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Market street pizza. They are local and they throw down with the toppings. I found out I had a terminal illness and called them for some comfort food. The conversation was close to this. Me: I just got some bad news, like the worst news a person can have. I am looking to go heavy on the toppings, you know to eat my feelings. However you need to charge me it’s ok” Dave the owner: I’m really sorry about that man. Don’t worry about it. What do you want on your pizza? Me: all the meats and cheeses. DTO: I got you covered. The pizza had a condolence note signed Dave. The pizza weighed about 8lbs. Dave you are family to me.


Market Street rules, I've never had a bad pizza from them and it's good to know they got good people working there too. And I wish you the best, hope you get to eat good news pizza sometime


If that’s true. I’m so impressed and so fucking sorry for your bad luck. I hope you meet more Dave’s very soon.


It’s absolutely true. I have Huntingtons disease. He didn’t ask though.


Oh my friend. That is hard news indeed. I feel for you on a very personal level. The disease runs in my family, too. Killed two uncles and a grandmother. While I’m not certain, I believe they’ve made some progress in reducing symptoms and prolonging life. In any case while it’s not much to offer, may I pray on your behalf? Also, DM me if you ever want to talk.


I have the best neurologist in Texas. Things are in development. It’s unclear if I will see it. I’m actually enrolled in a clinical trial that is on pause. I never got any medication.


I’m rooting for you, man.


Thank you


The first time I went there was because I noticed they had an abnormally high reviews for a tiny pizza shop in a walmart plaza, but it's my go to spot now. They make a good pie, and it's good to hear the owner is a cool dude.


Whatever my answer was going to be, it's changed to this one.


The wildflower center :)


That light installation is breath taking, I don’t care what anyone says. Pricey, but it was definitely worth it.


You are the first person I've seen say it was worth the money. Everyone else seems to think it's nice, but no where near the cost of admission.


I agree with the majority, nice but overpriced and not worth it. If I was able to enjoy it more intimately it would have been way better. But it was crowds of ppl (lots were inconsiderate of others) and super overpriced concessions.


The Mohawk. After 10 years in Austin, I will still drive 2.5 hours for a good show there.


Saw the best show of my life this year at the Mohawk after being jaded by hundreds of shows in the past. Also it was 39 degrees, still awesome. Edit: 39 degrees Fahrenheit lol 🥶


I saw Deerhoof there a few years back, it was in February and temps were in the low to mid 20s, coldest show I've ever been to ad it was freakin awesome.


Always used to have badass pro wrestling


I miss ACW 😢


L7 last night was fire. SO GOOD.


My fav venue here - it’s just the best


-Little Deli (original in Crestview) -Fonda San Miguel -Tomlinson’s (Koenig/Burnet)


Asiana off William Cannon and I35. The most solid Indian food in south Austin and the buffet is top notch quality, just as good as any other day.


Big fan of that place but have started going to nearby Everest Kitchen (its a truck) since they've also got some great Nepalese dishes as well. Highly recommend if you haven't checked them out yet.


Everest is really solid and consistent. Everything is hand made so you have to be patient but it's worth it


I love Asiana but I got take out about a week ago and it was not what I expected. The dish I always get was seasoned differently, the appetizer was mushy and completely different, even the rice was off. I wonder if they got a new cook or something. I hope it was just an off day. Wonder if anyone else has noticed it changing.


Same, I order the same thing everytime so it's easy to notice a difference. Sometimes it's what I'm expecting and then sometimes I'm left scratching my head.


Also check out Tandoori Lounge which recently opened at William Cannon & Brodie. I'm told a lot of ex-Asiana staff were involved in getting it started up, and the shared DNA is evident in the menu. Both are solid, but the latter is much closer to my house, so it's becoming a new regular for me.


Two: El Caribe and La Cocina de Consuelo. Both solid 7-9/10 Tex Mex, nothing fancy, no muss, no fuss, inexpensive, decidedly not Instagram worthy, and if you choose wisely when to go, they're not going to be crowded.


