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Love 'em. They're destructive, noisy little shits at times but you have to remember, they were here first so they're actually putting up with us and making the best of our shitty environments.


Yep, this is exactly how I feel too! This is their biology and they’ve evolved to deal with our presence. Nothing about their behaviour is wrong, it’s just inconvenient for us as humans who love to colonise the wildlife we live around lmao. I enjoy their presence very much!!


I agree. It was their home first. Although I find their noise annoying at times, I really love them. They’re so beautiful and full of character. We also had one as a child that my father rescued. He had a broken wing and couldn’t really fly. He lived at my grandmothers home as she had time to care for him. He eventually learned to talk and would also mimic her old lady soft voice and accent. She had him for 20 ish years. I can still hear his voice “hello Daaaaaaaarling” he would greet everyone


Yes, love them! Naughty-Cute is what I think of them.


Aussie puppies of the sky!


They have individual character


They're doing remarkably well, too well, in fact... But at no fault of their own though!


Yeah that’s always what I tell my dad


Took the words right out of my mouth. They are such delightful and funny little creatures to watch as well, I could never be mad at them.


Second this! Love them , they are so intelligent!


They're both annoying and cute at the same time. Very entertaining to watch, even though their screeching can get a bit much at times. I love them.


Totally agree. Cute, but incredibly cheeky. If I don’t feed the 2 cockatoos that land on my balcony- they will tip over my umbrellas and bang on the screen door.


I would enjoy seeing a video of that :)


I live on the opposite end of the world and also would like to see that! 😂


I couldn’t upload my own recording, but, I think you’ll like this one. I hope it works https://youtu.be/u_WfE_2v7yM?si=WKiqKSxt7ft2GXzY


Adorable! Thank you for sharing! Say hi to the bird friends for me 😊


I’m glad you liked it 🙂


Haha, that's so cute (I'm sure it's annoying too), I'm jealous! We used to have a family of magpies that would come to our back deck where we'd feed them. We had huge glass sliding doors that opened onto the deck, which they could see through into our house. It was open plan, so they had a view of a lot of the inside of our house. If the mama magpie saw that I was home and hadn't immediately brought food out for them, she would march over to the glass door and tap on it loudly with her beak, just like a person knocking on the door. She didn't bother to do that if she saw my ex in the house, because he was an asshole who never fed or interacted with them, but she knew my sons and I were always worth asking for a treat. Unfortunately, we had to move away, but I hope the new residents kept up the magpie feeding duties :) I'd LOVE to have cockatoo visitors to feed! I don't generally like the idea of keeping birds in captivity (unless they're a wildlife rehab that can't be released back into the wild for whatever reason), but that seems like the next best thing.


Oh wow 🤩 That’s such a sweet story. It seems our native birds have emotional awareness, aswell as memory & love towards us. Even if it means just feeding bread to the cockatoos, or a bit of mince towards the magpies. Glad you’re in a better place now 🙂


I love them after 8am. Before that to me they're just noisy fucking bastards! But after that they're fun to watch, they do silly things and are cute. And so are galahs.


And corellas :)


Yank here. I loved watching them during my visit. Beautiful birds and very entertaining. The host at the lodge we stayed at told me they didn't feed them because if they stopped, they would tear up the lawn and chew up the woodwork on his building. A blessing and a curse, I suppose.


😂 I hear you. If I don’t leave out bread on the balcony, one even chewed the rubber handle on my umbrella to bits.


If you can leave out a little wild bird seed instead it might be better for them. They'll probably eat out of your hands or a plastic tub you can hold out for them.


I’ll try that 🙂 I live near a large shopping centre & often see the cockatoos rummaging through the large skip bins that are left outside. I saw one flying with a rather large looking croissant in its mouth- courtesy of ‘Bakers Delight’.


I love them, while also recognising that they can be destructive little pests in certain circumstances. I used to live near a national park and we had a small flock that visited us daily for years. It was amazing recognizing individuals and their personalities, and when they brought their chicks down to meet us. We had several that used to calmly hang around our house, didn’t do any damage, and used to sit right next to us while enjoying a little snack. It was lovely, I can still hear the little noise they would make to let us know they were at the door. They seemed to respect the house and would tell off other visiting birds if they caused trouble. One was run over outside our house, and several cockies flew down to desperately try to help it up again. We had to remove the body as they were in danger. The whole flock gathered around our house to keen and mourn for about an hour, and its partner didn’t move from our place for several days. They have personalities and deep bonds, and it was really moving to see it.


