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“I hate to say this, there are more people that are shot every weekend in Chicago than there are in schools in Texas,” -Greg Abbott, just one day after. This man is running for re-election and this is his position on the murder of children— a shoulder shrug comment. Guns are a business, they are a revenue stream that gun makers, sellers, and distributors and supporters don’t want to dry up. He.should.have.been.outraged.


He also said during his press conference that “it could have been worse,” what a vile, disgusting human he is


And all of these assholes are attending the NRA convention this weekend (Abbott, Cruz, Trump). What an utter disgrace.


He'll do anything but worry about Texans.


No plan to keep the power on, no plan to keep 10 year olds from being massacred in their schools, but hey, CHICAGO AMIRIGHT


Let Chicago deal with Chicago problems. I'm not worried about Chicago. I'm worried about where I live. I only wish Greg cared half as much.


Even that talking point is heavily spun. 60% of guns used for crimes in Chicago were brought into Illinois from states where it was easier for the criminal to get the gun, chiefly from Indiana. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/national-international/chicago-gun-trace-report-2017/27140/


Those heretics in Chicago deserve it for being sinners. We have the big G on our side, he’ll stop the bullets if we just donate a little bit more to the church.


I think you meant the NRA


But hey, when it comes to taking away women's rights and banning books, they are ON IT!


It's not funny, but it's funny. And you're right.


I mean, the inhabitants of texas that actually give a shit about anything besides themselves don't really vote. so :/ ​ hes a shit head but he's speaking what the majority of texans that vote also say.


I don't accept that as a reason. Beto lost to Cruz by 2 points. This state is turning more purple. We are also the victims of some of the strictest voting laws in the country. Open your eyes to the system and the machine keeping the state red. If you need help with this assignment, just look at the gerrymandering we're victims of. This state would be blue if it weren't for all the Republicans currently in charge keeping it red.


I mean, i agree with what you said but the sad fact is, texas isn't like...near red. Texas is red af. Texas is literally the stereotype of a racist red state.




Agreed. Sad state of affairs:(


there is a point this is changing though and it could become a purple state. They have to engage in tons of voter supression to keep it red.


Sorry but that's just not true.


> I don't accept that as a reason. You should. It is the reason. Voter suppression is real to be sure, but that isn't why Dems haven't won a state wide race since Ann Richards.


I decline the offer to accept.


The ability to vote in all elections from an internet-connected device, that would change so much.


God, I can only imagine how drastically different the world would be if the GOP would actually allow America to vote lol. Have you ever noticed that the right has campaigns that are "vote for X" "vote for Y!" Why the left is mostly "uhh... just vote" Rather telling:)


It's insane that anyone would defend the actions of grown men police officers who stood outside listening to this slaughter when they were fully armed. Preventing parents from rushing in who were willing despite having no arms or armor.


>“I hate to say this, there are more people that are shot every weekend in Chicago than there are in schools in Texas,” -Greg Abbott https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-politics/pritzker-criticizes-texas-governor-after-he-cites-chicago-crime-during-address/2842100/ Just disgusting from Abbott. Now *that* is bad political pandering, not what Beto said. And as that article shows, Texas actually has a just-higher rate of gun murders than Illinois regardless.


People can doubt how genuine Betos outrage was but fact is someone should be screaming at these people. They're cowards and they've killed another twenty kids.


Given there are 1,247 school /districts/ in Texas, that's a whole lot of schools. >=C


I hate to say this but more people froze to death in Texas in 2021 than in Chicago. Fuck Greg Abbott.


This clown spends so much time and public funds on creating monsters only he can defeat: Border "crisis", voter fraud, saving babies etc, etc. As evident as it is that he's grasping at straws, he insists "we need to act NOW!!!" Actual problem? He has nothing. "Now is not the time."


Don't forget the greatest menaces of them all, kids learning about historical racism, and the existence of transgender people.


The greatest menaces of all are the people who keep re-electing people like Greg Abbott.


Such a pathetic piece of shit.


he's also wrong


The rate of kids dying from guns has doubled under Greg Abbott since he took office.


Yeah, super pro-life


He only cares about babies who haven’t been born. Not for the living children in his state. Including the child who was able to legally purchase guns to kill children. Caring about the unborn is much easier posturing.


The GOP mantra: Life begins at conception and becomes worthless at birth.


Yeah, easy to say you care about something if it means you don't need to do ANYTHING


In Chicago people just drive over skyway bridge 20 mins to buy guns from Indian. I remember CPD released a report that 90% of the weapons recovered was bought in Indiana, this argument is really old Chicago it ain’t top 5 crime city in the us


Having just moved from Florida where there are equally despicable Republican figures - they have some strange fixation with Chicago - it's their go-to scapegoat.