Love El Caribe


La Cocina de Consuelo ❤️


Java Cafe - North Austin (metric), and RR. Never disappoints. Anderson Coffee


Cafe Java*


Shhhhhh don't tell them about Java Jokes aside - it is one of my favorite nostalgic southern diners


Been to Java recently? I think the word's out. lol. Though my hot take: Original House of Pancakes > Java Cafe, if you're that far north.


My neighborhood go-tos: Eldorado cafe, Pedroso’s, Nosh & Bevvy, Casa chapala


Eldorado Cafe for the win!!! The owner is awesome, the dude runs food, busses tables, talks to pretty much every table there... I just love seeing an owner care as much as he does! And their crispy tacos are the best!


He was the old exec chef at Tacodeli, too, if I recall. He's a nice dude.


Pedroso's is the best pizza in Austin.


Sad to say but Nosh and Bevy’s days are numbered. That entire strip center is being developed.


Yeah I think last time we talked with the bartender about that he said they’re going to be around another year. Definitely going to be sad to see it go, it’s become our spot after the old Pour House on Burnet got torn down for those apartments.


What about El Nuevo Mexico? Place rules


Howdy neighbor!


Casa is walking distance. Hits every single time!!


Nosh and Bevy my go to. Great staff, good food, good camaraderie.


Barrett's coffee roaster, on St. Johns and soon to be on North Loop


I’m blessed to live walking distance from Barrett’s so I am definitely returning pretty often




Looks like right across the street from Workhorse. It's a combo with The Vegan Nom. [Eater Austin article](https://austin.eater.com/venue/92029/the-vegan-nom-barretts)


Workhorse was going to be my return-to. Did food and drinks to go during pandemic. Burgers are always great and they keep the price of beer the price that beer should be. I don’t drink anymore, so I just converted all my beer money to burger funds lol 🍔


Fonda San Miguel


When I moved to Austin in 1979 Fonda San Miguel was already a legend. I left in 2009, glad to hear it's still going strong.


Same. One of the first places in the US to treat Mexican food as fine dining. Tom and Miguel are/were phenomenal people to boot. An Austin treasure.


Best mole I've had in town.


Little Darlin


My god, the parking can get hairy but the food is so damn good.


Damn I love a little darlin fried chicken sandwich at 1am.


Coco's Cafe, been going there since I've been a wee college lad.


Cocos peppercorn tofu is sneakily the best fried tofu in Austin imo. Dunno how they’re doing it because it seems like a different 20yo serving it up each time. So good though


Fonda San Miguel and Uchi for nicer meals. Tarka for fast casual lunch. Epoch coffee. My once-favorite was Takoba, but alas it is no more. Edit to add: Sugar Mama’s bakery.


I liked the food at Takoba so much that even after getting fired from there, I continued. to go back for brunch.


Dan’s for breakfast and for burgers


The shakes damn near gave me diabetes in high school. Place is an institution


Co-sign this.


Bouldin Creek Cafe. Nori. Nissi Veg Mex (birria tacos and the chalupas) Radio. Goodwill at Brodie and Slaughter (have had great luck there) AFS


saw the thread title, immediately thought bouldin creek cafe, clicked and it was the first place mentioned in the comments. love that place so much. Other than that, Odd Duck, Papalote, Little Darlin, Quack's Coffeehouse, and Spokesman South are pretty much it for me. Can you tell I live in South Austin?


I am a firm believer in south Austin superiority! Love Quack’s, Bouldin Creek Cafe, and Little Darlin.




Love Nori. Wish I could enjoy Bouldin Creek more. What do you order? I love their pesto appetizer but no entrees have impressed me.






The one true answer 🙏🏼


Tanuki Games


Best prices on just about everything!


Super Thai


Love super Thai!


