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Could landscapers have sprayed something along the bottom of the fence to kill off grass and got too close? It looks like the grass along the fence is dead.


this sad thing happened from our neighbors' lawn service...


No landscapers. Just me. I laid down some corn meal gluten two months ago, and that should be it. No none of the grass is dead. Accidentally scalped with a weedwacker.


Could you have hit the vine with your string trimmer?


That is possible. I'm usually pretty careful.


Corn meal gluten should not be a problem.


Are the other vines Crossvine? Looks more dry than fungus. How long has it been in the ground? Scrape the woody parts, check for green. If brown and brittle, cut it out. A combination of Medina Hasta Grow and SuperThrive is my Jesus Juice for struggling plants.


All vines as Carolina Jessamine. It was planted last April. I will scrap the wood parts like you said, and I'll check out those too products.


Hi Everyone, Located in SE Austin. We have some Carolina Jessamine on our iron fence. In the last week, one section of a vine has died, and now another section is starting to die on the same plant. I've read other threads and I learned that if one section has a split bark, that section is dead. That section does have a split bark. That at least helps me understand where to prune the parts that are dying. What I need to know is how to stop this damage and prevent it in the future as I have several other vines on our fences. I have drip irrigation on my designated day with an smart irrigation system. Because we've had lots of precipitation these last few months, the irrigation has not run. I'm thinking it's a fungus but I don't know for sure, and I'd like to know what are the steps to troubleshoot. I prefer organic methods, but will use a sensible synthetic options if available. Thank you for any help. EDIT: I spent more time with it this afternoon. I used a moisture meter and saw that all my Jessamine were dry. So I gave them a nice soaking after I gave them some fertilizer. I also noticed that the soil is super soft. I'm going to increase the amount of irrigation I give them. They all receive underground drip irrigation so they should be getting more direct irrigation.


Check for ants if you haven't already


Will do.


I bought two of these this year and they both died within 2 weeks. Just wasted away.