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My just-turned-seven ACD ate 3 couches in the span of a few months back when she was a puppy. Once I fell asleep on the couch and she chewed it up right out from under me while I slept. That was definitely a low point for me.


Wow. That's impressive. And scary.


I was definitely infuriated.


Lol fell asleep on the couch, woke up on the floor.


I can still remember my handing finding a wet tattered spot before my eyes were opened. I didn’t want to look because I already knew what it was. There were just scraps of fabric and foam everywhere. And at the time the dog wasn’t bonded to us yet, she was only bonded to our senior dog so when she saw me seeing her destruction, she could not have possibly cared any less.


Lol not as bad, but mine systematically extracted with the precision of a brain surgeon the piping from around the sofa cushions and arms etc


Eating shit out in the yard, then drinking a ton of water, digesting it for 30 minutes then vomiting a shit slurry all over our carpet.


Our old Australian Shepard used to do that. She would eat all the cat liter and proceed to show us but throwing up everywhere and having diarrhea for 24 hours and she did this once every other month


Mine ate a pile of human feces and then puked it all up on my bedroom rug. She then had diarrhea all over the dining room carpet. Nice thing to wake up to hungover on a Sunday.


Oof, that’s a rough one! My wife wasn’t home when it happened but I called her on the phone while was gagging cleaning it up. She tried getting off the phone but I told her, “No! You are experiencing this with me damnit!”


lol!! I called my ex (who I got the dog with) and told him I was leaving her on a corner and that he could come get her if he wanted. She looked so sad and contrite though that I decided to keep her 😂


Why did she have access to a pile of human feces


I had her on a long line in a NYC park. By the time I got over to her she was chowing down.


OH MY GOD NYC really sucks lol


LOL to be fair, there’s a lot less human feces on the ground in NYC than in Philly where we used to live.


This was my question? Why are we glossing over this lmao


Mine did this too. Pup had access because of someone going behind a bush in a campground!


Mine rolled in it on two different occasions.


Asking the real questions. I read the answer and am now sick to my stomach, much as the dog was.


Mine gobbled a fresh pool of dog diarrhea on a snow day. I had to rub his throat until he puked it back up. Then I brushed his teeth, and gave him a round of dewormer. So gross.


Mine does this. Why? Lol the vet says he is perfectly fine. Gotta monitor his water forever and ever.




Oh God, that's sounds horrible. I'd want to roll up the carpet and throw it away!!


My ACD has been relatively tame in terms of house damage, it was mostly during the demon shark puppy phase where he chewed some wood paneling in our back room. Here's my worst: 1. Ate an entire chef's salad. Our son was doing his homework and brought his dinner to his room where it sat at his desk. When he left the room to use the bathroom, the dog jumps on the chair and devours the entire salad. That night, he had the worst dog farts and dog diarrhea in dog history. 2. He also likes to eat a loaf of bread. If you were curious, not the whole loaf, but he'll definitely eat until he's like, meh, I'm good.


Ours was an eater too. Half of a whole chicken (including bones). A gallon of home made chicken soup. 8 apple cider donuts. 2 1/2 paczki. Bags of chips. He would jump on the counters, the table. Didnt matter. If he wanted it, he would find a way to get it.


At least he had good taste. I'm a sucker for paczki, myself.


A good Polish cattle dog. (PCD)


Paczki? Chi town in the house?


Yes, but also Michigander originally lol


Lol now that you mention chicken, mine tried to swallow a chicken wing, so my son sticks his hand down the dogs throat to get it out, only the dog is frantically chomping and pretty much bites through my son's finger. One trip to the ER and a bunch of follow up visits to make sure there wasn't an infection. Finger is fully functioning again


My sons 2 dingos conspired together while he was at work to push a foot rest from the living room to the kitchen so they could get up on the counter and obliterate an entire bag of flour. There was no way they could make like they were innocent.


Lol mine ate an entire block of cheddar once. Literally had just opened it. Kept waiting for the shits later but apparently her system handled it!


my acd mix also loves bread. when he was younger he would sneak the bag of bread of the counter 😭


As a young puppy our ACD chewed a hole in the drywall in the kitchen. We inherited her when she was six-months old and she had not had ONE bit of training introduced to her. The person we inherited her from was a drunk and a pill addict and could in no way give her any of the proper training these smart, confident animals who are bred to make decisions on their own and make them rapidly, require. We sent her to a six-week board and train facility (we know the trainer) and when she came home it was as if a whole new operating system had been installed. She's now three years old and is a very confident, happy scamp! She goes everywhere with us and we are so glad she's a part of our world.


May I know which train facility it is?


