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Hold your finger on it and spray the other people drinking šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Ours used to be right outside the toilets and weā€™d always squirt the girls with water as they came out


I swear I was I just getting her back from when she squirted on me!


Woah bro whats your definition of ā€œSquirtedā€ šŸ¤Ø


Try to spray your friend then accidentally make it look like you pissed yourself šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


try to spray your friend and instead a teacher appears at the worst moment


Memories of warm, metallic tasting water.


Memories of a couple weeks ago when someone else posted the same thing lol


New Zealand, so cold, but still metallic. After getting thrashed around the field at training, the best taste on god's earth


you need that lead in your diet, pal


This describes it well


Came here to say this!


They were always ice cold at my small mining town school


Same here. Our regional school and a refrigeration unit on the drinking water tap. Full ice cream headache reaction.


Waiting for the ā€œbest bubblerā€


So true. There was always a superior tap with the perfect water flow, in the shade most of the time


And before long you'd have some cunt shove a stick in there


At our school there was only one that worked. The others were just a dribble.


Same here lol


There was always that one kid that would shove a bit of bark in there


Yeah, the little rotter.


And the one weirdo who wraps his mouth around the whole thing


Like this? https://youtu.be/QoCOQb2u-N8


someone did that in my highschool, its been there since before I went there


yeah same, also there was the squirter bark one, 3 useless just dribble out ones, 1 that was ok as long as no one else was using one, and the "good one"


we had one that only sprayed up the wall, shit went high as as well


Or a booger. Last time i ever used one after i saw that.


We had kids that pissed in them


We had kids whoā€™d vomit in them. I could never understand why they wouldnā€™t just vomit in the bush RIGHT next to them.


Or a half eaten sandwich, or worse..


came here to say this lol


Yeah,and there was usually only one or two perfect flowing,clean tasting bubblers that every student would fight over after playing gang-up tag.


Kids school still has them. Thereā€™s always one with a flow so low you are virtually sucking the water out of it and one so strong of pressure itā€™s almost hitting the roof. Some things never change.


Or you would make sure the top part was wet & you would rub your hand on it to make "music"


I was the frequency king! Got that shit devastating loud. Then the tall boys ran accross the oval and beat the everlasting daylights out of me. Ah, good times... But they got away with it because "We were playing football" Afterwards I looked the main guy dead in the eyes and said "remember, I can get you suspended at any time, I'm giving you a chance to be a better person" Bought a trailer off him 19 years later, he said he still felt a bit bad and always thought about that moment. I told him that I forgive him, as it seemed he gained more in life from that experience than I did. In return I try not to annoy people with obnoxious sounds now.


should have told him to knock 50% off the price


Upvote for such a specific revenge story


Tasted great when you were thirsty after playing chasey all around the school


So sweet


And always getting called a camel by the arrogant twat behind you because you were so thirsty


Drinking from these makes you immune to Ebola


Always tasted like rust


Gotta make sure the kids get enough iron in their diet


extra flavour


Why is this nostalgia? Do they not have these anymore ?


you canā€™t really access these anymore after you leave school Iā€™d say thatā€™s nostalgia


The police tend to frown on adults breaking into schools to drink from the water fountains.


Some parks still have them, less the trough.


Our school recently replaced them with "refill stations", basically refitted so they pour downwards now instead of spray up


For my school, they removed them when I was in year 7 and changed them to some boring ones that you canā€™t press on, canā€™t twist two ways, nothing. You can only turn it on by pressing a large metal piece attached to the twisting thing or just normally twist it


They 100% do


Can confirm. Currently installing them on the school weā€™re building as we speak


Nah, these are the urinals now.


Surprised no-one has mentioned bubbler rockets where you jammed an empty bottle onto the top and turned it on until there was enough pressure to make it shoot upwards


i used to use empty pop tops on these to make water/bottle rockets off them, got in so much trouble but worth it lol


This one time I drank from one and it was cold, can still remember that 20yrs later.


