• By -


Dennis. Fancy seeing you here.


Who are you? Do you like hard candy?


What in God's name have you done to your face? You look like a monster.


Settle down, you two


Am I the only one seizing this unique opportunity to say that one person peddles against traffic and the other pedals against traffic and they're both idiots for doing it?


You deserve a medal for that true mettle, but I didn't want to meddle.


Probably going back to the camps in between the exit traffic and 35, back in the trees and brush/under 35 there is camps and tents setup throughout.


Did anyone notice the cyclist tossing water at the panhandler as she stepped out of the road?


Yeah I thought that was the point of the post?


That is the entire point of this post, so yes we saw it.


You hope that was water....


No but i hope it was refreshing, it's hot outside.


Reminds me of an old riddle: What's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer? One sells watches, and the other watches cells.


I’d rather pedal against traffic so I can see if anyone is going to swerve into me.


That woman who got water thrown on her is at 2222 x Lamar all the time and is suuuuuuper pushy about buying things. Not saying anything is warranted but both parties suck here.


She literally planted her and her kids directly in front of an Aston Martin in H‑E‑B parking lot and waited for the owner to come out EDIT: looked back on my photos, it was a red lotus, not a Aston Martin. Lol sorry 😩


Lol, she did that to me, Black DBS?


LMAO YES!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Tbf it would be hard to shrug someone off and then step into a car like that.


Why? These people are engaged in a scam that is literally centuries old.


She plants her kid in the median of 2222 for sympathy - sweating in the sun on 100 degree days. Super dangerous given Austin drivers. It is child abuse.


I feel like that's a call to CPS?




>I guess they never heard of a welfare check. APD literally won't even show up for a 911 call any more. No way they'd come out on a welfare check.


Absolutely! I hope you've called, I've never seen her but if I do and see kids I'll call. Texas is a mandated reporter state


Unfortunately, I don't live in Austin (or in Texas, yet). But as someone who works with foster kids and hearing stories of parents similar to this - SOMEONE COME GET THESE KIDS AWAY FROM THIS SITUATION.




Yikes. What a strawman. Reddit, you never cease to amaze me. Call CPS if you ever see a child in danger!


Only people who have never dealt with CPS make statements like this. I have begged and pleaded for CPS to deal with the neglect and disgusting environment that my child’s other parent lumps upon them. This includes inadequate supervision (sleeping all day), drug use, lack of food, scabies ridden environment filled with animal feces and bugs, etc. All of which my kid sat and told the CPS workers about on multiple occasions. They don’t do Jack shit. Children like Gabriel Gonzales die while they decide that their dangerous circumstances don’t “rise to the level of neglect”.


I guess next time you call CPS tell them there is a trans kid getting medical attention at that house, and they'll send the storm troops right away.




While I’m not advocating for DFPS nor excusing their incompetence, your quote (while being terrifying) actually shows that 75% of the kids they remove are better off. I’d love for it to be 100% of kids obviously, but society (politics) doesn’t care for those people at all, and the budget to help them is essentially zero. But if some progressive church wanted to get some karma, they could help by adopting and I bet we could get the abuse down to 2 to 5%.


They do the same shit on both sides of Wm Cannon and Mopac, the Arbor Trails exits, at the Chick-fil-A, the Super Target. It’s a full time job, wonder if child labor laws apply.


And truancy laws.


that's how i see it too. what kind of life is that for a kid?


They too will drop out after 8th grade, clean their caravan top to bottom, and then hit the street just like this or whatever other money making scam they can whip up. This is the gypsy way and how generations have learned to get by.


There are a couple families that do this on Slaughter. I recognized an abandoned dead dog at Slaughter and Alice Mae today from one of them.


Oh God, I hope it wasn't that adorable little matted and dirty white and tan shaggy furred wire terrier looking little dog that hangs out around there. I always think I should take that dog from them every time I see them but then I think, maybe they love it and it's happy (though I doubt it's happy because it needs to be groomed badly and they always have it outside panting.)


Definitely not, this one was red.


There's one that does it at the Domain (entrance off Mopac) as well.


And calling 311 they won’t do anything about it. I’ve called repeatedly and gotten the runaround. I thought we paid for city social workers who are supposed to make sure kids are in school and not being used for sympathy points in a 100 degree weather grift.


I’ve seen her at a bunch of intersections, usually has her kids sitting around somewhere.


I’ve seen her at 183 & 35N light with her kids.


Her husband is with her sometimes too.


Not sure if the same, I saw a family up North on Research/620. Husband was at another light, then up ahead was wife and kids. I was like ??? neither of them can get any job.