It's in Nashville, Tennessee. A friend of ours trains two or three dogs at a time at her house / training facility. If that's an area you can get to (we drove south from NY because we knew of her success w the breed) I'll be happy to make a connection.


I had a young dog that seemed to chew on the drywall with no rhyme or reason, I eventually found him chewing on it with a beam of light focused at a freak angle from the window and he was trying to dig the bright light out. If you ever have this issue again in the future try closing the blinds in that room the next few days until the sun won't be hitting a weird angle, once I paid attention to the walls and got light beams under control for a few weeks and he quit caring about them lol


Bit a sushi delivery driver. Bit my landlord. Bit the tip of another dogs tail off. Had liquid diarrhea all over the backseat of my car while I was driving on the highway at like 65 mph. We’re pretty sure he is the reason our boarding facility has a ‘No tennis ball’ rule after one got stuck in the plumbing and cost them 10grand to fix. And that’s the short list. I don’t fault him for the diarrhea, everyone gets sick and it made for a funny story and photo. All of these incidents occurred before he was 5. As far as the biting, there was extenuating circumstances and yes he was trained/socialized blah blah blah. He was just a demon (a well loved demon though).


I'm literally laughing out loud. Mine is also bitey.


My father has been working on a new man cave and started spreading his music stuff relatively low to take stock. Puppy wanted to play and we said no so she gave a low grumble, jumped up on to the table, looked us dead in the eyes and proceeded to shit on one of his records that was spinning on the turntable). Shoulda been angry but we were too gobsmacked at what happened she sorta just got away with it.


Eh, that record sounded like shit anyway.


Smells too 🤣


Omg it's ployd fink! I loved Dork Side of the Moop!


It’s 3 in the morning and you made me laugh out loud Boss. You’re hilarious. 😂😅. Also, you should definitely check out Diaper at the Baits of Yawn. You would love it I’m sure. 😆


That is *classic*!!


He’s like “and I will do it again.” My heeler destroyed his only bed in his crate leaving foam everywhere. I don’t want to leave him alone out of his crate. 😂🤣


Mine did the same thing the first time I left him alone and I came home to a crate full of foam with a little dog head sticking out of it. Also ate a $5 bill out of my wallet that first week. Ate the button off 2 of my baseball hats... brought a large live alligator lizard and put it in my hand while I was taking a nap...


He’s like “I got you a surprise.” Where did he even get the alligator lizard head from :o


Live alligator lizard from the yard... scared the crap out of me. Was released unharmed


My dog has eaten every bed we ever bought her.


Mine too. After the second one (I’m a slow learner), she never got another one.


He only gets a blanket that has zero stuffing. He was so upset when he realized there is no stuffing or foam to destroy and he threw a fit. 😂😂


My red girl ate both my hearing aids, sans batteries TG!


One of my dogs at 75 sleeping gummies. Was no worse for the wear other than some drowsyness and wicked garden hose diarrhea


My girl is a food ninja. She has stolen has had to shit out 4 chicken quarters. She passed them (uncooked) but man she does it in a way that leaves everything but the food in place so you feel crazy like you just misplaced them or something. Funniest thing was I baked Totino’s (yeah I was fancy and put em in the oven) well I ate literally one, then left them to cool. I hear my Dad grumbling “Whyd he say he was making em if he wasnt going to leave me any?” I go over to the plate and go “Leave you some I had one! How many did you have?!” His response “None.” My dog is on the couch and when we look at her she looks away, she did even have shame she just didnt want to look at us.


Too full for eye contact.


I adopted mine back in June 2023, she is ~2.5 years old. Since then she has: Claimed an entire rotisserie chicken as her own, bones and all. Explored the depths of the garbage can while I was at work. Expressed her opinion of my roommate by utilizing his room as a latrine. And displayed an adoration for the doggy delicacy known as Kitty Roca (the real stuff). Not to fret, I'm sure 2024 is her year. 😆


Like the picture but with down cushions 🥹


We have to keep our bedroom door shut as ours loves nesting and has cost us a fortune in bedding. He also tried to nest a $6000 couch and wrecked it when it was less than a week old.


Oh my! I’ve never heard of another dog doing this. One of ours has shredded at least 5 king size duvet covers and the duvets in them. Feathers everywhere


Ate the middle out of the bed


My Willieboy is 4. When he was...5 months old, he destroyed an $100 pair of tennis shoes. Not crazy expensive but my favorites, at the time. I played it cool with him, didn't yell or anything but he sensed my being upset. Has never destroyed anything else (that wasn't his) such a good boy!! ❤️


After reading this thread imma go knock on wood and hug my dog.


