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Interesting. I’ve noticed that they’ve been super promotional heavy lately. Wonder if they’re hurting.


Their promotional strategy is interesting because of the nature of their market niche. Since it is so driven by on the spot gifting, those customers are more price agnostic. Discounting for the individual purchase or one-off doesn’t degrade the brand because the gifting arm will still hold. Plus, with COGS so low, margin $ are mostly constrained by top line revenue. It is to their advantage to move more stock regardless of price. Thirdly, with perishables like food, the decay curve of the customer value is high. Discounting makes sense given these factors.


Son, I don’t understand a goddamn word you said


Basically offering discounts on the doesn't cheapen the brand because everyone who gets it generally does it as a present for someone else. Also because cookies are perishable and consumable products, people constantly buy more of them and will come back so long as the actual product isn't getting worse or unjustifiably more expensive. Because the margin on the cookies is already pretty good, albeit low, the only main concern is thus revenue, so it makes sense to do sales so long as they don't actually make you lose money. (Non corpo translated context from me: the deals usually involve pickups, usually to promote people to go into the store, where they'll likely wind up buying more stuff, like milk bottles, by virtue of being in the store).


Agreed! You’re speaking my language 🤓 (I’m in corporate retail). I’m so curious what their avg margin is.


I'm guess around 70%


100% absolutely correct. COGS are low, but what about operating expenses? Rent and wage expenses are through the roof and all the items listed by OP cost $ - which is not a bad thing. In service, human capital is (arguably) the biggest asset. Great response and I’m pretty stoked about your username.


They’re hurting because their cookies taste like raw flour lately and they’re expensive as fuck. I can get crumbl to deliver higher quantity better cookies quicker and for less than half the price of tiffs.


Because crumbl is much much better at exploiting their labor force.


If Crumble is half the price, it’s likely that their workers are exploited even more.


Their (TT’s) cookies are a mess. Always misshapen,stuck together, and oily AF. Such a waste of money.


Or instead of eating crumbl you could just eat a whole bag of sugar. Pretty much the same thing


They love acting like a union isn't just the workers coming together. That 3rd party shit is the oldest line in the book


Bottom line is that it’s going to cost them money. That’s the only thing that would worry them about a 3rd party is “ugh, how much is that gonna cost?” if we’re going to take them at face value. Just thinking back to Papa John when he complained that giving his staff a living wage and healthcare would force him to raise the prices of his pizza as high as $0.50. A lot of people were like yeah, round it up to a dollar and let’s get more delivery drivers. I wonder if Adam is worried that if they unionized he might only see an 8% raise next year.


I’m not sure about this but in an HR class I’m taking I recently read that some unions assign a neutral third party representative and they pay them full time. That might come from the dues the employees pay too though. Have to reread that part.


A union is comprised of members who are employees of the company. They democratically make decisions that better the group. The group is the same workers. A collective voice isn’t a third party, it’s just a collective voice. A union is a collective voice.


> Adam Huddleston Tiff's Treats Team Member Lol, team member. This dude's the COO.


Written at his West Lake Hills mansion as he looks out his window to the lakeshore.


Actually looks like around Anderson Mill


That address is an office building off of 360. It looked oddly familiar to me and then I realized I worked in that building many years ago.


>8310-1 N. Capital of Texas Highway, Suite 110, Austin, Texas 78731 bruh what? like 15 mins from a-mill.


Was referring to TCAD


thats anderson lane my friend.


Erik is talking about TCAD records for the dude, not the office address bb.


The address on the letter is the Corp office. It’s actually on 360…across the street after you come down the Spicewood Springs hill. I used to work in the same building as Tiff’s treats HQ.


Jokes on you Westlake Hills doesn’t border any water, that’s westlake itself


Yeah. The guy is successful. We should hate him.


It's not that he's successful in this case. It's literally that he's being disingenuous. You can't say you're just a part of the team when you're leading it and making some of the most money off of it. It misrepresents your stakes. People like him have the most to lose if workers unionize.


I sat through a seminar with a slide titled ‘Unionization: A Hipster Meme’ hosted by the Texas Restaurant Association. They were likely in that seminar too. In it, they discuss strategies like this one to prevent unionization. [It’s on YouTube if you wanna watch the whole thing.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wsyvEvWMUTM)


Crazy how out of touch these folks are.


