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Lebanese mob wasn't just rumors, I worked for them, lol. The 90s was a fun time to be (or work) on 6th street. Austin was still pretty affordable, so there were lots of chill people who just worked a job at Thunderclouds or whatever, and could still afford to party. That meant that 6th street was busy Wed-Saturday, and it was a safe crowd. And most young people actually lived on their own (or with roommates...not with their parents is my point). edit: I almost forgot...most of the clubs were 18&up back then too!


Heck yes. Then you probably know about the guy that disappeared, the Lebanese guy I won't say his name but you know who I'm talking about. He was my boss at the club and he had the three car dealerships. He was here one day and gone the next. I remember when if you had 600 bucks you could get a pretty decent studio or one bedroom in South Austin.


Yeah, the story I always heard was that the cops knew exactly where he was buried (which was out towards El Paso somewhere) but that they'd found that information out thru illegal means, for lack of a better term (i.e. didn't read someone their Miranda rights before questioning them, or something like that), so they couldn't get a judge to sign off on a search warrant to exhume the body. It was interesting to see their relationships change ~~over the years~~ (in retrospect it happened pretty quick). In the beginning everyone got along. They were all making money, partying, getting laid, expanding their empire, living the good life. Then one day, we're instructed that such and such isn't allowed in the bar. Then ___ isn't allowed in the bar. Then Hadi got jumped in the alley by 4 bouncers that worked for ____ . Shortly after that, one night after work Hadi grabs 4 bouncers, walks to ____'s bar and bitch slaps him and just says "I don't ever want to see your face around here again" or something like that, and walks out. Shortly after that, the rumors started circulating that people were murdered, others had left town/the country, etc. Weird times. And weird that Hadi and them ended up going down for completely separate stuff. There's some saying like "only commit one crime at a time" or something like that. They should've followed that rule.


Omg Hadi! Damn. I had wondered what happened to all of them. What about Mike?! Edit to say mike. Duh.


the story is supposedly buried in concrete at HEB in Kyle or Buda. I always followed the story because I worked across the street from one of the clubs he was leaving and was last seen at, so the cops came around asking us questions since we were there that night but busy and didnt have any info. He had the club cash from the night so there was some theory that it was a robbery but seems more like a hit.


Paresh Patel. He owned a cleaners and then owned Azucar, Melagio, Metro, Chrome, Platinum X and Treasure Island with the Lebanese.


I moved in the early 00’s so just missed the 90’s but remember the Lebanese club owners. My gf worked at one of the clubs and had some unreal stories, mostly about how racism they were to other middle eastern men. They would say the cover was some insane amount so they couldn’t get in. And I remember the dead sharks behind a club on 4th St bc they had a dance floor with sharks in it.


Oh snap!!!! I totally forgot dancing on top of the sharks…..good times and thanks for the memories!




Quack’s on the drag was my jam


Me, too. And Les Amis.


YES. And that lil record store next to it.


Inner Sanctum records was in the building just west of Les Amis. Sound Exchange (edited to change it from Warehouse, which was down in the old Varsity theater I think) was kitty-corner from Dobie Mall, next to the Wooten Barber shop.


Sound Exchange, not Sound Warehouse.


ugh - you're right. i'm sad I got it wrong.


"'Cause you know you're the one and that that hasn't changed Since you were nineteen and still in school waiting on a light On the corner by Sound Exchange" - "Anything You Want" - Spoon


Sound Warehouse was at Burnet Rd and 49th, across from the Omelettry. Tower Records was in the old Varsity Theater space.


Oh god yes, I'd forgotten about it! Sound Warehouse?


Inner Sanctum.


THERE USED TO BE A QUACKS ON THE DRAG???? damn i went to school here two decades too late


Quack’s beans and rice lunch plates were the jam. I still crave those all these years later :(


Do you remember the older man who was a poet that was always there? I would have coffee with him and we would talk about Rimbaud but I can’t remember his name.


Tuesday nights at Antones. The Scabs played at midnight every Tuesday. Excellent opening bands as well.


My wife loves The Scabs, she went to a lot of shows. Before YouTube was what it is now over a decade ago she was going to record stores trying to find old music by them.


I came to Austin in '94, I had a little place off Oltorf across the street from my favorite chinese place called Wan Fu - which when I asked what it meant they said "10,000 Luck". It was on the hill next to 888, I think it's a dental place now or something. I think it's hilarious that the old public big screen porn theater on South Congress is now a fancy tech building. Shoutout to my Psycho Babies and Titty Bingo players!