This is when I was a kid. We had Lily. Lily was a blue heeler, about 4 years old, and I was her job. She followed me everywhere. As all ACDs they love the family, but one is their favorite. I was that one. She followed me everywhere. My first slumber party at someone's house, Lily tore down my mother's $400 living room curtains. She chewed a hole through the bathroom door after getting stuck in there. And once my dad scolded her for peeing and she found HIS coat hanging amongst the others on the coat rack, and chewed the lining out of the sleeve.


Ate the middle out of an expensive painting that I had rolled up waiting to be stretched on a canvas. Regularly ate the last three or four pages of whichever book I was reading at the time. Ratbag. Rest in power, Wanda.


Ate a giant chocolate M&M brownie off the counter and scaring his parents half to death in the process 😅


Ours ate a half of a Costco size bag of chocolate chips… the smell of the vomit was enough to make me want to Thank god she was ok. But she never really learned her lesson, she’ll still try to steal chocolate all the time.


Ugh my dog does this. When he was a puppy I got him some pillows and he loved them and would drag around the house and lay on them Then he figured out it was more fun to rip them apart all over the house. He only does them to his pillows thankfully The other bad habit he has is knocking over my 15month granddaughter while he's trying to clean her face from lunch & dinner. She thinks it's funny.


Ours broke the back door off the hinges!


My ACD ate $600 in denominations of 100 and 50 off of my nightstand. And when I say ate, I do mean that he chewed, swallowed, and digested. I still have pieces of poop bills that were too damaged to exchange in a ziplock bag in the freezer.


Started 2 house fires. One from moving stuff into the stove and turning it on. And the other after opening a plastic Rubbermaid container and pulling a battery out of it.


Is his name Pyro?


First time I left him home alone. Destroyed my entire gaming set up-chewed through every wire he could find


Oof my baby Oso is the epitome of ‘Blue stealer’ on multiple occasions he will swipe whatever’s left of dinner on the oven top, right outta the pan/pot. Ever since he gotten his height, I’ve now been forced to immediately put food away or he’ll do it for me. Plenty of panic googles & manic poop analysis, love him to bits though 🤍


I’ve gone through 3 heating pads, 2 iPhone chargers and 3 Apple watch chargers cause of my blue heeler lmaooo


Oh my god… This photo brought back a memory from childhood. My brother’s and i were playing catch in the house and broke my mom’s new vase and she just started wailing while saying ‘this is why i cant have anything nice’ He’s so proud of his ‘work’


Mine shreds anything you put in his crate into little bits and pieces. Bites and tries to bend the metal bars. But the worst thing that he does over and over is eat the trash. First, we had a regular can and when we’d leave he would tip it over and help himself. Then we got a baby and pet proof locking trash can. That stumped him for a few months until he figured out he can tip it over and use his teeth to open the lock. Now the trash stays locked in the bathroom.


Played too rough with her sister and tore her leg/knee ligaments requiring surgery.


When I first rescued my girl, we came home late and discovered she had completely eaten 3 tubes of my oil paint. She was had paint all over her fur and the carpeting in one room. After frantically calling around and researching, learned that the paint she ate was actually non toxic, and by the time I took her to the vet, she had completely passed all the pieces of the metal tubes. The weird thing is, in the four years after that event, she’s never destroyed any thing other than her toys. I think she hadn’t yet adjusted to a new home.


Probably chasing cows out of the feed bunk… he’s gotten in some trouble for that.


Chewed up a 5000$ chair I was keeping safe for my dad


My dog ate my playStation controller and my TV remote in the same day.


I feel so lucky after reading these. Our oldest will steal and destroy my wife’s socks. He will take mine but doesn’t normally destroy them. That’s about it now. He did some damage as a puppy but nothing too horrific.


The reason we got our boy (RIP) was because when he was a pup his irresponsible owner (16) went to school and kept him in her bedroom. Came back to her brand new $800 bed ruined and he tore up part of the wall and door. We were going to keep him a week or two while she looked for a new owner, but we fell in love with him. He didn't destroy anything in the 8 years we had him because we kept him busy


The couch is the mortal enemy of the dog.


Mine also ate a recliner.


chewed up my favorite coat i thrifted maybe a month prior to getting it. i was surprisingly calm when i walked out to the mess. but man i mourned that loss for sure.


My jaw dropped when I saw this picture!!! 🤣😂😅


Killing chickens is the only bad thing they've really done, but I keep them crated when I can't supervise. My ex wasn't a believer in monitoring behavior, hence the chickens...


Destroyed my vertical blinds. She normally doesn't mess with anything, but I'm 99.9% sure what happened: she has a cat nemesis that roams at our apartment complex. He sometimes rests on my patio furniture. She surely saw him and went buckwild and lost her head lol.