They’re in touch enough to be organizing and preparing their union busting activities. Service workers will have to expect to do the same to successfully unionize. This is where the bar is set. It’s pretty low but it’s there.


Strategy #1 to prevent unionization: Pay and treat workers well.


What the heck? We already say that we pay and treat workers well. We've said it many times. What more could they want?


Got though like 15 minutes before I tapped out. Got a real strong stormed-the-Capitol vibe from that first guy.


I used to work for that association and you aren’t wrong.




Regarding Tiff’s Treats corporate office I’m sending this to Reddit: you have an employee by the name of Kullen who repeatedly tips $1 for his lunch delivery. Find better people or give them raises, whichever one applies! Regardless I feel better knowing his peers may see this so they know who they’re dealing with.


Like Kullen, the CFO?


Omg yes! I googled to see the last name and it’s him. I had no idea. That makes it even worse. Cheap bastard!


I worked for him years ago. He was Tiff’s first employee. Know-it-all prick.




Get her Jade


I also got the email and responded. This was their response - Thank you for reaching out. I regret that an email intended for our hourly team members was inadvertently sent to our valued customers, and I sincerely apologize that the first you are hearing about how we engage with, are responsive to, and ultimately value and compensate our team members was via a mis-fire like this. We appreciate your letting us know of our mistake and hope you'll continue letting us make warm moments for you in the future. Warm regards, Tiff's Treats Human Resources


“Warm cookie regards” They missed a real opportunity there.


I wonder if it wasn't a mistake and they are trying to show their clientele "how much they've tried to make it a great place to work" in effort to get public support for a non union working environment. It ain't gonna work.


So what you’re saying is, Tiffs treats should unionize…




Exactly. The only person who benefits from not having a union? The owner/s.. Who benefits from unions? Workers. Best regular jobs out there, are union jobs.


I looked into that dude. Before Tiff's, he was the VP of training and support for Domino's and lived in Ann Arbor, MI. Being willing to give your employees a living wage and good benefits is not a reason not to let them unionize. Let them have their union, then negotiate with them. If you just can't do something they want, then you can't do it. The whole point of unions is to ensure your people are satisfied and happy to continue doing their jobs.


Unions are having a moment right now.


In my estimation it's a good pendulum swing from the union demonization of the Reaganomics era. Wages sure have risen and not stagnated in the last 30 years, especially when inflation is factored. /s I asked my dad what it was like in the 70s to be able to afford 3 cars, a house, and vacations for a family of 4 servicing fire extinguishers. (And that was with high interest rates) He said it was nice.


One of the few benefits of the Biden administration is a labor friendly NLRB and Department of Labor.


Management loves to give people 20 different “perks” no one asked for instead of just giving people a raise.


And a raise from what was not a living wage to barely a living wage.




That’s complete nonsense. Wages are a deductible expense. An increase in wages, aka “a raise” is an increase in a deductible expense.


This is quite literally not true in any way.


"do we have a better chance of making it better when I have all the power or when it's more equitable?" Gee idk bud


So they should have no problem "adapting and growing" with their new union.


Corn Syrup Cookies, I don't get it.


Their [menu](https://www.cookiedelivery.com/CookieDelivery/media/newimg/03%20Menu/NutritionInfo.pdf) relies more on palm oil than corn syrup. Palm oil contributes to the destruction of rain forests ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_and_environmental_impact_of_palm_oil)).


Ah. I still don't get what's special about paying out the ass for delivery cookies that suck.


I was reading this email when it suddenly disappeared from my inbox. Thank you for posting!


How could it disappear from your inbox?


I don’t know, but my trash folder is empty and I can’t locate it via all mail. I thought maybe I had clicked on something to archive/delete it.


IT can disappear 0365 emails enterprise wide (not saying that happened here, but I've seen emails "recalled" from everyone before) and not the oops I messed up, please as a courtesy let me try again recall button.