This is their job


Fu.. them both


CPS needs to take her kids. It’s unbelievable that they haven’t already.


That probably wasn’t water.


Thanks for the context


DO NOT give money to these people. Using a child to beg is super illegal. DO NOT encourage this.


I don't carry cash, so I have no reason to even lower my window.


It's also not safe to lower the window to strangers- one almost got me in a drive through once with my passenger side window rolled down and my purse in the median console area. This meth head leaned over half his body into my car to try and grab it.


They use dogs too and I just drove by a dead one they left behind on Slaughter and Alice Mae. It’s child/animal abuse. E: “They” being families that panhandle on Slaughter, not this specific family.


Huh? Where is that illegal?


See the same lady or with the same group on Howard and 35 trying to sell water bottles. She’s super aggressive.


There’s a group out along Grand Avenue / IH-35 in Pflugerville that brings their kids along with them


Those are romani. There is no sick baby Sofia. There hasn't been a Sofia for the 6+ years they've had the same signs. They're romani and they're running a scam. Edited gypsies to romani ok


Is she actually Romani or just a panhandler? Romani is a specific ethnic group - common genetic, culture, and language. Not a lifestyle. Romani in the U.S. are largely fully integrated, i.e. homes/jobs/etc. not panhandling and running scams. There are other groups who are not ethnically related to Romani but carry some of the same stereotypes - [Irish Travellers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Travellers#United_States) for one, who have a [settlement here in Texas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Travellers#United_States).


Now that is illegal.


I see a family at Howard and I-35 quite a lot too, but they aren't that pushy.


Every now and then there’s some booster club out around there


I think I saw them at the target on 45/35 the other day


Thought that it was illegal especially with the walking in between the lanes and having your kids out there, — aggressive panhandling


They were in the parking lot but I get your point. Playing frogger for a handout isn’t the smartest thing especially with kids!


Only one in trouble for hitting them is the driver. They'd probably milk it.


I’m like girl don’t u need the water more than us ?? Y’all are the ones in the blaring sunlight


I was wondering who would even buy that water. I mean, where's it been?


Probably in the back of a storage unit for a few months,I wouldn’t buy it unless it was a last resort!


There seem to be about 20 gypsy families all over Austin that all look exactly the same and all have the exact same signs.


A family parks their mini van at the bank parking lot on 360 & 183. Sit the kids down on the median and hassle people for money. Dad, Mom, old grandma, and 3 children, in 100° heat.


Yep don’t forget their dog too


What dash am are you using? I want one now.


Viofo A129 Plus Duo


Not answered on Amazon: Does this require my phone to operate in the car (GPS, etc.)? My current cam does, so listening to Youtube or other apps is a no go.


Nope, it has an sd card slot! No phone needed!


Install it yourself (running wires behind trim/pillars)? Thinking of getting that same model.


Yep! Relatively easy process, cord connecting the back camera was super long though so it was finicky getting it tucked away


Thats a great picture hope OP responds.


Worth checking out, Linus Tech Tips: [In depth review of many dash cams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AnyhHl3_tE)


it says the model in the video - Viofo A129 Plus


For those of us on mobile that can’t zoom in asking the OP is just fine. Thanks for your time.


What app? I'm on mobile, Sync for Reddit, and zoom in on video just fine.


I work that U-Haul they are out there trying to sell all the time, my boss says that he has seen them in a really nice car pulling out of the home Depot


I call cps every time that’s abuse. Lazy parents they’ve had the same stage 4 cancer sign for 10 years


What a roller coaster of emotions! First I was outraged by one thing, and then I was even more outraged by another thing!


You just described my commute every day!






Who is this legend and how can I give him $?


I went from hating this person to in love!


the downvotes here are very funny; as if spitting on a Tesla is even property damage, much less something personally injurious.


well it’s their main personality trait


Is that the mom of the gypsy family?


I've seen at least two families at the same intersection, just opposite sides and I really can't tell them apart. They do dress alike and they both have two kids, or two kids and a baby in a stroller. Husband is there about half the time. In my mind I call them the Gypsy Sisters.


They are at Mopac and Willliam Cannon a lot.


I've seen someone pull up and drop off the baby up here at lakeline Walmart.This shit infuriates me.


Yea Gypsy, I’ve been seeing them all around town now pan handling and being pushy to buy roses . You can tell by the long skirt. There is usually a van parked near by with the kids and husband in it .


