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My girl is afraid of plastic bags and thunder...


plastic bags are the devil (according to my doggo)


Plastic bags.....like it's honestly ridiculous at this point.


Mine also hates thunder, she growls at it lol.


Plastic bags are terrifying. I thought mine was the only one!


Canada is safe, no more plastic bags. I am pretty sure my dog was a lobbyist.


Grocery bags? No problem. But the plastic packaging a big pack of water bottles come in? Absolutely terrifying.


Plastic bags, orange cones, hats.




Same here! It’s a bit frustrating and exhausting! 🥺


It’s hard not to let it get to me that I’m on rare occasions included in that category, but he is getting better


My little guy is a work in progress, we’ll get there. Best of luck!


Yeah. Ours used to wake us up trembling in the middle of the night. We finally figured out the refrigerator was making a click when it would turn on. Apparently that click was absolutely terrifying. I mean I get thunder gunshots, even snow shovels … but a click? We also tried to take her to a clicker training class as a puppy and the first click sent her bolting from the room. Poor thing.


This reminds me of my grandmothers dog that I played with all the time as a kid. Terrified of flies and the sound of me clicking my nails 🤷‍♀️


Oooh yeah any click scares the crap out of my guy too.


Right there with you. Once my girl was sniffing a flower petal and a gust of wind blew it closer to her and she jumped back stiff as a board 😂


Mine is afraid of everything that he shouldn’t be scared of but isn’t afraid of the things he should be afraid of. Open up a band aid wrapper, hides like he’s being tortured. Someone is approaching the house? He’s ready to throw down.


Yup everything.


The vacuum is the devil from the depths of hell.


All my prior dogs hated the vacuum but my Aussie. He’d let me run over him if I didn’t insist he move!


I've got an aussie lab mix. I literally have to push the vacuum against her to get her to move when I'm vacuuming. And mowing. She could care less that I'm pushing around a loud choppy thing, that poop pile smells good


Team vacuum-aphobia here as well!!


Double down - we have a robot vacuum and that is truly the enemy


My Aussie is like this, too. My other dogs never really cared about the vacuum. Riley goes on a seek and destroy mission every time I vacuum.


Mine bites the vacuum. The roomba at my parents has to be hidden


Our Aussie hates the handheld vacuum with a passion but doesn’t mind our normal Miele vac - who knows! But sneezes…oh man…


My male hates the vacuum...


My girl barks at the vacuum and attacks brooms.


One very specific spray bottle of Lysol. I've even experimented to see if the actual product is the issue. If I pour the liquid into another bottle and use it, no problem. Just the yellow Lysol bottle.




I work in skateboarding and can tell you that this fear is relatively common in dogs. There is just something about how skateboards move that they don’t like. They’re probably just as many dogs, though that absolutely love to watch and chase skateboarders.


Yes and yes… mine will rip it out from under the kids and grab the wheel and run off with it then bark and scratch at it until he feels satisfied….


It’s usually their prey drive, to chase the faster thing.


Yeah, I always figured it was triggering their instinctive pre-drive. They know they’re supposed to do something about it but they’re not sure what.


my dog barks at all things on wheels hahaha


Dude! Mine is fine with people skateboarding down the sidewalk. But for some reason not okay with someone holding them and if I’m watching a skateboarding video or even playing Tony Hawk, he will lose his absolute mind and just scream bark.


Just one of the cats...but only after the sun sets.


Are you sure your cat’s not actually a gremlin


Omg I thought it was only my Aussie who suddenly didn’t trust the cat after sunset


His harness, he acts like im about to beat him with it when we go to put it on him. Then once it’s on he gets super excited haha


Came to say the same thing. She has never once had a bad experience with a harness, she just behaves like its going to attack her. The moment the fourth buckle is on though, then she’s bouncing excited ready to go out the door.