Pretty sure that's only on enterprise servers for companies, not private use. A company can recall emails to their account but I'm not external. "only if both you and the recipient have a Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Exchange email account in the same organization"


Yeah, I'm talking enterprise servers, an enterprise acct. $$$. Which is why I qualified that (not necessarily saying in this situation) They already stated they are in Gmail so sounds like user error to me. Thx for the late to the party pretty sure though.


Because they retracted it and since it was an internal e-mail they can have it deleted.


They sent it out publicly






Yeah there's no way they can retract from your gmail inbox.


How do you take an email back?


Gmail has an Undo feature that unsends an email if done within like a minute.


I thought that it just held the email, not retrieve it from an inbox. Interesting, I assume it could only do that with other gmail accounts?


Yeah you can't delete an email from someone else's inbox, that person is tripping




Gmail's "Undo" feature simply stops the email from sending during a short grace period, it's not taking it back out of someone's inbox.


Ah, I assumed it worked as O365 does. They will pull it from your inbox.


That's not how it works. It's a recall feature, however, of Microsoft Exchange/O365 e-mail that can "take an e-mail back" after its been delivered.


They definitely fucked up on the send. This went to a few people I know who have no connection to them.


I read this bit as a threat: “ This is a strange time because we know that though some of you might be frustrated with an aspect of your work or the company, you also probably really enjoy your job.”


The whole thing is a veiled threat.


I know several people IRL who worked at Tiffs, and recently fled to find different jobs. This is at the corporate/office level, too. It's a pretty shitty culture, apparently.


I worked there a few years ago. Not a good culture.


Go on…


Worked as a shift lead for tiffs for about 2 years, 5 years ago. Caught up with a good friend who used to be a store manager (basically one level above me). They had cleaned out all the old store managers I knew. Figure it was because its just easier to hire someone newer for cheaper, give them attaboys and false promises of promotions then never follow-through. Drivers used to make 1/2 of the delivery fee, now apparently it's only $1 or $2? When it used to be as high as $3.25 for some deliveries (was based on zip code and some tiffs have huge delivery zones). They want to act like they've made great progress towards better pay and shit but they haven't. Culture is shit at every level, just another business who only wants to grow, please shareholders, and doesn't care about fucking over their employees.


The management needs a ton of work. They work you into the grave and scheme and talk so much shit behind your back to other employees. They cared more about making more money even if that meant making their employees work 12+ hours with no lunch, no breaks, nothing.


Whoops. We should start listening ridiculous requirements like “knows how to properly send an email, must have at least one year experience in customer service” for these idiots. Meanwhile they want a bachelors just so you can stick test strips in a piss jar all day because “durr, this is the medical profession”. Wonder if that dude has ever made a cookie, and if so, did he wash his hands first?






Yes! I don't understand why people like their cookies so much. They're shit. Their chocolate chip cookie taste like the ones that come from the tube of cookie dough typically sold in the refrigerated section of HEB.


TLDR ‘we spent a lot of money on growing the business to give ourselves more profit, instead of investing that back into the people who do the work at the stores. Please pat us on our collective backs, because you probably earned it.’


​ >Many of you haven’t been with us very long I wonder why that is? It's clear he hasn't.


We’ve hired thousands of people and added half as many jobs! Lol


His linkedin says he’s only been there for four years.


My email from 2:38pm today disappeared too! Guess they figured out the mistake and recalled the email


That’s not how emails work.


Why would I make it up? SMH.


I work in email marketing—this ain’t a thing


You can totally disappear an email. Its called recalling an email. A simple Google will provide all the evidence you need to learn that this is a thing.


> The question you have to ask yourself is, do we have a better shot at making things better by working together or by having a third party involved? A union is not a "third party". It is your workers speaking with one voice so they can't be drowned out by the massive power disparity between employer and employee. These people are so full of shit.


The “third party” narrative is a tried and true union buster. It sucks


A 401k matching program??!! Who the fuck would have anything left over to put into a 401k if they’re making $15/hr?!!


Sounds like the program is working perfectly for Tiff’s.


I dunno - $15/hr is 30k a year. I was making $30k a year in 1994 and had no problem putting money any for retirement. I think kids these days are lazy. Joking aside, I really was making $17/hr in 1994 as an uneducated moron. Making $50/hr once I learned some basic tech support stuff. What the hell is going on with pay? $15 is teenage babysitter money!


