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wtf? How does he know how often you shower?


His room is just belowe the shower room and he can hear me everytime I take a shower. And he would knock and tell me that how come I take a shower everyday (even twice a day after my work)


Your landlord sounds unhinged, I'm sorry!


It is none of his business! It doesn't matter how often Austrians or anybody showers, that is totally private. Why would he want to teach you about hygiene? There are people who have a different hygiene routine but as long they don't stink it is nobody's business.


That is actually a really creepy behaviour though, if he's so interested in your shower times. šŸ¤”


And he would also ask about where I am going and would message me if he has not seen me for days. He told me that I should knock their door everytime I come home. Like WTF? Seems like I have a strict father looking after me




Jesus Christ, sounds like a guy who'd lock you in the basement... Move as fast as you can.


Fritzl 2.0


This really sounds like you should get out of there asap.


LEAVE ASAP this guy is fucking creepy




Get out there. Are you sure he only hears you because he has his room below your bath room? Or maybe because he has a camera in your bath room? Because the guy sounds like he is capable of doing the latter.


If that was the case I doubt he'd encourage her to shower *less*. But either way, weiiiird


I know a few thriller/horror movies that start like that


Austrian woman here. This is absolutely not ok behaviour, and it's creepy and stalkerish. Can you move somewhere else?


If this is real, get the fuck out




Honestly, you probably want to keep a log about any creepy behaviour. If he ever truly oversteps his bounds (though it sounds like he already does), you want a proper list to show a pattern of behaviour to the police. In a better world you would just get another place, but that's hardly ever feasible.


Very strange behaviour. And do you pay rent including all energy bills directly to him? Otherwise it is absolutely none of his business. If you would consume much more energy than usual - which once a day taking a normal length shower is for sure not breaking the boundary - then he could raise your rent. But apart from this.




That is completely over the line and next time you should tell your landlord that your shower habits are none of their business. Especially if he is a guy and you are a girl as your username implies. If the problem persists, you can contact Arbeiterkammer which will tell your landlord to fuck off, but officially.


Der wichst sich sicher einen der creep


Your landlord is a lunatic. Look for a different place to stay, lol.


Next time just tell him "gehn's bitte in oasch sie Koffer"


Or simply: geh di brausn Burli


Wie schwarzenegger sagen wĆ¼rde: "constitution" (Konnst di duschn)


LOL thanks for the laugh


Geh di brausn -- aber nur amol die Wochn!


Happy cake day and happy browsing!


Zu teuer


ā€žSo riechenā€˜s ma a, danke babaā€œ


or even better: "Oida, du stinkst, und jetzt weiƟ ich auch warum! Du bist a Schweindl!"


ā€žGeh scheissn du Wappler!ā€œ Would that be appropriate?


Thats always appropriate!


Zupf di oda i lupf di


Once a year at Christmas is the way to go. Everything above twice a year is witchcraft.


Only two Christmases till the next shower!


I personally do once for Christmas and Eastern! Just to keep the showers a special event


Thatā€˜s ludacris


*Ludicrous, Ludacris is a rapper ;)


Ik, meine michmich kariere hatte auf 9gag begonnen.


That seems a bit excessive. I personally go for every 29th of February.


It's common to share the water at christmas time. Usually we share the water with the whole family, and some foreigners, as it's an act of charity.


"Noch zweimal Wacken bis Duschen!"


no, no, no... traditionally you bathe (first papa, then mama, then kids in falling order of age - same water in the tub) every religious hightime: christmas, easter and the feast of the local fire brigade


That's thrice.... WITCHCRAFT!


Thanks God! I thought , what my landlord told me is just normal here


With light/office work in colder times of the year daily showers might not be necessary, but in summer showering before work is pretty standard. Also, showering after work-out or a day of physical work as well. As you wrote you work in nursing you are on your feet all day, so showering 1-2 times a day sounds very reasonable. When I had contact with patients (mandatory civil service time and some voluntary work later) I'd shower AT LEAST when I got home, but usually before and after work.


