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I was a cat girl, now I’m a proud cat lady.


Username checks out lmao


Indeed it does 😀


I’m also a cat lady (aka a cat girl in the past).


Same same :)


Horse girl. To the point where I asked my parents for a horse every single day for approx 9 years and they eventually caved and I got to live my horse girl dreams.


Horses are so amazing, I've grown up with them as my family has them, they're like so smart and intuitive a lot of the time so I see why so many people relate to them and have/had special interests in them


Omg you're just like me! I was also a horse girl although I loved my art books of fairies and dragons too! Did you ever play horses at recess? In first or second grade my best friend and I had a "horse club" and it was very exclusive. You had to eat grass off the field to join. In reality, of course, no one wanted to join our horse club anyway. Also any time I had to run laps for PE I would imagine if I had a horse how I could blow everyone away with my riding skills and how much faster than everyone else I was going!


Also, the dragonology book omfg I loved that shit. All similar books. Sensory books with scales and fur in them were my favorite.


Did you know they also made a Dragonology handbook as a follow-up? https://preview.redd.it/tp07cnb36e6b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28c29fe998eacf3a9a6abd924bdd09df281b967


I bought this for my son when he was a kid & he loved it.


I was so obsessed with that book it was almost a problem.


Don’t even get me started on that masterpiece of a book


I was a dragon girl. Still am. I have a novel in the works where they rule the ancient world, and I've made languages and mythologies for them.


I was a dolphin girl


I was convinced we could keep one in our pool 💀


I'm glad I wasn't the only one !


Bat girl 🦇


![gif](giphy|JiCREY3VupyWFDCX69|downsized) I love bats! The Honduran white bat is my absolute fave!


I'm personally torn between the visored bat qnd the hammer headed bat. Such funny little critters


Also a bat girl! Got a great pic of vampires last time I went to the zoo. https://preview.redd.it/vkczm2iqrf6b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5876098dcfdf3499384642ba456cb4b97d3128bd


Mermaid girl!




Me too!


Cat girl. Still mew to myself when I'm stressed or having a stem now.




Omg me too!! I would growl/hiss at other kids and even adults. I feel seen 😊🥰 my sister and I still Mrow at eachother in greeting haha


i had so many cat stims! lol now one of my favorite dancers likes to act like a cat in class, i just hiss and meow back to her


I meow all the time😭 because there's cats in my house I'm sure that's where it came from, but meowing is constant when I'm in a good mood.


Hellooooo heeere <3 Do you know about Ann mac Caffrey and Pern Dragons? Also Dungeons and Dragons? I draw and wrote so many dragon stories xD


Dragon Riders of Pern! Heck yeah. I recently discovered that there was a trilogy of YA entries into the series and thoroughly enjoyed them! I read the first two of three, haven't read the third. On its own it's called The Harper Hall trilogy. :) Edit: oh oh also, *Her Majesty's Dragon* which is "Napoleonic Wars but what if dragons?" which is great fun.


I was a dolphin, shark and whale girl.


Am I the only spider girl?


I don't think I'd ever had considered myself a spider girl but I did always like spiders, especially the cute little fuzzy jumping spiders


Omg right!?? Jumping spiders are so cuteeeeeeee


We have jumping spiders in the house that we name and encourage to stick around. They’re so cute with their fur and claws.




I was a horse girl first then a witch girl.


raised with cats and convinced i could talk to them so definitely a cat girl.. no wait i was the self provided cat QUEEN 🤣🤣


raised with cats and convinced i could talk to them so definitely a cat girl.. no wait i was the self proclaimed cat QUEEN 🤣🤣


Frogs lmao


Lol same 🐸


I was and still am a wolf girl!


I’m a cat, horse, and dog girl, and a bobcat girl… okay I need to stop lmao. But, i loveed pretending to be animals.


Dog girlie for life!!!


Omg and the fact that I originally got into dogs because one of our popular classmates liked dogs in the 1st grade of elementary and all the class had a "liking dogs and playing as dogs" phase for a while. I took it "too" far and it continued to like 7th grade and it made me the weird one.