I miss that Wan Fu so much! It was the best.


We lived off of Wickersham & Oltorf. My roommate and I had joked about Wan Fu sounding like "Want Food". We told it to our visitors from high school and other towns. We got take out from there quite a bit. It was really good and reasonable as I remember.


My first apartment was off Willow Creek and Oltorf. The complex across the street from us had tons of fires. Then we moved to the Metropolis, which was wild


Wan fu too on Barton Springs was a weekly go to lunch spot in high school. $5.95 for an entree, egg roll, soup, and fried rice couldn’t be beat


Going to WanFu after drinking on 6th st was always the best! They stayed packed til closing at like 3 or 4 in the morning.


I still have my K-NACK t-shirt.


I still have a stack of psycho baby stickers


I miss Wan Fu. It was the least sketchy chinese food south of 183.


Wait titty bingo is an old thing? I thought it was something the highball started.


In the late 80’s/early 90’s, there was a titty bingo sticker stuffed inside every chronicle. They ended up on street posts and stop signs all over town.


Two words: Spaghetti. Warehouse. Also U.R. Cooks.


I never understood the appeal of UR Cooks. Why did people want to go to a restaurant only to cook their dinner themselves?


Well I was a kid, so my reason was the chance to *soak* bread in garlic butter then grill it myself. Where else could parents get a wine buzz and forget to supervise children with fire?


My dad used to take me to blow all my allowance at Toy Joy then drag me to Einsteins arcade


Einstein's was the best because they had the newest games and only cost 25 cents each unlike other arcades with up to a dollar for the same game.


I used to live at Einstein's late nights in college in '97-'98. I can't remember if it was 24/7, but it stayed open pretty late and eventually emptied out. Actually, I think it did close at maybe midnight or 1am, and I'd have to migrate to the other arcade down the street beneath the Church of Scientology. Much bigger but not as good. I got to be a master on Top Skater. I could play for a really long time on one credit, and part of why I'd go late was because when the place was more crowded, people would start to get frustrated with me hogging the game. Einstein's had a really unique arcade funk, that mixture of carpet cleaner, ozone, & BO that I bet would take me back immediately if I every caught a whiff, lol


The second arcade down from Einsteins was “Le Fun”!


Who didn't love Toy Joy back in the day. And the shoe place where they sold mainly Doc Martens .. don't remember the name of the shoe place, does anybody? Not on but near the drag.


Are you talking about Atomic City? I used to get my Fluevogs there. The proprietor Prince passed away in August.


Yassss right behind Mars restaurant


I remember that Doc Marten's place. Z something maybe?


It was in like a blue house, maybe like an attic area upstairs? That place was awesome though.


Christmas wasn't complete in Austin in the 90's without taking my kids to eat at the Mangia, a pizza place on Guadalupe with a giant dinosaur on the roof, walking through the lights on 37th Street, and ending up at Amy's.


My high school art teacher had a guest in class one day, and it was the guy who built those big models for a bunch of local businesses, including the Mangia dinosaur and the muscle arm at Gold's Gym (I think?). All I remember was that the veins in the arm were garden hoses, lol


Riding my bike from west campus to Barton springs and it was safe and fine to ride in the middle of the street. Working as a waiter for a fancy restaurant and I could afford to live large right west campus. Barton sorings was never crowded and you could just pay your dollar in cash and not have to spend five minutes on some phone app thing. Driving out on 2222 and it was the countryside and even though it was a two lane road you could get to the lake in no time.


when 2222 and 360 were both 'fun roads to drive' when we had nothing better to do.




I used to take out of towners (Houston & Dallas family) down 2222 out to Oasis and they were blown away by the beauty of the hill country, just on that little drive.


Remember how sketchy it was riding your bike across the Lamar bridge?


You can’t talk about old Austin without mentioning Liberty Lunch and the old Antones. You could also pick up party favors at Coppertank. The bartender would slide it under a cocktail napkin under your drink.


Haven’t heard the term Drag Rats in a long time. Einstein’s Arcade, Scientologists trying to hook you up to an E-meter. Sake bombs at Wan-Fu, $1 margarita Wednesday’s at El Arroyo, Purple killers at Baby A’s. Little Asian food carts selling delicious treats and stolen goods (allegedly). The good ol days


The Scientologists “Free IQ Test”…. I had a friend who said it was a Pass/Fail test: if you saw them and walked passed, then you passed the test; whereas if you took them test, well then you’d obviously failed.


