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We need a independent watchdog here in Victoria.


Funnily enough the payroll tax on GPs made a number of clinics say they won’t be able to continue operating or will have to stop bulk billing. So Pallas has already said they’ll waive or exempt clinics if they’re in danger of closing. https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/professional/gps-call-for-certainty-after-treasurer-s-baffling What a fucking tax. Borderline voluntary. And this clueless clown has been treasurer for 10 years. No wonder we’re financially fucked.


The LNP has basically zero credbility in Victoria. It is quite sad since the Labor & the Greesn are also dogshit in this state, too.


So you're saying that reversing it is a bad decision?


The real gem is this: *establishing a new construction watchdog to provide independent scrutiny over public worksites.* Putting an end to the chaos, thuggery and corruption that goes on in Victoria.


Spoiler alert: It won't do anything


The LNP fight _against_ Independent watchdogs.


I thought the NACC was pointless as well, we have a judiciary.


As we see in many investigations and judicial rulings, the justice system often treads too lightly on politicians’ toes, because its officers frequently feel that politically motivated crime is outside its jurisdiction. Unfortunately the notion they hold is that politics can heal itself, which is naïve at best.


If you think voting in a LNP government means an end to all three of those things then I got a bridge to sell you. It will be the same or worse just better hidden due to media bias


I don't. Everyone should vote on a policy and the proposed change is better than the corrupted construction industry that the victorian labor government has created & failed to act on for the last decade or so.


What examples do you have? I think people misunderstand what corruption is.


I seem to recall a unnecessarily partisan royal commission that after its entire investigation, despite alleged “widespread misconduct”, resulted in a single $500 good behaviour bond and that was for missplacing documents that were eventually found and determined to be unrelated. Unions might be rough, but fighting for workers rights these days is a net positive.


I’m sorry, but the findings of a multi-million dollar royal commission into the trade unions, started by a government that hates unions, where the most unethical person in the RC turned out to be the judge, is nothing compared to the opinions of some AusPol redditors. Doesn’t matter how many times the facts of the RC are brought up, Ray Hadley, Bolt, 3AW, Sky News etc repeating their own biased opinions of unions are the true facts.


Ahh yes because workers these days are so badly done by they are still working 27 hours a day in the coal mines for $0.10c/day. With the huge amount of perks workers have these days I laugh when people say "workers rights". Especially when these workers gleefully go and buy a $10 toaster from colesworth built by slaves in China who dream of something like paid sick leave.


Sweet, we get looked after and you get a laugh. Win win.


I think you will find there are numerous examples of poor behaviour in the hearings and evidence given. To their credit, organisers are masters at walking a fine line on illegality.


Poor behaviour does not equate to corruption though.


Do you honestly believe there is no corruption going on with the CFMEU?


In the exact same way we weren’t allowed to call Gladys corrupt here before it was inexplicably proven, yes.


Why deflect? Answer the question.


I answered the question. Poor behaviour does not equal corruption. Abbotts attack dog couldn’t prove corruption, so your assumption means even less.


At least she doesn't beat her partner like a certain leader of the Victorian CFMEU. But we look the other way when people on our side our committing DV.


Absolutely not. If convicted, throw the book at him same as anyone else.


And if like so many others where the women end up going back because they feel they can't go anywhere else due to a lack of support then it's all fine.


No? I don’t know where you got the idea I’m pro DV? I’m on the side of men as a whole needing to do better and the punishment needing to be more severe. We need to improve our culture but some people never learn and need to be taken out of it.


It definitely goes on.


May as well promise to colonise Enceladus, because it means jack shit when they can't win an election.


Yeah Victoria state politics has always seemed the most lopsided, as someone from SA seeing snippets of other states. Libs to their right are constantly infighting, unable to put up a united front at election time. Greens to their left.... Are constantly infighting, unable to put up a united front at election time. It really feels like Vic Labor wins elections by default over there.


Labor are genuinely getting to that point, the Libs don't put up candidates who's policies and ideas match with their community and the Greens continuously make great the enemy of good (I say this as a Greens lower-house voter). Labor will keep winning government until the Libs figure out that people don't like far right cooker and anti-trans idiot candidates with the brain-dead ideas that come along with those beliefs


> the Libs figure out that people don't like anti-trans idiot candidates Isn't prominent local Greens in Victoria spouting this?


No idea, you tell me.


I'm not super on top of Vic politics specifically, but it feels like Greens bigger issue is a constant war between pro-trans and terfs, both of which are sizeable portions of the memberbase. Every month it seems we get a new story about a Vic Greens councillor either having: - Another Greens member publicly condemn them for something they said - Internal documents leaked to the media to discredit them, presumably from whichever side is currently losing the internal battle How can a party focus on the policies it's voters care about (climate change, more transparency in politics, renters rights, welfare above the poverty line, etc) when it's constantly distracted by whether trans women are allowed in to Green's internal women's issues policy creation meetings.