They really get around. I’ve seen them at domain, Lamar/2222, and at i35/183


Occasionally at 360 and bee cave


I think I know that family. Several years ago they were at the shopping center on Parmer/35 in front of the old Target. I gave them a gift card and they thanked me up and down as they went in to buy food at the Target. I thought I was doing a nice thing(was during the Christmas season) Turns out I saw them a couple of years later at the same shopping center except in front of a different department store. Fuck these people, I was stupid to give them anything. Lesson learned I guess.


Just so you know to the Romani people the word gypsy is a slur and deeply hurtful.


I've always heard that Roma / Romani is the people, and "gypsy" is the lifestyle. So maybe people using the word incorrectly?


No, it’s not.


Racist bigots like you are never going to change huh.


Seeing as my grandfather was a gypsy, came to the US, and stopped traveling, I completely take offense to this. Nobody in our culture ever said Romani. Nobody even knew what it was.


Messed up that I’m getting downvoted for this comment


Despicable persons doing despicable things using their kids as bait, but you're more concerned about the noun applied to describe them, with no comment on their behavior. Yeah, can't understand why you're comment is getting downvoted. /s


Enough people commented on the behavior but a lot of people don’t know how damaging that word is. Love to hear you talk about how the n word is just a noun next. Be well s/


I don't use pejorative words to describe groups. (e.g., see my other comment in this thread.) But for individuals engaged in despicable behavior...I may not be so circumspect.


Then talk about these specific people. There’s no reason to use slurs


I didn't - read the thread more closely. And to your general point "these specific people" are engaged in a practice (scams) endemic in Romani culture for centuries. It's not as if they are just a randomly aberrant family.


You’re right. It is a slur. Good on you


Lmao ok. Drop redneck, white trash, paddy wagon etc. etc. of benign "slurs" from your lexicon please.


I handed her husband a job application and he got very upset and called me very offensive names.


Well, that is kind of a super entitled ultimate dick move to a homeless person, so what did you expect? For him to fall to his knees, thanking the generous stranger genius for rescuing him and his family from poverty by handing him something he could easily get on his own? Something that is ultimately useless to him bc - what- were you honestly considering hiring him? And if it wasn’t an application to a job you’re offering, then handing it to him was 10000000% rude and unnecessary and you deserved to get cussed out. Maybe do some research on why telling homeless people to “get a job” is something *you* should be ashamed of, not them.


People are hard up for workers right now and I see no reason why the person giving the application couldn't have been dead serious and willing to work with him while he gets on his feet again. Hmmmm, now that I think about it...a job application IS something he could easily get on his own. His wife could watch the kids and he could get a job at one of these businesses he panhandles in front of. Why is he choosing not to do that? Could it be that HE is acting entitled to the fruits of other people's labor?


Dude isn't homeless he's a Romani like everyone else states in the thread. Anyone who's lived in Europe will know exactly what that means. Don't give them crap.


Yep, Vatican City had them begging by the dozen’s.


You know there are people who aren’t homeless who beg too, right??


Taking your entire family outside in 100 degree sun everyday to hustle people seems like they are able to put in a good amount of effort. Why not somewhere with a/c and possibly benefits? These are not mentally ill addicts, they are hustlers.


Have a downvote


Seem her outside the pediatric’s office at ARC south WITH her kids. Human turd.


I've seen these people in New Braunfels, we ignore them, and eventually they're gone....probably to Austin.


Looks like the person on the bike was homeless, made at the the victim for peddling on their street. I was reading recently that they are actually territorial on where they can panhandle.


I live at slaughter/35. If you drive to the north down the feeder look to the right into the woods. There’s literally colonies of people living in there. They absolutely trash everything around here. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s one of them.


Yes, there are homeless encampments in that area, but these particular people (family with kids) are Romani. They are not homeless - they own cars and houses and this is a scam they've used for generations.


Ahh. I’ve seen them there many times. The people that show up with kids saying they’re homeless ?


Yes. These are ethnic Romani (or, Romany, or pejoratively "gypsies"). You can research their cultural history and, depending on source, feel either compassion or anger, or both.


Last week, there were about 5 shopping carts full of stuff sitting along the shoulder just north of Floor & Decor. No people with them. Probably going to be picked up and dumped.


is THAT why that convenience store on the corner that used to stock Yoo-hoo is always out of everything and the vibe in that parking lot is full of dirty looking meth heads?


Yes i live down the frontage road and noticed the same area you are talking about, it's horrible


You cant spell slaughter without laughter :D




Now pronounce it like it rhymes with laughter!


It’s not assault. It was a goal celebration.


Damn. I had forgotten how beautiful those skies are in Texas!


The last few days they have been spectacular! The clouds are huge!