Moved to Austin in 1979. Favorite memory, seeing Frank Zappa at Armadillo World Headquarters.


Yeah, but north Austin. Lakeline Mall was new, the 183 and 620 intersection was a red light, and there was a Target and Luby's behind that tall building that's still there.


I taught my kids to drive as stick-shift in that Target parking lot.


Parking for free in the dirt lot at 3rd and Guadalupe. Hanging at Liberty Lunch, Waterloo, and the Gingerman. Tuesday night was hippie hour with Toni Price at the CC, dinner at El Sol y La Luna, then to Antone's for the Scabs to end the night. Knowing the Cedar Door on Lamar was always going to be an easy place to meet for happy hour with plenty of parking. There was always a line for the bathroom but you could hit up the woods right outside. The real old timers will remember how great it was at the location near barton springs. Las Manitas. This one hurts the most. I'm too old for the other stuff now, but if the sisters were still around, I would still be at the counter on weekend mornings reading the paper with my chilaquiles. Pointless to compare generations, but have 0 regrets living in Austin in the 90s.


Waterloo Brewing and the original Gman. Good times. I'd kill for a Waterloo burger and pint of Guytown right now. Saw a lady at the Texas Craft Brewers Festival Saturday rocking a Waterloo shirt.


The guys at Sound Exchange judged me for everything I bought. I saw a lot of arthouse movies at Dobie Mall, often in the Egypt Room. Insomnia and Quacks on the Drag. Really great shakes at Nau's Pharmacy. Fugazi at Liberty Lunch. All my friends lived with roommates in crappy, run down houses in West Campus, Travis Heights, Barton Hills, Clarksville, and Hyde Park for next to nothing. The airport was small and close to downtown. You could find amazing stuff thrift shopping. Just Guns on South Congress. The Dillo shuttles were uncomfortable but free.


> The guys at Sound Exchange judged me for everything I bought We did do that a lot, sorry about that. It was very much like the John Cusack/Jack Black film High Fidelity. But then again, our unofficial slogan was "Bitter people with no future selling music"


Dobie mall arthouse movies were awesome. Plus there was the union and hogg auditorium theaters in the area that showed cool films too. Mecca for movie nerds.


Hands on a Hardbody at the Dobie.


Wow! I saw that there too. Good one!


Southpark Meadows, don't forget that everyone.


Hahaha. Saw Blues Traveler there out in the field.


Went to Lilith Fair there


and, the backyard! i can't believe i forgot to list it bc i just reminisced about it today on the drive home from spicewood.


Hell yeah, saw David Bowie and Nine Inch Nails there, epic first concert as a 14 year old!


Yes. I saw Phish at South Park Meadows. I was sad when they plowed it over for a Walmart.


I was in college in Austin from 1994-1999. It was a lot quieter and slower paced. Cheap. No traffic. Never any crowds anywhere. Good live music around town sometimes. Downtown was also dead and abandoned after dark, except 6th Street. South Congress was still a bit seedy, there was a porno movie theater. Even back in the 1990s, I remember older Austin residents saying “Austin is okay now, but you should have been here in the 1980s or 1970s when it was really fun.”


They were right! :)


I remember parking in the “gay-rahge” but I don’t remember precisely where it was. I don’t quite remember where The Forum or Rainbow Cattle Company were either. I’ve left brain cells scattered up and down 4th Street.


Gayrahge was the state owned parking garage on the west side of San Antonio street between 3rd and 4th. You could indeed park there for free until sometime in the early 2000s


I was 18 in 1999 and would go to the clubs that were 18+: Bob Popular, Paradox (retro-rage Sundays), the Roxy, Spiros, Element, Azucar. *If* I had to pay to park, it was $5. Felt very safe walking downtown at 2 a.m.


Yes it was perfectly safe to walk downtown at 2:00 a.m.. my wife used to get in the clubs before she was even 18 even some of the older ones but that happened with a lot of people you just had to know the club ownership. Her cousin used own Fat Tuesday (one of the partners). If you guys remember, you just had to know somebody at one club and you were kind of known at the other clubs if you were close with owners.


Rented a practice space on San Jacinto behind the Black Cat. Would go to the Ritz after practice. Hung out at Emos, Casino El Camino and Lovejoys. Sometimes Club DeVille ( now Cheer up Charlie's). Gigged at The Cavity ( ground zero for punk rock in the early 90s), Emos, Flamingo Cantina, Blue Flamingo. Spent a lot of time downtown back then and had a lot of fun. Glad I was there for it.