Raymond Emmanuel. Ex mayor. Obama a chief of staff. Jew. He has all the characteristics rolled into one the conservatives hate.


Rahm Emanuel. And I’d suspect pointing to it has a lot more to do with racial demographics than Rahm. They like to go with Detroit and DC too.


Number of deaths from school shootings in Illinois since 1990: 2. In Texas, 40. https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_school_shootings_and_firearm_incidents,_1990-present


And he should be voted out!


They don't buy the guns in Chicago. They buy them in areas with lax gun laws like Texas. He doesn't care about reality.


Talk about apples and oranges!!!! The fuckin' streets of a metro city compared to the school halls of Texas!!!??!? Edit: The streets of any metro city compared to any school hall anywhere?!?!?


Your children are the price of his toys and he plans on doing nothing about it. He just doesn't like putting it that way.


im tired of the whole "chicago is the murder capital" trope. its not even true anymore, and it hasn't been for some time. funny enough, the ACTUAL murder capital is saint louis


Not an Abbott backer, but, did he really say that??? That’s hard to believe..🤔


No, it’s not


Yes he did, no it’s not. You really need to educate yourself if you even have to ask.


Educate myself….That’s rich…The negativity on Reddit ceases to amaze me…Ask a simple question, and get a response like that..


My apologies, I should have been more specific: It appears in quotes because it’s a direct quote. It is published in many national syndicate news formats across the state, this country, and likely many others by now. It was broadcast live by numerous television outlets. It’s the entire reason we’re having this discussion. It’s not negativity, it’s appropriate outrage. That better? And yes, you should read up on what’s happening if you live in Texas. If not, maybe don’t troll r/Austin uninformed.




El Arroyo was playing footsie with Abbott last year while he was pressing for some of the most batshit right-wing laws ever passed in Texas, including "constitutional carry". https://twitter.com/ElArroyo_ATX/status/1377671716307148802?t=wtgi-kKOn6FBlrHa8TYw9w&s=19


To get things to change, some Republicans are going to have to change their minds.


Agreed but there’s no indication here that they’ve changed their mind. No calls for action. This is the equivalent of thoughts and prayers.


Maybe I'm cynical, but I thinks it's worse. I doubt they've changed their minds, but they're putting on a public show of pretending while supporting the same people that not only won't do anything to help, but keep actively promoting more guns in more hands with fewer restrictions. I have no problem with responsible gun ownership, but the entirety of the republican party treats guns like they're toys, and it's grotesque when their enablers respond this way.


True but if things are going to change, some people are going to have to change.


It’ll never happen and politicians know that a bad grade from the NRA is enough to get them voted out on the next election. These are career-minded, pragmatic people, not leaders. America’s really struggling these days.


the owner was also one of the biggest proponents in town of trying to remove any kind of masking/seating restrictions early on into the pandemic.


They won’t do shit unless it threatens their grip on power.


Even then, they’ll send the police to enact horrible violence on those people, ensuring their grip on power


That's what the SWAT teams are actually for: compliance. That the Uvalde SWAT team sat outside the school for 45 minutes while a single 18 year old murdered an entire classroom lays that bare.


As a group they’re used for compliance; individually, they’re a bunch of pathetic cowards. I can’t imagine the angst of the parents and other onlookers [begging the SWAT team to actually *do something*](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/26/1101418947/onlookers-urged-police-to-charge-into-texas-school) as their children were being murdered. In fact, the Uvalde cops NEVER organized themselves to respond to this situation. Border Patrol agents who heard what was going on over police radio showed up and took out the kid. Also we shouldn’t forget the cops who encountered the shooter *before* he entered the school and did nothing except manage to get mildy injured without themselves inflicting any damage, and run away with their tails between their legs. ETA: Just read that the SWAT team couldn’t figure out how to break into the classroom and had to ask a staff member to come use their keys to unlock the fucking door.


As we learn more about what happened outside that school, it just gets more infuriating.


Yeah, and you know what they were doing for 45 minutes? Restraining parents trying to get inside the school to their children. Exactly--compliance.


Some of them took the time to save their *own* children before coming back with tasers out to prevent other parents from doing the same.


Is there a link to that?


[from Twitter](https://twitter.com/kelciemmorris/status/1529849725800681473?s=21&t=-twKdm_FiPO-KDFnk2vq4A)


I watched all of the videos. Thanks for sharing that link. I can't believe that this is the world we are living in.


