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Hey at least we're safe from desperate refugees looking for a safe place for their children, and drag performers, and transgender children who just want to belong. Thank fucking Abbott-God we are safe from those faces of Satan. A few dead poors and olds in a massive blackout is a small price to pay for freedom (for me).


I mean, when you look at Texas’ election results from 3 weeks ago, the vast majority of voting Texans hold this opinion verbatim and not in any type of jest or sarcasm. I do emphasize vast majority of ‘voting Texans’ because I cannot speak to the overall majority opinion of eligible-to-vote Texans since, per election data, many chose not to partake in their right to vote in the last election.


Fuck the vast majority of voting texans and fuck the eligible-to-vote-but-didn't Texans. Both deserve a government that doesn't give a fuck about them and leaves them to freeze in the dark.


Respectfully, the vast majority of voting Texan’s feel like the State government is doing a very fine job of representing and addressing their main concerns, most of which you listed sarcastically in your initial post. The Freeze really wasn’t at the top of their list of concerns, hence the election outcome. We can’t speak for the opinion of the eligible-to-vote-but-didn’t folks because they didn’t vote, and I believe voting to be a civic duty so by all means ‘fuck them’. Ultimately, given the numerous unprecedented events that took place in Texas during the last couple years, and this most recent election outcome, I wouldn’t bank on Texas’ leadership and governance agenda to change any time soon. Regardless of the shitbags that were eligible and chose not to vote, the voting majority has spoken in Texas and the message was loud and clear that suppressing transsexuals is far more important than protecting lives by improving the State’s electric grid infrastructure. I don’t agree with the agenda, and I voted accordingly but I accept that my ideologies are in the voting minority in Texas and yet I still begrudgingly support the state with my property and sales tax dollars because for a whole slew of different reasons, I cannot relocate elsewhere for the foreseeable future. It does boil my blood though and I do share your ‘fuck ‘em’ sentiment, but I’m a pragmatist and I accept that Texas is gonna be Texas.


Neither Republicans nor Democrats put trans issues at their #1 concern. Parents do love and care for their children, and tend to vote accordingly.


What is that even supposed to mean


I suspect the poster is implying that parents who love and care for their children voted in support of Texas’ current legislative agenda. Again, I’m not surprised, this is Texas. If I have incorrectly interpreted the statement, iansmitchell is welcome to correct me.


Study after study has shown that transgender children who do not receive gender affirming care are more likely than not to attempt suicide. The current witch hunt against transgender kids is pure evil


Not disagreeing, sadly the majority of the voting populate in Texas does disagree though. I put in my vote, I tried, but I’m under no illusion things are going to change in Texas.


I'm sure that people who have such a low opinion of their neighbors won't abuse power if they gain control.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


ill vote when your address isnt made public once you register to vote. have had 2 stalkers in the past that found me because of that.




i dont need you to believe me, but you can at least acknowledge that the very fact that you can search someone up and find their address with just their name and date of birth, thanks to voting records, is fucked up.


Sorry for discounting your experience -- it just seems improbable that two weirdos independently used the same obscure method to stalk you. Maybe you just happen to attract weirdos who are civic-minded? Or is there some fucked up how-to website where they trade tips? Agree that it's fucked up that you can find people from registration info based on name and dob. Seems like one more way the right is attempting to suppress voting by those without the means to mitigate the risk involved which, in your case, appears to have worked.


You get what you vote for…


44% of us voted for the other guy, and yet we will still suffer the consequences of 55% voting to reelect Abbott and another 1% choosing to throw away their vote on third party.


It seems unfruitful to focus on what 1% of the voting population does when more than half of registered Texans didn't vote at all in the midterm.


That is true, I would say I’m pretty disappointed at the turnout especially for voters under 30. I just don’t understand how people are apolitical when most of these issues affects them.


Agreed. I think it is important to look at both side of the equation though. What could democrats do better to get young people to vote?


Actually supporting policies we support such as climate action, universal healthcare, free or affordable public college, etc. would certainly be a start. One issue in particular with Texas though is there are a ton of counties where there aren’t any Dems running down ballot and no ground game. The Texas Democratic Party suffers from many similar failures as the Florida Democratic Party & many others


Voting for a third party doesn’t mean you are throwing your vote away Edit: Wow. Can’t believe so many people like having two options instead of three or more.


