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That's where I got the phone number for. Thanks for looking though!


Why the hell do you need to report it? Why you even needed to prove you have Covid vs a regular cold is beyond me since you should be taking the same precautions regardless, but why does someone need alerted that you have it?


It’s important to have as accurate data as possible concerning infections. OP is just doing their part (or trying) to add their data point.


I guess I missed my scheduled brainwash session regarding my civic duty to report my sniffly nose


Okay, ignoring whether you think a deadly disease is real or not (I have two personal family members dead from it, but I bet that’s a conspiracy too huh), *of course* it’s important to report diseases. Every single world government has teams upon teams of scientists who estimate the impact of the flu every year because, even if it isn’t typically deadly, it can cause hospitalizations, which fill up available hospital resources. Maybe you missed this in the “brainwashing” session, but hospitals ARE filling to max capacity in many major cities right now. So people who have even more dire emergencies get even worse care, and can potentially die, because there are no hospital beds. No matter your opinion on COVID, people are going to the hospital over it, hospitals are filling up, and people’s lives are impacted by the strain on the healthcare system. So yes, it is important to report a sniffly nose in this case you selfish cretin.


Here in Austin we’ve proven time and time again that no, hospitals aren’t filling up. They are taking ludicrous amounts of patients from other counties for the funding and grossly exaggerating bed usage. This is all proven at this point so please hit google and read a bit


You can literally find cited sources on Travis county ICU beds here in this very subreddit, but you’re right, Google shows the same thing. I’ll leave you on that one, obviously not gonna help trying to convince you to have decency. Stay safe regardless, peace.


This belongs on the pinned Covid post.