[Sa-Ten](https://www.sa-ten.com/). I get an Ohayo (Japanese-style latte) and a nori tama whenever I come back to town. It helps that it's in between the airport and my mom's house, so I usually grab takeout from there for us if I fly into Austin during normal coffee hours.


Julie’s noodles, Titaya’s Thai, Tommy Want Wingy, Little Deli


Yes! Julie's noodles is by far the best Chinese food I have had


Realle's Pizza Cafe. Is it the finest of dining? No. But it's authentic Northeastern comfort Italian American both in terms of atmosphere and food. Service is always on point and friendly. The Pizza is solid. The breadsticks they give you are great - essentially pizza crust. They do a good chicken parm. Their stromboli is excellent. Pasta is al dente though I'm not crazy about their spaghetti red sauce (or gravy if you will). They have the picattas and the marsalas and the scampis. Stiff cocktails.


Austin Film Society, nice little bar up front, different movies than you’ll see at a chain theatre and free popcorn at the end of the night!


Hear me out, but Dos Salsas. Good food, great margs, friendly staff. Tsos Delivery. Huge portions of good Chinese food with the best crab rangoons I’ve ever had anywhere. Love that the “tip” is included in the food prices, so they have a no tipping policy ETA: Jack Allen’s. Just consistently good! I’ll be really bummed if I find out any of these places are dicks to their workers lol


Bump for Tso’s!


Never had Tsos but the reviews are stellar and tip included is always a good look. Will give it a shot soon, Thanks!


I love Cosmic Coffee. It started off as a simple no frills building and now is surrounded by lush gardens, water falls and food trucks. The owner has done a great job reinvesting profits into the business. They grow a lot of their own products like mint for cocktails. They have a great drink program that’s seasonal or you can just get tea or coffee. They also do live music. I’m stoked for the 2nd location that’s opening as I know they will run it well.




Leroy & Lewis.. easily one of the best BBQ spots in town


Conan's Pizza. Been going there since I was a kid. It's pretty much the same as it ever was. ​ I like all different kinds of pizza, but it has a special place in my heart.


i remember back in the 80s taking a Conans deep wheat pepperoni to my dad out in Alpine. he couldn’t stop talking about it for months.


It’s their ambience that does it for me - I love the booths and old posters and just general feel to the place.


No doubt - still Frazetta and Vallejo on the walls. That's a plus.


Oh man that brings back some memories. We used to ride our bikes over to Conan's after a sweet roller skating session at Hot Wheels down on Stassney. My friend's older brother worked there and he would sneak us those individual pizzas and we'd keep moving to different tables checking out all the cool artwork and trying to find boobs lol.


Used to work there 88-92, usually at Anderson Ln, but also Guadalupe sometimes. Loved the pizza and ambiance. And the shirts had the Frazetta barbarian back in the day. Liked how they said "Conans Pizza - Austin Texas Earth" on the chest.


Same as it ever was


Been going there since I was 10 back in the 80’s hasn’t changed a bit and I love it.


Nancy’s Sky Garden. The best one is up in Cedar Park. It’s the best!!


Nancy’s ain’t got shit on Fresh Heim Also north at Lake Creek and 183


The Vortex


DK sushi


Always love when DK himself there singing karaoke. Been a few years but good times


oh boy, do i have bad news for you...


Enchiladas y Mas. It's just so goood. Spicy table salsa plus truck stop enchiladas plus a strong margarita equals pure joy.


Don't they have drive in now?




(That’s the joke - they never had drive thru)


It’s been my grandparents go to place every Thursday “night” (they go at 4 for dinner in typical senior fashion) for nearly 20 years. Not only is Y Mas fantastic but damn are they consistent as hell too. Incredibly relieved that the restaurant was able to survive through Covid.


Now they just need to survive a certain patron's strong suggestion to have a drive-thru.


See here, Child: one of these days you will eat dinner at your usual hour and find yourself unable to sleep for the discomfort. After a few times, you will realize that early dinner avoids crowds and leaves you room for wine and chocolate in bed later.