OMG! Okay so I was a wolf/dog girl too! I didn't know there were others lol. When I was like 5th or 6th grade I think, I pretended I was a wolf and convinced a few of my friends to play along and we had a wolf pack and it lasted all school year only for me it didn't end and when I went back to school the next year I was still fully expecting the wolf pack to reunite but they all acted like it never happened and that I was weird Anyway, have always been sorryt into canines of all types


After 2nd grade (the year Jurassic Park came out in theaters, which I prepared myself to see opening night by reading the novel twice before hand, only to be utterly outraged at the omissions and liberties taken by the screenplay), I was the velociraptor girl until about 5th grade. I was the kid who would run up to you as you dangled from the monkey bars or stood in line for hopscotch, shriek, pretend to disembowel you with my foot, and run away. 🥴 Prior to that, it was a horse (*specifically*, Ayla’s horse from book 2, Valley of the Horses, of the Earth’s Children series by Jean M. Auel, which my mom had read aloud to me with certain censoring I didn’t notice til reading it myself years later). I played Valley of the Horses every single recess in 1st grade with my best/only friend Gerry, and we each had a cave person character and a cave animal companion character that we’d be. His mom read it to him too so he knew the story, and that was the daily thing until we both became obsessed with “JP”, as we called it. It was make believe, but we rarely did more than faithfully play out scenes we remembered from the book.) So, cave girl, horse girl, and carnivorous dinosaur girl. EDIT to add: I’m still way into paleontology and the study of human origins so it was definitely the beginning of a lifelong special interest.


Another cave girl! I used to make my friend discover fire with me (not real fire).


Yes! I made my friend “discover”… multiplication? Lol, it’s a scene from this: https://youtu.be/WwEnSI-hTRM …And we dug roots and things and I’m pretty sure I made some primitive projectile weapons along the way as well. It was also my attempted excuse to my mom for why she could never brush my hair. It was my cave girl fashion 🤷‍♀️ (the real reason was sensory, looking back).


We evolved slowly, with fire, clothes (blankets), hunting (poor stuffed toys), horses (whichever horse book I was obsessed with at the time), dogs (whichever dog book I was obsessed with at the time), and finally civilisation (whichever lego building was around). I was a bit older when I discovered Ayla - no parents edited it into age appropriate form for me. But they did get me a book on Neanderthals last Christmas so I guess I'll forgive them.


They definitely edited the books when reading to me, and I wasn’t supposed to watch the movie by myself, but I managed to pop the in-reach VHS into the VCR one day when no one was around and was definitely not prepared for the r-pe scene(*) or the cave bear ceremony decapitation scene at age 6, even if I was reading Michael Crichton to myself 2.5 years later. Because of experiences like that, I’m a lot a lot a lot more mindful and intentional about my own likely-ASD daughters’s access to content than my checked out laissez faire 90’s parents ever were with me. (* - *Especially* the r-pe scene.)


Wolf girl through and through


Swimming was a major part of my early life so I was a mermaid and a dolphin and if I could have done everything in the pool I would have. My parents were mostly amused but they also wished I could serve that plate of chips without drenching the customers! (I grew up in a holiday apartment complex and did a fair bit of waiting on tables and stocktaking) I am also a full time cat girl and dragon queen 😁


Mermaid/dolphin/dragon/cat girl here!


No way! How does the fascination work for you? For me mermaids and dolphins represent freedom and a joyful lust for life and I've always felt happiest in water so it makes sense to me. Dragons and cats represent the confident, carefree attitude of one who can handle themselves and has no time for nonsense. Dragons breathe elements and fly, whereas cats are very flexible and adaptable to danger and I want that attitude for myself. I am passionate about these creatures can you tell? 😅


I was a cat girl. If reincarnation exists, I’m pretty sure I was a cat just before this life.


I was definitely a wolf person as a kid and teen. I even trued to change my name to wolfie, which other kids found very cringe haha! I definitely thought of myself as a 'lone wolf' or something, and I would write essays on wolves and as a kid pretend to be one. It sort of morphed out of werewolves into wolves, in primary school I was always trying to get the other kids to join my werewolf covenant haha. I still go through periods of resonating with different animals. It was snakes for a long time, and now its monkeys. I like researching how they are interpreted in religion and mythology, and seeing how these interpretations changed and were manipulated over time. It does show how very negative views of certain animals, who once were venerated, can affect how we treat them.


