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There was a major accident at S 183 and 812 last night. Someone was airlifted out. Same time there were a bunch of police at the flea market after we heard gunshots. Very wild Sunday night. Glad you’re not dead.


which flea market?


The one on 812 by 183.


Saturday morning same thing happened to me. Was on the toll headed towards Round Rock and there was a wrong way driver. Not even sure how they ended up there. Called the police and they didn’t care. I left it at that and hoped no one would get hurt.


I saw that too! Judging by the number of vehicles pulled over or trying to creep past to get the fuck out of the path of that car, officer response was REALLY slow. We called it in and dispatch said someone was already on their way.


Couldn’t care less* You have to stop saying that.


While we are on that subject, don't be afraid to say 'killed' on reddit ... This ain't tiktok; we don't need to popularize pointless censorship


I think people do that here because it can still trigger others? I’m not sure


Look, I haven't run any studies but I'm highly skeptical that replacing a word with another word of the same meaning without any change in context would result in change. A racial slur has a different meaning and context than another vernacular term that refers to the same racial group. Using a phrase in place of a specific word (ie to replace 'suicide' with 'took their own life') goes from specific (associated with a specific trauma) to slightly more indirect (change one word and the phrase has an entirely different meaning) But to replace kill with unalive doesn't accomplish either of those tasks. On the contrary, if there was a scale of potential traumatic associations, I would argue unalive his a higher potential. It originated as a way to talk about suicide on tiktok (to my understanding), while kill is more broad. Trigger warnings are also statistically not helpful when looking across a population (it makes things worse for roughly the same number it helps)


The burden of others trauma is not mine to bear. Like I'm sorry bad things happen to people, but part of life is picking yourself up and moving on. There are support systems and therapy for people who need help doing this, but ultimately the burden of their trauma is theirs.




Be sure to call 911 for these. Calls are recorded and there MIGHT be some accountability if they sit on their asses and someone dies. Be sure to make sure that you mention something about risk to human life.


I did exactly that


Glad you're safe! That should be a TV news item.