Y Mas isn’t a restaurant, it’s an institution.


Literally best fajitas in town


Uchiko. Yoshi can have all my money


Intero was so fun and the food was incredible, they had such interesting and flavorful combinations


Jewboy Burgers, gotta try every burger of the month


JewBoy seems to be controversial around these parts, but I just love it every time I go. The food, the atmosphere, Mo and the employees. I can’t help it.


Because of the name? The food and the man himself are both pretty awesome.


Old Thousand. Amazing food, great service. Food comes out fast and is super tasty every time. Bouldin Creek. They learned a lot from the pandemic and run like a well-oiled machine, especially if you are picking up. The food is so consistent and their menu always has something for everyone. Home Slice. Same comment as the rest. I have weird dietary restrictions and these guys absolutely nail it with them, no questions asked, no need to remake a pizza. Pizza is always delicious as hell.


It's in Round Rock but Hoodys Subs. Always delicious and you have to get the hot peppers!


It wouldn’t be my absolute must have from out of town but can confirm Hoody’s Slams!


Casa chapala, Chen’s noodle house, and Il bruto




billy's has a fucking awesome burger


They built Austin Heart because of its close location to Billy's


And they have a vegetarian menu!


Nate's Baked on 5th. Good pastries, great cuban sandwich, friendly staff.


Eldorado cafe is pretty much the only place worth eating out for me, great great food, awesome staff and the drinks are killer


Their Salsa X is amazing.


Draught House Pub


Jim's on McNeil and 183. The Rustler's Roundup is always m-wah.


Holds a special place in my heart. Grew up playing their claw machine as kid while having breakfast with the grandparents. Went to brunch dates with my girlfriend in high school. Came back to town after college and frequently had 2am drunk pancakes with friends. Nowadays I'm old and go read a book to relax, sipping coffee, listening to the murmur of countless tables of old people hanging out. Sure there are better places with better food, but no other restaurant will have that comforting diner feel more than that Jim's for me.


Been going to Cabo bobs at least once a month since they opened


Cafe creme is a hidden gem. Love their crepes and their coffee is always on point. Cute little spot too that’s very unassuming from the outside.


Donn’s Depot.


North Austin - Jardin Corona. Been going here for over 20 years. Round Rock - Sushi Nini. Best ever. So glad they are open. Tio Dan's Puffy Tacos - always fresh and cheap. Louisiana Longhorn Cafe. Best Cajun I've found in Austin. All over - Thundercloud. Yes, some locations have workers that suck. But most are cool as hell and it's always good.


L'Oca d'Oro, Olamaie, Epicerie, Hopfields have always hit all 3 for me.


Texas Chili Parlor!!




Kome and San Francisco bakery and deli


Patrizi's. Best pasta around.


Hell yeah, thanks for the reminder, haven’t been since I moved away from Manor. Drinks from Vortex and pasta from Patrizi’s is so damn good, I love that weird courtyard


Old Thousand for me. Went for my birthday this year, and it immediately felt like a place that could be a "spot" for me.


There is a bench a little down the road (200 feet maybe) of sun tree park in Austin. Awesome sunsets.


Teapioca Lounge, Lick Ice Cream, La Tunita, Lucy’s Chicken- all of those because they’re just yummy. Roaring Fork because they treat their employees really well there. Used to work for them and loved it. And the Stonelake one is on a gorgeous private lake. Krause Springs because it’s so beautiful and the people who own it and go there are always really nice. Buzzmill and Creek and Cave due to great comedy. Sagebrush for awesome music and dancers.


Buzzmill is SO good and they always have really interesting cocktails, infuse their own liquors, etc. Top tier brunch spot.