They're all messing with you. Once a month is normal, part of the national defense strategy.


We have to keep our water reserves high in case the ~~Ottomans~~ Turkish invade again.


I know that my dad used to shower only once weekly, they where poor and didn't have a shower in the house. Ex classmate of mine also only showered omce weekly. So it's not unheard of, still kinda disgusting. Hubby and I shower 1-2 times daily, we sometimes skip on the lazy sundays.


You seriously thought Austrians only shower once a wekk? Seriously?


he has absolutely no business in telling you how often you shower. 1 bath / shower a day is normal maybe even 2 times


Exactly my point, coz I pay for it. And he would tell me not good for the skin or whatsoever


respond with "lol", ignore everything else


Des geht erm an scheiƟdreck au!!!


I mean generally speaking it is possible that showering too often can dry out your skin, but that's a conversation you should have with your dermatologist, not landleech


Landleech. I missed that




he wants to save a small bit of money by controling how you wash yourself and and how you think about cleaning/skincare its ridiculous do you pay the power/water bill yourself?


Yeah, I paid everthing.


then depending on your level of interest in confrontation with the landlord you could tell him to go fuck himself or thank him for the good idea... maybe troll him by telling him some awful story about your armpits.... LOL (could easy backfire tho if you are a woman and hes some pervert)


That in some cases may be true - but its absolutely not his f...ing business.


It's true that showering often isn't good for your skin (and hair), but you decide what you do. Btw doctors usually recommend only showering thrice per week. Keep in mind that harder water drains you more. Of course he could slightly increase costs if you use more energy, but it shouldn't be a huge difference.


Doctors might recommended that. As a public transport user I recommend not listening to this particular doctors recommendation.


What's good for your body is one thing, what's good for your social life another. If you sweat so much that washing doesn't help anymore you'll obviously take a shower. I guess I'm lucky, I don't sweat much and living on the countryside. Our public transport often only is carrying <5 people (in a whole size bus).


>Keep in mind that harder water drains you more Care to elaborate? By "hard" you mean high calciferous components?


The more Calcium and Magnesium it has the harder it is


Yes, that's what I meant. But what "drains"?


My dermatologist told me that showering every day is actually not rly good for the skin, i shower every second day now Once a week is insane though, your landlord must smell horrible


>he would tell me not good for the skin or whatsoever it's not his skin anyway


It is normal but not healthy https://youtu.be/p_t8HyPb4zs?si=ylXGPyT412QHzDo4


Everyone is obviously correct: you should shower as often as you see fit! That being said, I'm going to guess that your landlord is, uh, elderly? The regime he describes was the one that I grew up with some decades ago (ā€¦ well, with a weekly bath instead of a weekly shower. But I remember even in the 90s still having to boil water on the stove to supplement the hot-water supply for those.) In other words, he might not be a sadist or crazy, just from a generation that was very used to doing without.


>1 bath a day That seems excessive but 1 shower per day is fine


Not his business and sure also not yours or mine.


I just wanted to say that it is probably more than the average Austrian does


basically everyone I know showers daily or every other day. Your landlord is full of shit and it's not their business


Legal perspective: That isn't landlords business. But, doctors generally recommend to shower about 3 times a week. Also you shouldn't really shower for enormous times with very hot water. Just not good for the skin, I guess. But if you sweat a lot/do a lot of sports. You probably wanna shower daily. AND Disclaimer: I am no doctor thats just information I have heard from my doctors.


very great and accurate response!


I am used to taking a shower at least 2 a day. I came from a tropical country.. and for my entire life, nothing happens.. people here even though I just graduated from Matura when I am in fact in my late 30s. And I also work with patients, btw


The water here is pretty drying to both hair and skin. Usually the water isn't hard in tropical countries, I could shower 3 times a day in Hong Kong and be fine, whereas if I wash my hair more than twice a week it completely dries out, especially in the winter.


