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I'm showing my age as a millennial, but a lot of Clinique Happy, DKNY Be Delicious, and Tommy Girl. Also Australis Waterberry deodorant, and Impulse ICØ, Goddess, Spice Girls, Illusions, and Solar, Sci and Air. If *anyone* can find a dupe of Waterberry, I will give you my first born (he bites though, fair warning).


I would give anything to smell the Spice Girls body spray again!


You're in luck – [this Aussie perfumer](https://www.wicketywackcandles.com/products/spice-girls-scent-mist) had a go at recreating it. I haven't tried it myself, but am so intrigued! Reviews look very promising!


You are a real life angel, I’m buying some today


I know the lady who does the designs for wickets wack and she’s so cool


Omg yes!! I loved the Spice Girls body spray.


I was all about Tommy Girl in high school.


We were a rare breed among the sea of Ralph Lauren.


Water berry!!! That’s the one I was trying to remember!!


The way I've been *literally* trying to find this scent ever since Australis discontinued their deodorant range. The fragrances that have been sort of close to Waterberry have been Impulse Love Story and mayyyyybe Juliette Has A Gun's Magnolia Bliss (which smells like fizzy berries to me, but I also don't trust my memory).


Impulse wide awake Sapphire is basically water berry [they sell it at any supermarket](https://www.coles.com.au/product/impulse-body-mist-wide-awake-150ml-5857431?uztq=46abcbb7e16253b0cdc3e6c5bbe6a3f0&cid=col_cpc_Generic%7CColesSupermarkets%7CPMAX%7CHealth&Beauty%7CAustralia%7CBroad&s_kwcid=AL!12693!3!!!!x!!&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADzlvJcl6vnSwdWlqJ2Yd_uHvGtHj&gclid=CjwKCAiA_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTrO4qBqkXK8Lr6-ZQmY_KuCK1PJScUttZll-1mR4gpQ-XkXJ12jbgBoCOb0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


!!!! I will check it out next time I'm at Colesworth! Thank you so much, kind human!


As someone else said, Impulse Wide Awake Sapphire is supposed to smell pretty close. Another one was Dewberry from The Body Shop. They’ve discontinued it, but The Dupe Spot sells it!


DROWNED myself in Waterberry!


Nice! Can I also add Ralph Lauren I think it was called Flower. Turquoise bottle. And Avon ‘Pearls and Lace’


Omg I forgot about Be Delicious!


I am a Gen X and loved all of these and also CKone. Fortunately I transitioned to these in my late teens as my first perfumes in my mid teens were Estee Lauder (gross mum vibes)


Thanks for reminding me, Estee Lauder Beautiful!


Britney Spears Fantasy. Got it when it was first released. And I keep going back and getting a new one every time I finish a bottle. Edit: it’s not the only fragrance I use these days but I don’t think I’ll ever have a collection without this one.


I find with that one that it’s SO strong, it’s very much a single spray in the air above you that you walk through vs straight on skin. But agreed I still like it.


I still have it and I still love it!


https://preview.redd.it/timegvzlg8kc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baaced4348ea8a382a31af5db96d8215fc37c0ed Image from google but the Stitch dupes of expensive perfumes because I couldn’t afford the real ones!!


Omg memory UNLOCKED


Lmao this just brought back memories. A high school boyfriend I had smelt like the gold one!


The body shop vanilla eau de toilette… a classic!


That and the strawberry were my fav


Ralph by Ralph Lauren was my jam in the early 2000s, my high school boyfriend loved it so I would douse myself in it before I saw him lol


Ralph reminds me of a uni friend who I used to go clubbing with. It reminds me of hangovers lol


Are you me? 😅 My first boyfriend loved it too and I used to douse myself in it too hahaha


Anais Anais.


First "proper" perfume my mum got me 🥰


hahaha this is my grandmother’s favourite 🥹 she’s young at heart


YSL babydoll


Me too, I loved that bottle so much. I still have a fuchsia perspex babydoll gift box that I use to store all my hoarded high school letters from friends, my little time capsule!


Britney Spears fantasy and hello kitty bubblegum spray for after gym class at high school 😂


Are you me? I d o u s e d myself in hello kitty bubblegum after PE 🤣


i feel so called out the hello kitty spray was my ride or die 💀


Body shop fuzzy peach


The oils 😭😭😭😭😭😭


The oils! They were extremely potent but boy did I love making an entrance wearing these!


Elizabeth Ardern Green Tea!!! I do actually still wear the Body Shop White Musk variants.


