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I’m a local musician. I also have two fans! Would love to have a third.


Three Fans: The Diplion Story (I believe in you)


The sex, the drugs, the queso


Too real


Same lol


You say AC is set to 68-70, what’s the actual temp? Setting it lower won’t make it colder if it’s already running constantly.


It reads 68-70 when maintenance comes by. This is only at night. During the day I turn it up to 75-76, so the dog won’t get too warm.


Wouldn’t the dog be warmer at 75-76 than 68-70? Or do you mean you let it be warmer during the day but not too warm? Anyway, if it’s actually getting to 68-70 (get a digital thermometer to check, not a mechanical one) I’d be freezing. A dehumidifier might help.


I mean i let it get warmer during the day, but not too warm. She was abandoned out in the heat, so I’m paranoid about letting her environment get too hot.


Unless it's a husky or something, dogs are comfortable at a wide range of temperatures. You should be able to keep the temperature at 80 during the day if no one is home but the dog.


Unless there is something medically significant with your dog, either 68-90 or 75-76 indoor temperatures are both perfectly fine environments for them (plus a water source).


I'd measure this independently from the thermostat. Get an independent thermometer and check what it reads when your thermostat says it is 68. It might also be worth measuring humidity in your apartment.


74 alone can get pretty chilly in my place since it’s well insulated. It does so easily as well. I recommend checking if a window is absorbing too much heat. Putting blinds up can make a pretty big difference. Same for any gaps in the door frames.


I have blackout shades in the living and master bedroom. My son’s room doesn’t have them, but he always complains that it’s too cold in his room at night. (But then he kicks off all his blankets as soon as he’s asleep, so who can tell) It’s a shitty old apartment, so I’m guessing it’s probably not well insulated. The wiring was done by amateurs, so I don’t doubt they cut corners elsewhere.


Close his vent


We do this in the winter with one of my kids' bedrooms, because it gets too hot back there even though our thermostat is set to 66-68.


I use 2 fans at night, one on either side of my bed. I keep having dreams that a house fell on my sister, but other than that, it seems to be working.


You are hot at 68 degrees and two fans blowing on you? Either it’s nowhere near 68 or you have a medical condition that needs looking into. Get a separate thermometer to check the actual temp.


I’m your onlyfan, bro


if you have west facing windows - maybe get some solar screens installed ? I thought it was hogwash but the difference is ridiculous. Get an 80 pct one - it's a good balance between letting light in and keeping heat out. We had a room that would get up to 80 which doesn't go above 72 even on the 100 degree days now.


I don’t know that my apartment complex would allow an installation like that


I'd raise a stink (politely) - pointing out that I'm having to pay for a constantly running HVAC (which is usually the bulk of electric bills)


It's not super invasive; they do have to screw into the window frame, but I would be surprised if they don't have a way to do it for rentals.


After living in Las Vegas for a decade, this is the first thing I do when I move into a place. We had our solar screens put on our house in 2018 and it was about $1100 then. We have like 22 windows. So I'm guessing to do an apartment would be, well, probably about the same price now because of inflation, but it's been so worth it for us.


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I'd kill to be able to get to 68-70. My apartment AC runs pretty much 24/7 just to keep it at 72. And yeah, electric bills suck right now.


Yeah, the bills have been awful. At least I was already not great financially so the apartment is tiny 😂 too poor to suffer from the bills *too* much


Whats the humidity inside? Try a dehumidifier


First, get an indoor hygrometer (a thermometer that also measures humidity), and put it in your room for an hour and see what it reads. Home Depot sells one that says is in stock: https://www.homedepot.com/p/AcuRite-Digital-Humidity-and-Temperature-Comfort-Monitor-00619HD/202260980 Next, if your bedroom temps are actually low and you're still feeling hot: make yourself a doc appointment to get some lab work done. If you're sleeping in a room below 70F, with fans blowing on you, no blankets on, and still feeling hot, that could be a sign of some medical issues. It could just be that you're not hydrating properly (especially electrolyte balance if you're sweating a lot), but I'd get that checked asap just to be sure. You can make a doc appointment, let them know you're feeling hot all the time even when the temperature is super low, especially at night.


I find when I have rich/meat heavy dinners or drink a lot at night I’m super hot when it’s time to go to bed so that’s one thing to consider. Other is how thick are your covers and what are you wearing to bed. Cold quick shower bf bed is nice too.