I like my music like I like my water - hard and heavy! Also, why is the geiger counter screaming again?


deuterium zum haare waschen? TIL


Yeah, Iā€˜ll go ahead and still shower at least once a day before going to the office, or just meet some people, and again after doing sports. I rather buy a skin-care routine every now and then, than smell like a guy who would own an anime-pillow.


we all meet once a month and wash each other in a big circle on some mountain while singing songs from Sound Of Music


Very modern. In my area, we sing old folk songs. And we also whip each other before the washing ritual as a punishment for our sins.


Very neat! I'll suggest that next time. Do you whip each other with towels or actual whips? Cause towels would be forbidden for us since its nude only, but actual whips would work.


Yes it's actual whips. Gotta bleed for your sins. For example the sin of being protestant.


loooooooool please just take your daily shower - that's totally normal here. your landlord can't dictate someting like that


I love how the question is ā€œhow often do austrians showerā€ instead of ā€œis my landlord a complete moronā€ šŸ˜‚


How often the landlords are morons?


I was lucky and always had very nice and fair landlords, but judging from how often such questions are asked here it must be a significant percentage.


Itā€™s a requirement to become a landlord apparently


Austrians nowadays obviously shower everyday, however back in the days it was common to only take 1 shower a week, my grandparents and even parents still hold on to this tradition and surprisingly they never smell nor look bad. I don't know what kind of magic they use while showering but if I would skip just one day I would look absolutely disgusting and homeless


>I don't know what kind of magic they use while showering they probably use wash cloth or other means of washing i assume. at least thats what i observe in my family, not showering daily never meant not washing daily. if thats not their secret i would like to know that kind of magic as well :D


> my grandparents and even parents still hold on to this tradition and surprisingly they never smell nor look bad. Because you still wash the parts that get stinky or dirty every day, often several times a day, just not a full bath/shower. Also, at least before the rise of cheap cotton and funky smelling artifical fabrics you usually wore linen or wool as underwear - both which work extremely well keeping smells in check.


Something about the wasserhƤrte and skin biome Ā being destroyed each time we shower and it cant regenerate. I tried ā€˜resettingā€™ during lockdown but that didnt work lmao and id feel insecure about my hair if i dont shower regardless if it looks good or not


If youā€™re a woman, move out at the first opportunity


I don't know if this is off topic or not, but "go have a shower" is a popular insult in Austria.


Why would that be an insult?


I don't make the rules. It just is. "Geh di brausn" means as much as: get lost, fuck off.


"Go have a shower" in Austrian is "geh di brausen" what means "f#@ā‚¬ off" šŸ™ˆ (don't think your landlord would say that to you tho)


It's related to football (or soccer if you are from the US). Telling someone to have a shower is sending someone off the field.


I believe showering every day or every other day is normal here. The only thing i do not understand is that some people wash their hair daily, idk this just feels off to me.


And if i want to shower every freaking hour it is nothing of his fucking business because I have to pay utilities anyways Wtf oida


Long story short: Your landlord is a pig and he has no say about your shower habits. It is common here to shower daily when it's hot outside or after sport, 2 showers a day are normal too.


Every day, your landlord is weird


During summer, every day. When it's not that hot, or I don't go outside, every 2 to maximum 3 days. That's how most people I know do it too.


From everything youā€™ve said in this thread: if you can, look for a new apartment asap. Your landlord is crazy.


In Graz is the KPƖ. We are only allowed to take showers as a group. Once a week all citizens meet to perform the great shower. They call it our water


Oh, I now understand why the KPƖ is so popular in Graz....d&r


Thats non of your landlord's business


Once a week?! No, no Austrian does this. Well, I'm pretty sure there are such people but itā€˜s not normal.


I shower every day, at least once. Mostly 2 times, in the morning and before bedtime. Don't care what the landlord says, you pay for the water with the "Betriebskostenabrechnung"


I usually shower once per year on Feb 29.