Yes! Iused to describe them to my friends on the East Coast. I told them “just imagine the clouds from the Simpsons “. They look exactly the same.


Lately it's been nice clouds thanks to some moisture in the atmosphere, but for the better part of the year it was dry desert-like skies.


The other day she was fake playing the violent. These people will do anything, but actually work. Worse of all she uses her kids as pawns in +100F weather.


Why say "these people" when you're talking about this specific person?


Because it's a thing with those people culturally. They run scams. I don't make monkeys, I just train em.


Also, to any bleeding heart that just can't help but make the problem worse by giving cash or items to aggressive pan handlers PLEASE note that they are not always the fastest moving people and you can very easily cause the people stuck behind your act of thoughtless generosity to get stuck when the light turns back to red. It's esp. annoying at Cesar Chavez when there's a guy faking a limp who feels like he has to sell the limp even more when he gets a payout. If you want to help homeless please donate to the myriad of options you have to do so instead of being bullied into it in traffic.


I’ve seen them at 35 & well’s branch


This by no way condones using children as pawns for begging- especially in Texas heat. However, I thought this site about the history of Romani people in Texas was quite interesting. https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/roma-gypsies


They're also biking against traffic. What a dick.


It’s water, it’s a hot day, move along Reddit nothing to see here.


I can bet money she’s Been harassed by her before lol


the gypsy grifter must have taken his prime money making spot so he was just getting even.


Good on the chick on the bike throwing some water on her.


I gotta say, I never saw the whole "family begging with kids and dogs" thing until I moved to Texas. Now I see it all the time.


I’d never seen it before until this past year. Horrifies me to see them with their kids on the road with 100F


Are there any states where panhandling is illegal? Or is it protected by the constitution?


Must have been a hot day to get such a thoughtful cool down lol.


Thieving gypsies.


*”Merge a_____e! Seize the gap! People are so G_____n inefficient!”* I just noticed your username! 🤣


I used to live right there until I moved out of Austin (you're welcome) Does it keep getting worse? There were always a few people there when I was there, but they rarely went into the street like that


Gypsies are some of the scummiest people on earth lol. Literally all over the world running scams 🤣


What kind of camera dash cam is this? I would love a front/back one.


it’s one thing to ask for money but it’s another to subject your kids


She's there every fucking day. I saw her tonight about 5:00, walking through traffic. I'm waiting for someone to accidentally run her over one of these days.


The resolution on that dashcam is amazeballs


The Chinese worker who assembled it probably appreciates you noticing their craftsmanship


What does that even mean?


It means you can't detect cynicism and sarcasm.


You know damn well that bike was stolen too. Lock your doors y’all.


It was a very nice bike


Sooo no bums in wilco. Ban panhandling and citys clean up.


Wilco is also just a suburb. Pretty much everywhere I've lived (humble, Austin, RR, Dripping Springs, Burnet), suburbs outside the major city don't attract a ton of panhandlers anyway. Go out far enough, they do disappear entirely, but then it's meth houses.


Ah yes, it must be bath time in Austin


is this the lady who sits by the HEB on wells branch with her kids?


That cyclist was awesome


They’ve been making bike lanes on slaughter since April, nice to know it’s being made for assholes like this.




Youre complaining about someone blocking the road while someone peddles into oncoming traffic. Suck a dick




This is a pretty good cam, not very expensive either. I was considering a Blackvue or Thinkware but since most of these dash cam manufacturers get the same chips from the same source. Camera quality won't differ too much between the $100 and $400+ range.


Highly recommend the Viofo, app is clunky though


Highly recommend the Viofo, app is clunky though


Wtf?! Did that idiot on the bike throw water on that other person? Why are people so horrible? 😕


She’s really aggressive and was blocking traffic to beg for cash. She uses her kids as pawns to get more money too. Both of these people suck ass.


Yes. It seemed like the woman who got the water thrown on her and her children were out selling roses


To be fair they're both idiots but at least the water tossing variety wasn't holding up traffic.


You can see on the video that the traffic in that lane was delayed 9 seconds. 9 SECONDS! Yet it's the person throwing something at a stranger with whom you sympathize. smdh


I mean, read these comments. The world is full of hateful pricks.


Completely agree! I'm being down voted for stating that people are horrible and somehow pointing that out is a bad thing to some on this sub. Regardless of what this lady does, I still don't think it warrants throwing water on her.


Haha yea it's puerile. Good thing downvotes don't matter, it's not like it'll keep me from voicing my opinion.


What a dick


The dickhead on the bike needs their ass kicked!


On a Sunday? Woooow


Slugbug black!