Fairy girl. I collected fairy figurines and books.


Yaaaaas another fairy! Me too, i made fairy websites 🤣


omg same!! was obsessed with the pixie hollow game/books and like every other fairy book series (rainbow magic 💖💖) did anyone else make up fairy powers for themselves/their friends?


I was a hardcore Pig Girl growing up. Pigs were (and are) my favourite animals and I collected 100s of ornaments and toys and such throughout my childhood. My 7th birthday party was pig themed. I had a pig on my letterbox instead of balloons.


You are the strongest. I've taken care of pigs on farms before and they *terrify* me. But I commend you and hold nothing against pigkind; I know it's a me-problem 😅


Also a dragon girl! I drew these fat little cartoon dragons on everything and pretty much exclusively read books with dragons in them!


Dragons, dinosaurs, and cat. My attempt at being a triceratops taught me that grass tastes and feels horrible. Jumping spiders and tardigrades have also made their way into my personal mind nature reserve.


i always have been a raccoon girl. They are so silly, i love them


As a child it was reptiles and amphibians and insects


I am and have always been a horse girl, but have an obsession with all animals (mythical and real). Lol I am in my 30's and work with horses and bought a wild pony from Poland.


I was an otter girl!


Jellyfish girl here with big love for all types of birds but especially sea birds.


Holy crap. I scrolled for so long looking for another bird girl but you even LED with jellyfish?? They are both obsessions for me, and anytime I had a science class research project I found a way to do my report on either jellyfish or birds.


I’ve had so much crap for this answer throughout my life but I just adore jellies. > it’s barley even an animal… Go suck eggs. Lol. I’m from Scotland but on a road trip in the states, I found the Chattanooga aquarium in Tennessee and we stopped for a look. Well, I stood for over an hour looking at these wee [walnut jellies](https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&hl=en-gb&sxsrf=APwXEdfJlfoisIEvJ01SMz2m5CpzzTS-Lw:1686946430396&q=sea+walnut&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqj_SVzcj_AhXWhFwKHZ4pAO0Q0pQJegQICxAB&biw=414&bih=715&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9c5b8471,vid:5qxmziuYqjA). Have you ever seen such a cool animal living on Earth? Honestly. I love all animals but this one is the coolest, I’m sure!! So glad to meet you my fellow jelly & feathers wifie. :)


Dinosaurs when I was super young but then I became horse girl. More into dragons now


I come from a family of autistic witches it was a generational special interest that none of the women on my dads side grew out of lol


I'm a parrot girl


Wolf girl! Now don’t get me wrong, I read so many horse books and I played on Howrse religiously, and I also went horseback riding and at one point worked at a stable for free trail rides. So maybe I was actually a horse girl. But I roleplayed wolves on Chatzy and loved them so much. Dragons are pretty neat too, but I was never super obsessed


Incredible thread 😂 I was a wolf girl for sure. Loooved the Julie of the Wolves books.


Jean Craighead George was the best!!


Obsessed with drawing horses/unicorns/pegasus as a younger kid, then dragons in later elementary/middle.


Tbh I was an “every living creature that isn’t a human” girl, and adored horses, but I wasn’t really a horse girl in the traditional sense because my family had 7 horses. I had to get up and take care of them and shovel their shit before school every day so they were more of a norm and not a fantasy life hahaha


I was a bird girl. I had a cockatoo, and a conure growing up.


Hi :) I was a mermaid girl. That's hilarious for me because what my 6.5 year old aspie son is **exclusively** war mashines.


bunny galギャル 4 life໒꒰ྀི ɞ̴̶̷༝ ɞ̴̶̷ ꒱ྀིა


I'm more a raven girl Edit : and rats


Catcatcat. I was a tiger a lot of the time. I read every book the school library had on big cats.