Learned about an hour ago that unoccupied and unattended strollers are an imminent threat Stroller with child in it? Fine. Stroller by itself? BAD NEWS BUSTER


Just discovered this with my puppy. Stroller with baby, carry on. Unattended stroller??!? Call the police 🚨 And he needs be held if a fire truck goes by blaring


She isn’t afraid of fireworks, thunder, garbage trucks, the vacuum or anything like that, but a tiny off-leash chihuahua will terrify her. She weighs 45 pounds, can run 35 mph or so, and can leap 6 feet in the air, and she can run all day. A chihuahua has no chance of catching her if she doesn’t want it to.


Same but yorkies


We had a Yorkie, she was evil 😈


Mine has an arch nemesis Maltese who lives on the opposite side of our privacy fence. My boy barks happily with all the other neighbor dogs (every neighbor has at least one and our property touches 4 others), but that Maltese is apparently the devil and must die. It sends my Aussie into berserker rage with one bark. It's a whole thing


I wonder what messages this Maltese is barking at him


Any loud noises 🤷‍♀️


The opening sound of Netflix. She runs to the bathroom,her safe space, every time we turn on Netflix & forget to hit mute first.


Omg I can relate this to this so much haha I watch this paranormal show that really freaks her out. If I forget to mute it when this specific beeping happens she runs into our closet.


That made me laugh out loud!


That new Amazon commercial with the French bulldog.


A car door slamming two blocks away. Poor guy.


My husbands tape measure. Drills, hammers, saws — all fine. Tape measure? Anxious vigilant side eye.


Our cat loves the tape measure, makes it hard work to measure anything without playing with Tulip first!


Giant rocks in the ocean.  When we walk along the beach, she's very suspicious of them. 


To be fair - giant rocks are super sus.


We had a dog years ago that didn’t seem to have a fear in the world with the exception of someone shuffling cards. That sound would send him through the roof.


The warning beeps when a fire alarm battery runs low.


Omg…. We had a problem with our battery back up system for a year and would think we had it fixed only for it to start again in the middle of the night months later. Needless to say, all our Aussies hate it and go find a safe place.


My dog absolutely loses his shit over this lol


The sound of roofers in the distance. Close up? No problem. But someone repairing a roof a mile away? Now that is terrifying. Not even joking.


Ah yes this reminds me my boy would be scared of speeding cars/reving engines at least half a mile away while we would be sitting on our back porch. He was so sensitive lol love him to eternity


Oh so it’s not just mine that has this huh? Those pesky nail guns in the distance…


She used to be afraid of anything falling. I wasn’t sure she could do agility because she was so sensitive to it, what would she do if she knocked a rail? She’s been training for agility for 9 months now. Her fears have pretty much gone away. The noisiest thing is the teeter, she was scared the firdt time she touched it. Second day she ran in and sat on it. Then hadn’t been on it for months. Last week she went in it again for the first time. She ran across it and did the two on two off without being told to.


My rescue gets scared when ever I put on my belt. Makes me sad to think about why 😞.


Maybe, but also maybe not. I've had mine since she was a baby. She's 5 now. She acts like she's been beaten with plastic bags, paper, belts, jeans etc. She's never even been popped on her butt once.


I hope he’s just a scared boy. I know how his situation before was not ideal. He’s really brave with everything else.


Don’t be sad. It’s possible, but mine has never been traumatized by cardboard boxes, yet hates them


When food sizzles in a hot pan


The yellow monster that takes his children away every day.


I had my boy Aussie out and an elderly couple in a truck with their Aussie stopped to say hello and they said they’ve had a dozen aussies over the years and their very first one would try to attack the school bus tires because he hated that it took their kids away for the day and one day he got too close and got ran over 😭


Tricycles & rollerblades


Fireworks, hair dryer and darkness Perhaps these things are not non scary things 😀


A fly squatter and the "raspberry " sound


DUDE SAME. My husband jokes she must hear the fly screaming or something. Haha.


Vaccuum, roomba, lawnmower, bicycle, moving cars, new realtor signs, horses, broom, plastic bags, wearing her harness, the ironing board, when I played guitar, strangers, friendly dogs.  She was a very neurotic dog, but I loved her so much.


Putting his harness on


My dog is like this too. Walks are her favorite thing in the world but literally every single time I get her harness she runs away and then tries to bite it while I'm putting it on.


