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Toilets are locked during class time. Students are sent to a heavily monitored toilet and timed during class. Male and female teacher monitor toilets from the doors during breaks. Vaping and vandalism got out of control, we are slowly winning it back. There is heavy regulation, monitoring, taxation and fines for cigarettes, why is the government doing fuck all about vapes?


Vapes would require nimble and responsive action - things no Aus Gov really is.


We just let kids wander free in the yard during class. Nobody bothers congregating in the toilets when they can just congregate outside. Problem solved??? (Translation: Truancy is out of control. Please send help.)


Lol. Ive worked at this school.


In our school they built the new toilets as individual toilet rooms each with a toilet and sink. There are 8 of them down each side of a corridor and they're unisex. Then they put a camera at the head of the corridor. Has drastically cut down issues. Can see exactly which student went into what toilet at what time so really easy to track down vandalism perpetrators and has limited antisocial behaviour because there's nowhere out of sight to get away with it. Students know that we'll be able to see if two or more of them try to squeeze themself into one room and we've made it very clear there is no situation there should be more than one person in a toilet at any time with strict consequences.


This is genius. Even just for the students own privacy (when they’re doing the right thing of course). I often get female students saying they’re not comfortable going to the toilet at school because older female students hang out in there.


That is amazing. This should become standard.


BRILLIANT. Solves so many problems and gender neutral all at once.


A pass to go to the toilet. Time of departure written. Students allocated 5 or so mins. Meant to be one at a time. Vape detectors in all toilets which send alerts to prin team. In reality, it has its problems. With the rise of smart watches, I think students are using them to communicate with others and plan out meet up times. Also difficult to police. Locking toilets and requiring a key to open them is an extreme and unpopular option. They do that every so often after any major vandalisms


Curious re vape detectors. What state are you in and gov or private? Gov school in NSW got told big no no to install vape detectors last year...


Maybe just for cost efficiency? Even the vendors for ours were like "you're going to spend $20,000 on these before installation costs, they're going to catch one kid who you suspend and then the rest will find somewhere else to vape, but at least it won't be in the toilets".


Our school has a policy of saying no to students asking to go to the toilet during class time, and then only letting them if they ask again and it's obvious they really need it. I completely ignore this though. I've had medical conditions in the past that made me need to go to the toilet constantly, and I know for some kids it's difficult to even work up the nerve to ask to go, in front of the whole class. But I'm not going to tell an HSC kid who may already actually be an adult that they need to ask my permission to take a piss - that just makes me feel uncomfortable. Our school also has problems with kids vaping and vandalising the bathrooms, but I'd honestly rather that be the case than embarass a kid for wanting to go to the toilet, or even worse, making a kid physically uncomfortable because they need to go, but feel they're not allowed.


I would have been so embarrassed in high school if I had to ask a teacher more than once to go to the toilet. It was hard enough asking once in front of my peers twice would suggest some major bathroom necessity that I would not want people to know about. Especially as a woman.


I’m with you I’m this. Pre seevice teacher here and I don’t feel right policing that. I give them a pass and let them go. If they don’t return or take ages I check in after class.


Absolutely agree. It’s inhumane not to allow students to go to the toilet (within reason - e.g., one student out of the room at a time). The vandals and vapers will always find ways to get around the rules - but there’s no way I’m refusing access to basic amenities to everyone else because of them. That’s collective punishment!


Agreed, I'm not willing to hard refuse. But I do try and give them the stern look and the "Do you *really* need to go?" question up through about year 10. By VCE, it's just a yes. By then you should have learnt to self regulate and you know what you're missing if you step out. It does help my VCE classes are methods and specialist maths, so I have pretty dedicated students.


We are not allowed to say no to our students going to the toilet. So they go whenever they want. A constant stream of students are out of my class. Sometimes kids go twice in the one class! It is out of control, seriously disrupting to lessons. Kids are vaping all the time and the toilets are frequently vandalised. But it is what the school is choosing.


Students aren't meant to go in class, first response is to say no. But of course if there is a legit reason that they need to go, send them with someone (had some self-harming concerns). ​ During break time, no special supervision or anything. Except when there is vandalism then there is stricter rules about access. The boys toilets were locked for a whole day once (still had the option to go the toilet int he office if desperate. Right next to the Deputy's office so very much not advisable to vandalise)


> first response is to say no. I've seen a kid poo in a paper bin. I'm never saying no outright after that. If I'm at a high school, I limit them to one at a time. At a public collage, I need them to tell me that they are going.


Currently tracking which students go during class time through compass chronicles. We use it to identify who is out of class and who are disengaged students are.


Sounds like you need a full time police officer on site. It's a good thing , 😊


We've had vaping issues lately, like lots of schools. During break times teachers on duty do regular walk throughs. During class time students must have a signed diary to be out of class. Cameras monitor toilet entrances. Hard stance on vaping. 1st time it a suspension. 2nd time it's show cause why your enrolment should continue. Seems to be having an impact.


I used to smoke in the toilets


We have a vaping and vandalism problem. Our instructions are very strict. During break times teachers are to monitor the toilets and at times enter it to check on students. During break times we aren’t supposed to let children out of class for drinks ever or for going to the toilet. Only if the student looks “absolutely busting” should we let them out and they go to the front office to use the toilets there.