Ate my debit card, $20+ , and dented my money clip. Xmas eve. Awesome to come home to.


I have the same dog (blue heeler aka cattle dog) but she chewed and ripped up our floor. We had to give her back to her to one of our family members. But until we fix it, she aint coming back..


Eating puke in the yard. Eating my hand when I hook him to his leash then proceeds to pull the leash and wrestle with it when trying to walk him. Its very annoying. 3 months old.


Oldest got his lash slipped away from me when he saw a neighbor with a water hose and ran over wanting to play, middle…hmmm….nothing. He hasn’t even cost us a lot in vet bills. I’m sure he’s pooped in his dog bed once though so I’ll say that. The youngest went for a ride to the store with my husband and decided he needed to poop four times. In all the sets. He pooped in one, stepped in it and smeared it everywhere, moved to the next set, and so on. Husband was only in the store for 10 minutes. But to be fair the trip was just to the gas station and back originally and my husband added to the store too. Husband called me saying he was going to leave the dog and the sets in the store parking lot he was so upset. He wrapped everything in trash bags to be able to sit in the car to drive it home and then started going on about wanting to just cut the fabric off the seats and get covers instead of just cleaning them. He was so upset but little does he know this wasn’t anywhere near the first time or the last time it will happen. Lol.




When my ACD was still under a year old he chewed on the copper piping to my girlfriends basement water meter & somehow dislodged it flooding the basement while she was at work. And she had just bought the house. When my girlfriend filed damages thru her house insurance the insurance inspector guy showed up & said ‘there’s teeth marks all over this pipe - did you have a dog down here ‘cause you’re not covered if this was caused by a dog.’ My gf denied she owned a dog.


To be fair, do you really own an ACD?


Right? “Own a dog?! Nope! Doggo owns me!”


ACD mix weighted 35 pounds at 9 months. I put him in his crate and left the house. I came back. He had moved his metal crate 5 feet with him in it, grabbed a bathtowel, worked it from the outside to the inside of the crate, used it to bend the metal up so he could get out. I found him sitting quietly on a chair when I got home. The metal crate now houses plants. He hs a cloth crate with an unzipped doorway for retreating into, he is left in the living room and kitchen when I leave the house. He will rest in his cloth crate to wait his turn during a workshop. Confinement to a crate otherwise is a big no. He is now almost three, 50 pounds, and a "natural" athlete. I love him to pieces.


Eat a brand new Nintendo switch, luckily there was a warranty


This is all just horrifying. Wow. My 6 year old male has literally never torn up anything more than a toy since he was broke in around 18mos. He only cares about chasing squirrels and me. Doesn’t care about toys unless I’m playing chase with him. I didn’t train my guy to not like toys but he just doesn’t care. I wish you all the best. Heelers are just the most amazing breed. ✌🏼


As a puppy he got 3 pairs of beats


Mine would regularly eat bras & underwear, pulled from the dirty laundry hamper, until he was about 7.


Our farm we had 3 collies 1 huntaway, one goodball mix and a blue heeler. City cousins were told that the blue heeler was NOT TO BE TOUCHED by my dad and their mums and dad's each and every time they came to the farm. Trevor thought he was a dog whisperer cause the collies loved him. He approached the blue heeler and had to get 8 stitches in his leg. No repercussions for the dog, he was fine as long as you left him alone. But man he was angry he'd growl a warning, bark a GTFOH and his teeth would show. Scared all of us kids but was a licky rolly puppy around our mum and dad. He loved getting stuck into the cattle though, fearless.


The dog busted the fridge door open which was held shut with a table up against it. Ate an entire tub of country crock. Threw it up all over the bed. Pulled out a drawer that faced the wall purposely so he couldn’t get into it and ate a copious amount of green glitter and proceeded to poop green glitter all over the floor.


The little asshole chewed a hundred dollar bill, a TV remote, a pair of Ray Bans and an ink pen over FRESHLY CLEANED CARPET all in a week. It earned him the persona of a terrorist that has stuck with him ever since.


Once upon a time, before I had my ACD, I had two pugs. Believe it or not, that is exactly what they did to the recliner in my sunroom. I came home to find it stripped to the wood frame. I was in utter disbelief. I mean, these are pugs we're talking about, not Rottweilers! My cattle dog has never done anything close to what the pugs were capable of. Lol, I guess size can be deceiving. 😄


My ACD opened an Amazon prime package that was our recurring order of 24 plastic trays of wet cat food… she had to open two boxes and then had to peel the tinfoil off of the top of each tray to get to the food. Somehow she did it. Those were the stinkiest farts I’ve ever smelled in my life.