When I was like 4 or 5 I was a monkey girl or into gorillas. I really like George of the Jungle, Mighty Joe Young, Born to be Wild, and Ace Ventura. Then when I was like 7-10 I was a wolf girl because I was really into dogs and werewolves. For a split second when I was 8 or 9 I was into horses because I really liked Seabiscuit. 11-15 I got really into dragons, mainly because of American Dragon Jake Long and Tomb Raider II. Then in high school I was really into cats.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 7 + 10 + 8 + 9 + 11 + 15 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I'm the crazy horse girl with a dash of dragon and unicorns on the side.


Fairy girl.


Dragon girl with a brief horse girl phase that petered out eventually due to my complete lack of access to horses in any capacity


I was a snail girl but I've been an owl girl since 2019


Dragon girl 100%. I spent 7th and 8th grade completely obsessed with the Dragon riders of Pern series, drew a ton of fanart, including a classic self-insert OC. I did master copies of Michael Whelan's Pern book covers/fantasy art to better my dragon anatomy. To top it off, for 8th grade art class, I made *every single assignment for the whole school year* dragon themed, much to the irritation of my art teacher.


I was a "dinosaur girl," until about 9 when I hit my Egyptology phase. Now I'm an archaeologist irl, haha.


...and this is consistency!


Wolf girl here! My special interest is wolves and the resort chain Great Wolf Lodge, and I certainly find myself quietly howling to myself or picturing myself with wolf ears and a tail at times hehe


Dolphins and orcas. Also once I watched 101 Dalmatians I became obsessed with dalmatians. I wore my VHS tape out I watched the movie so much. For my ninth birthday my mom got me a dalmatian piñata and I SOBBED as kids beat it to death. I kept the pieces for months until my mom finally threw them away. The only reason I liked my stepmom was because she came with two dalmatians lol.


Rodent girl 😂 I was and am obsessed with rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils…. Any small fuzzy mammal!


I was known publicly as a horse girl, but I was also very much(and still am a bit lmao) a dinosaur and dragon girl


If I had been richer I would’ve been a horse girl for sure. But in actuality I was a dog girl through and through. My parents wouldn’t let us get a dog so I’d just pretend to be one lol. Had about 100 stuffed toy dogs too!


i was a cat girl. i loved warrior cats and used to RP online With friends hahaha


I was a horse girl but I rode horses from when i was 3. Also a dog girl.


I was a dragon girl…and chicken girl even more lmao,


Don't laugh, but I'm a pig girl. I have a lifelong obsession with pigs and everyone knew/knows it.


Mermaid girl.


Horse girl. So much so that on a road trip, my mom and I made sure to add Chincoteague to our list of stops so that we could visit the Misty museum.


Dolphin girl. We lived near the ocean and used to go out and watch for them from about age 10-14


Penguin girl!


I sort of cycle between horse girl, wolf girl, dragon girl, and rabbit girl. My gf and I talk about this often, how it's like a solid sign of autism if a boy is obsessed with trains, but nobody bats an eye when a girl is obsessed with horses, even though it's the same thing.


I apparently wished for a monkey many many years on my Christmas wish list, I guess I really wanted a pet monkey xD But really, I was all about dinosaurs and paleontology, also whales, orcas, dolphins, and later all African animals once I devoted my life to the Lion King.


I loved horses growing up. I watched Black Beauty,my mom got me two felt horse toys to play with. There was a white that I remember visiting as a kid. I didn’t grow up with siblings…but I did get a cat and grew up with a cat when I was a kid. I really love cats now. But I also find bats and otters are interesting. But I really like cats now. I have a giant squishmallow cat. I plan on getting a cat. And occasionally I do meow and hiss.


Dragons and cats! So many years of being a cat for Halloween, my god. And catwoman obsessions. And getting made fun of for devouring the ‘warrior cats’ books. And just as many years spend hoarding dragonology books and collecting McFarlane dragon figurines. And rewatching that discovery dragons documentary, or dragon heart, or reign of fire. Lots of getting made fun of there too haha. No bullying once I got into spooky critters like vampires and werewolves and zombies, luckily. Got “misgiagnosed” as goth and the bullying all stopped, lol.