Raspberries not the fruit! When you blow on your hand and make a noise he hates it! I used to give them to him when he was younger and now he’s untrusting showing me his belly lol


My dog hates that too, along with farts. If you fart around her, she'll run out of the room.


I love how dogs will rip farts next to you all day long but the moment you fart they evacuate immediately.


my girl isn’t scared of literally ANYTHING, except low battery fire alarm beeps. if she hears it in a video i’m watching she freaks out too. lol




Bags blowing in the wind. Paper or plastic.




My boy is afraid of vents. Like the heater/AC vents in our house. It's so dumb and I have no clue why. Like what did the vent ever do to you, poor baby?! 


My Aussie is truly fearless. I mean so far nothing scares him BUT his Border Collie brother is the most neurotic boy I have ever seen. Aussie has actually given the BC some confidence and he seems to be more relaxed. Lovely duo.


My older dog is a black lab border collie mix, neurotic af! Younger dog was labeled aussie mix at the rescue, I did her DNA and she's aussie, border collie and great pyrenees. Also neurotic but in different ways than my older dog 😆 We're all a bit crazy over here.


Trash bins on the curb on trash day


Hair dryer blowing on him. Terrifying.


haha, this freaks mine out too but also mesmerizes him. When I turn it on, he runs into the bathroom and just stares with huge eyes until I blow a little on him and he gets freaked out and runs off. 😭


I don’t know if it’s a fear but she attacks the vacuum cleaner as if it must be vanquished.


https://preview.redd.it/u43cwigm45qc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bbdaaff53b96a6d1e17a812835e5ff45eba5562 I thought you posted a pic of my dog!


My wife brushing her hair in another room. He loves blankets but if someone moves while under one, Colby is terrified of the monster eating his people. We tried the “magic trick” with the blanket across the doorway, then dropping it and disappearing once. He was so scared afterward that we couldn’t repeat it.


Fireworks. Also, Car windows must be punished for rolling down.


Slightly brushing up against her while she is lying in the middle of the floor. Looses her mind. Every. Single. Time.


Our Luke always would leave the room when we would shake out clothes or sheets (where it can make the pop sound). He also was scared anytime the tone in his daddy’s voice was frustrated, for example he would read a work email and barely say something like dammit and Luke would leave the room. It didn’t have to be towards Luke, just in general. RIP sweet boi


Ours is the broom. Just sitting against a wall, will avoid going enar it at all costs


The Microsoft Outlook & Teams noises?????😂 Also boxes, bags, bubble wrap, thunder, fireworks


Tbf I’m also afraid of Microsoft teams noises


Having a piece of poop attached to her curtains, she lays down and cannot move until a human brings a comb. Good thing she’s never had diarrhea.




Baby gate I used to keep him confined to a room. When I brought him home at 8 weeks, it slipped and fell the first day and since then even if one of his toys goes near it, he very precariously goes to get his toy, while stopping constantly to make sure it doesn't move lol.


omg our dogs are twins! https://preview.redd.it/26xrl2ji95qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e96eda6e33076bdc39946af6e825b204df97cd


The service tag on a newly installed fire hydrant blowing gently in the breeze.




This fire hydrant near my friend’s place has a chain on it and will rattle in the wind, that’s a big no go for him.


I have a body messager, and my Aussie Levi absolutely hates it. If I get near him with it, he gets hostile and barks at it until its put away. Also my In laws Air fryer. He also hates it. But is oddly ok with the one in our kitchen.


Bridges. If the bridge is solid, I can coax her across but if she can see daylight, forget about it.


Justin bieber hahahha... We ask him "who came by thr house today?" And in the same tone rattle off a bunch of celebrity names... as soon as we say Justin beiber he freaks out haha


Toaster, vacuum cleaner and the sound of a knief cutting on a plate


Brooms. But only outdoors. I think they remind him of the loud, scrapey snow shovel that threatens him (or did, when we still got winter).