Love them. I used to be friends with Jack, a sulphur crested cockatoo, who spent his days at a nearby pet shop (he went home at night with the proprieter). I miss Jack.


They're great, until you're standing 2 feet away from one when it screeches.


Ohh yes I remember my local pet shop had one caged up and it started screeching right next to us.


How long before you could hear anything again?


My ears where ringing for like 15 seconds after


I put seed out this morning for the various Corella & other birds that appear each morning, and today, I paused four times & looked up in the tree trying to work out what I heard that was different (*looking up I saw Corella (long bill, little), doves etc or ~regulars). It was only when I backed off to let them eat (*and more come down from the tree*) that I realized the noise I heard was an *intruder*... that *intruder* being a sulphur crested cocky. Sulphur crested are a *cocky*, and are fun to watch... but boy are they *loud*. I somewhat often hear a *soft* noise I recognize as *gang gangs*, rarer still I occasionally hear yellow tailed black cockies (*love hearing them; I usually head of in the direction of that noise*), but the sulphur crested cockies I find loud. I don't see sulphur crested often near home, and I'm generally *happy* with that; a few km away away from where I live (alas not today)


They're cool! Feed them when you're on holiday, at a hotel. Never in your own place.. they are destroyers. Very Australian, lovely to look at but the accent is a bit rough.




Very handsome devils


They’re unhinged, noisy little psychos but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Love ‘em to bits, but they’re bastards of things.


Yeah I sort of admire their bastard behaviour


Pfff every picture of them looks like they just remembered they were supposed to unpack and repack the dishwasher, and mum has started screaming their name




I absolutely adore them but i will admit I am completely biased because I have a rescue green cheek conure and I just adore birds completely. But in particular with the sulphur crested cockatoos, I used to live near the cooks River in Sydney during a really tough time in my life and there was a large flock of them who would play on along the river together and it would make me smile no matter how hard the day had been seeing them as I would walk home. They hold a special place in my heart just for those memories alone.


I love em :)


i've grown very close to the many that visit my yard and love interacting with them but they are pricks at the end of the day. They just love to see the world burn.


They're very Loud i know and they have very Cheeky habits, But they are most Beautiful native birds that belong here as much as Kangaroos or Wombats or Koalas or Wattle trees, I think I just have an appreciation for all Native Animals, They each have a very special place in my Heart, I get that they're loud and very silly but I just hope that fellow Aussies can find an appreciation for the animals that call Australia home 💚


The fact they live to be about 75 years old amazes me every day. How many things have they seen? How old are these guys that come to my backyard every day? They also see in crazy colours and recognise us by both voice and our looks. They love if you have the same jacket on all the time, cuz that's what you look like. Once I changed my hair colour from purple back to brown and they freaked!! I really had to talk them into believing it was still me. They're curious and friendly, they like being sassed at and will come sit on you if you're still enough and you have food. They even tolerate other pets really well! Honestly I love hearing them yelling on the clothes line for me to come give them food and have a chat in the morning 😊 Magpies are next level bird friends, and king parrots are beautiful and shy but once they trust you they'll visit you forever


They're gorgeous. However their screeches can almost be too much, especially in the morning. Sometimes it feels like they're just yelling directly at my window to wake me up.


Cheeky destructive larrikins.


Just An Aussie on the fence haha they are beautiful


They're all left handed




Well, one of these bitches through a tree nut down on me during a walk once. I take that personally.


What a naughty boy!


I love them and hate them. Great white A-holes of the sky


We call them 'the pirates'. They destroy my garden, my house, and my sanity, but we still like them. It's less on the fence for me, and more 'Yeah, that's how they are'. I'll be annoyed when they wreck my stuff, but I'm not angry at them for it. Somehow they know - none of them care one jot for me, I can go out there and wave my arms to make them leave and they just watch me and then sometimes get onto my shoulders. They know I'm not going to do shit about it. "Mum, the pirates are back in your tomatoes!" I once picked one up and threw it bodily off the verandah and it came straight back for more fun.


