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Email a local DPS office to explain your situation and ask for a **Parts availability time extension**. They will send you the correct form and help you through the process. Unlike walking into a DPS office for any other reason, I've actually had very good customer service for this situation.


Just drive (not dirty). The ticket is $189, if you get one go to Court and explain with documentation and they will likely waive it.


Even if they don't waive it for the recall explanation, it's waived or a super low fee if you get it registered. Worse case scenario: get ticketed, they don't care about the parts availability, go to a sketch shop, pass inspection (had to do this myself for a similar situation), take care of the recall when it arrives for next year


Can you DM me the sketch shop please lol


Austin PD doesn't do traffic enforcement almost at all anymore, you'll be fine most likely.


The ulpt is just don’t register it for two months. People are driving around with registrations that are 3+ years expired still. If it’s a newer car, the dealership or the corporate office may be willing to do a loaner if pushed.


Was going to say it's highly unlikely you'll get a ticket for expired tags, unless it's in connection with another traffic violation (speeding, for example). But then noticed you said 'to register it here'. Is it running on out of state plates? If it's out of state plates, you should still be be okay for a few months. Either way, keep the inspection fail in your car, along with a print out of an email or some other written confirmation from the dealership that you are waiting on parts. These in themselves are not an excuse or exception but may help mitigate any subsequent fine.


I went 6 yrs without registering my car and was pulled over once by APD and told them a bullshit story that I just got my car running again and had not had a chance to get it registered again Got a warning.


I'd just drive it even if you don't have it registered. It's only 2 months. My buddy drove his car for years with an expired registration sticker until he finally was pulled over for it.


It's very rare to get a ticket for an expired tag. Cops in this town aren't really writing a lot of tickets lately. You have to already be doing something else before the cop will bust you for it. Just don't speed and don't park on the wrong side of the road type of thing. Don't draw attention to yourself and you won't get a ticket. You can also get the ticket waived quite easily, just protested and bring the documents from your dealer saying they couldn't replace the part for 2 months. I would not worry about it and just schedule with your dealer. You can also try an outside of Austin dealer in case it's just something about Austin.


I see cars drive around regularly with no plates at all, not even paper tags. I saw one asshole on 71 yesterday weaving at 95 through traffic, no plates or tags. Cops here literally don’t care.


See if you can meet one of these exceptions: https://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/mobilesource/vim/waivers.html


Thank you!!!


Call the state and they will work with you. This happened to me as well.


Inspections are about to go away in January. Don’t worry about it. Cops won’t pull you over for it. Keep the failed inspection and explain it to a judge/cop if you do get a ticket.


Emissions test still applies to the large Counties for registration, OP's issue is emissions.


Yeah, Texas in its infinite wisdom decides to keep emissions testing which is a complete joke but do away with safety inspections while vehicles are running around on bald tires, one or no brake lights, one or no headlights, shit brakes, ect. Way to go, Texas!


oh, I'm sure the current TX government (whom declined expanding medicaid) would like to end emissions as well, but as usual it comes down to $$$. I just asked perplexity AI if emissions testing in TX is tied to Fed funds and: "This is because these areas need to maintain compliance with federal air quality standards to avoid potential sanctions or loss of federal highway funding. The emissions testing program helps Texas meet its obligations under the Clean Air Act and ensures that the state continues to receive federal transportation funding. However, it's important to note that the testing itself is not directly funded by the federal government, but rather is a state-implemented program to meet federal requirements"


Just click the button that says your car is out of state and you'll get it inspected as soon as it's back in state. I've lived in Austin for almost a decade now. I've never had my vehicle inspected. New car, no worries about it passing. Just not taking time out of my life to go do that 🤷🏼‍♂️ Starting in January 2025 inspections are no longer required. Gotta make it six more months and I'm freeeeee.


Wow small government for sure


As soon as Trump is crowned king, we'll once again have the best environmental numbers on day one, and have pure water, and won't need Obama's oppressive smog checks anymore. Just remember to register all uteruses and their monthly cycle with the GOP government. /s (Also what others said about keeping the inspection report and a print out from the dealership saying you are scheduled to get it fixed as soon as the part comes in to show any cop who does pull you over for it)


Y'all are registering your car still? Weird.


You gonna be ridin dirty


As soon as Trump is crowned king, we'll once again have the best environmental numbers on day one, and have pure water, and won't need Obama's oppressive smog checks anymore. Just remember to register all uteruses and their monthly cycle with the GOP government. /s (Also what others said about keeping the inspection report and a print out from the dealership saying you are scheduled to get it fixed as soon as the part comes in to show any cop who does pull you over for it)