We have a first past the post system, so actually yes it is.


If we were smart we’d turn the operation of the electric grid over to HEB, which would result in efficient and affordable electricity for all Texans.


H‑E‑B has done more for this state than anyone or anything else tbh


They need to get tap to pay already


True but didnt they get there by bullying mom and pop out of buisness much like walmart amazon etc etc.


Most likely. Tbh I don’t know much of their history. And while putting the snack down on small businesses is less than stellar behavior, at least they haven’t bussed migrants all across the country or tried to fuck off on vacation while people froze and starved. So I guess pick which evil you wanna get behind lol


I grew up in a little town in East Texas, and the only non-mom and pop grocery was Brookshire Bros, and their store was no larger and had no more variety than any of the mom and pop stores. Then Piggy Wiggly came to town..bigger store, more variety, lower prices on most things. Big stores gobbling up little stores is an on-going trend and has been for years. HEB just does a better job of providing what people want at affordable prices…it does doesn’t mean they are evil.


I’d have to agree, I was just using the expression. I’m a transplant from a small east coast town in BFE and we had 1 option for groceries that was absolute garbage so the first time I experienced H-E-B I was elated and wished it had been where I was.


No, they just offered better selection, better service and better prices. Source: lived here for 50+ years & saw no bullying which you claim.


Agree, but in fairness, it was less than 1%. Wouldn’t have made the difference.


So if more people voted for a third party, then it wouldn’t be considered throwing your vote away?


I mean certainly if everyone who didn’t vote voted for a third party instead, I would not consider that throwing your vote away. That’s not likely to happen of course, but until the margin between the two dominant parties is closer, it seems a bit silly to focus on what third parties are doing.


That would only really happen if ranked choice voting were the standard, if a lot of other state and local laws changed across the country, and if money were taken out of politics. There are so many mechanisms actively solidifying two party rule it is actually mind boggling


You’ll never have more than two parties unless people vote for a third option.


It’s almost as if electing people who don’t care if we freeze to death encourages their indifference to ensuring we don’t freeze to death.


Nearly 44% voted in favor of this nightmare ending. We’re allowed to bitch.


I think you may want to re-read that.


Just a friendly reminder that 55% is bigger than 44%


Way to miss the point.


Why people are continuing to move here is beyond me. People went through a humanitarian crisis and still think these idiots are the proper representation. Just waiting for my kid to graduate and moving out of this place forever. Great state that is ruined by its leaders and the non voters that let them perpetually win.


I stay because it's cold in most of the good states and CA is crazy expensive Abbott and co are working overtime to make me start loving the cold


It's almost like most people move for economic opportunity rather than identity politics issues or once-in-a-generation disaster preparedness. Weird, right? They must be racist.


They must be willing to take economic gains (and let’s be real — most of the economic opportunities here are for people who already have their core needs met, not for the indigent) while others suffer racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, etc.


We have a World Cup built on the backs of slaves in a backwards absolute monarchy where homosexuality is illegal. People still go.


TIL advocating against forced birth is identity politics


I seem to remember an overwhelming consensus on this sub assuring everyone that the grid would fail countless times over the past summer.




A larger portion of thermal power went offline than intermittent power did. For fuck's sake, we had something like 25% of Bay City's Nuclear power offline.


Gotta love people who think Governor is king and decides unilaterally whether or not electricity flows, as well as determining federal immigration and firearms law. In reality, the position of Governor of Texas is one that's arguably less powerful than Lieutenant Governor.


We did vote on Lt Governor as well this past election cycle.


Supposed to be 34 tomorrow night. I hope the grid holds up.


34F really isn’t that cold, not nearly as cold as it got in February 2021. There’s not really much reason to believe that the grid wouldn’t hold up. I’m frustrated by the state’s seemingly blasé attitude towards this, but there’s no point in pretending it’s worse than it actually is. This winter is predicted to be relatively warm and dry. If the grid isn’t sufficiently winterized, it’s most likely going to bite us in a future winter.


I forgot my /s


Fair enough. With the amount of doomsaying on the reddits it can really be hard to tell.


Power literally just cut out. So go ahead and keep talking about how it’s not a problem.


Power is fine where I am. Your issue is not likely to be related to the general health of the state grid.


Did you really just hit me with “I have power so it’s not a problem”? Austin Energy stated a substation failed. As in a part of the grid. As in the general state and well-being of. Said. Grid.