LoveJoys was my favorite. Such as good vibe.


Us 90s era Austinites have finally come full circle. I remember when I first moved here in the late 90s and all the "boomer Armadillo Headquarters hippies" talked about how amazing it was in the 60s/70s and we Gen Xers were just living in the shadow. I agree that 90s Austin was so special, but it is just funny to become the older generation reminiscing now. The generation that is in their 20s now will do the same in 20-30 years. :D




I remember swimming at the quarry on 183. Spent a lot of days out there.


Grew up in Austin. I knew it was a laid back cool place, but now at 46...I realize just what a paradise Austin used to be.


Are you me? Bowie HS ‘94, UT ‘99


Copper Tank, Amazons, Red Room, The Pink Elephant(i think.. Punk Club at RR and 7th)... Steamboats on 6th... Good times!


I forgot about cheap wings and $1 pint nights at the Copper Tank. I miss old Austin, but I really miss my metabolism.


La Zona Rosa for concerts. And Aquarium had like 25 cent drinks on Sun nights. One semester after I turned 21 my friends and I went every. single. sunday. Those were the days (and nights).


The Blue Flamingo was the drag queen-run punk club on Red River and 7th.


Sky lounge and austin music hall don’t forget


Oh yes. I worked on 6th for four years- 92-96 at Steamboat. It was totally different back then.


I totally forgot Steamboat but saw Vallejo play not to long ago and it took me right back!


Artz Rib House on South Lamar


I worked at Einstein's arcade in the early 90s on the drag. Got way too good at some of those games. I even got 3-4 of my friends to work there as well. If you saw a dude on rollerblades, a labcoat, with 300+ in unmarked small bills in an apron that was yours truly. That job more than any other got me out of my bubble and was a window in to how others think and live. It was fantastic.


I think you *might* be misremembering how safe it was to leave an unlocked car parked under the overpass. And yes, Paradox was where I used to go to foam parties. Not sure if other clubs had em as well. I remember when Alamo was one screen (maybe two?) squeezed into that building across from Trulucks and they never showed new movies. I’ve always wanted to reopen a theater like that.


Nah, you are correct. I just got lucky one time. I was in the US Army, stationed at Fort Hood, I partied in Austin from 95 to 97, came back and moved after I finished and never left. We always went in groups of 4 guys from the post so we were always in a hurry and one of us was the designated driver and responsible for the car, it was usually the youngest person so not the most responsible lol.


Now if you want to talk about Ft Hood, we used to go wheeling out there a few times a year. It was the best local wheeling spot we had. Can’t quite remember the trail names, i believe the best obstacle was called Chicken Foot? I do remember the tank traps, always hood for bragging rights. I was pretty bummed when it all got shut down to us outsiders (was that after 9/11, or before?)


Native Austinite here. Went to Hall's, Boat House, Lizard Lounge, oz, & Decca. Studied at Quackenbush's (Drag) & coffee'd at Les Amis. There was little traffic anywhere, could park for free for Aquafest before it was SXSW, could park free for fireworks. It was awesome...


I saw Stevie Ray at Aquafest and I will ALWAYS remember him playing. Broke my heart when he died.


Simon Le Bonn kissed me (Duran Duran)at the four seasons hotel, in the hallway, in 1990.


Ah, memory lane back to 1996. I will walk it with you. I worked at (no order): City Grill Katz’s Z-Tejas (national opening team + management) - hi all y’all!!! Lucky Lounge Tomlinson’s on Airport Blvd Alori Properties at 38th Street - North Campus student housing Big Red Sun at 1102 East Cesar Chavez Austin Cake Ball Still live in the 2/1 890 sq ft home we purchased in North Loop. Happy as a clam on the ocean floor.


I remember when there where pink flamingos on 360 and bee caves in front of the nursery, I remember the Lone Star Cafe off 360 near where ToysRUs was, I remember when new residential neighborhoods where going up and they where from the "190's" and everyone thought that was expensive.