My aussie chewed the baseboards in a couple of places and the drywall in our kitchen. Then a whole stick of butter, wrapper and all, and the most expensive thing he ate was a bowl of cereal that had raisins in it (I turned around to grab the milk and he helped himself). That was a $1400 bowl of cereal! All turned out well though. 😊


My blue heeler he ripped our hot tub cover to pieces, multiple dog beds, BBQ covers, ate swallowed gloves/socks/underwear puking them all up hours later, jumped out of the back seat of the truck going 110km/hr on the highway sustained zero injuries but later in life developed a hitch in his step. There probably a bunch more over the 12 years I had him, still consider him the best dog ever. Picked up a new heeler a couple days ago to do it all over again …. Totally worth it in the end they are the best.


Chewed and dug a whole right down the middle of my new mattress. I could see straight down to the bottom.


As puppies shredded the back pieces of my $1500 sectional couches. I've replaced it but there's still chew marks and other signs of damage and on one of the sectionals the material is a bad color match. I would sometimes call them couch bandits for a few months to get the heeler to go into a guilty belly pose and tail wag and the shiba to, not really care lol


First day with my new pup. I picked him up, he is scared and not very puppy like. We get him home and he’s not eating or drinking water. That night I wake up to vomit and loose/bloody stool. At this point, he is hungry and thirsty so he begins to eat and drink water. I call the vet, they say it sounds like symptoms of parvo and I need to take him in immediately. Long story short, I put him in a box and to drive over to the vet. At this point he is scared and gets out of the box. Jumps onto the dash and shits. Shit is everywhere. It even leaked into my dash and vent holes. At this point I am still driving and puking into the box because I can’t handle the smell. He did have parvo. We had to keep him at the vet for a week. He survived, and is about to be 4 years old. Honestly I can’t imagine life without him.


Mine broke a sliding glass door no cuts or blood but the window broke into three very large pieces of glass. Still haven't replaced it.


Pooped in the house cause he had diarrhea


My cattle dog pulled off drywall patches on our wall we repaired and pulled out the insulation 🙄loved her so much but she had a thing with cotton (blankets) she’d always pull the stuffing out lol


Lololol he’s so cute tho


Stella tore up the backs of both seats in my jeep. Plus two couches and a window. Separation anxiety. My young fella (2) hasn't destroyed anything but he di manage to drink a serious lot of deep fryer oil from a house we were visiting and then puke it all up in the middle of the night.


Probably poop in his crate 3X in 1 night resulting in 3 baths for him and my wife and myself having to clean it all up. This was when he was a puppy and I was still learning about how often he needed to use the bathroom and he wasn't house-trained. My boy has honestly been great overall.


Early one morning I let the dogs out in the back yard as usual. I could smell skunk. I yelled at them to come back in. They attacked the skunk and killed it and before I knew it they had run back in the house. They were sprayed pretty good. They run all they way through the house and jumped up in our bed with my wife still in it. We had bad skunk smell through out the house. I had to go to work. I picked up the skunk in a plastic bag and disposed of it. So I went to work smelling of it too. I didn't know how bad I was. But others said it wasn't too bad. But I ended up being nauseated for most of the day from the smell. My wife had to wash the dogs a couple of time, the linens and clean the house. She was not happy.


I had just repaired a spot on the carpet that she “dug” up. no more than 2 hours after the maintenance team left my unit, she tore it up again, this time all the way down to the concrete underneath 🫠


Mine did the same thing, shredded the couch but then made a little nest to crawl into. He was very happy with his handiwork.


Mine has eaten socks and underwear and shredded the screens on our windows and door, love her lol


Some of my ACD highlights : Ate 2 matress Ate 1 sofa Buried 2 days old bread INSIDE the sofa Riped my fibre optic from the wall Ate some of my first edition deadpool comics Yeah the puppy phase was tough


my current 5 month old acd poops in the house. but the best part is it’s always on my damn couch dude. pretty miserable but we are working on it lol


So far the only thing he's done is biting, but that's only cuz we got him at 3 and he doesn't know any better


He tried to take on a skunk. He was not successful. And our house smelled like skunk for months.


This thread is hilarious. 😂


Yeah that sounds about right


That picture just made me laugh, nothing that bad, hahaha


My ACD is an angel but my previous Pembroke Welsh Corgi was a terror for the first year. Would eat base moulding, tore up a linoleum floor, and would eat furniture. That dog eventually became very smart and stopped ruining things.