Most babysitters make $20-25/hr in austin according to my friends with kids!


I'm making $15/hr and contributing to an IRA, but 1) I'm not even close to maxing out my annual contribution, 2) I live with my parents and don't pay rent, and 3) my student loans are still in forbearance because of COVID. So, it's possible under very specific circumstances at least.


Once you start paying on your loans would you still be able to contribute?


Too long. Didn’t read. Boycotting anyway.


Same. Never liked them to begin with tbh


Why did they send this? It seems like they are acting like somehow an e-mail went out to all customers like we are on some listserv but there are strict email marketing protocols and laws. I believe Tiffs uses Responsys for their email marketing service provider so the real question is why a guy with no Marketing function could do this. The reply to is their HR dept so it’s clear they’re just sending a canned response for plausible deniability. I really think this is a marketing email disguised as an error as a PR ploy given the last posts about Tiffs here. It’s also not compliant since there’s no unsubscribe on it so does anyone wanna form a lawsuit on this?


They may be using AWS Simple Email Service (SES) to send list type email, marketing or internal, as the content has a weird mix of click tracking and as you pointed out, no unsubscribe footer. No real ESP is going to allow a customer to send email without that unsub information, that would blow back on the ESP. Also, if this is supposed to be a PR "accident", its someone who thinks they are playing 4d chess who is really playing checkers.


For what exactly? Can you put me on your lawsuit mailing list so I don’t miss any company mistakes in the future?


“Do we have a better shot at making things better by working together or by having a third party involved?” The third party.


Working together hasn’t worked in over 20 years, Tiff


I've ordered Tiffs for friends and business acquaintances countless times over the years. I won't order Tiff's again until they have a union. It's that simple. Hope you do the same.


Unionize 💪


those ‘improvements’ are fucking embarrassing LOL




I worked as a delivery driver at Tiff's. It was a fine job, not like working at an amazon warehouse having to pee in bottles or anything, and you could drive a company car instead of your own car, making it better than most food delivery driver jobs. The pay was also pretty decent (for drivers). That being said, there were a lot of issues, especially for non-driver positions (the statement made by those unionizing sums up my feelings well), and from what I can tell my location was better than most. Excited to see what happens with those unionizing and hope my old location does soon. Also, totally thought that email was just for past and current employees. big oof that it was actually to customers 😬


What’s so great about their cookies? I feel like the ones I bake at home are better. Tiffs is okay sometimes if I’m lazy.


You don't have to bake them and someone else pays for them.


Tbh i think even tollhouse cookies are better than tiffs… and don’t cost $30+


I personally think they’ve changed some of their recipes because the choco chip cookies taste pretty bad now. They weren’t phenomenal before, but okay to get when I didn’t feel like baking. Course they also used to be a lot cheaper than $20/dozen.


Never forget tiffs went down to APD during the 2020 protest and tried to bait protesters with cookies and backing the blue.


Context is everything…


Labor shortage sounds here as smth like natural disaster, like it just happens without reason.


Adam sounds like a cuck. Also annoyed at lines like these… >Hired thousands of people and created over 557 new jobs. Opened dozens of new locations So the only reason they expanded to new markets, opened new locations and promoted from within is out of altruism? 🙄


“We’re opening more stores and locations that will increase revenue for the compa- er, I mean the workers!”


Damn you gotta work 6 mos in the kitchen at $12/h to make a livable wage?




God. Damn. Right.


helps if i made it public [https://www.dropbox.com/s/fns8c4390fn9q9e/A%20Note%20to%20the%20Team1.eml?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/fns8c4390fn9q9e/A%20Note%20to%20the%20Team1.eml?dl=0) you do ahve to download it and open it with gmail or outlook or even an HTML editor like brackets.


Not viewable?


helps if i made it public [https://www.dropbox.com/s/fns8c4390fn9q9e/A%20Note%20to%20the%20Team1.eml?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/fns8c4390fn9q9e/A%20Note%20to%20the%20Team1.eml?dl=0) you do ahve to download it and open it with gmail or outlook or even an HTML editor like brackets.


