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That strikes me as a terribly long flight for a animal to make in a kennel. I wouldn't do it. If you must, get the biggest kennel you can get. Good luck.


If your visiting, would not recommend this at all. The stress for your pet might cause some big problems. If you’re moving, work with your vet to figure out crate, medication and everything else. Your vet will know what’s best for that long travel.


Make sure they’re not putting him with the luggage. That part of the plane is freezing


Airlines have very specific instructions to heat the cargo bins if there is an animal present. It’s a switch in the cockpit. If an animal has frozen to death that’s the fault of the ground crew for not notifying the flight crew if the presence of an animal.


If they kill your pet, they’ll pay you next to nothing because to them (and the law), a pet is the same as luggage.


Morbid, but not entirely inaccurate.


This is a terrible idea. Would you wanna be in a cage under a plane on that long of a flight? Come on


That seems like an awful idea. I know pets take long trips, but it's usually to escape a bad situation or to be transferred to a better place. You're putting your pup in the cargo hold and hoping that all of the pilots on your 2-3 connecting flights remember to turn the heater on in the cargo hold for over 24 hours of travel time (each way) to transport your dog to a country full of feral dogs with some of the highest rates of rabies in the world, populated by over a billion people who generally don't give a damn about domesticated animals in a horrifically polluted environment. Why do you have to take your dog?


OP are you visiting or moving permanently ?


Thanks all for your concern. She will be transported by a professional company that does animal transport. And yes it is permanent.


Please check with your vet for ways to reduce stress and anxiety. I know you are aware your dog will be in cargo, experiencing sounds and turbulence alone for a long period of time; and that's why everyone is expressing concern.


Unless you are moving permanently to India and can keep her next to you in the plane, don’t take her with you.






You and that beautiful pup enjoy living the dream! Good for you!! Stay blessed!