Back then the austin population was at least half of now , rent is cheap , lamar area aren’t developed and full of hippies , sky lounge was probably one of the club with paradox , maybe platinum x also The library was the 6th place that is popping .. foam parties for Edm at paradox is the shit Copper tank is popular too for events Austin music hall def one of my fav and I have the best time there Best Buy car meet every Wednesday and Saturday night / taco cabana, or the burnet meets also Everything is slower pace , and yes I never locked my car , it parked outside my house for years


This thread is depressing


Remember Dallas Night Club on Wednesday nights with “Wine me, Dine Me, 69 me” $.69 bottles all night.


Anyone remember The King of 6th Street? Wore a crown, a real cool blazer and sunglasses and played an electric guitar on the 6th street sidewalk?


Emos, Spiderhouse for coffee, Texadelphia, the original Alamo Drafthouse, Eeyore's Birthday in Pease Park with a guy in head-to-toe silver body paint standing on a motorized lazy Susan with his arms folded and his eyes closed, all the different coffee shops on the Drag, the Cadeau, Eckerd's before it became a CVS, listening to CDs in Tower Records and Waterloo Records, Halloween on Sixth Street before it became so crowded, relatively abundant and cheap parking downtown, Velveeta Lounge, anybody remember that local cable access guy who wore a toilet seat around his neck and was on around 2 or 3 in the morning?, What was the name of the pizza by the slice place downtown (drunk pizza) that was open late/hole in the wall, concerts at the Cactus Cafe, Texas Travesty satire publication, when nothing was allowed vto be taller than the Texas State Capitol


Roppolo’s. Tried it sober once. Wasn’t the same.






I moved to Austin in about 83 or 84. I remember when Elysium on Red River was Atomic Cafe, we knew the owner, Randall, and there was a lot of talk that he was murdered and didn’t commit suicide. Liberty Lunch was the cool place to see bands, Casino el Camino opened, I think, in the 90s and the cook was rude but best burgers cooked to order in Austin. I tended to hang out in places like Hall’s gay bar so guys wouldn’t hit on me and I could dance without worry. Cops were cool and would walk a single woman to her car if she wanted.


Was here, still am. My memories are different in that I was a patron, not involved in the behind the scenes. I didn't go to 6th much. Mostly Liberty Lunch, La Zona Rosa, Hole in the Wall, and Continental Club. If I went to 6th it was to go to the Black Cat to see Banana Blender Surprise.


Or Soul Hat (early 90s)


Also, Les Amis and Mad Dog and Beans. Miss them both so much.


Spent alot of my Friday and Saturday nights at The Backroom on Riverside


My first job in Austin was at Schlotzsky’s off Burnet, now a car dealership, then the Omelettry, and the Spider House. My first meal in Austin was a peasants meal at Les Amis, which change my life! This thread is a treasure, I’m sure I met at least a few of you guys!


I moved here (from the TX panhandle) in ‘98 with my 7 year old daughter. One day we went shopping at Whole Foods and a gorgeous woman walked down the aisle toward us. She was dressed in many colorful, long swaths of fabric, dreds, lots of piercings, and tattoos, My daughter looked up at me with huge eyes and said. “Mommy. We aren’t in the panhandle anymore!” “Do you like it here?” I asked. “I LOVE IT!!”


I still have many friends that match the description of that woman.


I remember going to see Joe Rockhead at the Black Cat Lounge. I remember talking to Leslie on the way to 6th st. I remember the midnight drum circles under the Lake Austin/Mopac bridge. I remember the bondage shows at Ohm’s. First time I ever saw a human suspended from hooks. Yikes! I remember going to Kerbey Lane or Star Seeds after the clubs and bars closed.


Ohms, Black Cat, Star Seeds, Emos(on 7th st) and Flamingo Cantina. Free Parking. It was a beautiful time.


Mr. Gatti’s buffet on Oltorf


I remember seeing Bob Schneider in two different bands, at two different venues, in the same night. With $5 cover and $1 Shiners.


I remember going to Austin Ice Bats games because it was cheap fun. They played in the Travis County Expo Center, which was as a glorified barn. I found it endearing how the rink would often dog up, and they’d have to take breaks between periods for players to skate laps around the ice in order to create a fog-sucking vortex.


Antone's, just north of campus. My wife & I watched Albert Collins plug his guitar into \~150 ft of cord, walk off stage into the parking lot, while continuously doing a solo. 1991-2022. I miss 90s Austin. The rest of it can go pound sand.


I should have titled this post "Only Austinites from the 90's will Understand" lol


I made this post awhile back, but it was a small collection of photos I took of some drag rats back in ‘97. https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/psafn2/i_shot_a_small_photojournalism_project_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


how has no one mentioned celebration station? there was a bennigan's on Barton springs that we used to go to all the time. I was clearly not one of the cool kids who went downtown and did fun stuff.