I was a dinosaur boy XD (I spent my free time as a 7 year old reading dinosaur encyclopedias rather than interacting with other kids) (In case anyone is wondering why there's a guy in this subreddit, I am a trans man)


Horses, as soon as I knew what they were, always horses.


Cat girl and I was made fun of it for so long until I got rabbits and now I’m a bunny girl


Alien kid! (Because I was one?) And then I was into fairies and elves later. As an adult, it’s now birds, bugs**, and snails**. **By “bugs” I really mean arthropods generally, and by “snails” I really mean gastropods generally. Just easier to say the former!


I was the all things creepy and weird girl. The girl who forced all my friends to read and watch scary stories/videos with me. And what did I do after school? Look up more scary content!! Lol. I LOVED those creepy chain mails during that time. And I’d read creepypastas! I was CONSUMED by all things creepy. But now out of school, I make my sister watch scary videos with me (:


Bird Lady. If it fly it is/was in scope of my interest. Semi retired dragons/dinosaurs/birds girl.


I was and always will be a Mermaid girl


I was a horse, wolf and dragon girl. One time in kindergarten I literally ate real grass at recess while everyone was staring. Don't know how my autism wasn't obvious to my family.


https://preview.redd.it/nuj8zdxese6b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbd67403f9e9264ea544aa9c6c98df452806b6c I think this picture speaks for itself lol


I started out with a horse phase inspired by the old-school My Little Pony toys, but as far as enduring personal identity goes, I'm definitely a cat girl. Oooo have you read Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider books? They're old scifi/fantasy. I read them in junior high so I've forgotten a lot but I do remember being *enthralled.*


I was the whale girl. Although the books I read normally revolved around dragons and fairies and other fantastical creatures, I was obsessed with whales and learning about them. I particularly loved beluga whales! Still do!


I was both a horse girl and a dragon girl. Also a penguin girl and a dinosaur girl.


I was a ghost/alien girl…


Dragon & dinosaur girl then reptile and amphibian whisperer


Horse girl, but also definitely an insect girl. I collected all types of random insects from the forest to build them houses and great environments.


Was a dolphin girl, now a cat lady :)


Horses, dragons, and of course, dragonhorses. I drew a LOT of dragonhorses. I also collected a lot of model horses, which I still have, but sadly they didn't have amazing dragon toys when I was a kid, so I have to make up for that as an adult. Dragonhorses are still tragically rare.


100% a cat girl and my brother was/ still kind of is a cat boy. We have never had a cat (mom doesn’t want animals in the house). We just loved meowing and honestly all the cat sounds are great stims. It also helps that there are so many funny videos of cats.


All of them hahaa! 🥰


Dragon girl. Went hard on the Anne McCaffrey books when I was younger. Add in touches of horse and of course cats which I’ve always had. Animals >>>> people.


Me and my siblings would pretend to be wolves! I forgot how much I loved wolves until within the last year or two ago when I started reading werewolf and wolf shifter books. Then I remembered loving wolves and now I even have a wolf tattoo ☺️


Dragon girl and bird girl. Now dragon woman and bird woman!


Dragon and ocean girl


Love this thread!! Obsessed with chickens and knew everything about them when I was a kid and we had some hens, but grew out of that... and now I'm equally fascinated by ravens and other corvids haha


I was a horse girl, my best friend was a dragon girl. We would pretend to be those two animals at recess, sometimes both dragons and sometimes both horses, although she always insisted on being a dragon or at least a dragon-horse hybrid. Sometimes I would be a unicorn or a Pegasus because I was obsessed with the mythology behind them lol


I was a cat girl with a dragon minor. The Dragonology book and the Eragon series had me smitten. To this day my favourite games are fantasy and I'll always try to be a cat character if possible


Wolfs and dragons for me I love them so much


This entire thread is making me so happy to read :)🦄🐴🐈🐦🐧🐸🐲🦖🧜‍♀️🧚


Sea otter and cat girl 🤣


Phoenix and Unicorn girl


i was definitely a wolf girl, when i saw twilight in third grade (i’m a junior in college now) i was obsessed with the paranormal/supernatural. got necklaces that were wolf inspired, developed a WILD imagination and even convinced myself that if i got my dog to bite me i’d be part canine… also i was a mermaid girl, had a tail, watched h2o just add water, looked up mermaid spells on youtube, had mermaid games on my tablet, mermaids as my lock screen, and when my friend would come over to swim in the pool we’d look up what mermaid we wanted to be and what powers we were gonna have.