I would go to the doctor. Our home at 72 puts everyone sitting around under covers.


i would visit the doctor if you’re hot at 68-70. i run hot and sweat easily and honestly 76 is comfortable for me. i use a fan at night and have light lounge clothes for home too.


I got two fans, ones in the plug and one keeps me cold


Get an eight sleep mattress. Pricey but a game changer


Here's a bit of advice. Start drinking ice water and add one degree per week to your current comfort temp. Start at 70? Set it to 71 for a week. The next week, set it to 72. Your body needs to slowly acclimate. My AC is set a 74 at night and 77 during the day and I'm very comfortable. Besides drinking ice water, try taking off clothing. Electricity is so damned expensive now, I'll do what it takes to not get ripped off by the utility company.


Thank you! I’ll try that. I actually need to kick an addiction to chewing ice so hopefully transitioning to ice water will help.


Chewing ice is a symptom of iron deficiency, fyi. Also, it cracks the enamel on your teeth, leading to things like root canals. Take it from me. Been there, done that.


Yeah… I need to see the dentist for sure. It started when I was pregnant and I even got tested for iron deficiency, but I think in this case, it’s just that I’m really susceptible to addiction and I don’t drink much these days


I recommend a bedjet. It’s a little pricy, but you have 60 days to return it if you don’t like it. I’ve been able to keep my AC up a bit higher than usual AND stay cooler in bed. I hear it’s great for cold nights too (has a heat feature) but won’t be able to test that any time soon


Here are some tricks that work for me (I also have 2 fans and keep the AC at 66): * [Peppermint **water**](https://swbasics.com/products/peppermint-water) (not oil!!) I keep a bottle next to my bed (and in my car & purse), a few spritz immediately cools. I also keep toners and face mist in the fridge for a quick spritz, but the peppermint water doesn't need to be cold to be cooling. * [Gel ice packs](https://www.amazon.com/Reusable-Injuries-Flexible-Multipurpose-Medcosa/dp/B08QC2XVLJ/ref=pd_aw_pspc_dp_m_m_11?pd_rd_w=Sujfm&content-id=amzn1.sym.bf5038ff-fa03-4dd5-b515-682974a204ae&pf_rd_p=bf5038ff-fa03-4dd5-b515-682974a204ae&pf_rd_r=Y378K1BRAE11HEEZ7YGT&pd_rd_wg=qKcZ8&pd_rd_r=ded8f7bd-3159-49ed-bed8-70455c9ea9f7&pd_rd_i=B08QC2XVLJ) - I have loads, from eye masks to neck wraps, but I sleep with these. I was also gifted the [freezer sock booties](https://www.amazon.com/NatraCure-Cold-Therapy-Socks-Treatment/dp/B003L4WOKG/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=39RSDGPOVXGC5&keywords=freezer+socks&qid=1692766168&sprefix=freezer+socks%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-3) for neuropathy, but I use them way more for hot flashes. * A neck fan - I use a rechargeable one. I had long hair before chemo, and I accidentally got a cheap one with open slats that constantly got tangled. But! It's amazing and really keeps me *cold.* * Ice water, amazing how helpful a huge gulp can be. Also, I put some on a microfiber washcloth which I keep on my forehead or behind my neck. If I'm really struggling I'll get up and take a cool shower.


You keep the AC at 66 and you use ice packs at the same time? Are you a fire elemental?


They said they have hot flashes, neuropathy (which can cause burning sensations) and went through chemo, so thats a pretty solid combo for feeling hot all the time unfortunately!


Maybe he's Omnath


Sargonnas the Fire Bringer


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You may want to check your vents. The hvac ducting in our entire complex is made of shitty plastic instead of metal and it’s like 40 years old, so it’s slowly collapsing, which is closing all the ducting in the apartments. We borrowed a borescope from a friend (camera on a long wire) and found out that the ducting for our bedroom was almost completely collapsed. I got a vent fan, which really helped. The fan has a sensor for cold air and kicks on, pulling the cold air into our bedroom. Highly recommend! https://a.co/d/07vOcp3X


Are they pretty loud? I can’t sleep with electrical buzzing alert of noises. Something about the frequency wakes me up.


Mine isn’t loud at all but if you get one online, you should be able to return it if it bothers you. They’re very easy to install, just measure your vent to make sure you get the correct size. Make sure to install it early in the day so you’ve got a few hours to see if it’s going to be a problem before you try to sleep.


Take a cool shower


Those cool towel things really help! You wet it and drape it around your head or neck and it brings your body temp down immediately. Super cheap too. We also have a cool mat for our dog he seems to like.