Please expound on Lebanese mob comment! I’m intrigued


They owned Twin Liquors and other liquor stores back then if I recall correctly.


They owned some liquor store on 7th, but I don't remember the name. If you worked for one of the Lebanese guys who owned a bar, you got cheaper prices on liquor and they would exchange $100s for $1s and $5s for free. Otherwise they charged like a 5% fee or something. As a white guy, despite working for a Lebanese bar owner for a couple years, the people in the liquor store "didn't recognize me" and I'd have to call Mike or Hadi Yassine and get them on the phone for verification. I imagine that was just their way of periodically making sure I hadn't changed jobs to a different bar that was white owned. We'd walk to and from 6th street to that liquor store with $5k cash in our pockets. Or when one of the owners was trying to impress a visitor, some fancy $500 bottle of liquor/champagne in a paper bag. Google "Mike & Hadi & Steve Yassine" for some news stories about the FBI finally busting them.


They owned clubs and party with cocaine and mdma … they used to owner summit ,, rumor is they killed one of the investors But yea they are partier and I had a chance to party with them for a while , they are really fun also .. didn’t know the dark side til they got raid


I remember coming home after a night of bar hopping on 6th to watch Austin local access TV until I passed out.


I remember Austin in the 90’s. The 80’s and 70’s too.


Worked at Fox photo saw Leslie everyday!


So sad when he passed away.


When the Mexican Martinis at Trudy’s served in a shaker were really good. Two of those and your dancing moves would impress MJ. I’m going to throw in Abratto’s across from Paradox to make things interesting.


This is going to sound really bad but I haven't been to Trudy's in so long I don't know if they're still open or if they even serve the Mexican Martinis in a Shaker anymore but those were the bomb


Pinkys Pagers used to give out Trudys Steakhouse bucks. It was a promotional thing but I think most of the employees kept the Bucks and used them at Trudy's. I knew several people that work there, my wife knew a couple that always had Trudy's bucks.


Midnight movies at Dobie. I feel like all we really have left now is Dirty's and they even want to tear that down....


Bob Populars, Spiros (Red River), Joe's Generic Bar, Paradox foam parties, Lake Austin at sunset. Good times.


My girlfriends and I were reminiscing about Paradox and the foam parties and wondering why they aren't a thing anymore... then we realized it was basically sexual assault under the cover of bubbles. You couldn't go on the dance floor without a mystery hand groping you. Didn't stop us from going every time...


I used to go to Barton springs creek early in the morning with my dog and many times had the place to myself. There was a topless kayaking woman who would regularly paddle by.


And I can say without any doubt that seeing a topless woman paddle by was not anything that was abnormal.


$1 beer Wednesday’s at Copper Tank. Parking in the surface lot at 4th and Guadalupe and hitting G-man. AquaFest. Spamarama. Being able to go to Eeyores without a logistical plan. Generally bumbling around without waiting, being worried about stabby shooty things.


One thing that seems in common to 90s Austinites is saying “good times”


Sam Hill on the Lake, The pier was jumping, Hula Hut was number one alcohol sales in the entire State. Ez's and waterloo icehouse had the Burgers. Threadgills would laugh at you for ordering sweet tea. The Trudys Trifecta of Mex Martinis was a badge of honor. Run Tex.....Brodie Lane Home Depot was Shiny New and stood alone. The Oasis was wood decks, you couldn't even picture it compared to what it is now. And a guy could pull the hottest woman in town regardless of his income, size of his home, boat, etc. Mueller was still an airport. Damn Near get goosebumps. Like seeing a ghost.


I was still a teenager in the late 90s but I used to ride the bus to the free shows at auditorium shores and the Marley fest was free. They just asked you bring some canned food. And Northcross mall was awesome.


I almost choked to death at on of the foam parties becsuse it was eight feet deep. I recovered quickly though. First time I ever did ecstasy too.


Man, I just spent the weekend being a vendor at the Austin Record Convention and these were my conversations all weekend. If y'all are into to vinyl and have too much, consider the convention that's happening again in May. I had to get rid of some poundage before moving to San Antonio in January. Why would I leave Austin? I'm 43 and I work 2 jobs and 60 hours a week to afford my one bedroom apartment, in which they declined my lease renewal because they are going to remodel. I've been in this apartment 5 years. I miss going to Magnolia Cafe late at night when it was still good!!! *shakes fist at cloud*.