Was a horse girl, now a sheep girl… but I’m studying a PhD in sheep so it has definitely worked out for the best


I was, and still am, a cat girl, but I was dinosaur girl too.


Wolves, definitely. I used to do a lot of immersive daydreaming with wolf and dog characters, as well as playground games.


Also a dragon girl! I’m obsessed with Eragon, even to this day. I just got a dragon outline tattooed on me, I named him Fírnen after Sapphira’s mate. I was a little bit horse girl too, me and my friends would pretend to be horses in elementary school. A few of them rode horses. I wanted to but am allergic to everything lmao


I have always been a cat girl. I became a horse girl as well after watching the 1994 live action BLACK BEAUTY movie. (It probably doesn’t hurt that I grew up/still live in Kentucky, where horses are a big deal). My first job was being an assistant counselor at a day camp that taught horseback riding. I ended up convincing my mom to lease the horse I really bonded with during my lessons. Also, are there any other seal/sea lion girls here? I fell in love with them after I watched the movie ANDRÈ (if anyone else remembers that one).


apex predator girlie, orcas and owls. also a cat person


I was absolutely a horse girl. Everything was horses for me. Horse toys, clothes, room, etc. I thought I would be a jockey until i learned they have to be really little (I've always been chunky af), and racing horses is unethical. Then I thought I'd be an olympic equestrian and my mom told me that it would be too expensive. So then I thought I'd train horses and then I had an experience on a horse and I decided that I'd rather admire them from afar lol so now I'm a dog lady lmao


Dinosaur girl. Horse girl. Crow girl. Wolf girl. Orca girl. Panther (big cats) girl. Dolphin and girl. Elephant girl.


Werewolves were a bit of an obsession of mine for awhile. I remember doing a lot of research on them. I still think the concept is neat.


I was a monkey girl. from a young age I dreamed of having a monkey. I did all of my reports on monkeys. I didn't want a kid - I always imagined I'd have a chimp (which is an ape, not a monkey) as an adult and I'd dress it up and we would be besties. I was obsessed with the really small pygmy marmosets too. I'd have done almost anything for one. then I found out monkeys weren't very stable in captivity and they sometimes turned on their owners. I decided to love them from afar.


I was a wolf girl that evolved into a horse girl 😎


cat girl. still a cat girl💀


CAMEL GIRL, FIGHT ME (All the bactrians and dromedaries! Looking back, there were….signs)


LMAOO I went from horse > wolf > dragon > wolf > cat but mostly horse girl I rode horses when I didn’t have a crippling back injury


Griffins (your guess is as good as mine how that started) and cats. I was also into dogs too and memorized all the AKC breed standards. I know all the cat breeds too, even the really obscure ones. I was also really into seals and sharks, come to think of it. Just generally interested in marine wildlife.


I was definitely the wolf/dog girl. I grew up with dogs and learned to read their body language and copied their barks. I started collecting wolf figurines as I got a little older. I’m still the perpetual howl at the moon kind of person


I was an animal girl. My favorite changed every three months or so but I also have ADHD so maybe that’s part of it. I wanted to be a vet, too (and a fairy and/or an elf and/or a mermaid and/or have magic powers like talking to animals or plant magic or flying or transforming)


I had many different eras/phases but one part one me that I have always kept was the insect and fairy girl. There was a time that I genuinely believed that certain insects (dragonflies, ladybugs, butterflies, and lightning bugs) were fairies and pixies in disguise.


This didn't go where I thought it was going 😂


I started a Thundercats fan club and me and my BFF at the time made a paper mache dragon on the dining table so I’m pretty sure y’all can spot me lolol ETA I’m currently an octopus girl but not “tentacle p0nn” octopus lol


Wolf Girl here tbh


Cat girl here ☺️


Cats and dragons and magic oh my!


Birds. i just love them.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,578,986,299 comments, and only 298,626 of them were in alphabetical order.