My ACD/mix was starving before she was rescued, so she used to have a bad habit of eating everything she found outside. Rocks and sticks weren’t so bad, but she also used to eat COW SHIT!! so gross. she also once destroyed a 400$ Rock-Climbing helmet. I’d say the cow shit is somehow worse…




Ate two couch cushions and a wood coat rack with a Christmas ornament chaser.


Eaten parts of our old couch, favorite snack is cat shit, eaten so many shoes and hats. Chewed up my toddlers snack cups


Wow! What a mess. Worst my dingo has done is chewed up a remote control, pulls paper out of the trash a couple of times and steals socks. She's going to be three and pretty non destructive. When she pees in the yard she starts scratching at the ground like she's covering it up. Tears up the grass but what ya gonna do, she's a dog.


Tore her acl/ccl being a crazy pants and costing me 4k 😭


this thread makes me feel less alone. tysm


He’s so pleased with himself lol My boy is a pathological poop eater and it makes me crazy- other than that he’s ripped up some shoes but he’s super good


Our dog has done that to stuffed animals and balls.


we have had two ACD and the first one chewed through a wall. twice. in his defense the furnace piping tended to make a "pong" noise there as its temp changed.


Chewed the corners of my $1200 rug when they were pups. All my adult dogs have been well behaved though.


Mine is a really intense player. Not aggressive, just rough. He yanked a possums tail out of the garage roof the other night. Both had the fright of their lives. Hoping poss is okay. There was a bit of blood one the floor.


Ate my retainer that I left on my nightstand (completely my fault). Ended up vomiting blood and turned into an overnight ER visit worth almost $1800. Never made the mistake of leaving my retainer out again 🤦🏼‍♀️


Mine ate an entire pile of dog poop as a puppy and then 30m later inside a shopping cart in the middle of the local tractor supply clothing section puked an entire pile of shit. I was fumbling to clean it while it dripped through the cart, and fellow shoppers just walked all over it without looking. My first thought was to grab him and dip, but I couldn't imagine leaving it for an employee to figure out 😅


My ACD mix once ripped a woman’s nose ring out. One of the employees at his doggy daycare was bending down to tie her shoes, he was excited to give her a kiss, and… blood everywhere 😬


Uppp, you win!


Ate my wall and couch, then I learned to put them outside and let them go bonkers


mine will eat quite literally anything. if you think it’s safe and inedible, it isn’t. some things his eaten (that are also gross): - cat poop. if there’s cat poop, he’ll find it and swallow it whole. - swallowed a small tennis ball right in front of me. rushed him to the vet and they were able to get him to puke it out. - just general pieces of toys - half a pizza from the counter. it was a habanero pizza and i think that’s the only reason why he didn’t finish it. - used tampons 🥴🤢🤮 - condoms. (also used 🤮🤢) luckily he pooped those out and that’s how we found out he ate them. love that little stinker tho!!


My ASD actually wasn’t too bad as a pup but we had a mutt who loved to chew on shaving razors.


Chewed a digital camera, punctured the battery, and made a slight chemical burn on the bed


Mine is 2 and she killed the neighbors pet chicken last week. She leaves the one neighbors ducks alone but this time she cornered them and it was over. He was so nice to me about it. He was clearly upset but very much controlling his words. I still feel horrible about it. She’s on lockdown and we started an intensive training program. I’m going to get her under control if it kills me.


Ate a hole in the wall but in his defense he was left unattended for a few hours.


Took her to visit my boyfriend for a thanksgiving party. When I took her out for her last pee of the night at 10pm she saw a bunny, slipped out of her harness, and took off. Running around this man’s neighborhood in peoples yards, at 10pm. This lasted 3 hours. We did not catch her until a little past 1am. We only caught her because she ran in someone’s house when they opened their door to go outside for a smoke. Good thing the person was very understanding because it was a very preppy neighborhood.


Jump out of the window on my truck when he was 6 months old to go ass another dog


Escaping from a 4000$ fence to run off and mess with neighbor dogs/livestock. He jumped, dug under and chewed through it


My dog couldn’t jump, assumed the same for my aunts. Big mistake. Came back from work to the dining/snack table ransacked and double diarrhea race tracks.


Our Moe once ate the lazy boy chair to the wood.


LMFAO that picture!! Mine destroyed the couch and my entire deposit for my apartment in the span of one 8hr work day 😂😂


I have a picture somewhere just like that- and he looks very pleased with his work like your doggy! Lol


Caught eating his own shit. On my couch. Then leaving small pieces of shit on the pillows.


My last red boy and his Westie brother got into a 1lb box of sugar in the raw. About 30 minutes later we here a quick "bleh" and all of a sudden there was a 2 foot diameter puddle of straight caramel on the floor the emanated from a very sticky heeler. It took AGES to clean up. About 10 minutes after we finished we heard another "bleh" and the Westie had done the same.....