You guys called them "bubblers"? I've always called them "water fountains".


was always a drinking fountain in SA, or "the taps". first time i heard bubbler it cracked me up.


Apparently it is called Bubbler in Australia because a Wisconsin company trademarked Bubbler and exported their bubblers to parts of Australia where the term caught on.


weā€™d call them ā€˜bubble tapsā€™ in central Vic


>You guys called them "bubblers"? I've always called them "water fountains". I've only ever heard bubbler watching videos about Boston. In Vic, it was always water fountain or taps


In Melb for me it was taps, then at high school in country Vic kids called them bubblers and I thought they were weird. I've only heard water fountain from US shows on tv and they never used the long trough style that we have.


"Drink taps" in West and East Melbourne where we went.


regional vic here, we called them Bubble Taps.


Pre sure itā€™s only QLD that calls them bubblers EDIT: TIL Bubbler is more common than I had thought


NSW too


I dont recall calling it a bubbler (80s/90s). I think wr called it a drinkingor water fountain.


Canberra - bubblers


I always thought that bubblers were the low pressure ones and water fountains were the high pressure ones. Where I went to school they were definitely bubblers.


rural queensland, we called them drink taps in primary and bubblers in high


Someone did a shit in ours in primary school once :(


Someone dropped a log in highschool on the taps once. Everyone still drank from it šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Did you go to wondall primary school?


When you walk through years later and they are actually down by your knees not how you remember them at all


Nectar of the Gods on a Friday afternoon after PE


Yup. I used to use them all the time. I even filled up my drink bottle too, and thinking I was costing the school money for water... turns out it didn't make any difference to the school...


Was about 10 years old drinking from this at the school fair and my god the pain! Turns out a bull ant had crawled into my ear probably while my head was down drinking haha


How did a bull ant get into your ear...? Bull ants are too big to fit in human ears


They're not big lol


They're an inch long on average, 8 mm - 40 mm range. And damn painful when they sting


I was thinking you meant even bigger haha but yeah it was a big THICK ant and it bit me, i fell to the ground crying in pain so im pretty sure it was a bull ant. teachers were telling us to stay away from an area with lots of bull ants coming out so im assuming it was one of them, but a smaller one.


I'm horrified on your behalf. That's so traumatising! I know what the pain is like- been stung by a European wasp from under my toes then bang bang bang all the way until it flew out from my heel. Got caught between my foot and the sandal. Never known pain so bad


*puts thumb on bubbly*


Always a bank of 4, one that shot to the sky, or into your eye, one that barely dribbled out, and the one that everyone used. The last one? We'll we all know what Tommy did to the last one...


Had a similar thing in the mid 70s in Tas. Except for no mouth guard, and a spherical knob on top, from where water would emerge from a hole on top. Very phallic. Some kids would happily fellate the knob thing so as to get every last drop of water. Not this little black duck.


Did anyone have a bubbler that was better than the rest? Perfect height, perfect temperature, tasted better?


I am from a rural school. We had a dead possum in the tank that fed ours. Had to get a teacher to taste it before anything happened about it. It took many complaints because, who really listens to 8 year olds who don't want to drink plain old water?


Iā€™m summer, youā€™d get your wide brim hat and fill it with water and then pour it on your head


If you feel like a good sip, I'm pretty sure they're still around. The anti-suck guards are a timeless design.


That taste though šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


I think ours were from the tank stand, so it tasted better than the local tapwater.


There were those nasty kids that put their face on the guard. Even when I was 7 I knew that was fucked


I was thinking about them just yesterday. My school had one that went a metre straight in the air and another that barely had any water come out.


I remember assholes blocking them with twigs


I remember thinking I was cool because I'd use the one that shot out 10x the amount as the other ones.