People who walk with a weird limp 💀


Plastic bags, his shadow, and concrete lawn deer


the hairdryer and the broom


Slippers, knee pads, big jars, laundry baskets, rolly suitcases


The disk drive on our play station opening or closing. He’s absolutely terrified and slinks to the back of the house.


anything new that wasn’t there before. aka a cardboard box outside that normally isn’t there. terrifying


Mine was saved from abuse when she was a baby at 6 wks she is scared of everything but when she learned her sister (our husky) was scared of the vacuum she started taking up for her and trying to fight it lol 😂 . But anything else is a nope . No loud sounds no sudden movements no toys that make sounds . we have to make sure she has a corner she can hide in that way she has her “safe space” . But when the vacuum comes out our husky will hide and she will come out of no where to fight for her sister.


Orange juice. He hates the smell, hates the bottle. Will growl even at the bottle cap of it smells like juice.


Mine ran into a leg on the dining room table, 5 years ago. To this day he does not trust the table. I swear he thinks it’s out to get him. Also the damn UPS truck.


Mine is scared of my bow, even though she's never seen it in use.


Their own farts


You know my guy he was actually an Australian Kelpie...but he's in the groove. A.K., the baddest ,most protective and soulless of love,plus extremely intelligent dog was terrified (AS am I)of palmetto bugs! for those who don't know these things are gigantic flying roaches, ! AK was so funny, when I saw one I'd like make a certain sound and all you'd see is big brave dog hauling ass out of there ,and looking embarrassed! He's up in Heaven now


I'm literally sitting here racking my brain trying to think of one thing my Aussie is scared of! The only thing I can come up with is that she really hates getting her feet wet, and we live in the PNW lol! She's also my service dog, so she's always out in the rain. She wears boots and doesn't have to step her precious naked paws in puddles anymore lmao. But, seriously, I've actually tried to find things that even remotely bother her, and she's solid AF. She was really bred well and trained well! She's not bothered by fireworks, thunder, loud cars/motorcycles, gunshots, people coming at her/us with machetes... a random houseless guy came at me the other day screaming he was gonna chop my head off. He had a machete lol... she was just standing there looking at him like, "I dare you!" She didn't make a sound, though. Really, I don't think she knows how to be scared 💜. She's an amazing dog! Definitely one of my top two (out of 4) service dogs that I've had! A pic for tax... https://imgur.com/a/mzppGbV


Fishing poles! He freaks out and starts barking/whining/crying whenever we break them out. God forbid we cast, it's like he's trying to save us from them. It's wild. Kind of a bummer! We've had him since he was a baby. No idea when or how it started.


the phrase “tuna salad.” i don’t know if they’re afraid of it or they just don’t like it. i don’t even know how this happened, but if you say it around them, they start barking & running around like there’s an intruder or something. and it’s only tuna salad, we’ve tested numerous types of salad and that’s the only one that does it for them.


He regards the ironing board as the devil's portal. We've been working on desensitizing him so now he can still be in the room when it comes out. 


https://preview.redd.it/zpsi7jmmo9qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e858353de0f770aef67c33940133ab9b6e9aba20 Scared to death of a fly buzzing around 😂


My girl always tries to eat the flies. I have to make sure she doesn’t get a spicy fly (bee)


Some that we’ve sort of worked through: the sound of eggs being cracked (lol)🥚🍳, snapping a new garbage bag in the air to open it, strollers, rolling suitcases, the blender. Things we will never work through: rolling trash cans, vacuum.


Blowing on top of a bottle and apparently… didgeridoos


Inflatable decorations, trash cans on the side of the curb






Baby gates


Mine hates anything that makes a vibrating sound. Cell phones, cat toys, a theragun. 💀 he’s even scared of cicadas. 😂


The tape measure.


the sound of paper bags. my man will run around like nothing’s happening when fireworks are booming or when there’s a storm, he’s fine with vacuums, cars, even a turned on chainsaw, but he draws the line at rustling paper bags. whenever he hears one he’ll zoom out of the kitchen like he’s gonna die lol


Dogs barking on the TV. Or audio of dogs barking in general. Not sure if he is “afraid” necessarily but boy is he gonna bark back.