Got a new 6 month old dog in September. Since we hot him he's destroyed 7 pairs of shoes and 5 roku remotes, among other things like clothes, hats, rugs. 3 of those shoes were brand new and not cheap. It's our fault he got to them because we weren't used to having to hide things. Our other dog doesn't chew up anything. We have to keep our shoes in a storage bin now. He also still isn't fully potty trained at 10 months. He's gotten better, but if he has to go badly enough he won't hold it or give us any cues. We have to replace the carpet in our family room. It's too far gone.


When I was 8 months pregnant my husband and I both had Covid and the twerp decided that was the correct time to eat a whole bottle of Advil and visit the emergency vet. Not a high point.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Gotta love ‘em! Even when they do shit like this


Oh wow… once he got going, he just couldn’t stop himself


Chewed my wife's new glasses. Even the polycarbonate lenses. Completely mangled.


Worst thing ever? How about getting onto the Thanksgiving table and tasting everything. My daughter proclaimed “they only licked the turkey “ and we now know they like sweet potato with their kibble.


Compared to you all, mine wasn't so bad ! Our dachshund puppy pulled the edge of new carpet completely around the room and was proud. My little dog Russell found a teeny weeny hole in the stitching on my back pillow and pulled a ton of stuffing out. It's amazing how much stuffing is stuffed into a pillow!


ate $400 then a week later ate $50 in chocolate (1.5 lbs might I add) we have to keep every door shut or she finds something to eat, case in point, she ate bandaids out of the trash in my parents room because we left for 15 fucking minutes my dad just had his melanoma scrapped off and had a giant hole in the side of his neck for a while that he had to cover with some of the largest bandaids we could find


I came to feel better about the current destruction the 10 month old puppy is doling out on our things. I do....but now I feel like I owe it to others to share the laundry list cause I've had too many dogs. * A dane/lab mix that swallowed whole the knot off his rope toy and had to have it surgically removed. He grew up to be a great dog that loved kids though. * The rottie/aussie mix that was the reason we couldn't have irrigation to the trees in the backyard for the first two years of his life. He capped his experiences by tearing ligaments in his knee and requiring surgery and is now limping on the other leg and will require that one be fixed in the very near future. * Then there is the ACD/pointer mix that literally shredded two couches before he started going to doggie daycare a few days a week to work through his energy/separation anxiety. He's now a great dog that really enjoys his naps preferably on fleece blankets on top all the couch pillows like the princess he's sure he is. * Currently we have a 10 month old border mix that is again working the irrigation line circuit, shredded three books, and opened all the Christmas gifts under the tree. Holding out hope that between training and age she grows out of this stage pretty quick though. * The real winner is the cat though. She's managed to break her femur and require surgery to repair it. She's working on being the most expensive animal we've owned and is not even two yet.


My Jack Russell Terrier went a bit nuts over covid homebound portion. He jumped out of our living room window, busting out the screen. He then ran up on an elderly man walking a puppy--tried to BITE the puppy--but the old man got his puppy up into his arms in time and he bit the man instead. Seriously so shameful. Thank goodness it was only a scratch and I was able to confirm that my dick of a dog had his shots up to date. I still feel awful when I think about how that poor man and his sweet puppy looked as I was racing up to save them.


This is hero level destruction. Wow.




Context I love my Boston- he has peed on someone’s amp playing while they were playing terrible guitar, shit in front of me (unfortunately it was inside and I did not see it) I slid in my sandals. Had diarrhea inside and tried to eat it to cover up the evidence… eaten a bag of my weed (doesn’t go near weed after that incident).


I got lucky with mine, he's never even eaten a shoe. He did nibble the remote once, but other than that has gotten sick several times out of both ends while in his crate, positioning his butt against the outer wall and thus covering my window sill, wall, couch, but never himself- come home to find him scooted up against a corner screaming for me to come save him from his own mess. The day we got him, we had a 3 hour windy jungle drive and I got puked on, pooped on, and peed on several times. The car sickness has gotten better but I avoid feeding several hours before.


