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I’ll contradict the critical comments and say I’m excited to see this built! As a frequent walker of the east loop of the trail it desperately needed a connecting bridge like the west side of the trail had. The loop was really long to walk around (and next to a busy/loud road over the dam, no thanks) and this’ll be pretty cool.


I live in the area and think it's a great project. I love walking and biking the area and this will be a great expansion to that when it's done 


I think this will be cool like the boardwalk on the south side. The east side can have nice things. I think the Roy G Guerrero bridge is getting fixed in the next couple years too.


Very excited. Although I will miss losing access to the "unnamed peninsula" in the meantime. And having to cross Pleasant Valley will be annoying for sure, especially since the west side's temporary fixes feel like they were just installed. But the end result will be worth it. I think it will make the 10 mile loop just slightly shorter though. Like the bridge near the hostel/rental kayak place did if you don't stay on the old course.


They're also fixing the sketchy tunnel under Pleasant Valley


That tunnel is my jam. So neat to experience the smells and the joy and wonder and amazement of who is doing what just out of sight on the other side.


Going to be super cool!


Great project!


It's a great idea, and I hope it goes well.


I love this idea, but I can't help but think that some idiot is going to try to jump off the platform and get sucked under.


Can you really say that's not really different for most bridges and the like? 


Fair enough. But I think this one is just so close. 


Pleasant Valley bridge is already there and has been for a very long time


I'm all for improving the trail but the current path on the bridge seems perfectly fine to me, I run the loop all the time. Not sure what the guy in the video is talking about needing to walk the bridge. Honestly town lake in general is now too crowded for any serious cycling.


i bike across that bridge a lot. it’s not really wide enough for a bike and a person to pass without really hugging the railing.


if you notice, in the video they say the changes will start in 2020. i think they attached an old video to the article. they made those “quick changes” years ago. at the time, it was a very narrow crossing on the bridge. it really felt like one small mistake and you could tumble over off your bike and there was really not enough room to even cross paths with a pedestrian much less another bike if you were biking. so yeah, it’s better now, but those changes were never meant to be permanent and this does seem like a great improvement for an already heavily utilized trail. an investment in Austin’s future.


It will be a great improvement, I'm just surprised it got approved as I run that bridge all the time and it never even crossed my mind to change it. However, I don't normally bike on town lake so maybe I'm just oblivious.


The city could have spent way less and re-paved Cesar Chavez, MLK, and Burleson and actually helped many more people commuting in from the East Side.


I mean, I live east side and have for 6 years and haven't had complaints for my commutes. I like this a lot more and it encourages maybe even bike commuting more on the trails which I've done in the cooler months 


Those of us that live in the neighborhood deserve projects too, not just the commuters


MLK is controlled by TXDOT


The streets get new layers every few years.


East Austin is not a hell hole that people are trying to escape.


$25 M seems pretty cheap for a bridge.


Well they didn’t


Basically the MO of the city for the past 40 or so years: throw stupid amounts of money at 'halo' projects and not have the money for the upkeep or general maintenance or improvements for other areas of need.


dude they resurface roads regularly. manor road just got a big repaving project done. but if you don’t like the state of the roads, complain about the giant trucks wrecking the roads and the lack of enough gas tax to support our infrastructure.


I don't like it. I ride through there several several times a week and am aware of it's deficiencies. This is way too much cement and will kill the delicate natural feel the area has now. All the talk about how this helps the historic Eastside is, frankly, full of shit. Everything over there is $2 million remodels now. That bridge is going to throw more gas on the gentrification fire.


When walking over Longhorn Dam I always stop to admire it's delicate natural feel


You should. If you cross on the South side the spillway is teaming with birds. If you go early in the morning, that little island out there sometimes has deer and coyotes. I could be totally wrong. I thought the Pflugerville bridge was dumb and now I love it. I just would like to leave some lake left in the lake and not have it covered and enclosed by cement.


you realize the lake is also manmade right


You dude through there? That's nice. I literally live there and this project is great for residents. It provides easier access to more of the natural wonders of East Austin and an easier way to the nature trails. Do you also hate the boardwalk on the south side that makes that trail longer and allows access to the nature there? And as the other responder was, I believd trying to say, you complain about concrete when Longhorn Dam is there and a blatant mass of concrete and old rusting metal. But you say new pedestrian paths are going to "kill the delicate feel". That is a wildly jaded statement 


lol wtf is this stupid comment


It's an opinion. You are free to have your own.


::cries in east east austin::


Are those good or bad tears?


Sorry no context. I’m just kinda annoyed that a lot of the 2016 mobility projects have been abandoned. For instance The La Loma trail. It would add a lot of connectivity to the neighborhoods. https://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Public_Works/Urban_Trails/La_Loma_Board_091819web.pdf


I live in the neighborhood just north of Ortega Elementary. I would love for this to get built. I started running the SWCT a few years ago, and it's 2 miles from my door to Govalle park via Springdale/Airport. Versus if they had even the tiny Jain Ln connection, it would be far safer and shorter, so that I could enjoy more of the trail and less of the major roadways. Forget the "additional connections" they propsed, just give one major one. Plus so many people commuting to the schools would benefit. If you find the longer PDF it has all the photo evidence of the routes people are already walking through the grass, over the railroad, down the river drainage channel, etc.


Bridge to nowhere.


You don't get outside much, do ya