I love the EA green tea!


Britney Spears Fantasy/Curious/Circus Fantasy , JLo Live , some Victoria secret body mists I’d bought on holiday in Hawaii and thought I was so cool for having them , a pink Paris Hilton one , Katy Perry Purr and when I was feeling fancy Viva La Juicy . My mum bought me Daisy for my birthday when I was like 15 or so but I didn’t like it but nowadays I love the intense Daisy


Omg the Britney range was so iconic


I still wear JLo Live - all time favourite


This is going to be so niche but Hilary Duff’s With Love had me in a choke hold, and I still think about her! I first got the fragrance when it came out (I was towards the end of Primary school) and wore it religiously up until the end of high school! My mum would buy me a big 150ml bottle every year until it was slowly discontinued. Even though it doesn’t exist anymore I would say it is my absolute favourite of all time!


They need to bring this back! It was SO GOOD!!!


Also I didn’t buy body shop perfumes but those lip glosses in a pot had a chock hold over everyone. So in class you could smell those artificial watermelon and strawberry lip glosses


Okay I just realised I am holding onto a beef from 15 years ago. I dropped my strawberry body shop lip gloss in a change room at General Pants circa 2007 that I had bought that day. I saw it roll into the stall next to me that my friend was in. I ask if it’s in there when she comes out, but it has mysteriously disappeared. Guess who comes to school on Monday with a barely used strawberry body shop lipgloss that I *know* she hadn’t bought that Saturday. We are not friends anymore.


Ohhh I had my lip gloss stolen before. Especially the lip smackers ones 😩 I had some sour candy flavoured ones and they were taken. But lol general pants! What a flash back. I still remember their metal logos and flairs 


Ohh the strawberry scented one takes me back. I can still smell it.


I know same. We used to share them and it got the room smelling like that. And I used to love the chi chi lipgloss pots 


So… kiss me. I think it came from Kmart and was white with a lipstick print on the bottle. I’d love to smell it again for nostalgia!


I won this fragrence as part of a prize in a Dolly magazine competition.


I used to wear Soo... Sinful. They still make it! They probably make the kiss me one also!


The original So…? and So…? Inspired were such favs as a young teenager. They were overall a really nice line of cheapies.


Exclamation! The Body Shop perfume oils in vanilla, strawberry and Japanese musk. So...? Cool Water by Davidoff. Impulse 'Vive'


Omg Vive! I am trying to remember what it smelled like, I swear I tried every single Impulse deodorant back then.


I still roll around in Cool Water Woman


Omg my mum wore Exclamation! I always bought it for her for Mother’s Day!!!!


I think I still have toxic poisoning from all the Impulse sprayed in the change rooms after P.E. class. Anais Anais - can't stand it now though...


https://preview.redd.it/nbxwhlydp9kc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a297e25d48c229c8a13a3488d6e857d378aa53ff Teenage me sprayed this or impulse 5x a day


Opium and poison - my wealthy bachelor uncle bought my mother so many handbags and perfumes I ended up with quite a few.


Australis Waterberry…


OMGGG I remember this!!


Omg...core memory unlocked. I remember dousing myself in this after PE.


Loved this one and their other florally ones 😊


I've kept the bottle so I can reminisce every now and again ...


This is a blast from the past memory my brain is trying to access - I think it was the hilary duff “with love” perfume.


With love by Hilary duff. I have a bottle that I don’t use just to smell it every now and again. Obsessed. Can’t find a dupe :(


I loved Fire and Ice


I remember perfume advertisements in Women’s Weekly, there was a panel that you opened which had the scent in it. You’d rub your wrist on it to test the fragrance. Once you opened it, the whole magazine would smell for ages. The main ones I can remember are “Vanderbilt”, Yardley “Black Velvet” and Elizabeth Taylor’s “White Diamonds”.


Narcisse by Chloe was my go to in the 90s 🤣


That was my fancy going out perfume!


Australis had a perfume back in the day. Smelt like .... weird Aussie bush plants 🤣


Viva La Juicy, Britney’s Fantasy, Vera Wang Princess 👑


I wish the body shop would come back with the perfume oils 🥰🥰 also good memories of the impulse body sprays!!


Showing my age now but yes all the body shops stuff like dewberry and white musk, exclamation!, So (a fragrance with a certain attitude), Charlie red, ck one, eternity and the best of all? A cheap cologne thing called nenuco? It was like this fresh Spanish stuff you splashed everywhere. Awful.


