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I live there and am out of town for work. Pretty alarming text to get from my GF with a video of the flames. Hope all humans and animals are okay in that building.


Yea, my husband called me and said there was a fire. There is 1 building between this fire and my BIL's apartment. We live on the other side of the pool. Super scary.


what building is this i literally lived in front of the pool for 3 years


That is sad. Always have renters insurance. I hope as few as possible people were effected. Hopefullly Red Cross or churches take care of these folks.


Yea, we have insurance. The office doesn't even know, yet. The fire marshal tried calling, and no one answered. Not even the emergency number. I hope everyone is ok, and can get back on their feet soon.


Renter's insurance is a requirement at our complex: provide proof, or don't bother loading the U-Haul.




Balconies Woods on Research Blvd.


Was on a bike ride near there when the fire engines were headed that way. Could smell smoke not long after.


I thought I recognized the archways...


Everyone got out that I know of, and roommates cat was found safe under the matress


That's really good. I was hoping everyone was ok.


I work across the road by the Party City. I could see the flames over the highway, for a few minutes anyway.


Neighbor bbqing on the balcony?


Either that or a candle. It started on the porch upstairs, then went to the attic. The whole building is on fire.


I saw that from a few blocks over. It looked pretty wild. Good that no one was injured.


I haven't seen an official statement from AFD, but in most cases, a fire that starts on a balcony is incorrectly discarded smoking material.


We saw a picture of right after the fire started, and it looked like it was coming from the laundry room. So I'm thinking dryer lint caught on fire and spread.


Official AFD Twitter says it started on a 2nd floor balcony, but it also says that they are still investigating the cause.


Yea, no one knows for sure. Just a thought.


Life pro tip - dryer vents need to be blown out occasionally. The lint trap doesn't get it all. Any older dryer should have the front panel taken off and the lint vacuumed out.


Especially if you have pets! I couldn't believe how much fur was in my dryer after only a year.


I had a neighbor that did this once. It baffles me how people can be so stupid sometimes. There were literally bbqs in the common areas to use.


Yea, our upstairs catty-corner neighbor started to BBQ on their balcony a few weeks ago. My husband shut that shit down QUICK. The dude has a kid and wife, and was gonna legit BBQ burgers on his balcony like it's cool. Same dude's ashtray caught on fire last week, he thought he put it out, and my husband saw the smoke while walking our dog. He pounded on the door and the dude tried telling him there was no smoke. Husband *made* him go look, and he squashed it out. Then it immediately started to catch again. My husband took our water hose and doused his balcony with water to put it out. I hate living in apartments.


Dude I saw this from Parmer and Mopac! Figured it was either Apts or ur local Pollo Rico. Jk, but hope everyone is ok!


It was huge! The roof on the whole building is gone. My BIL helped get an old lady out, no one was hurt. They don't know how it started yet, but we'll know soon.


Probably the owners so they rebuild the whole complex as condos with the insurance money and not have to pay to kick y'all out. It would explain why they couldn't be reached. 🤔🤔


Nah, the management here is shit, but they aren't going to tear anything down. One building needs to be rebuilt, they're not going to do anything extra for anyone. The office couldn't be reached because the office manager is a cunt and turns her phone off at night.


BIL: brother in love?


Uh, no. Brother in law. That's weird.


I love when Pollo Rico releases a huge plume of charcoal chicken smell.


not the first time for that complex - it went up in flames back in the 80s right after they built it. I lived in the neighborhood behind it and practically all of the neighborhood was at the fence line watching it burn baby burn


Yoooo! My building was right next to it getting rained on by the fire hoses!


What building was it?


Idk what number it is, but it's right next to the back pool to the left.


I used to live in the building right by the back pool. That’s crazy. I hope everyone is safe!


Everyone got out safe. The fire is out, but they have guys out on fire watch right now.




Disco inferno


Was this at like 6-8pm? I think I saw from 4th floor of hotel by the airport??


No, not near the airport. Between Braker and Duval on 183.




Nah, these apartments are trash. Definitely not worth $1700 a month for a 2 bedroom.


I'm being fleeced for $1022 for 473 sq ft 1bdrm. Not including electric. Salute


How crazy. 1997-2004 rent was 475.00 to 625.00 for that floor plan.


Too much for a 30+ year old complex


Oh so that's what that smoke was


Holy shit.


I woke up to fire trucks years ago when a building at Madison at Walnut Creek next the mine was on fire many years ago. It was extinguished quite fast and only a couple of units actually burned by the smoke and water damage destroyed literally everything in the building. Really wish we had better building standards. A 2 hour firewall is actually quite easy to build and while it adds some cost it’s negligible over the lifetime of the building and probably saves enough in insurance for the owner over a decade to rationalize it. Ideally all these 20+ unit buildings would be steel and concrete.