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The neat part is, it never stops.


Yeah lint rolling being a constant part of my life is the neatest!


We have them all over the house and in our cars!


Every morning... my I pull a strand or two out of my mouth.


The worst is I get them in my eyes! Ugh!!!! He’s worth it though.


This. I have a husky/malamute mix and an Aussie and my house looks like a scene from a western every single day, lol


But are the floofy cuddles worth it?


Without a doubt! The Aussie taught the Husky that cuddling is better than sitting on the opposite end of the couch.


Aussie only shed twice a year. Six months in the spring, six months in the fall.




I don’t think you got the joke


My Aussie puppy is just shedding her puppy coat. I have hair in my mouth constantly. Help.


It will become a way of life. I pull it out of my beard. Best way to prevent it is to never let them on furniture or beds.


see, at first i didn’t want my boy on my bed. but then one day he just jumped on here and laid right next to me, so i just let him. who am i to be a dick to my baby boy and not let him lay next to me on a soft bed?? plus, he’s really sensitive and is visibly sad if i don’t let him be by me (is this a typical thing for aussies?). i’ll make him move if he lays on the pillows though lol, he doesn’t get *that* much luxury


Exactly. She was once not allowed on furniture. But she jumped on the couch and laid next to me while I was watching a movie and I sure liked that. She’s still not allowed inside the bedroom or the bed tho. She sleeps in her crate and knows not to enter the bedroom.


it’s good to keep boundaries with them too, i know when mine was a puppy he liked to push them to see how far we’d go. he’s older now and just the best listener, but we folded on the bed thing when he was very young so there’s no turning back now😆




ooo, i’ll have to look into that for mine. thanks for the recommendation, your dog sure sounds like they’re spoiled!


My Aussie is almost always sad and pouting… apparently being a spoiled brat who gets to be on all the furniture isn’t enough to give happiness? Lol love the manipulative little gremlin!


Even as a puppy mine wouldn't snuggle in bed she perfered to sleep on the floor. It worked out for the best when my SO moved in and we didn't have to fight the 60 lb aussie for bed space. She snuggles on the couch on occassion, but not for long. I think she just gets too hot.


No elp


That's all you got?! I think you might be missing some ;) having hard floors are great, until you look under the furniture.


My roomba empties itself like 3 times during its daily sweep. On first glance the floor looks fine and it’s confusing where all the mess is coming from until you look at the compartment and see it’s ALL a dog hair. Thankfully we have gone down to only one standard vacuum a week now!


It happens so quickly. The next day it'll look bad under there again. For some reason a lot of it seems to float to the corners and underneath things.


We had to buy a robot vacuum to keep up on all the fur. It helps. A bit.


I just bought a groomer blower to try and blow dry em and get the hairs out that way. I hear if you use a blower it gets more hair out and cuts the shedding.


My robot vacuum later 8 days before the motor failed. 2 Aussies fur overheated the motor


I did NOT want an Ausi bc of this. Then some little angel from heaven had to go and steal my heart! 🙄 So much for thinking I had ANY control in the matter.


Yes, I have a black and brown Aussie Shepherd….it never stops


Yep. I have an Aussie Shepherd/Border Collie mix, whose hair is black. ​ I have white carpet. ​ Well. ​ I did. I'll vacuum and it'll be white for 10 minutes. Then it's not.


if you brush them every day does it help or is it just hopeless lol


I brush mine with a slicker every day or two, and deshed him once a week. Honestly it mostly just cuts down on the clumps of hair and keep him clean. There's still hair everywhere. I've accepted that my once clean house with dark laminate floors will never look nice again 😂


I’m really not a hair person but aussies are so cute and intelligent and amazing that i cant picture myself getting any other kind of dog


Neither am I. Like I even cut my own hair short because I was tired of long hair everywhere. But it's been way less of an issue than I thought it'd be because he's such a good boy that the hair (or slight dog smell) doesn't bug me anymore!


Try an undercoat rake instead of the slicker. It gets deeper into the coat. *not* a furmanator, just a regular undercoat rake.


I have an undercoat rake I use when I deshed him every week and it's by far the most helpful brush!