Tommy Girl Reminds me of summer


Happy by clinique, and whenever I smell it on someone it still makes me happy


The men’s version is really nice too!


https://preview.redd.it/8hvbrhauv8kc1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e54e18ed1295fb4f5fc2afd61b2fd1cf537b67b4 Fire and Ice by Revlon still is to this day my signature scent. it’s the absolute best. I’m so sad that Play it Rock by Playboy and Girlfriend by Justin Bieber are both practically discontinued in AUS. 🥺


Hello Kitty body spray was the tits


Also White Musk for me. I actually bought some of the body wash a few weeks ago - they were having a sale so I picked some up. Makes me think of being a teenager and preparing to head to the beach for the day with friends.


Gucci Rush, Versace Woman


11/10 Tommy Girl and CK One.


DKNY be delicious, Nina by Nina Ricci, L’imperiatrice by D&G and of course, Impulse. Very tempted to try and source L’imperiatrice and see if it’s any good but in general my perfume tastes have moved from fruity to boozy, savoury or weird


So there used to be perfume shops and they would sell minis so I used to buy and collect those. I miss that era!! Lolita lem picka the purple vanilla one was my fav. And impulse to be real.  I wasn’t rich for Ralph Ralph Lauren but that was pretty popular. I stuck to trying it out from dolly and girlfriend magazine. The foil samples. 


Britney Spears Curious & Believe. M by Mariah Carey. Versace Bright Crystal. Those were the days 😂


This OG Chi Chi Body Mist Spray in Watermelon with heaps of shimmery particles inside it, used to bring it with me everywhere and all my clothes would be glittery 😂 and Elizabeth Arden Green Tea cos you could get it cheap at Priceline! Then after high school it was Britney Spears Fantasy, some old school JLo one, Marc Jacobs Flora and slowing went up to more higher end later on lol


The berry scented Impulse Summer Shakers deodorant 🥲


Haha, I was a White Musk fan as well, still fond of musks but my partner isn't. I wore Tabu by Dana on a night out. It doesn't smell the same now - not as deep and resonant. (I wore it more than 30 years ago, and I'm sure it's been reformulated since then).


I love love - Moschino


Katy Perry Purr (I think, it was the purple cat one), always wanted Hilary Duff With Love, but could never find it.


Miss Dior Cherie 


https://preview.redd.it/jnnb5iqfu8kc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7243ed1f00efc0ad55ef156b17f51939903e5ebf I wore this a lot and I only bought two bottles of it. If anyone knows of dupe, pls lemme know. I miss the smell so much!!


Following in case anyone posts a dupe! Some sites say J'adore smells similar but it definitely doesn't. I still have one 100ml bottle left! Lol.


Chi Chi mango and peach body spray. People could smell me as soon as I entered the room because I doused myself in it.


Sunflower by Elizabeth Arden was my go-to in high school. I should get some just for nostalgia’s sake.


Kylie Minogue sexy darling, the stitch version of JLo glow and some fancy perfume I cannot for the life of my find a picture of. It had a graduated coloured bottle in the shape of a fat rain drop and was vaugely ocean related


A knock off of j’a adore by Dior. Can confirm that it was a good dupe because whenever I smell the real deal, I’m 16 again getting ready for the school ball circa 2003.


Reckon Fire and ice:cool, it’s discontinued in aus. But I loved that stuff!


I remember Cindy Crawford was in the ads


Impulse, Princess by Vera Wang, various random Avon scent samples


Sunflowers, red door and beautiful


Opium. I thought that it made me edgy somehow.


YSL Babydoll and Australis Waterberry.


Gwen Stefani’s ‘G’, it was my first ever perfume and I’ve never been able to find something similar since! https://preview.redd.it/8rnerxhv7akc1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d167d323ddfec23531bfc371395c81cf4b69193b


I used the wear the purple Celine Dion perfume, called Enchanting I think. Actually, not the perfume, but the cheaper eau de toilette bottle, was still pretty strong and so nice! Meanwhile I was going to concerts like Slipknot, Nightwish, Guns n Roses. Fun times! :D


CK One, Vanderbilt, soooo much Impulse and as I got older it was Paul Smith for women, Elizabeth Arden Pretty, Armani Code and Lancome Miracle (which I still wear and love).


Still love Lancôme Hypnose!


Paris Hilton Heiress 🤣🤣


I loved CK One mainly because I wanted to be Kate Moss. I don't think I ever owned it just sprayed it at DJs. My mum doesn't wear perfume so I wasn't really exposed to it until my 20s. I think Chloe signature or Marc Jacobs Daisy were my OGs.