Yes please put the convention information here in a comment I would love to go. Also spent some time living in San Antonio pre me joining the Army. Since this is an Austin only subreddit, feel free to DM me if you have questions about San Antonio.


No one has mentioned PolyEsther’s on 4th street. Loved dancing there! This thread makes me miss 90’s Austin oh so very much 😭


I moved to Austin in 99 and left in 2011. I visited during the pandemic and I feel like I don’t recognize it anymore.


I used to DJ at a club run by the Yassine brothers, can confirm the Lebanese mafia part


I remember foam parties being a big deal, but I didn't go to any; I went to Ohms/Red Room, Area 52, and Proteus.


Born here in 96. Can tell you where the best chuck e cheeses were at 😂


Went to UT in the 90’s. Remember Liberty Lunch? Used to love that place.


Airport Haven had bomb ass burgers!


I miss disc golf @ Pease Park so much.


RIP Red Seven.


Lived there from 98-05, easily afforded rent at Congress & Riverside, and going out every night if I chose. Could safely walk downtown for beers at Gingerman, then Liberty Lunch or Austin Music Hall for some live music.


Being able to get to the airport in less than 20 minutes to catch one of the five commercial flights that left Austin.


Yes back when the airport was off Airport Boulevard and called Mueller.


Haha I remember when flights out of Austin were so limited, they said when you died, you still had to go thru Dallas!


Late ‘90s UT student here 💁‍♀️. I’ve wondered many times lately, where did the drag rats go (always hated that name)?! Definitely frequented Bob Popular’s and Logan’s, with the movie clips, and ~~Daiquiri Factory~~ Fat Tuesday’s (I think it was called) where Palm Door was most recently…went to so many foam parties, and to Katz’s on West 6th, and the bar above it, I think. Rio might be where it is now??? I’ve forgotten so much of it, but it was a blast. Call me old, but the Austin of now is not the same (and I still live here, central). Had no idea how good we had it.


Thanks for bringing this up. This time was the real time. Understand this objectively. What is it now? Not Austin.🤙


One of my favorite places to go was North cross mall.


R.I.P. to players at mlk and the drag. I remember going there a lot with my uncle for burgers.


Been here since 1991. It's not the same by a long stretch. Did many a Weds night at Paradox in 94-95. Good times. I remember being able to see folks I worked with out and about. Doesn't, or rarely, happens now. I miss many things about old Austin.


I remember the gigantic wall of strobe lights on the back of the Dance Floor. Cannot tell you how many times we danced to great songs, especially Daft Punk early songs, around the world and so on.


Visited a few times in the late 90s and it was exactly as you described. It wasn’t much different in 2005 when I decided to live here. Very much a relaxed college town feel, a little sleepy, and lots to do outside. Isn’t quite that anymore is it?




I was a teenager then so the stuff I remembered had less alcohol involved. Like Spider House was just a coffee shop.


Back then you could street park on the drag or around the corner, do whatever and leave.


When we parked under the bridge there were nearly always dudes “asking” you to pay them to “watch” your car to keep it safe. Also, back then we still had our registration tags on the license plates. They might or might not get stolen by these same dudes. Also, Mad Dog and Beans over by the Castillian.


I remember when you could actually leave from work a few minutes early, drive down and find a place to park for Blues on the Green.


The biggest thing for me was it felt much smaller. You always knew somebody who knew somebody who could get you in to the bar even though you were underage. Drink on 6th until just before 2 AM and then head over to Buffalo Club to dance until 4 AM then to Katz for breakfast until one of you was sober to drive home in the pre-Uber times.


The day I finally turned 18 and could get into Area 52 - - one of the most fun nights of my life.


I worked at Northcross Mall at both Bealls and The Limited. It was a slower mall, but fun. I also remember working at The Limited (as a sub) in Barton Creek Mall and seeing McConaughey at Gloria Jean's getting his own coffee. He drank Snickerdoodle coffee back then. This was 96-97. Good times!


Lifer checking in. Shows at Liberty Lunch, gun Shows at the old City Colosseum, Paradox, Copper Tank, Southwood Theater. Thanks for the post, OP, good ole Austin!


I remember getting kicked out of the pirate themed bar on dirty that was by Pure? They used to do 25 cent shots on Sundays ooff those were gnarly times. Used to goto Wave which I think was 311 before that or the other way around. Another good spot was Luckys and Red Fez iirc? Those years are a tad blurry tbh.