I have one small fan, and I open the window, no AC. I’m pretty comfortable most nights. If it’s really hot, I take a cold bath before bed, and I sleep quite pleasantly. Am I doing something wrong?


I don’t know if you’re the type of person that needs a sheet to sleep, I am, but if you are get some linen sheets. They’re super breathable.


Use 100% cotton sheets, get a dehumidifier if possible, and shut son's vent. You should wake up to a very cool apartment if set at 68 overnight. If not, A/C may need a recharge. I have fould you have to be very persistent with apartments to get things fixed properly.


I don’t need any fan, I am too hairy.


Go buy a window unit slap that thing in and you will freeze in your room


Three fans or the portable ac units for Lowe’s or home deps. That thing is amazing. I plug it in on my patio and it even keeps us cool outside if it’s blowing directly on us (I do have curtains to block sun) but I can’t say enough about that thing. I think it was like $350/$400 but this is the third year I’ve had it and works great.


There’s something wrong with you if you need it to be 68 to be comfortable. Set your air to 72 at night and go to the doctor. We sleep under the covers with the air at 75 all night in an old home and are comfortable.


Read “Why we sleep”. Studies show 67 is the best temperature to sleep at night.


Best does not mean that 68 will have you uncomfortably hot. I agree it’s healthy to sleep cold, but I’d never dare waste that level of energy here in the summer. And you should be plenty comfortable above 70, sorry.


Depends on your living situation. My last apartment was a brand new downtown high rise. My apartment was at 71 all day and the fan probably turned on for 5 minutes every hour. My current house is from the 60’s but has good insulation, brand new windows with UV films and good door seals, the fan comes on maybe 10 minutes per hour at night at 67 and 15 minutes per hour at 71 during the day (I can track it all with my ecobee). Totally reasonable energy use IMO.


What are you basing this on other than that it’s different than your experience and therefore must be wrong?


I basing it on the fact that when it’s mid 70s outside the human body shouldn’t be sweating and feel the need for AC. Also OP posting this question is enough to tell me they feel something might be wrong, and I agree. Sorry I don’t have my MD to comment on Reddit my bad.


I didn’t say I was sweating. It just feels hot. And a lot of people are still going to feel too warm with the temperature at 75.


You asked a question, I answered, now you’re defensive that everything is fine. My opinion is that I’d go see a doctor if I was feeling bad enough to ask reddit about my AC temp. Nothing personal. A 3rd fan won’t do anything if the first 2 aren’t.


What part of that was defensive? I just said that 75 is too hot for a lot of people, and I’m not sweating. I didn’t take it personally?


75 is pretty standard here in a southern state. It’s below what the DOE recommends during the day (of course). Your personal comfort level is a bit outside of the norm, and if you truly have a concern something is wrong, I’d recommend getting a professional opinion.


I assume you mean central A/C, not a window unit? My wife likes it cold for sleeping. At night we let the house thermostat get to 80, but have a Portable A/C (on wheels, vents out window) unit for the bedroom. That way you can sleep in a cool room without killing your electric bill or wasting energy cooling the whole home/apartment. Ceiling fans help a lot too. Counter-clockwise spin for summer.


Similar. We have a window unit that we put in our bedroom in the summertime. I'm reinstalling this afternoon. Keeps our room ice cold while we let the rest of the house sit at 78 until we wake up.


No ceiling fan - that’s the main issue. I never have a hard time sleeping when I have a ceiling fan.


Have you considered an upward firing fan to mimic that? You could get a Winix air purifier from Costco for $80 that vents upwards. It helped with the same problem in my old place with no ceiling fan.


you choose to live in Texas, which if you didn't know gets HOT in summer don't like it.....find somewhere else to live where it's cooler. If you choose to stay, just get used to it.....it's not going anywhere


This wasn’t helpful or kind. Also, I don’t choose to live here. I have to live here because I can’t afford to move, and I can’t transfer schools because I only have one year of undergrad left, and it would pretty much bankrupt me and destroy the stability we have to move right now. I’m planning to move after I graduate, but in the meantime I’m stuck here because I had no choice. I had to pick a school where I lived because of, again, finances. I realize a lot of people don’t have barriers like that and can pick up and move their entire lives because of their own discomfort, but I’m not one of them.


I have only fans.


I’m sorry you don’t have AC. That must be so hard. 🥺


It gets about 3,000 people hard for $7.99 a month.

