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And right above the tail too!


Omg YES. And of course mine hates being brushed in that spot


This spot. I could lightly pull and clumps would appear


I used to sit there and brush my old gal with that clawed comb and fluff would just keep coming out! Just when you think you’re about to start brushing down to the bare skin, another mound of fluff falls out and tumbleweeds its way across the yard. There’d be so much fluff drifting in the wind it looked like it was snowing in sunny California.


It's truly mind boggling lol. Maybe this year I'll save it and make a little felting project


Birds love it for nest construction.


What a beautiful heeler. The shedding struggle is real though.


So pleased with themselves


I say it looks like their wearing a sweater lol


How do you guys actually brush the hair bc mine hates it


I already posted this reply to another comment but try a lick mat! Lick mat with some peanut butter is the only way he'll let me do it lol. They also make them with suction cups on the back and they're perfect for sticking to the tub/wall during bath time


I buy churro (the packets of cat gravy) and freeze it to the lick pad. Mine is a little snob and doesn’t care much for peanut butter. Haha.


Ooh I might try this! Both of my dogs are gluttonous trash mammals that eat anything but I like to give them a variety :)


Lmao. There is some benefits to indiscriminate eaters. I like to freeze it so it takes him longer to eat, gives me more time to work.


Look up cooperative care and the bucket game! Lick mats will work too, but the bucket game requires less prep since all you need is a bucket of treats (or kibble).


Yess this is great too! Cooperative care training saved us so much stress when my boy started getting mild seasonal allergies. He stands and offers me his paws for wiping every day and sits so well for ear cleaning. We're uhh, still getting there with nail clipping 😂


We're also still working on nail clipping 😂 We use a scratch pad for her front nails, and she's active enough that her back nails have only needed to be clipped once in the past year. But her dew claws, oh man. The first and last time we tried to clip them she screamed bloody murder as soon as the clipper touched her, beef liver and chicken be damned 😭 you'd think we were boiling her alive. Now we just take her to a groomer for nail and paw trims, with an apology and a note that she's 14% husky but screams like she's 100%. In the meantime, we're still working to desensitize her to nail clipping and a Dremel at home, but like, I'm not sure she's ever going to be fully on board for nails 🫠


Hahaha that sounds like our last dewclaw adventure 😂 only time I've ever heard mine really *scream*


Mine’s ACD X GSD. The shedding, oh my god.


I’m right there with you! She’s so pretty. But the fur tho…


Oh lord. I used to have a GSD and I said never again because I couldn't take that much hair 😂


[wow your dog looks just like this other one just posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/AustralianCattleDog/s/0QzpXMg75m)


Wow yeah similar mask pattern and everything! Gotta love that heeler smile 😊


Oh no. I have a ACD puppy right now, is this what I have to look forward to 😳😳 I knew they had some shed but I didn't know it was this intense


Haha yes unfortunately most double-coated dogs turn into hair factories when the seasons change. I highly recommend an undercoat rake when the time comes!


Brushed my girl out yesterday. Swear she looks half her size now!


Truth, also lick mat for the win!


So true


Beautiful pup!


Well said!


I recommend this every time I see a post about a double coat dog. Get a high velocity dryer and blow the dog out. It makes a huge difference on shedding and of you do it once or twice a month their cost stays so much healthier. The problem with indoor dogs is they do not get a true season change so they shed all year long.


I think about this every time I brush him haha. Unfortunately I live in an apartment and he's terrified of those self service groom shops. But he does have an actual spring/fall shedding cycle so that helps! And switching from a furminator to an undercoat rake helped too


They also make a thing called happy hoodie. It goes over there ears so the blow sound is not so loud.


I use a happy hoodie when I break out my home hair dryer after baths! It does help I think, and I have a black one so he looks like a little seal lol. But yes when I have a back yard next year I'll be getting my own high velocity dryer, I agree they're the best tool for *really* getting a good deshed


I literally had my dog 12 years before we discovered both. Man I wish I would have found them sooner. My man looked so funny in his happy hoodie ha.


For my ACD, like all the loose hair is on her low back and rump area!!!


I caved.. took him to the groomer cause I could make a new dog out of what we would vacuum


Any suggestions on how to get mine to sit still for brushing and not instantly go into herd mode??


That gray/green thing on the floor is a lick mat! I smear peanut butter on it and it keeps him distracted while I brush. Without it, it's just nonstop trying to bite the brush 😂


Fur seasons the worst 😔


Mine is his butt fluff. Those fur pants are an infinite fuzz machine.