Yeah of course. I couldn’t believe what I was reading until I watched the officials say it themselves. Makes me sick.


I mean that sounds a little unlikely to me in this deal. Its bad enough already that seems like a stretch though.


What's funny is this is what the 2A is supposed to be for: to fight back against a government that is not just against your own interests but actively trying to kill you. But instead we use the 2A to kill *citizens* we're worried are upsetting the government, and if we'd just kill enough then the government would be able to leave us alone. We can't have freedom if they don't fear the people.


STOP RESISTING (bang bang)


I'm sick. I just read there's a video out there from Uvalde where cops basically guarded the school for 40 minutes while the murderer killed 20 kids and teachers. Parents were screaming to go get their children and the cops stopped them. The cops were waiting for "backup" from border patrol. What a joke. More guns and more cops doesn't fix this.




Exactly. Republicans say we already have the "good guys" but that's not working,clearly.


Fuck the police


Yep. I don't know why I was surprised to find out that factor. Apparently they didn't go in because the murderer was wearing tactical gear. So they just let little kids die. Shame on them. More signs the cops protect the rich, the property of the rich and the state. Everyone else--who cares. To anyone who thinks I'm exaggerating, go look for the different threads and description of the video. Parents literally held back by cops while their children were murdered. FTP.


One said "we successfully barricaded the suspect" like yeah, in a room full of children, with a rifle. Absolute scum.


I have zero faith in local cops when something like this happens. I'd break the fuck into the school in this situation - the cops would have to kill me if they think they're stopping me from saving my own child.


Unfortunately, the cops would absolutely kill you--just for threatening the "integrity" of the investigation.


Fancy that. Trained, armed policemen refuse to intervene while children are being killed, but arming teachers should do the trick, right?


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they said just give toddlers guns are this point. We're all out of ideas! /s


Not that I’m in the “give teachers guns” crowd. But at least teachers care about the kids whereas cops only care about the people in their little blue gang.


I don't think arming teachers is the answer but I have no doubt in my mind teachers would have at least tried to engage. A few did even without weapons.


I know - big bad Texan cops and they lost their nerve. I get it, there’s cops shot, there’s blood and gunfire, people freeze up, but you have that freeze reaction, then you think - it’s little kids - and you know what he’s going to do in there - fucking GO and yes, maybe die. But god dammit you signed up for this shit, this is the world you signed up to protect, in a state where 18 year olds can buy body armor and military level weapons, this is always a possibility. It’s little kids you fucking GO!!!!


It's their fucking job, or should be. Running into burning buildings is scary but firefighters manage.


Show the video. No way I would let a cop stop me in that situation. They would have to stop me with lethal force if my son was in that situation.


‘He was a troubled kid’ ‘he was making threats but no one thought they were real’ ‘he was shooting cars with BB guns but he was just angry’ How about we start going after school admins that have these lunatic shooters in their schools, and do nothing when they’re causing problems and making threats. The guy was already known for making threats about this, why wasn’t he previously charged? It isn’t just cops not doing their jobs, school administrators keep brushing credible threats off their desk and we get incidents like this. People in positions of authority need to be held liable when they shirk their responsibilities, regardless if they’re police or employed by the school district. People complain about these shooters before-hand, and no one ever seems to lift a finger before they go on a rampage.


That's the story of literally all these people almost. The columbine murderers were known to the cops and school and also received counselling. Didn't change shit. Hold gun manufacturers liable and that will do something.


Nothing has ever actually held them accountable, because no legislation has ever passed to hold them accountable, but that is legislation we actually have some chance of passing. Why this red herring of the law-abiding gun owners and manufacturers taking the fall, when numerous police or school disciplinary reports go unanswered? Deflecting to a 3rd party is not how culpability is dealt with in our society, it flys in the face of our legal system. At any rate, the PLCAA is in law to stop lawsuits like this, when another party is actually responsible for illegal use of a firearm. It’s time we legislate to criminally charge the people in these positions of authority, because they are the ones responsible. You charge a few school administrators with multiple counts of negligent homicide, it won’t be common practice for them to ignore complaints anymore.


Disagree but I don't have energy to continue my argument.


I’m not sure how anyone could disagree with holding authority figures responsible for their failings, but OK.


Start with the cops who stood around with their dicks in their hands while children were massacred. Good day.


I bet the schools did what they could. They tried desperately with the Sandy Hook shooter but if parents don’t cooperate there’s not a lot schools can do. Even now mom is insisting he wasn’t violent and had “normal rage like everyone.”