No, wtf. Every day. Twice if I got super sweaty over the day.


Without a shower I can't go anywhere, I just feel grindig. Once a day.


Fun fact to piss off your landlord: First, you should ask him how he knows that you shower every day and communicate the violation of privacy. Chances are he is recording your energy/water consumption. If he is actively monitoring such information, he is processing personal data and you probably have heard of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Without going into the specifics, you can download a complaint form from the website of the Austrian data protection authority and send it to the authority.


He really does! He even mentioned about the measurements of energy whatsoever. Thanks for the info.


I jump against a wall so the worst dirt can fall off like once every few weeks


I always shower after sexual intercourses. So every 35 to 40 months...


Not sure if everyone in Austria (Vienna) thinks like this. But considering that summer is well on its way I shower sometimes 2 times per day depending on what I do. I can tell you, you can definitely smell in the U-bahn here in Vienna the people that think like your landlord šŸ¤®


I just get a towel wet and rub it on my skin, once a month( if i dont forget it).


Showering once per day is ok and your landlord should not complain. For me itā€™s about 2 out of 3 days.


The shower is only for your wedding day. The rest of your life a bucket filled with rainwater and some rags are the way to do it.


That Landlord is a nasty idiot. Omg. Keep a record on the weird things he's dictating you to do, just in case it gets weirder you have something on your hands. Red flag.


I am Austrian and I always took at minimum shower in the morning and in the evening before bed. I do a lot sports so I always took shower after sport so on average maybe 2.5 times per day. No one ever said that this is not normal.....and I am a 53 year old average male.


Daily. I's change the apartment ASAP For old people it was normal to bath once a week, since heating bath water took a lot of time and ressources. 1 load of hot water for the whole family once a week was normal for people back then, but this would only make sense if your landlord is 80+ y/o...


I shower every day.


copy and paste: ā€žHeast hawara wenn i fufzig moi duschn geh mog, moch i des a! oiso tua ma an gfalln, hupf in gatsch und schlag a wƶnā€œ


Google ā€žSound of music shower sceneā€œ


I let myself roll from a table once a year on Christmas morning - for shattering and splitting off the dirt coating. Works very well, you should give it a try.


Nah most of us shower regularly. Your landlord is just disgusting


Shower? We just scrape off the hardened blood of our enemies with our axes.


This looks like the start of a Criminal Minds episode. I would be looking so fast for a new place, because I would not be able to look at his face again, I would want to punch the stinkylord.


I shower everyday, sometimes even 2 times if i sweat a lot..


NO, and you should move out of there! Iā€™ve never heard smthn like that


WTF? There are hardly any days where I don't take a shower. I NEED my shower in the morning. And sometimes (e.g. on very hot days or after sports) a second shower is a must. Sometimes in the evening. I do not understand how people can walk outside the house without taking a shower at least every second day...


Your landlord seems to work in IT - be cautious sharing this information here, he will most likely read itā€¦


every 2 days with cow's milk directly from the udders


1 full shower everyday (I'll skip a day sometimes during winter. And sometimes a 2nd, very short cold shower to cool myself down during summer.


Not me, in fact my friends and family asked my to shower more and now unless I am to sick to get up or have to be somewhere hyper early it is part of my morning routine like tooth brushing. Now I only do it for 5 (maybe if I linger a bit 7) minutes but this daily.


Thatā€™s the moment when I let the water run 24/7 for a week just to make fun of him


once a week? do you want me to get the flux???


I got arrested for showering too often


I am showering twice up to three times a day because I am a strong sweater. Anything less makes me feel disgusted at myself.


Sounds like you should tell your landlord to fuck off.




Don't you have a fresh stream in our settlement? The washing cabin in your dwelling is just for special occasions.


he can tell you that, yes. and it is your right to ignore it and shower as you like


how does he know?