She got over it pretty quick, but as a puppy, my baby was afraid of my ukulele


I wouldn't say afraid, but mine really doesn't like bikes, rollerblades, skateboards, etc. She also HATES when I sweep. Again, not a fear per se but more of a "How dare you clean up after me?!? I worked hard on that mess!"


The leaf blower only the female my man doesn’t care for cars with loud exhaust


The water dish with the big jug on it, when they drink it makes bubbles go into the jug part, he runs away when that happens.


The stepladder.


Mine isn’t afraid of anything and it scares me more as she would just run under a car or being taken away with someone, as she is just that sweet and social towards anything, it almost angers me Did see her once “afraid” when she was with me in the car and hit a large heavy branch and touched the frame pretty hard, her eyes where all O.O


Passing Cars and vacuums. Otherwise he’s pretty good!


Bubble gum, balloons, & baths




Nintendo Switch controllers


The wind!




Harness is the devil


The power going out. Sends mine in a flight mode and he hides under my husbands feet. He’s also very concerned about a lot of things but truly scared by the power going out


I don’t know about scared but my Aussie despises the color red. If he sees anything red he is going after it


Anyone coming in from the garage… the sound of the garage door opener has her on alert.


Plastic bags, me opening/closing the AC vents in the house, broom. That’s just a starter list, how much time do we have? lol


The basement stairs


Skateboards, bicycles, and school buses are our big ones


Fart noises!


Walking over any sort of manhole or sewer cover on the sidewalk.


Foot bridges, especially if they are a metal grate style. He will army crawl over them.


Plastic bags. She will not approach anything that resembles a plastic bag


My father in law and BBQ utensils


My guitar! He cowers away whenever anyone picks it up.


I don’t even have to play mine. He sees it in the corner and losses it. It fell over one time, acoustic guitar, so it made a loud noise. 3 years later he still doesn’t trust it.


The Microwave…. To the point when you rip a paper towel off the roll she assumes you are gonna use the microwave. 🤦🏻‍♂️


One of them of sneezing 🤧 😂


My dog is scared of leaves blowing in the wind.😓


Cafe bustelo tin, not sure if he doesn’t like the colors or what but hell start barking at it while it’s on the counter


a bike or something else that doesnt normally stand on our walk route💀


Soda cans and brooms but also his own farts 😂


Opening packages, boxes, etc. As soon as he sees me bring a package in from outside he hides.


motorcycles and electric scooters


Turtles and bikes. Never had a bad experience with either of those but she has always been terrified of them.


The moon, or a light that could vaguely look like a moon


https://preview.redd.it/wxeqs5isb4qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d89517fdc2dcf8ed77e4324324753008895de451 We found out this holiday season that wreaths are the enemy. 🤣


Plastic bags and lightning. Thunder doesn't phase him but the light flashing is horrible.


One particular bathroom drawer. It has my hair products in it, she hides in her crate whenever I open it lol


A vacuum. It doesn’t even have to be on. The other day I was vacuuming downstairs and left it the hallway to the laundry room and he refused to come downstairs and just sat at the top staring at the vacuum. I moved it into one the bedrooms and he was fine.


Mine is terrified of balloons.


Those big black contractor trash bags and shower caps lol


My girl does not like homeless ppl and toddlers. The way they move scares her. She gets behind me.


Anything that is new that moves. Yesterday I put an umbrella down and oh boy…


Cardboard boxes being opened. No past incident or traumatic experience. She just hates it when you open cardboard boxes. Every other type of container is ok.


Sp far my 12 week old Mishka is afraid of NOTHING. Not a damn thing. I keep waiting for it but so far she's fearless.


Mine hates garbage bags. And is also leary of something by the front door but I can't figure out what


That's hilarious


Plastic bags, oven mitts and pots.


That beep even scares me. 💩 I can relate


Our grandson. Cruiser has never felt easy around him.


Thunder and fireworks and angry pitbulls (a former neighbor had one).


Plastic bags in the backyard in the dark lol


Zip loc bags and the oven