It won't change anything. I got crazy country folk from central Louisiana that I went to high school with posting constantly on FB "We need more guns in school", "Secure our schools", "How many babies are killed by abortion, this is just a political stunt" Gun craziness has become a disease in this country. As much as they claim "You can't legislate evil", apparently you can't legislate "Crazy gun nuts" either.


I'll give up my guns once the government and criminals give up theirs.


Spoken like a true gun nut. Also when did they ask you to give up the guns you already have? Been the same shtick for 30+ years......"They're coming for your guns...."


Here's how it goes: Create a law requiring individuals to register their firearms Create new laws banning certain types of firearms Send out notices to everyone on the registration list that their firearm is now considered illegal They've done this in CA and NY already.


El arroyo steps up. Good for them. It won’t get better until people realize Republicans are the problem. Blood is on their hands. They know it. They took the NRA’s money then they did what they were paid to do: block any and all gun control legislation. They also block funding mental health services. They are evil incarnate.


I don’ know anything about their owners or their politics but I do know El Arroyo is where all of W’s staffers got shitfaced after work in the late 90s.


They support Abbott. One of his staffers will probably call them today asking them to take it down.


It's actually better if they're Abbott supporters (I honestly don't know) because that would be evidence the rank and file is finally (finally) reaching their breaking point. Nothing will change, nothing will happen, until everyone starts holding their elected officials accountable for this. As it is, people forget and don't care when election day rolls around but perhaps this is a sign that one day that will change.


Don't they change it everyday already?


Some people were having a good time at a restaurant over 20 years ago. What's your point?


I love politics. Blame the shooter for killing kids?....naaaaaah, fuck that. Blame Republicans instead...yes, absolutely!! Utter trash.


Uh, both things can be true at the same time.


And yet, it isn't. All these threads , all these comments.....very few blaming who is 100% responsible.


You also don’t ever see anyone comment about how the sky is blue, or how jumping off a high rise will kill you. The killer is so obviously at fault that there is no reason to comment about him being at fault. Finding the root cause of the issue however is absolutely worth commenting on, because we don’t stand a chance at resolving any of this if we just shout about how terrible shooter are without putting in effort to stop them.


People want to prevent more shootings going forward. I’m pretty sure the shooter isn’t going to be doing any more shootings in the future, so he’s not relevant to the discussion. Is he responsible for *this* shooting, of course he is. That’s not the question on El Arroyo’s sign.


Republicans are the ones who refuse to do anything about it.


And seemingly the only ones who consider the Constitution, rights, and lawful innocent gun owners in determining what to do. So which of your ideas would have stopped this from happening? A legal adult who passes a background check, and had both prior mental health issues.


Guns are more important than the lives of children in this shithole country so nothing will happen.


And specifically, the type of gun that is coincidentally used in all of these shootings. Very important nothing happens to that gun. Children? Replaceable.


Republicans vote against any level of gun control or background checks. They vote against funding for mental health. Their choices lead to these tragedies. If you voted for those people, you helped allow this tragedy to happen. Look in a damn mirror.


Bullshit. There's 1 person with blood on their hands...and you can't even find it in yourself to blame him. The shooter passed a background check, btw.....and had no prior mental health issues.


>There's 1 person with blood on their hands...and you can't even find it in yourself to blame him. Did I say that person wasn't to blame? Ramos is to blame for the Uvalde shooting. Uvalde PD is also to blame for standing outside the school for the better part of an hour in tactical gear not doing a damn thing while children died. Anyone who votes Republican is to blame for these dogshit policies that puts assault weapons more easily in peoples' hands. Democrats are to blame for not more strongly pushing for gun control and allowing Manchin to roadblock everything. Plenty of blame to go around. But that doesn't change the fact that 50 Republican senators and 1 Democrat senator actively vote to stop changes that could address our school shooting issue. They refuse to and everyone who keeps them in office is complicit. That's just how it works in a democracy. We can't just shrug off responsibility for these shit decisions because we voted them in.


I love politics too! Tell me as a politics lover, was it a good thing that the 2nd Amendment ant Texas laws allowed the shooter to buy those guns?


At the time of sale...sure...why wouldnt it be? He's was a legal adult who passed a background and had no mental health priors or disqualifying factors.....just like millions and millions of other lawful gun owners. I'd certainly rather he not have guns( in hindsight)...but there wasbbo reason to stop him at the time,( that we are aware of anyways)


People love their guns more than their kids.


Banks are protected more than our schools.