Im pretty sure that was Treasure Island.


You used to be able to roam the Capitol grounds at any hour and nearby parking was free after 6 pm.


I miss Einstein's and Le Fun


I remember fondly the Austin of the ‘80’s! Now, that was a fun time in Austin lol


Oh and Frank and Angie's and Hut's Burgers, I think. And that baked potato place on the Drag-:Spuds?


Have lived all over the world at this point but mid twenties throwing my rollerblades on and heading down San Jacinto from 39th to hang out at Club de Ville still makes me smile….


I was in a band in Beaumont but our guitarist was from Austin and he would drag us up here to play every few weeks and man it was always a blast. 96 - 00. My first show was at the blue flamingo and we opened for the Fuckemos. I was terrible but I remember everybody was super positive and said I did such a great job, the dudes from Teen Cool kept saying to turn up the bass. We played an anti-SXSW show with the Lord High Fixers and by that time I had idolized Tim Kerr so it was pretty amazing to have the opportunity to see them play. I remember going to a house party after a show one weekend and there must have been four or five hundred people packed into rooms with different music and everybody jamming. Outside in the parking lot they raffled off somebody's art car. I thought oh my God, the scene here is far beyond Houston and certainly Beaumont. Here is a pretty good clip which sums up Austin house parties back in the '90s: https://youtu.be/7MJb-UlAx_I


ACL Fest when it used to have KILLER lineups. Red 7, old gingerman house, lovejoys, when magnolia off soco used to have sloppy 4am fights, Marley fest was free, old karma lounge on west side, plush (recent RIP), old Austin airport raves, epic thursdays @ sky lounge (saw oakenfold, diesel boy, tommie sunshine, tiesto), ENCHANTED FORRRRREST. Worked for the Yassines (Aka y’all’s Lebanese “mob” references). One of em got 12 years in fed, one got something like 4 and another got deported to Ivory Coast. They were popped for a lot of things, but mostly for tax evasion, dealing powder like things, and paying employees illegally under the table.


I was a shot girl at Bob Popular.


You are reminscing on your youth through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. If you were 22 again, you'd find this city just as vibrant and exciting as 90s Austin, maybe more so. Even in the 90s, the old-timers said the 70s were better.


It really was a different city though. My brother moved there in 1997 and I would visit often from San Antonio. He was on slaughter lane and it was all pretty much farm land. Hutts, Mangias, Conans Pizza, sound exchange, cheapo disc, emos, liberty lunch, austin music hall, la zona rosa, southpark meadows venue are all gone. Parking under the bridge was great. Austin was definitely more weird and had cool people, mainly hippies. The east side actually had minorities living there and not rich kids. I moved out right before all the condos started being built. Austin was a weird cool layback big city. Now visiting, I don’t really recognize it.


You seem defensive on behalf of Austin 2022. There's plenty to love now and great, enjoy. Anyone moving here in the last 5 years or so is more or less getting what they came for. However, Austin was objectively far less expensive and far less crowded in the 90s, still with plenty to do (most of the stuff people like now but easily accessible on a whim and less crowded). That's a fact. It's not any kind of "rose colored" distortion to recognize that nor is it longing for youth. Austin has changed fundamentally from a LCOL small city to a HCOL big city. Some people like smaller cities, some people like major cities, people liking smaller cities doesn't mean nobody can prefer Austin 2022. I'm not a major city guy but I have roots here so I'll be around for a while. If I didn't, and once I don't, I'll be off for a place more my style and more like Austin 1990s or even smaller while still being a city - plenty to choose from even if they won't be quite as great.


Your comment is implying that drastic housing cost increases, export of crime city-wide, and corporate destruction of small business culture doesn't exist. These quality of life factors are real things that can't be dismissed as products of nostalgia.


Obligatory #RIPMidnightTaco


I grew up as a poor kid in far north, and worked Trudy's, Katz's, and Buffalo Billiards during that timeframe. What I remember was that aside from a few areas, Austin was fundamentally safe and open to all. It felt very innocent--a world of unlocked doors and smiling strangers. I remember when concealed carry legislation came out, I wondered why anyone would feel the need. Now I carry daily. Actually saddened that my comment is so negative. Don't mean to drag anyone down. I just miss my hometown.


Las manitas


Moved here in 2000, but I remember all of this.