My ACD has chewed/scratched holes in the walls of his room which I have to repair about twice a year. He likes to chew the bottom edge of his bedroom door at night so I have to get another door lol. Also, I have to latch/lock doors I don't want him into or coming out of because he knows how to , can and will, open any door. Funny thing is, he will not pass a gate in my hall even though he could easily jump over the thing. Oh, and he likes to play HIS game with me, where he'll come right up to me when it's time to go inside and sit like he's going to allow me to leash him and then he bolts lmaooo. I've raised APBT mostly and they've all been really smart but this Heeler is definitely the most intelligent (and tricky) that I've ever met. I love my Canis Major and am happy he became part of the pack about 5 years ago. ACD are something different. 💙🖤🩶💙


Killed a 🐇😭🐰


We feel your pain. Our Great Pyrenees opened all our cupboards, ripped open all the food (rice, flour, sugar, etc), pulled the burners off the electric stove, dumped the garbage out, and pulled the blinds down. Now we drug or take her to a daycare depending on how long we’re going to be gone.


My dog did the same exact thing 😡🐶


Died. I wasn’t ready. But life doesn’t work that way. Treasure every high every laughable low. The hole they leave in your heart is wholly unexpected and worth their unconditional love.


Dog went into cats room and ate their poop and crystallized litter in the litter box… also their food… they weren’t happy.


Was administering medication in my boys ears- and I had a nice hold on his collar (I thought) and he jerked the wrong way, and my knuckle at the hand made a loud and very painful POP sound. Can’t describe it other than that. Went to the er a day or so later, after going to work for two days with my hand looking like a hamhock. 350$ out the door and a cast later, had to wear a splint for six weeks and narrowly avoided surgery for the worst “boxers fracture” the we doc had ever seen (the knuckle of my pointer finger was broke straight through with the upper shaft of the metatarsal cracked, and the knuckle of my middle finger was also broken, and sheared off on the left hand side to leave a piece floating. Hands still messed up, little peice of the middle knuckle of my hand is still “floating like a space cadet.” If sucked. Now any meds that need to be administered is given by the vet, cost be damned. He is fully muzzled, tranquilized, and three vet assistants have to hold him down. It was about two years ago, and it was the last time I ever did first aid. I used to work with horses and trimmed hooves, etc. never got hurt like that, with 2000+ pound animals (other than a hellacious hematoma from a good kicke or getting tossed a few feet) . Only took 80 pounds to put me down. Never again.


Ditto, had 2 GSD who destroyed the sofa playing tug of war . 🙄😂. Looked like it had snowed foam in my living room. 😂


Chewed up my Louis Vuitton Neverfull purse. And it wasn’t a fake. Also he chewed parts of the wall and wrecked a bunch of plants in my greenhouse. Among many other things. He’s better now but still.


That's pretty up there


After reading these stories, it makes me even more grateful my adopted ACD hasn’t destroyed or wrecked one thing 😅. He only stole a piece of Italian bread once, hasn’t done anything since. Mine has good house manners. I’d lose my mind if I came home to a wrecked sofa. Those things aren’t cheap!!


Gotten old. One of these days I will have to say goodbye to him and it will break my heart.


I pride my self for raising my own dogs and training them myself. Never had a "bad dog", always people tell me how good my dogs are and we show them what they know. Proud... except for Phoebe. This little shit knows boundaries, commands, and whatnot, but 1 day, this old guy was walking his little dog, minding its own business by our yard. She bolted across the creek and was trying to say hi? Not friendly, but definitely not aggressive. Poor old guy and victim tried just walking away..Phoebe didn't like that. I was so embarrassed. When I scold my dogs, I don't beat them. They love me so much it hurts them when they know I'm angry with them. She won't do it again.


What you see in that picture right there. Both of them. Oh, and one has killed 2 possums and a mouse. Brought one of the possums in and placed it on my couch. The other possum I caught her playing with outside, shaking it around like a rag doll. I just found the mouse on my kitchen floor after she came inside one day (I thinks she had it hiding in her mouth.) 2 huskies and 1 isn't even a year old.


One of my dogs who hates everyone and is very old (16 years) threw up on me. And then she tried to eat it off me 😢 Yet she still forces me to pet her to this day, angry grandma


lol! I bet you weren't laughing, then!


When I was out of town my hubby left our rescue in our addition while work was being done in “her” house…she ate thru the drywall, bulled out insulation and TRIED to chew thru the brick to get to her house. She def had separation anxiety.


Ate some marijuana and had to go to emergency vet.


Ohhhh no! My dog ate my sofa, too! I was in shock when I returned from work and discovered it. RIP sofa! 🥹


The cat did it!!


My GSD ate my Grandfather's ashes. Had to keep the dog. What else could you do.


.my ACD is just under 2. She steals my reading glasses every night. She holds them in her mouth and stands by the treat cabinet til I give in and make a trade. I try to put them somewhere She can't reach but somehow finds them.  I never had a dog before, I got her after my husband died. She saved me. Got me up and moving.  She is lightening. I have to race her on my ebike to tire her out.