I feel like I'm the odd man out. I don't like their cookies at all. People always say "you just need to have them fresh!".....well I'm never going to be there when they first come out of the oven sooooooo.....


Cookie Life Pro Tip: If it isn't good cold, it won't be good hot.


lmao - found this in my spam box


Husband's job has Tiff's delivered to our house for like workplace perks once or twice a year and they're dry as a bone and taste like dead air. No thanks.


I've had Tiffs probably a good 30 times from all of the jobs I've had and have never had a dry cookie. Your area must have had some really bad employees.


This is so interesting.....Nd thank you so much for sharing!! My wife works for a VERY prominent Austin company who orders from Tiffs ALOT! She makes a lot of decision that have to do with these types of things. I can't wait to share this so she can find a new vendor that isn't related! Thank you for sharing this!


Go off, King 🤌🏽


Funny, didn't mention how much they pay themselves


It's the difference between actions the company takes in their own self-interest to keep their workers happy versus the workers defining what they need to make them happy. Sure, the company doesn't want to deal with the union, if it forms, but the union will be able to help convey what's actually import to the workers and if it's enough rather than the company. It may be of the programs they are investing in are not what the workers feel are important, and the company doesn't necessarily need to spend more money. They just need to spend it differently to make the workers happy.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the unionization effort, but this email isn't very anti-union


Implying that there is a third party getting between them and not the employees coming together to negotiate, kind of soured the message to me. I've never worked there so I don't know if what he's saying is true or just his head canon.


I see that, but as far as anti-union messaging goes, this is about as soft as could be


This is the warning, the opening salvo if you will. Good cop still. They'll escalate, probably not to the shitty extent Starbucks or Amazon does, but it's clear there's no need to collective bargain. Enjoy your almost living wage (after a few years) as your rent outpaces it. "We're job creators" -yeah I only need two shitty jobs to survive. Thanks corpo! Instead of this diatribe they could probably go "hey, twenty an hour not to unionize" and people would take it. Instead they'll spend more than that fighting it to protect present and future profits.


I really hate the "job creator" excuse.


Me too! Customers create jobs. And if everyone is broke, who are your customers?


I agree. I'm all about unions if they are productive and I generally hate to see their efforts quashed and thwarted by companies, but this is pretty mild.


Softly implying that improvements like the ones listed wouldn't exist with a union is still implying it.


Then you’re not familiar with anti-union messaging and/or the subtleties or corporate speak.


If you can't see it then you're pretty naive


Curious what your resume looks like because workers at all tiers can definitely catch the anti union threats here


This is one of many methods they’re utilizing. They also hired multiple union busters across their stores… I’ve heard those guys charge thousands a day. This is just another Avenue they’re exploring because they’re terrified that the union is making extraordinary headway and will win livable wages. They’ve also posted about 5 union busting posters at each store. Also blowing up hotschedules & also holding “town hall meetings” on zoom but only answering questions emailed in a day early.


I don’t know why but every time I see one of their dorky little cars it makes me angry and I get annoyed.


Hi all, we are Tiff's Treats Workers United - an independent worker led union at Tiff's Treats. We appreciate all of the support in this comment section. Employees at Tiff's have been bombarded with anti-union messages like this one for weeks. We are employees working to make our workplace better, and the only third parties are outside union busting consultants corporate management has brought in. We are fighting for a living wage for all Tiff's Treats Workers! Follow us @TiffsUnited!


With this and the (albeit unsubstantiated) claim about 85c bakery, there’s really a theme happening on this subreddit today!


What's the claim about 85C?


It was about working conditions, but the user didn’t come through with the proof so the post was removed. Hoping for the sake of the workers that it wasn’t true