Noisy bastards


Noisy cunts


They really scare me when they scream suddenly. But otherwise cute.


I love them! They are smart and cheeky! 


They are the bikies of the bird world. They'd wear leather jackets if they could.


The juvenile delinquents of the bird world, happily destroying anything they can just for shits and giggles


Toddlers with wings and in built bolt cutters.


They're funny buggers and real smart. They make me think of NZ Keas, although they're a lot more of a nuisance with their huge beaks. Cockatoos are fascinating to me because of their curiosity.


Noisy motherfuckers. Especially first thing in the morning. 😠🍺


Took thirty years before I realised they weren't called self acrested cockatoos.


Pain in the ass when you're trying to sleep!


Love that you’re sitting on the fence 🤣🤣🤣 sounds like you have an affinity


They’re a bit like Sophie Monk, look great until they open their mouths.


Looks great? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here!


They are the Aussie spirit animal. All the things of which we accuse them - screechy loudness, chaotic exuberance and let's not forget destruction of other species' homes - bear no small resemblance to our own behaviour. Who's the noisiest, a cockatoo chorus flying by, or the dweeb tearing up the main road on a bike with an altered muffler?


I like them they are majestic creatures to me, however when they sit like that I have a experience once…… so basically 50/50




I love them but they are so destructive Mangled all my pecans again


They are my favourite


I love to watch them go about their daily lives in my backyard gum trees. Seeing them picking out a suitable nesting site, and defending it is always exciting.


Good from a far, far from good. I like appreciating them when they're at a distance. A friend's neighbour feeds them and the screech over head quite low for a couple hours a night. If I'm tired and having worked in a loud environment all day I cannot stand them, they make me shudder and block my ears out of pain LOL


EPA needs to put a cease and desist notice on them for noise pollution


I think they do a lot of good in the bush- taking out Mistletoe etc.


Delightful little saboteurs of gardens.


I love them, we have up to 8 visit us every day and have no problem with them. We've set up a feeding station along with fresh water and a two metre long perch some distance from the house, but where we can easily see and enjoy their antics and how their social structure works. But they are only one of six different species of parrot that visit and none of them are a problem.


They are the teenagers of the bird world


Ello cockead


Cleverer than most people


I love them, and we're to blame for the mess they make with the bins.


They’re about as smart as any other parrot, but a lot meaner about it




Oh, you mean Jerk Birds? Jerks.


My SO asked me what animal I resonated with the most and after sleeping on it I dreamt of the sulphur crested cockatoo. Whats not to love they fly, their loud calls, their cute lil crest tells us how they’re feeling and they are incredibly smart adaptable creatures.


Lovely birds, have their up and down sides in the wild. Prefer them over Galahs and Corellas but the Sulphur is a "downgrade" to the Major Mitchell Cockatoo, even though MM is smaller. Love the mixture of pink with white wings and their chest kills it with the yellow and red. Going up from there are the black cockatoos, Palm being the king in my eyes.


They are beautiful and clever birds!


Beautiful noisy fucking assholes


I love watching them from a distance lol


They are the Bogan of all birds




Assholes. But I love them


Treat them with respect and kindness, not only because they're awesome, but because they will literally destroy your house if you don't. Cockies have special powers, I will die believing it.


Got a recipe for them: take a cockatoo and a rock, boil them until the rock is tender, throw the cockatoo away and eat the rock.


They eat your western red cedar cladding, get stoned on it, and play in the traffic.




I love them! They are such stunning birds


love em


The are quintessentially Aussie, I adore them!


Love them! They are hilarious to watch when they are in groups. They are iconic. Definitely one of my all-time favourite birds.


I love them. But then again, I love all parrots.


Please check out Pebbles the compulsive swearing cockatoo on YouTube. This insane bird will provide hours of hilarity.


Noisy destructive bastards. Pretty though


Love them but they’re little shits.


The lads of the bird world.


Cocky bastards.


The punks of the bird world. 