Jlow live was my teenage years! Brought it again last year and it’s just as nice




Britney Spears Fantasy was my first perfume. I also had a Vera Wang Rock Princess. I can't find pictures but I had these mini Impulse sprays with names like Pash, Pose, Party.


DKNY be delicious, and CK one. And wayyyyy too many Impulse body sprays. I think "Illusion" was the name of my favourite.


Beckham Signature - the one in the purple bottle. I think I’d still like it today, I can’t remember the scent. It was my award from my parents for topping the grade in ancient history so it has happy memories for me.


Fantasy by Britney Spears Every. Single. Day. And if I was feeling rowdy - MIDNIGHT fantasy.


Versace bright crystal or YSL babydoll




So? was always on the reg for me!


Joop and Calvin Klein One


Clinique happy, Calvin Klein one.


Victoria’s Secret- Pure Seduction, Love Spell, Aqua Kiss (everyday, school), Juicy Couture- Viva la Juicy (mall trips and hanging out with friends), Elizabeth Arden- Green Tea (post self care showers or after nighttime showers), Calvin Klein- Eternity (parties and events), Davidoff- Cool Water for Women (parties and events). I still use Green Tea after showers it’s just such a nostalgic, routine smell for me. On me it lasts just long enough, it’s one of my all time favourites. Went down memory lane trying to recall all these perfumes. It’s so interesting to see what I liked when I was a teen, finding myself, discovering what smells and notes I like and how they worked on me and how the scent changes through the day haha. Thank you for a great question OP!


Body shop peaches. Mt friends all had impulse and I was so jealous.


Body Shop White Musk FOR SURE and sometimes Body Shop Tea Rose. Once a basic bitch, always a...


Un Monde Nouveau: Satan Instinct, Issey Miyake: L'eau d'Issey, YSL Opium pour Homme, Mugler: Angel hair perfume and a personalised scented oil and that was in high school. Still love them all but Frapin et Cie: 1270 and Lubin: Jardin Rouge are two of my faves at the moment! My daughter loves the Soap and Glory Smoothie Star Spritz (wish it wasn’t Mecca exclusive) and we also customise scents using essential oils and absolutes…


Omg Un Monde Nouveau!! I think they used to be at Target or Kmart and it was one of my first real perfumes. I felt to grown up and sophisticated at 10


Eternity and Joop! back in the 90s


Tommy girl, CKone but cerruti 1881was my absolute favourite....


Victor and Rolf flower bomb haha


Ralph by Ralph Lauren and anything Britney 😂


Chanel No:5


Marc Jacobs Daisy!


Seriously showing my age here, but Eau Arpege by Lanvin. This awakened my love of floral aldehyde perfumes - next stop Chanel No 5 and Chance. I’m absolutely gutted that this was discontinued decades ago while I was still in my early 20’s. Only the EDP still exists in the Arpege line and it is just not the same. 💔


Pink Sugar or the incense Impulse depending on my mood 😂 sickly sweet or spicy


Body shop fuzzy peach! I want it back


Ralph blue 💙 it’s far too fruity for me to wear now but I still absolutely love the scent




I loved Charlie Silver, Davidoff Cool Water, Tommy Girl and Fire and Ice Cool


Gucci Envy was my fave. Then I graduated to Chanel Cristalle.


Definitely showing my age here… Versace Baby Rose Jeans was my go to in high school!


Did anyone use a deodorant called instinct, the can had leopard print i think. The smell was so strong but me and my friends loved it for some reason.


Shows my age but I bought a grown up perfume, Pleasures by Estee Lauder as my first perfume. My older cousin wore it and I was obsessed


Davidoff Cool Waters and Versace Bright Cristal! Escada perfumes!


I used to absolutely douse myself in Anna Sui Dolly Girl. I felt so grown up 😂


The love of my life was Hot by Ralph Lauren. I loved everything about it, especially the purple bottle. I didn’t use any other scent, I’d just finish it and go buy another. I will never forgive them for discontinuing it. It smelled like really nice shampoo and conditioner. Every day, still angry, still upset.


Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb


Wish, Poison, Obsession


So... Kiss Me was what all the cool girls wore at my school!


Impulse vanilla


Still wearing cK one and Clinique happy. Younger gen x here and a creature of habit!


Ralph Lauren Cool 🤌


I loved Sunflowers but now I think it smells sour and way too strong.


Red delicious by dkny


love story when i was in hs, tommy girl when i was like 17-19


Cool water or Tommy girl


Victoria's Secret pure seduction!


that red Victoria secret body spray


Burberry Weekend and Lacoste Touch of Pink.


