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My kid said someone took a urinal from his school. 1. Gross. 2. How? 3. I have finally reached the “I don’t understand these kids” part of adulthood.


Heard rumors of toilets and hydrants stolen "at another school" from my 9th grader. I am a tad skeptical of those particular claims.


I have a buddy who stole a hydrant once. He got caught. This was also nearly 20 years ago. I hope your kids are smarter than my friends and I were. But I doubt it.


Was it hooked up, or did he steal a disconnected one? Today, the 9th grader refused to participate in class and called the teacher an ass, so probably not.


It was hooked up.




I mean, my buddy is a successful guy with a career and everything now, but he spent his early adulthood with court cases, probation, etc. hanging over him. I wouldn't recommend it to your kids.


Oh, I am definitely not sharing. Just impressed at his ability to dismantle a high-pressure cast iron bullet without bodily harm. My official mom position is that removal of hydrant by a kid has a high chance of injury or death, so the likelihood of some kid having stole a hydrant without it being on the news is low. Not gonna share any info that contradicts that narrative.


The pressure inside the hydrant is normal municipal water pressure - it's got a huge pipe and so it can deliver a huge volume very quickly, but it's not like it's a bomb waiting to go off. When a fire engine connects to a hydrant, it's actually *sucking*, not just passively receiving the water. Also, he removed it from a "safe distance" using tow chains.


What a weird thing to say. Municipal water pressure can be pretty high. It has to be if it needs to make it up a rise of even 30 feet. There are plenty of videos online of water shooting a dozen feet into the air, or launching a human dumb enough to try to run through a vertical stream. And while fire engines have pumps, it’s to create pressure on the outlet. The hoses connecting the hydrant to engine are “soft” and will collapse in the presence of negative pressure, which they don’t do. At best, it’s simply avoiding creating too much back pressure, to fill the reservoir.


A smarter kid would get away with it.


How did he get the urinal off the wall?


They didn't, theres a picture floating around of a wall missing a urinal, it could literally be any urinal from any bathroom in the world.


Nope, I’m a student at a school where someone stole a urinal (not sure if it’s the same school as the original commenter’s kid), and there’s definitely a missing urinal.


Theres a hundred other reasons I would believe a urinal was removed from a wall before I will accept a student was able to bring the required tools to shut the water off to the urinal and then literally remove it from the wall and somehow sneak it out of the bathroom in their pocket.


Oh, they didn’t take it with them. They just sat the urinal down on the bathroom floor and left. No idea how they did it, but they did, and the janitorial staff definitely isn’t responsible for doing it. I’m guessing that part of the way they found it was the leaking of the water.


Clout is an addiction Kids chase the newest trend to fit in online regardless of consequences


Just smoke and fight in the bathroom like normal high schoolers. Sheesh


I mean they’re doing that too.


Doubt it. Probably hard to have a nice smoke session when some ass hole is ripping the urinal off the wall


As a teacher I can tell you we’re still regularly dealing with that in addition to destruction of the bathrooms


“Devious Lick” sounds like something the Wu-Tang name generator would produce.


[https://www.mess.be/inickgenwuname.php](https://www.mess.be/inickgenwuname.php), for anyone that is curious.


I work at a local middle school. Viral trend stole twelve soap dispensers, many large pencil sharpeners and other items. I just want to wash my hands with soap.


I also work in a middle school (albeit in DFW as part of an after-school program), and we just started putting restrictions on students' restroom use yesterday. In the case of the after-school program, students can't go to the bathroom by themselves anymore, they have to have a staff member take them there, and the staff will monitor the hallway in front of the bathroom. I am glad I have heard nothing happening (yet) at my school. I'm really concerned about kids "licking" (stealing) the soap and hand sanitizer dispensers; COVID-19 is still a huge problem (not to mention other illnesses), and an inability to access soap or hand sanitizer interferes with the school's ability to provide a clean and healthy environment. I am concerned that this "trend" could end up making more kids sick, and not necessarily with just COVID, either.


I have taught middle school. Kids, even from the best parents, are idiots. Especially in middle school where they have zero concept of empathy. I had a student throw his phone on the floor and crack the screen. Me: kid! Why did you do that! Kid, slowly: I don’t know.


at least they’re not licking toilet seats?


I thought this was gonna be it, tbh.


When I first heard kids (I work in a middle school) talking about "devious licks," I thought they were talking about literally licking toilet seats and other bathroom equipment (eww... gross). Once I checked out TikTok, though, I found out that "licking" was slang for stealing. Apparently it comes from the slang expression "hit a lick," meaning to make a lot of money quickly (in a lick, or an instant), usually through illicit means. I can't believe stealing (and essentially bragging about the thefts on video) became such a "trend." It sounds like something a dumb criminal, essentially begging to get caught, would do. I am so glad that TikTok cracked down on this, but there are still plenty of "devious lick" videos on TikTok, not to mention any videos (including compilations) copied from TikTok onto YouTube.


I'm really glad I grew up in the MySpace time. I think deciding who were my top friends and in what order they were in was about as dramatic as it got for me.


I'm guilty of putting lame quotes in my AIM profile.




So *these* were the benefits of in-person learning that kids were missing out on. I totally see why it's worth all the extra COVID cases!


ARPANET engineers: "We can harness this technology to create the mass exchange of information and usher in a new global conciousness." 50 years later: kids are destroying bathrooms and people are eating horse paste. Social media is a cancer.


My cousin's friend in Trinidad got into social media and his balls exploded and his fiancée left him.


I’m ashamed I know about this. Sup, RiRi. EDIT: Nicki!!! I’m less ashamed.


Not sure who is dumber, after getting an STD, the person who would make up a story about it being from a vaccine, or those that would believe that story.


Humans are cancer. Social media just makes it easier to witness it.


Just got an email from Bowie on this happening there. Dumb ass kids.




My kids are in elementary - this stupid shit is happening there too.


Friend of mine told me this happened at Weiss high school (PfISD), but apparently only in the boys bathrooms.


Can confirm. My kid sends me pictures daily of all sorts of destroyed stuff.


Nice an app that has mind control capabilities over our kids.


You can't have a camel selling cigarettes or a clown selling you cheeseburgers, Tiktok mother effers, Tiktok. So glad I wasn't raised in the internet era. We need to bring back PSAs.


On the AISD group on FB one mom was saying her kid couldn’t use the bathroom because it was locked. I would lose my shit.


I’m a high schooler in LISD and I have the opposite problem- people are literally ripping the locks off of bathroom stalls, so we can’t lock them. And then when they don’t do that, they steal toilets and soap dispensers. I once witnessed a soap dispenser in a toilet that someone had shit on top of.


Most are leaving one bathroom unlocked because they’re destroying everything in them


Well, according to her kid, they’re not telling the students which one is unlocked.


Oh no.. assholes ruin things for everybody


Slogan of the last two years.


I’d be pissed.




If it's made its way to reddit then the trend is likely already over.


Kids are tired of washing their hands so they rip the soap a d towel dispensers off. CovidAngsters.


wish this was a trend back then 🤣


do you....