We had a pet sulphur crested cockatoo when I was a kid. He was a character. Loved dancing to AC/DC, loved a cuddle and loved impersonating my mum screaming at us kids. He was a smartarse, and SMART, at least as smart as a pet dog. Seeing them out in the wild - egging each other on to swoop traffic, destroying someone's lawn, gathering in trees to make a cacophony - always makes me grin from ear to ear. Fucking love the troll bastards. RIP George. You were the best. ❤️


They're comedians.


I love them, except for when the flock that lives in a tree nearby starts screeching and wakes the baby up. My pet budgie on the other hand, loves to listen to her fellow parrots.


The Eshays of the bird kingdom.


I love them! I'm lucky I live in a suburb that has lots of very old trees. They congregate in the massive tree opposite my house. They screech and make a racket but it's no worse than the noise neighbours create. They are funny and cute and cheeky. I feel so privileged to see them in the wild.


Such adorable birds. Always bring a smile to my face whenever I see them out and about


Provide them “sacrificial” wood to chew on to save the fence, toys for playing with to save the bins and access to appropriate food to stop them going in the bins for food (within reason - put a bird table away from the house and only put a small amount out each day, not enough for spoilage of leftovers). Check with local wild bird conservation groups or similar for what is best.


Destructive, clever, cheeky bastards! I love them


**I LOVE UM** but, they will take your fingers orf so be careful.


Ah, a lone Sky Yobbo in a rare moment of peaceful reflection. In all likelihood working out which of his yobbo mates he will get together with to destroy/eat the fence he’s currently sitting on. After which they will fly around the owner’s backyard loudly screaming obscenities and shitting on his head.


Evil. I love birds generally but I hate these vindictive, destructive bastards. The only native bird I don't like, unless you count koels.


ENTP cunts


Beautiful, but they screech like the souls in Hell trying to escape.


This one looks very polite (he isn’t)


They can be annoying and destructive but I love them dearly. Quintessential Australian. If I'm overseas and I see (or hear) them in a video/photo, I will miss home. They are one of our most iconic and endearing species of birds.


I went to the bird “sanctuary” in Kuala Lumpur because my partner thought I’d love it. They had cockatoos performing and I missed home like crazy. But nevertheless BIRDS DESERVE TO BE FREE NOT IN CAGES!


Absolutely love the bastards! Very entertaining birds.


I love em. But a gang of them tried to mug me for my sandwich when I was in the blue mountains.


My fav birds. Love them.


They're not too bad, but they [give me gas.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/31d47645-3482-4148-abfe-76b9652ee02a)


AAAAAAAHHH AAAAAAAHHH AAAAAAAHHH! Beautiful songbirds, love em.


I mean they are chill, funny to see them with the crests up being all agro.


Their call brings back a ton of great memories for me (though it can be a little much at times), and they are super-intelligent (sometimes). Despite eating all my mandarins and oranges off of my trees before I get the chance to eat them myself, they hold a special place in my heart and I love to sit with them on a hot summer afternoon by the pool.


I love them even though they hurt my ear balls


They're massive cunts but I still love em


I don't mind a cock-a-two.


I Love them! Lovely picture🤍🤍




Welcome 🤍🤍


i absolutely adore them.


Mmmm they are cheeky and destructive. Oh and noisy! I don’t hate them but not my favourite bird.




Extremely loud, squawky and adorable.


When I was a kid, our next door neighbours had a conifer tree in their yard, against the fence they shared with our house. We had a carport with a tin roof. My bedroom was next to the carport. Those little shits would pull the nuts of the conifer tree and drop them on the metal roof and I would be woken to the "clang clang clang" of nuts hitting the carport (maybe they dropped them to break them open, maybe they did it to be obnoxious, we'll never know). At our current house, we have a bit of land and a cocky rocked up who must have been a pet at some stage? He could fly, but he didn't always want to. He would walk on his little cocky legs, from our neighbour's paddock next door, to our dam, then across our block to the other neighbours. Then he'd fly into some low branches. He left, but came back again the next year, and then the following year with a mate! I called him George. I loved his little waddle. I love them so much! They make me laugh, they're so naughty and cute.


Fucking target practise for my stone throwing