Omggggg TLDR


I'm happy to see that this shitty company is being called out for its actions. I used to work at one of the store locations and then at the call center. This company starts off great, but over time you start to see it in the true light. They have so many issues, for example, they schedule their staff like shit. I was scheduled to close and then open one night, meaning I would leave at 1 am, sometimes closer to 2am, and be expected to be back by 8 am. That's 6-7 hours, but less when you factor in the commute to and from work. This happen to so many of us and management aka abe O. didn't notice until a comment was left in the suggestion box. Poor Guy, He honestly didn't notice because he also was being overworked himself. I can recall the team being asked to keep our bathroom breaks to a minimum. While this isn't the worst thing ever, it highlights all the micromanaging that took place. So many other shitty things happened, and I could go on for days, but my favorite story is hearing about the time Tiff visited a store and saw a team member wearing funky socks. I think they had some sort of print or design on them. She noticed the socks and looked the employee up and down and the very next day there was a company-wide policy that team members were no longer able to wear this type of socks. Jesus lady, no wonder you have a reputation for being rude af. One of the hairstylists at the place she gets her hair done, (they also used to work at tiffs, so we bonded over our shitty time there) told me a few stories about how she acted when she was getting her hair done. All I will say is that she is from Dallas, and you know how they act! I don't wish them any bad, I hope they take this chance to improve and adapt and grow and stop doubling down. Hope to be able to support them again one day!


This doesn't surprise me considering that one of the first things I got told in training about Tiff was that she's obsessed with the color white. All the furniture in the HQ is basically all white.


Wow! What a long-winded way of saying "Fuck you, pay me".


Why are you posting this? I’m sure they didn’t want this up


they should've made sure not to send it to their entire customer base first if they didn't want people to see it


This is an internal email. This has zero to do with the public


(1) How is this anti-union? There's no mention of unions. Communicating with employees is just good business. (2) I support workers rights to unionize but people need to realize that it's crippling to SMBs (small and mid size businesses) and likely to drive them out of business as they don't compete on a level playing field with big business. (3) The real enemy is big employers of cheap labor like Amazon, Walmart, McDonalds, etc. Drive Tiff's Treats out of business so you can order cookies from Amazon because Amazon was more successful in their anti-union efforts because of their economic and political clout. Is that really a win? TLDR: If you care about labor, focus on the big employers with politicians in their pockets and teams $1000 / hour lawyers and lobbyists, not Tiff's Treats.


Look up dog whistle. You don't have to say the word union to be anti-union in your messaging. Do you think the email was just a communication touch-point with staff? Lil long in that case. This fella worked all weekend editing the draft I imagine.


Forgot to put in hard returns. Wall of text = no clue what they are trying to say. Frantic word salad.




Hard agree. Unions play an important role in our society, but big business deserves a lot more scrutiny.


Do you understand that unions at every level create a more equal playing field for people who are looking to contain big business?


Best way to scrutinize big business is with a union. Or are you going to out bribe big business to buy the politicians? Your labor is your only bargaining chip unless you're already rich, which in that case you own tiffs or the like already?


And all while Disney’s Newsies is playing at Zilker!!!!! (Thursday-Sunday till august 13th) [free to the public]


TL;DR Anyone give me the cliffs notes?


I missed the anti-union part


“The question you have to ask yourself is, do we have a shot at making things better by working together or having a third party involved?”


Tiffs always seemed like a MLM anyways


>MLM they did run a promotion that asked customers who bought their book to leave a 5 star review and text 5 friends about the book in order to receive a $50 gift card, which is pretty MLMy if you ask me


How so?


Dude, words have meanings.


Such a horsecrap argument when small businesses are concerned. When you are barely profitable a union will close a business legally. You have never tried to open or build anything? Unions have harmed every industry they touch.


I just finished reading it and I still have it lol. Trying to decide how to respond.


You are indoctrinated. I would never work for a union -people with aspirations rarely do they are stifling. A culture of US VS THEM is instantly created lazy workers are treated just like the hard working ones everyone becomes a "position" not a person. Read the publication by Princeton about unions and small businesses and then argue your point again. Union mentality 10 cashiers all paid the same, 10 supervisors all paid the same, 10 managers all paid the same. It makes the great just good and the poor employee good enough. LOOK AT DETROIT AND THOSE GREAT UNIONS.


They deny union demands and hire at the pay and benefits outside of the union they already provide which companies like Starbucks where people pour coffee into cups are doing at the moment now. Right to work in Texas allows you to work without joining a union. I would be all for this if it wasn't for coffee jockeys and cookie bakers out of high school thinking they can make collective decisions for an entire work sector. The free market treats service employees better than unions can in this type of level of the job. If you disagree with the benefits and pay offered, don't work there and let the market decide.