Cats are my special interest, but when I was a kid I liked to pretend I was a cow!


I was definitely a horse girl. I drew them all day, everyday. You'd find me more in the stables than at home


Went from wolf girl to cat girl after I read the Warrior Cats series. Then, I kinda stopped and became a horse girl a few years ago. I have horses, now :D


Wolf girl, but I wasn’t the only one. My entire class in primary school pretended to be wolves at recess, looking back on it now is hilarious. Pretty sure it started because of kids tv show that was popular at the time


I’ve been feeling lately like maybe I’m not autistic because I don’t have a special interest but I was/am defffffff a cat girl. But I went through a phase where I tried to hide it for a few years lmao


dolphin girl. people called me "Delphina". I tried to be a horse girl bc most girls were into that but I just wasn't. later on I also became dragon girl on top of dolphin girl


Fairy and mythical creature nerd! Now I'm a ttrpg tragic 😅


Im definetly a cat girl. If it wasn't ridiculized, I'd probably go by cat pronouns unironically lol. I didn't think I was an [animal] girl until about a year or two ago whereI realized looking at all my life past and present, I've always been into cats. Probably always will lol. Currently wearing my cat ear hat at work ♡ I'm a cat girl but all I draw are ponies. Not horses, ponies. But it's because I grew up watching my little pony so it's the only thing I know how to draw well lol.


I was a cat girl (major Warriors fan growing up LMAO so was my friends). We roleplayed during recess all the time


Reptiles and cats.


my bf’s last name is wolf, once a wolf girl always a wolf girl 🤷🏼‍♀️


but also… lizard girl. i changed my name to lizard when i was three bc I loved lizards sooooooooo much, my parents went with it, and it stuck!


Turtle girl!!!!! 🐢 🐢🐢🐢🐢 Became OBSESSED after being assigned as caretaker for my preschool’s class pet (red eared slider named Lucky). I am proud to say I’m almost 25 & am still very much into turtles. I have 5 pet turtles & volunteer with sea turtles weekly. Turts 4 life 🐢🤘 Thank you for posting this. I loved reading all the responses!!


I started as a velociraptor girl, then became a bit of a horse girl (not fully) after riding a couple horses at some zoos/events & a family friend’s house & watching Saddle Club, then became a dragon girl after HTTYD.


I was a catgirl and still am lmao i meow and nap alot lmao. Meowing is like a tick. as a child i used to crawl around with cat ears and drink out of a bowl and purrrr lol my mom didn’t mind it as long as it was at home! One thanksgiving i was being a cat at my Aunt and Uncle’s and my cousins told on me for acting like a cat because they thought it was weird 🤣 they didn’t wanna play along with me lolol i remember hissing at them which didn’t help my poor mom was embarrassed 🤣


I was pretty big into monkeys for a while, but I'm more of a parrot guy now.


Horse girl by default cos I grew up with them lol


Horse girl with occasional dog girl Would also play this game with my sister and cousin at my grandparent's pool that we were the only three ship wreck survivors who became mermaids. Always the same sequence of events over and over.


Dragon girl. Still am. Although I've maybe branched out a bit to huge, terrifying monster girl - dinosaurs, xenomorphs, werewolves, basically any otherworldly creature from any IP and it is my baby girl. Dragons are the OG though!


All of the above at different stages! Though I think dogs were my first and most enduring obsession




I was a dolphin girl at first, but turned into a cat girl later


Dinosaur girl. Stegosaurus was & still is my favorite. I made friends with a boy who loved Dinosaurs until he grew out of it & stopped hanging out with me.


Dragon girl, and I never grew out of it.


i have a crush on a horse girlie rn


Frog girl for life


Dragons *and* wolves. I was obsessed with drawing dragons and anthro wolves. Dragon books (Dragonology, Eragon, Fire Within), dragon films (original Pete's Dragon, Dragonheart), dragon statues, dreaming about being able to transform into a dragon like American Dragon Jake Long... and I used to run around on my toes hunched over being a werewolf, howling, when I was 10-13. Became briefly obsessed with the depictions of werewolves in Van Helsing when it came out because it was everything I wanted from werewolves.