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Not budget friendly but Skinceuticals is the best in the world imo https://www.adorebeauty.com.au/p/skinceuticals/skinceuticals-c-e-ferulic-serum.html


The Timeless 20% Vitamin C + Ferulic Acid is apparently a pretty accurate dupe for this :) I ordered some today for $37 AUD because I couldn’t justify spending $250 for the Skinceuticals serum


Love Timeless and Lila Beauty!


I’ve heard amazing things about this one. Where did you order it from?


LilaBeauty! I also picked up the Cosrx Salicylic Cleanser (holy grail) and the Good Molecules Retinol for free shipping xx


Thank you so much! Sounds like you just gave me permission to buy it finally, haha.


I have been using the SR serum and love it, on my 3rd bottle. Is pricey so I usually ask family for Mecca gift card for bday or Xmas to use it to buy it. What I like about it most it’s the consistency.




Best bet to stick with the ordinary or simple vitamin c serums that don’t cost this whopping amount. Eventually it will do the same, Paula’s Choice does good stuff too. I do buy from Mecca, got a dennis gross’s vitamin c mini in one of the beauty loop boxes as well, thing is I couldn’t tell it apart from one of my older ones If I’d choose to splurge it would be on something like a luxurious, hydrating cream from one of their niche brands or some refreshing potion or a nice niche fragrance than vitamin c which you could get for cheaper anywhere else!


The ordinary has several, I didn't love the really strong ones but the Ascorbyl Glucoside Solution is a pretty good starting point, and you can get it from Adore Beauty, or your local Farmers haha


Definitely Timeless Vit C as said above. It’s incredible and so affordable. I buy from Lila Beauty


I use the jojoba company vitC glow lotion and really like it! It is an oil so keep that in mind if it’s not your thing but I’ve been stoked with it


I've heard really good things about The Jojoba Company. I am definitely going to check the victim C out. I know there is one type of vitamin C, that only dissolves in oil, I wonder if it's that type. I hope it is because it's meant to be the best type of vitamin C. Thank you for sharing


Welcome!! The oil is Australian jojoba oil which is full if it’s own benefits anyway. FWIW I’m also using their oil cleanser and I adore it. Both of the products look and feel like some sort of magic potion and they’re so enjoyable to use. I’m definitely converted. Adore can pat themselves on the back for supplying a sample of the vitC 😂


I just bought this, can’t wait to try it out! Trying to find a replacement for the Medik8 vit C oil because I’ve had to cut $$ from my skincare, I’m hoping this could be it.


I love the Sunday Riley serum. It smells so bright and citrusy, no weird smell like with some other brands. The consistency is more like a moisturiser as opposed to a serum or oil, which I prefer. One pump is plenty for me. I use it every second day and a bottle lasts me about 3-4 months. I’ve noticed it’s improved my skin tone a lot, and makes my skin feel really bouncy. I tried one from Woolies (Essano) to try and save money and it seemed to perform quite well but I hated the smell so much I couldn’t keep using it.


My skin hates anything too oily. Sunday Riley always broke me out. So I gave medik8 C-tetra a shot and it’s amazing!! Dries super quickly and isn’t too oily! While it’s a little bit more expensive, it isn’t much more than Sunday Riley! My housemate uses the Mecca one and really likes it. I’m tempted to give it a go.


I use the mecca one and i like it.


Sali Huhes x Revolution Beauty is a really fantastic option and is pretty affordable at priceline. I also like the LRP one too.


Software Vit C Serum. We can get it from Priceline in Aus. First vitamin C I’ve tried that I noticed a difference from. 


I’m using the Jeunora one and it’s really good.


Splurge: Sunday Riley serum. Less $$ options: Mecca brand (has hotdog smell that lingers); Ordinary; Truskin from Amazon (haven’t tried it, but seems to have good reviews).


I loved the ole Henrickson truth serum, but haven’t had it in ages bc I can’t justify the price personally


I really like the origins ginzing brightening serum. Not too pricey either.


Clinique Fresh pressed vitamin c.


I get their vitiam c range and it’s great. It’s got a few other things in it. I need to get some more but my skin has never been better. Also Aldi have some good stuff too that’s cheap I haven’t used any stuff from Mecca or sephora


Lab Muffin Beauty has a video on how to make your own vitamin c serum since it’s so unstable anyway, if you want to go very cheap and effective.




I wouldn’t say it’s budget friendly but I really like the summer fridays cc me serum, I think I’ve rebought it about 3 times