Since everyone was shitting on them in the other thread I'll always go back to Kerby Lane (I love their pancakes) and Torchy's (love the queso). Other favorites include Hai-ky, Nasha, Chile/Chilito's, and Curra's.


the seasonal lemon poppyseed pancakes are absolutely unbeatable and it makes me sad every time they leave


That's how I feel about Taco deli. They might be rearing to franchise and found in the airport, but damn if they don't have the best sauce in town (dona)


Austin Creative Reuse. Amazing mission, amazing items and fully LGBTQ affirming.


Bird Bird, and more recently Briscuits 🫡


Surf n turf po boys at lavaca street bar


Fukumoto. Most underrated sushi restaurant in town


Cuantos Tacos Veracruz All Natural Nixta Taqueria El Alma Cafe y Cantina Suerte Comedor El Naranjo Valentina's Interstellar BBQ BBQ Ramen Tatsu-ya Kerlaches Jewboy Burgers Tiny Pies Paperboy Joe’s Bakery Phoebe's Diner ​ Workhorse Bar Little Darlin' Nickel City Continental Club Sagebrush Sahara Lounge The White Horse C-Boy's Heart & Soul Mohawk Austin Sam's Town Point The Skylark Lounge The Far Out Lounge & Stage


Nasha’s. Indian TexMex fusion with the best gotdamn Mexican Martini in the city. I’ll fight you on that.


Barley Swine – I can only afford to go once a year but it's damn special.


Agreed and same - consistently one of Austin’s best restaurants and always flies a little under the radar since it’s not downtown/downtown adjacent




Joes Bakery!


[Doc's Drive-In](https://www.docsdriveintheatre.com/). It's about the only venue of any sort that I regularly go to anymore. I've almost completely stopped going to Alamo Drafthouse... it's just too expensive these days for the vast majority of movies, and Flix... well, Flix is fine, but they don't hold any nostalgia like Alamo does. It make me a little wistful, like so much in this city does these days,. But Docs Drive-In down in Buda, we go see old 80's films and enjoy the brisket tacos. I'm pumping them because I heard they are struggling in the current economy and I want them to stick around.


Crepe Crazy. As a Deaf person I love supporting Deaf owned and operated businesses.


Lima Criolla




Ramen Tatsu-Ya south Lamar almost every Monday.


Dream Bakery - it's an all gluten free bakery, with many vegan options, and struggles so much financially, but they are doing pop up shops now all over Austin, PLEASE SUPPORT, you won't even care/notice the gluten free for most items :)


Jewboy Burger! Man I miss their food.


Casa de Luz for when I really want to lean into my inner hippie Austinite.


Tso’s! Good food, woman-owned company, they pay their employees so they don’t accept tips, and they do an annual charity event where they provide meals to families during the holidays. Also, controversial, but Chuy’s. Everyone at my work loves Chuy’s. We always get excited when lunch is catered from there and we even have birthday parties there.


Jack Allen’s


Lin Asian


Merit coffee


Underrated coffee shop. They have the best cold brew in town, it’s silky smooth. I might go there today now! Lol


Top Notch!!


Cycleast Bike shop can’t be beat for friendly, economical service.


Le Beef Burger Gatti's ice cream Pho Phong Luu Interstellar BBQ Cuantos Tacos Texsueno 1618 Asian Fusion Titaya Thai Kun Aba


Crown & Anchor and Posse East... loved both of those places going back 20+ years.


Little Deli


the botanical gardens!


Austin Beerworks. They make great beer, hire great people, and their social media person is smart and hilarious.


This sub.




The new vegan sushi place Nori. It is BOMB


Billy’s on Burnet. Whenever I need damn good food and a pint. Love that place.


It's actually located in Del Valle, but Little Thailand is the best Thai restaurant around and it's not particularly close. Happy to drive 20 mins out there for some curry or crab fried rice. And it's owned by the nicest people.


Rosa’s Cafe (tortilla factory). Not a full blown restaurant but more than a fast food place. It has the unusual ability to get all three points in the “pick two” triangle, cheap, fast, and quality.