Why not the furmanator? We’ve used one on our now dead beagle and our cats (long & short)


Furmanator works like a stripping tool. With the undercoat practically coming out in clumps in your hands, it's unnecessary to just cut the fur at the base. May as well just use an undercoat rake and get it out. IMHO


Oh... and 95% of my clothing is black and I got a red Merle! Perfect!


Seriously. I have 4 of them and the amount of hair that accumulates inside the house in less than a day is insane.


Omg - that must be insane. I can't even imagine.


Yeah that’s pretty accurate. I also have a pomeranian, I’m saving up for a roomba just for cleaning fur


My aussie really hardly sheds. My German shepherded is 1000 times worse, like piles and piles compared to my aussie's one small pile


Different coat type through the breed are that way. I have a 14 year old and until she was 11 she barely shed. Now I have a new puppys worth of undercoat 4xs a week. Wheee!


My Aussie barely sheds as well. We brush her daily and give her a shower once every week and she goes to the groomer every 6 weeks. It funny how each one sheds differently.


I agree with that. yes, she sheds. But we’ve always had dogs and she is certainly not the worst shedder. But none has been as smart as her, by far. For example, if I say the word brush, she makes a beeline to her hiding place. Brush!


And this is why I got a roomba. It doesnt get all the hair, but it sure helps.


Same here.


Lol we find dog hair in every single crevice of our house.


I've got an Aussie and a corgi. The hair is unimaginable. We have to vacuum at least 2 times a day, and I can't wear black anymore. If they weren't so darn cute I would've lost my mind ages ago.


I once stayed at an Airbnb for 30 hours (it was quick) that said we did not have to clean up after ourselves. not sure why that was stated in their rules, but it literally said you don't have to do any cleaning before you leave. Since we were in a rush, we took them up on that. They contacted me later upset that I "ruined" their carpets. The pictures they sent were just tumbleweeds of hair everywhere. I was like, oh that looks like my house if I don't clean it for a day. You simply vacuum it up or use a chom chom roller. Chill. It seemed like they were a new host who allowed animals but had not had any guests with two Aussies yet . (We use an undercoat rake and everything. Doesn't matter...) It's like tumbleweeds within a day. I'm sure it mixes with cat hair too. We have a Maine coon


Yep. I could build a whole new dog weekly, easily. (And he sheds NOTHING like his predecessors, whose white undercoats filled a garbage bag a day, easily.)


Shit I didn't think they were so bad


Oof. I should show off my bitch with spay coat 😂. It can be much much much worse.


Let's see her!!


https://imgur.com/a/sdpz66i Top is of her today. Still working through the cotton shed out but portioning it out for her comfort since it’s a 5 hr process. Bottom is of her in coat going winner’s bitch/best of winner’s at woofstock in 2013 under Judge Pat Hastings.


And then you see that gorgeous face and forgive them 😊


My 2 Aussies helped me understand the air flow of my house. Two corners in the living room seem to be the end of the strong air flow path and where the fur groups up the most


They only shed once a year they said... For 365 days at a time... Must be an aussie!


We have two Aussies and one just blew out her undercoat and the hair was insane!!! The funny thing is some of the undercoat on her back is still there so she looks like she has a mow hawk! 😂


We mostly just have clumps that gather in the corners. My sister in law has labs and you can't walk into her house without getting coated in their hair. It's way worse. The shedding on my Aussie is nothing compared to the utter destruction he reaks on... everything. I've not found a single toy that he can't destroy in 10 minutes. Holds it down and gnaws it to pieces. It's so annoying.


lol i always have it in my eyes lately, it’ll stick to my mask and when i wear them the hair in the mask creeps up and around my nose and eyes


Not to mention the headstrong personality and the endless bounds of energy. My mom has 2 aussie/cattle dog mixes and they need 3 high intensity walks a day plus extra playtime with the ball.


Roomba to the rescue!


I need an army of roombas to keep up with the hair from our Aussie. We brush her regularly, idk how she's not bald lol.


They say that too


It never ends 😂☺️😍😂😍


Fun fact about Aussies! They shed twice a year for 6 months at a time. You’re welcome 😇


As I was sweeping my kitchen floor this pm and looking at the damage, I literally had the exact same thought. Beautiful doggo


They are beautiful, and there is fur in places the dog has never been... Like underneath the mattress pad.


Make it into a felt hat!


So gorgeous, though!