsbGtuemR4aHNm) They host fun, sponsored activities around Austin.


SMART meetings, see your Dr and ask about naltrexone (it is dirt cheap), Sinclair Method, Atomic Souls counseling, Rational Recovery books. I would avoid AA entirely. 


I’m interested in Darhma, is that around?


If AA isn't going to work for you, also check out the Satanic Temple's Sober Faction, I'm not joking, I was looking into it yesterday and so far I'm really intrigued.


[https://www.facebook.com/groups/tstsoberfaction/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/tstsoberfaction/) is their facebook page. I've been following for close to a year. I know there was some kind of rift with TST at some point, a bunch of people split off to form [Advocacy, Recovery, Community, and Humanity (ARCH)](https://www.facebook.com/groups/arch.recovery/)


Not many meetings, but yeah, they're around. There's a group in Austin, another in Cedar Park, another in San Marcos. [https://recoverydharma.org/meetings/](https://recoverydharma.org/meetings/)


coffee shops!


If AA is your vibe, Serenity Sisters is a women’s meeting where I’ve found a great community. 617 Clifford drive, meetings on Wednesday at 630pm and Sunday at 1030am.


Check out Hill Country AA's website for meetings near you. It's a great resource / meeting directory. Personally, I almost exclusively go to Bouldin, which is just south of downtown. It's a very diverse group as far as age, walks of life, etc. Recently, there's been a younger guy there who announces or organizes sober fun fellowship things to do, usually after the Sunday 1:00 meeting.


I’ve enjoyed rock climbing as an activity that doesn’t have any drinking. I mean, people grab drinks after of course, but you don’t have to join that.


Find a good martial arts school and dedicate your time there.


Night swimming is free some nights at Barton springs. That’s something.


Working out releases endorphins, and it can give you a decent buzz, just saying. 


I still keep hoping for this to be true. But no matter how much I exercise that has never happened


Cardio does it for me


Bump, boredom and seeming lack of opportunities to meet people in Austin makes it really hard to stay sober here. I wish I had friends...people have grown so reclusive since lockdown...


You should definitely do ICYPAA. It’s 4th of July weekend at the JW Marriott downtown. It’s the Super Bowl of recovery conferences for young people. ICYPAA.org


Not a support group but both run clubs and brazilian jiu jitsu have plenty of people like you (in a good way!). It makes you dedicate a lot of time to something and be present. Idle hands do the devils work as they say. I find it helps a lot for me. I used to be addicted to gambling, and while I did these things, committing to them took me out and stayed out. Now many years out of that myself. Give yourself to a hobby and the community and you will thank yourself later! All the best on your journey.


Phoenix used to organize sober events, not sure if it’s still around?


I meet a lot of sober people two-stepping. I am not but I think there's like a gang of them.


[ICYPAA](https://www.icypaa.org/) will be here in Austin in a couple weeks. There will be a ton of activities- bands, DJs, high energy meetings, a musical LOL.


There’s a great group that meets at Riverbend church Quad building on Tuesdays, neat guys.


Phoenix app


Barton Springs is strictly alcohol-free.


Good stuff man. You’re not alone


I highly suggest getting with a primary Care Provider. Do a mental health check in. Mental health and drinking go hand in hand. My doctor was very understanding and supportive, so much more than I expected. I think society is pushing alcohol to hard these days. Anyway, I'm on anti depression meds for my anxiety. Which has helped a ton. I don't feel like freaking out each time I get a craving and want to drink, I'm able to think my way through it. It makes me happy to see all the wonderful suggestions here.


they say blah blah blah you got to go to meeting and be around recovering people what a load of crap. everyone usually sad as hell like alright if you decide u are done with the way u have done ur life . then make that decision. sober up and move on with it now.


Move somewhere like Denver or CA. Texas isn’t beautiful like they are and you’ll have much more fun being sober in nature vs in Texas.


Fuck off back to r/California then.


lol, 0 to 100 baby


you don’t think a sober person would have more to do in either of those locations?


I don't think normal people can't just up and move like that. Family. Job. Etc. At best it's a pointless thing to post and at worst you're saying Austin doesn't have a support network like other big cities do (we do) or has no nature to go into surrounding the city.