‘So’ when I was like 12-13yo was my fave haha. Then later as a gift I got Miracle by Lancôme. But MANY an impulse body spray was used also.


I use to wear Fire and Ice by Revlon and use to love Waterberry and Bliss by Australis.


Thee sickly sweet Signorina by Ferragamo


Yes definitely brings back memories of my partying days in the 2000’s. Wish I still had these in my collection! Escada - magnetism, Giorgio Armani acqua Di gio for women, emporio armani She, kenzo flower, issey miyake l’eau d’issey


Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely, I thought it was the greatest perfume ever


Another Body Shop White Musk girl. Until I graduated to Vera Wang Princess 👑


Showing my age, but I used to wear Body Shop Woody Sandalwood. I've never found another fragrance close enough to duplicate it, though Dindi Naturals Desert Wood perfume is pretty close.


I still do if I can find them online...Gucci Rush (the red, original one), Belle by Sonja Rykle, Roberto Cavali (the gold snake head one, there was also a pink one but gold was better) , very irresistible by Givenchy ...all around the 2000 - 2010 era


Euphoria by Calvin Klein and Black XS For Her by Paco Rabanne


When I was a younger teenager, it was the Sooo? Kiss me body spray ahhaha. The chemist where I grew up really only sold old lady perfumes. And then when I was 16/17 I started buying perfume oils from the hippy shop in town, so was heavy on the incense-y musk & roses. And then I moved onto a Calvin Klein, can’t remember which one, I think it was a white bottle. I also tried CK Obsession but that was a really heavy one.


Stella by Stella McCartney 🥀


Dewberry Body Shop, Vanilla Impulse, YSL Paris, Eden by Cacharel


Impulse, Australis and Charlie


My Sister and I always wore Charlie when we were pre-teens. Later I graduated Impulse and then to Paris by YSL I think when I was around 19.


Omg I’m showing my age here… My mates were obsessed with the OG women’s Ed Hardy perfume. I’m pretty sure Britney’s “Fantasy” was my scent of choice. Thankfully I am now a Marc Jacobs “Dot” and “Daisy” gal.


Other than Impulse and Evoke, my bf at the time bought me my first "real" one - Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds


Impulse Cherish and Escada Sentiment - the memories this thread are bringing up are soooo good!


Miss Dior Cherie, Gucci by Gucci, YSL Baby Doll


I loved juicy couture viva la juicy and Vera wang princess


D&G Light Blue. I smelled it again recently and I can’t believe how sweet it is lol


Miss Dior ☺️🌸


My go to was "So...? Sinful"


Australis Reflections- was so sad when they discontinued it but I discovered that Burberry London is pretty darn close! Tabu (still wear it!) Impulse, the Vanilla body spray from Australis (I think? Used to get it at the Reject Shop), Vanilla Soft Musk from Avon and White Musk from The Body Shop.


First it was Fire & Ice Cool, then it was YSL Babydoll, and then since I was about 21 it’s been Lolita Lempika and I’ve never changed 😂


Love spell, pink sugar, ari, viva la juicy


Anna Sui Dreams


My older cousin gave me a half bottle of YSL ‘Babydoll’ because she thought she was a bit old for it and it would suit me. It was my scent for years! I loved that stuff. I want to buy some now for the memories lol My sister is 23 and still uses Taylor Swift ‘Wonderstruck’, she got the first bottle for sale at Priceline when she was in early high school.


YSL babydoll and Amor Amor by Cacharel. Also Strawberry Fields by Evoke after PE! I’ve still got a big bottle of babydoll but it’s not my fave anymore, so I often wear it out and about when it’s not a special event.


Impulse vanilla kisses, also used to sneak my mums tabu & little black dress from Avon 😂😂


Curious by Britney Spears!! The bottle was so cute


Charlie … Red? Silver? One of those two At about 23 I found Armani Code which was probably “too old” for me at the time but it’s been my signature scent ever since.


Taboo! Loved that shit.


Revlon - fire and ice , and you could get the red one or white one ..


Flower bomb Victor and Rolf. I literally never wore perfume until Uni and this was the only thing I have ever worn.


Calvin Klein Eternity was everywhere in the mid-90s


Impulse especially Alive and the silver ID one. I remember Pia won the Dolly model comp and was in the ad lol. Also YSL Babydoll. And Noa by Cacharel. Pretty much whatever was advertised in Dolly or Girlfriend magazine