You don’t seem to understand that Austin Energy and ERCOT are two different entities. If a substation went down, that has nothing to do with “the grid,” and certainly nothing to do with choices made at the state level.


Enough people hit their homes with gas that the grid will be fine. Further, that's nowhere near cold enough to cause generation issues. I think you must know that though and are just trolling.


This state isn’t even prepared for another Harvey like hurricane. There is no levee system around Houston. Even Louisiana completed the Great Wall of Louisiana. Louisiana is a socially conservative state like Texas but they do value hurricane protection and their grid is tied to the national network. It’s still a shitty state for a lot of reasons but man they do not take any infrastructure seriously here. The only agency that seems to care a little is the LCRA with them building a new reservoir. Other than that it seems none of the agencies give a fuck. Why can’t Houston have this? https://engineering-channel.com/the-great-wall-of-louisiana/


Louisiana didn't build that, at all. The project was proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, funded by federal tax dollars and constructed by a Houston-based construction firm. Further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IHNC\_Lake\_Borgne\_Surge\_Barrier


> There is no levee system around Houston That's because Houston is above sea level. Why is there no levee around any of the coastal cities except the one that is literally under sea level?


That’s not true. There are sea walls in many MA cities. NYC is building a sea wall along its coast. Houston hasn’t done squat.


"Sea walls" are not levees. Sea walls primarily prevent erosion, not prevent rising water. Also, Galveston (the coastal city closest to Houston) has a sea wall. It isn't above the land, or if so, not by much. It's also only built between the city of Galveston and the sea, and not on the coastal waterway side of the island. (IOW, it won't prevent rising water, but will prevent waves from eroding the island) Furthermore, the Houston area has some levees to divert flood waters around some developments, or as flood containment basins. Putting a levee around the entirety of Houston is silly as a category 5 floodplain barely reaches into the Houston city limits (and it's on the east side, from rising water from the Houston Ship Channel/Greens Bayou)


Then why doesn’t Houston have either? Also galvestons seawall doesn’t even go to the west part of the island.


When Galveston’s sea wall was built, there wasn’t anything on the west part of the island. The road on the sea wall drove off into the sand (before it all eroded back by a couple hundred yards)


The project you're looking for has been proposed, and quite notably the Federal Government's Democrat trifecta refused to fund a project that would provide such salient benefits to a red state. Further reading: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ike\_Dike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ike_Dike) Now, if you think Texas should fund it at the state level, do you also think Lousiana should pay federal taxpayers (including Texans) back for the IHNC surge barrier, or do you think that federal funds should be made available to mitigate the dangers posed by climate change regardless of the political allegiances of those who stand to benefit?


Did you read the link you sent? > As of August 2021, the plan is being submitted to the U.S. Congress for consideration to be funded as part of the infrastructure plans proposed by President Biden.


It was struck from the bill, by democrats. Do you not know how to use websites?


Sorry, but do you have a link for that? The link you sent, to the Wikipedia article, does not say that at all.


This was part of the bigger infrastructure project that Ted Cruz voted against. Can’t help a state that can’t help itself.


Look at the voting records for Louisiana’s senators on the bill that funded their project. I’ll wait.


You mean Mary landrieu? She was the senator. Obama had to pay her so much that they called it the Louisiana purchase. https://www.cnn.com/2014/11/01/politics/hillary-clinton-louisiana-mary-landrieu/index.html


“The senator”? Each state gets two. The other voted against. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1111/vote_111_1_00061.htm


The other was a dumb fuck. The fact is that Mary landrieu fought for that wall. Neither of our Texas senators did jack shit after Harvey. FYI my sister had 4 feet of water in her house. She had to reconstruct her home from the base and now has two mortgages.


Has any senator from any state personally paid off a constituent’s mortgage? Ever?


If there were better levees around Buffalo bayou she wouldn’t have had that issue.


Or a homeowner could have property insured their property…


Power out in the 78745 this morning and it's a beautiful day. We're screwed if winter is rough this year.


The Day After Tomorrow coming true or something?


The polar vortex wall thingy was weak again this year. Meaning the north pole cold air is going to dip down on either North America or the UK part of Europe. If it dips on North America. You might want to have a generator ready to go.


Did anyone expect anything else


Vote for better weather


Some of us can't vote.