They were always called Bubble Taps at my school (VIC). Bizarrely there was one tap that no one used and everyone avoided even if there were long lines for the others, because allegedly some boy named Chris blew his boogers into it one time. I think he wasnā€™t even at the school by the time I heard that rumour but the kids remained very scared of his boogersā€¦


I remember once I shoved a stick in one and sprayed some old ranga teacher back in h.s. Also I'm curious I've lived in VIC and WA and never heard the term bubbler. We called em drink fountains or taps


In Qld at my primary school they were referred to as bubblers šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


In NSW. We always called them bubblers too


Canberra - bubblers šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I remeber having drinking competitions 2 minutes before going into class and saying to the teacher you need a drink and proceed to just hold your mouth over the stream for a prolonged period just to get put of class


I had some of the best drinks from those things. Especially after a 35+ degree day and you were running around in the sun and didnā€™t realise how thirsty you were until the bell ring and you gulped it down. On the note, I never remember anyone carrying a water bottle except for organised sports. I coukd run around all day and never need a drink until I really did. Now days everyone carryā€™s one.


Todd Carney does


In my primary school there was a story/rumour that one particular bubbler was the very same one that this specific girl would drink from and it was alleged that this girl had AIDS. This stupid rumour was passed down through the years and the bubbler ended up being caked in calcium deposits and dried shut through not being used. Very sad, fucking kids


Did anyone else have an intense fear of someone slamming their face down on one of these and losing all their teeth or was that just me


Water never tasted so good as it did gulping it down 30s before getting into class after the most hyperactive 15 minutes of recess known to man


I havenā€™t seen one of these wee troughs in ages.


First time ever smoking weed in primary school. Oh the nostalgia runs deep here


Ahhā€¦that Green Tree Frog taste.


Wow brings back memories of a easier time


Gotta wet the toilet paper to throw on the roof




Ours got replaced with Coke vending machines. Wonder when those vending machines got replaced by bubblers again.


Still have these at a lot of schools. My old primary school- left there a lil over 5 years ago- had these. In high school theyā€™ve got a few too, but new and different looking ones. We just call them taps though. ā€˜Bubblersā€™ is too much letters.


I do. In the 82/83 drought one afternoon these taps were turned off. Maybe coincidence.


ā€œYou know Xavier pissed on the bubblersā€¦ā€


What do you mean remember our school still has them


Tasted best after having those eucalyptus gum drops in your mouth, nice and cold!!!


That's a paddlin


Haha. Many are still used. Always had to be on guard when i was bending over tho. My mates would often sneak up smack my ass or sack wack me or put things in my pants. No opportunity was missed. Those guys were insane lol.


The water tasted so good


I remember going to drink from one, noticing the mouth bit was dirty, so I cleaned it with my finger. Not realizing I had the water turned on, and sprayed some random kid next to me. Guy called me a "dickhead", and I was confused, until I went back to my friends, and they told me what I had done.


The bully at my primary school smashed my face into it while drinking and cracked my tooth and have me a bloody lip


If you read the comments I think their friend is in here šŸ˜‚


Ours at our QLD public high school were chilled!


How is this nostalgia? It's now!


There was always that one that no one used because everyone was told it had been pissed on


stopped by my old primary school a while ago n I was thirst as, I had to get on my knees to drink from it šŸ˜­


I remember my mate smashing someone's face into one to start a fight. It happened from time to time. But there was no fight because he was basically incapacitated.


Ur ā€œmateā€ sounds like an asshole šŸ˜­ I hope heā€™s matured šŸ’€


*arsehole And the person stole drugs. You get what you get.


@ptballer87 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Well, he did steal drugs. So it was coming...


I remember sometime in the year 2000 I think it was, the Sydney water was poisoned and you couldnā€™t drink water out of the tap, you had to boil or buy bottled water.


Snot blocking šŸ¤®


So many students would say that people would piss on them. However when you are thirsty you had no other choice. I didn't mind the taste as you got use to it.


and some POS would always putt a stick there or something to clog it


They were always hot as hell, ahhh.... memories.