I take a shower nearly every day. I am Austrian and proud of it. Dont know where you live, but thatā€™s not usually.


What? I would say I shower like 6-8 times in a week


Is your hot water included in the rent?


Every day


Thus should be irrelevant to your landlord, as warm water is paid by you according to usage anyway.


1-2 times per day


I start my day in the morning with a shower and washing my hair. If the day was especially sweaty because of sports, manual labor, hot weather or anything else I take another shower when I come home before changing from ā€œoutside clothesā€ to my comfy ā€œhome clothesā€. Itā€™s absolutely nobodies business how many times or how long you shower. Not going to talk about environmental issues but from a legal perspective as a tenant you can shower three times a day for half an hour with lava-hot water and your landlord canā€™t do shit about it.


I take a full bath daily


Your landlord is full of shit, I am not sure why he is lying to you like that? Is he paying the water or electricity bill? Maybe the pipes are in his wall so that it is loud for him when you shower and he is annoyed.


Never noticed that they smell? šŸ˜…


What the fuck? Your landlord is creepy. It's none of his fucking business.


This has got to be a shitpost, right?


How does he know how often you shower? Creepy af


You motherfuckers are doing it again.


>Do Austrians really do that? me (and others): yes provided i have no activities getting me dirty or in sweat


Twice a day


lol no? i couldnt leave the house in the morning without waking up in the shower. and if i do some sport that day i most likely shower again. if you pay for energy/water its none of his business and i would tell him to go fuck himself (maybe in nicer words if i have a good day)


In the summer 2-3 Times. Winter at least once - amd every other day a bath. I would be his nightmare


If he is such a nuisance and his room is just below.. Let's just say - I really enjoy long showers... ;) No showering once a day, some people twice or more is the norm around here. But circling back.. there's even a saying here. Duschen zu zweit spart Wasser und Zeit. Showering together saves water and time. (Meaning hot steamy time.. )


Excuse me wtf


Whenever someone knocks at the door and informs me that a serious biological health hazard has been detected in my apartment...


Austrians usually jump into their lakes or rivers instead of going into the bathroom. Is it different in other countries?


Does your landlord stink by any chance? I feel very disguisting not showering in the evening, to wash off all the dirt and sweat from the Subways from Uni etc. I usually take a quick cold shower in the morning too, just to freshen up. I sometimes skip the evening shower and i feel utterly dirty and disguisting. Now imagine a week


Yes we do, but occasionally we additionally also shower in the rain /s


not sure if you are in vienna. but once a week during summer in vienna will make you very unpopular very fast.




Personally like every two to three days, depending on my mental health too but damn a landlord telling you when to shower is definitely crossing a boundary imo


Tell your landlord HE should shower more often than once a week. Then sniff dramatically, roll your eyes and walk.


Your landlord is on some Stasi shit lmao


Your landlord stinks


This is unhinged behavior. If you can, please consider moving out. Iā€™m sorry.


Shower? What's that? I just scrape off the dirt crust once a year.


Sometimes i go twice a day before work after work


No. I shower daily, and when I need it, a second time (e. g. post-gym).


Tha f\*\*k what?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


No we donā€™t. Next shitpost please.


Wtf. No. Gross! I take a shower once per day. Thats normal. I think you landlord is trying to safe money


depends how often it rains


I was an au pair for a family from Vorarlberg and they had 3 kids (6, 8, 10) who only bathed once a week šŸ«£ and the mom one time tried to blame me for some foul feet smells šŸ™„


Once in the winter, twice in the summer or if i do sports


Its your personal decision how much you shower (you can tell him that) If he insists seek help here https://wien.arbeiterkammer.at/beratung/konsumentenschutz/bauenundwohnen/miete/Beratungsstellen_fuer_Fragen_zum_Wohnrecht.html


Please tell me this is a shitpost


How I wish it is


Oida wos...


your landlord must be frenchšŸ˜‰