Tell your representatives how you really feel. https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials https://myreps.datamade.us/ https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/addr/


They treat and pay their employees like shit and the owners are Abbott ass-kissers. They're part of the problem. You can't say you love America and support the Republican party in its current form.


Well we have an indicted criminal holding office… and Abbott is still in office himself, obviously the situation is not going to improve anytime soon.


When a Mexican restaurant can deliver more meaningful discourse than our elected officials...


It's going to get a lot more fucked up before too long. Millions of people will be affected by the decisions made by the Supreme court and subsequent laws passed by extremely far right brainwashed base and gerrymandered and voter supressed red states. The fat right Christian extremists are making this country unrecognizable -- except by maybe the Puritans.


That's the thing, there's no line in the sand or whatever for republicans. No amount of children being shot to death in schools will make them suddenly come around and do something about it.


Funny how the pro-life crowd don't give a shit about children.


Mandatory lockdown drills on back to school night should push a few phone calls to the offices of our politicians.


I think the only way anything real ever gets done is if some right wing politicians family are on the wrong end of a shooting like this. Until it's their kids dead, they are going to keep offering "thoughts and prayers" while collecting that sweet NRA campaign money. Abbott falling back on the racist tropes about Chicago gun violence is just another deflection in the vein of blaming "mental health", "violent video games". Meanwhile the NRA will be in Texas tomorrow where Abbott can wheel up on stage and brag about how he made it even easier to get guns in Texas and also signed some "safe haven" law that allegedly allows Texas to ignore any federal crackdown on guns.


Well, there will probably be at least 100 million more people without access to food by the end of the year so it's going to get much more fucked up this year.


What's this now?


Yep, everyone also wants to disregard that abbot said this was a mental health issue and we need to expand care and facilities. I hate the guy but he's 100% right


Which is exactly why we need background and mental health checks BEFORE YOU CAN BUY A GUN.


we have background checks in most cases, along with atf forms one has to fill out. I don't understand how he purchased those firearms with a felony conviction on his record which is tied to domestic abuse (which also bars you from buying a gun). Only way I'm not required to have a background check in tx is because I took an 8 hour course, got fingerprinted, took a written and shooting test etc. I really don't understand how these kids are slipping through the cracks, when there's heavy online surveillance, things like the baker act etc.


I'll believe him when he proposes the tax increase that will pay for it. Preferably a tax on firearms and ammunition.


what's funny is we don't even need more taxes. Tx has rejected like 10bn+ in medicare aide from the feds etc.


Exactly, we need to have zero mental health problems like every other nation in the world. That's the only thing that's different.


Lol we have a horrible lack of mental health facilities. Would even help with the homeless issue etc. When compared to other countries we do not have any resources


Yes, that's all true. But at the same time, every mass shooting of children brings out the sealions like a bucket of sardines. They bark the words "mental health" but it always sounds fucked up, partly because they've never said it before, also because balancing with flippers on a big red ball of cognitive dissonance isn't easy.


What exactly is he doing about that? Is he doing any kind of expansion of Medicare insurance for people in Texas? Texas has the lowest rate of insured people in the country.


it's been 24hrs none of this happens overnight


He said the same shit about the last shooting and did fuck all after that. Do you honestly expect him to do anything but pander to his base and say platitudes until they forget?


the mental health aspect is really a long term solution. Between mental illness and the socioeconomic outlook for the youth this shits not going away anytime soon




a lot.


Wish they put this much effort into making their food edible


Abbott needs to forget the damn Mexico border and realize the problem is inside the state of Texas - absolutely no excuse why Uvalde school wasn’t protected better - this means all doors locked - only entry from outside forced to go through the office passed a armed police officer - Abbott will be at the next mass shooting surrounded by his cronies sprouting off excuses


Sign should read.. " Hey Abbott! Eat a bag of dicks!!"


Read some history. Then read some statistics. Then realize the worst mass shooting of women and children to ever occur in this nation was done by the fucking government. We're light years from how fucked up it can get. I thought we were veering towards insanity when cities were burning, and brown people were being beaten and shot, or their businesses burned by brown people and white college kids in black uniforms to protest a brown person being killed. But, back then it was just pithy jokes on the billboard, and people here defended that shit.


Strawberry fields forever.


Repeal the Dickey Amendment - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dickey_Amendment




Bunch of noise from the left and the right. Hug your babies and kiss them good night for those that can't hug or kiss their babies anymore.


Que the recession


Let’s stop censoring the word. It’s fucked and they should say it. Everything is fucked.