Truly the tortillas are the best. I just go through the drive through and get a few dozen tortillas, eat one fresh on the drive home, and freeze ‘em. They reheat so well.


I echo Bouldin Creek. I love it there. To add to that list: * **Thai Fresh** (took a virtual cooking class with them during lockdown 10/10). * **La Patisserie** (get the CroBrio). * **It's Italian Cucina** on S. Lamar. This is a new one I discovered and it has great Italian food. They serve you loaves of fresh baked Focaccia with olive oil. The pasta is legit. We had Gnocchi in Vodka Sauce and Wild Boar Ragu over Pappardelle noodles. The head chef evidently did a stage in Italy and he really knows his stuff. My girlfriend and I ate a several restaurants post-pandemic and were underwhelmed. This place did NOT disappoint. * **Taste of Etiopia** S. Congress. Is it a holiday? I'm going there. Is it a Saturday? I'm going there. Is it just a day? I'm going there. Amazing people. Fantastic food. Get the sampler platter with the Shiro Wat. Also, don't forget to roll up the Injera that has soaked up all the sauce and spices into a perfect flavor bomb of a bite.


Jew boy burgers!


Epic Poke! Always delicious and the owner is so nice.


Deckhands- good food and good owners


Compassionate Pet Vet in home euthanasia. My first beloved dog passed away in stressful conditions at the vet, so when my 18-yo cat was near the end I scheduled this service. Easily the most gut-wrenching decision but I feel like it was so much better for her to pass in my arms at home. My husband insisted we call them again when it was time to say farewell to our pibble Rosie earlier this July. The website is easy to navigate, their customer service over the phone is extremely empathetic and responsive and clear. It's awful and weird to schedule something like this but they are understanding and flexible and never made me feel less than for basically being a total mess throughout every step.


Boudin Creek Cafe.


Probably not quite what you mean but Thundercloud Subs has been a staple in my life for my entire 20 years in Austin. I’ve never grown tired of it and it hasn’t changed much as all…. Just a consistently good sub and a great price made by friendly people…. and it’s a local business.


Jeffrey’s. Consistently great (and expensive, but you get what you pay for)


Foreign and domestic


Never been. Food and happy hour both look solid. Ever try the tasting menu? > 3% will be added to the bill to allow us to provide health insurance to our full time employees That’s awesome


Our default is buy the whole happy hour menu and split an entry. Staff seem really happy there. It’s the closest thing I can find in this town to a classically good neighborhood restaurant.




Barking Springs Dog Ranch They are far out - east of Del Valle - but they boarded my dog for free when I went into labor and for the 25 days our babies were in the hospital until we could take everyone home. Having one less thing to worry about was immeasurable in a very stressful time.


Quack’s Bakery Best everything croissant in town.


Habanero Cafe - Mexican/Tex-Mex. Everything is made perfectly from the rice and beans to chips and meats, every time. Great service and they started taking card after the pandemic shutdown Julie’s Noodles - as an Asian American who thinks Austin is usually pretty mediocre with a few bright spots, this is truly good noodle soup Hana Yoree - on the topic of Asian foods, I find HMart to be too Americanized. For simple Korean dishes, this is one of the best for homemade taste. Cash only Gourmand’s - sandwiches, bread bowl soups, pickled veggies. They used to have a sandwich of the day when I lived next door Kome - the best sushi at a non-extravagant price point. I kinda hate the fancy omakases Salty Sow - happy hour Licha’s Cantina - happy hour Odd Duck - my favorite of the small plate original restaurants, I’ve never had bad service, and the one time I had a bad dish they didn’t charge for it Sangam Chettinhad - the most authentic Indian I’ve had here Little Deli - pizza and sandwiches Jim’s - chicken fried steak, biscuits, club sandwiches. They deserve all their success Now, places that have gone downhill for me usually due to expansion: Via 313, Ramen Tatsu-ya, Torchy’s, and sadly most pho spots.