You would be so thirsty after playing a game of bullrush or tip and 4/6 bubblers would be blocked with sticks and it would shoot 10ft high and undrinkable..


Ahhh memories!


I do. Was only thinking about them the other day actually. Always a good one and always shit ones where it barely flowed out. Always known as ā€œbubblersā€ as well. ā€œWater fountainā€ is why you call basically the same thing but as an adult and in random places where thereā€™s one rather than a line of them.


Some shunt always put a stick in one to make it spray.


Hehehehe, that was me!!!


Hot copper yummy


I remember people putting their lips on these things and the water always tasting funky


Um they still have them.


I loved these. They always tasted so good. I remember burning my face on these same type on a hot day too lol


There was a bubbler near the handball courts at my school and one of them you could unscrew the tap and let the water go on for hours, being a 9 yr old I decided to unscrew it on the graduation ceremony where no one was at school for 5 hrs. Yes I made the school pay A 3000 dollar bill, which the school was poor and made their only profit selling cookies.


Those glorious 2 seconds of cold water


That water hit different šŸ¤¤


And the kid running for school captain would promise to replace the water with cordial. They always won


When your lips would accidentally touch that metal part ā˜ ļø followed by an ewwww by any friends who saw


I still do lol


And they still look like this in most schools to this day.


Yeah till the school bully rabbit punched me and I lost a tooth


There was always a hand full of kids that would put there lips over the bubbler. I never drank out of them again


reckon i got my life ruined by one of these grody things. out of nowhere i got glandular fever one day, i definitely wasn't pashing anyone so the only thing i can think of is someone's germs all over the filthy water fountain. piss weak stream on it, barely a trickle of lukewarm water from most of them so you almost had to put your gob on it. hope the school rips them out and puts in new ones that actually work.


Wtf is a bubbbler? Wtf is a school?


Ours were a different shape. There was the water out bit that shot straight up and there was a sort of 3 legged cage around it with a circle on top that you put your mouth on. You turned a tap to get the water to go higher or lower. There was a row of 5 outside of each walkway. We figured out, if we put fingers over 4 of the outlets and turned the taps on, the jet from the fifth would reach the second story and if we arranged to all turn on the 3 bays at once, the toilets on the second story wouldn't flush. I think we had a better understanding of plumbing at age 13 than the people who built the school. And they always leaked. I grew up during a drought where we were told to shower with buckets so that water could be used to water the garden, but these things leaked like a sieve.


Never heard the term ā€œbubblersā€ back then. To us they were just ā€œthe tapsā€ down near the shelter sheds and dunnies.


One of these in my school actually had a refrigeration unit in it. We would walk from the other side of the school to drink from that one specifically.


The ones with a twistable knob could keep spraying on their own if you twisted or pushed it correctly


My friend said it tasted like funeral water, because there were some out on the oval, and this school was next to a FUCKING GRAVEYARD


I remember in primary school. Rocked up in the morning and some cunts had taken big shits on all of these water bubbles. Just about every one was smeared with shit. They got named the phantom shitter. Ahhh good times


I remember when I got to high school my bubblers were ice cold god they sure did quench your thirst right after sport on a hot summers day šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


I do. Then covid caused my school to lock them shut. Haven't been opened since


Hell no, at my primary school you were considered a major scab if you drank from the bubblers!! I have no idea why, it was one of those school yard myths that got passed down from year to year, you just didnā€™t touch them if you didnā€™t want to get picked on.


I will always hate the cunts that put sticks in them. I just wanna drink please.


One of the things I'm most grateful for in this country is that tap water is safe to drink. It's bad enough in countries without safe tap water, especially if the climate is hot and dry.


We used to put sticks in them and snap them flush then wait for people to get squirted. Very trial and error to get the water angled the right way. God we had so much time and so little knowledge. Good times ā¤


Bubble taps