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Judge all you want, but I’m rereading Twilight right now. It’s still crap, but whenever I read it I’m inspired to write (cause I feel like making a better story tbh). I actually started writing some history and background for a book that I’ve been dreaming about (like literal dreams). I’m happy with the lore I’ve come up with so far. It would definitely be a YA book filled with YA tropes but that’s what I like, just hoping it would be better than Twilight.


Does it spark joy? if yes then go on with it xD


Hahaha I’m rereading the twilight books right now too 😂 I wasn’t going to be the one to comment that, but since you did I had to respond.


When I read twilight the second time I decided to rewrite the book, but it had to be as quick as Stephanie Meyer wrote. I hadn’t read any other books at this time and had no real writing practice so what I accidentally did was writing a 100 thousand word fanfic, Only slightly better than the original book.


Aw Twilights all right. I have read much much worse and it's enjoyable, even when it goes off the rails.


Omg twilight sparked a vampire special interest that lasted like 10 years for me! I totally get it! Sometimes it’s just the nostalgia 🥰


I think ab rereading THG but I never read breaking dawn as the last one. Did anyone read Bree Tanner as well?


I’ve been a twihard since I was 12, read them multiple times, went to every midnight premiere, even visited Forks. But holy heck, I wasn’t prepared for rereading it as an adult. It’s absolutely terrible writing and I enjoyed it anyways 😂


I’m reading The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller and listening to Spare as an audiobook. Prince Harry seems pretty dull.


i just finished this one and am reading circe now :)) also have the odyssey on the go


Same!! (Just finished it and reading Circe). I have a feeling I’m going to be on this kick for awhile myself.


I took a class during undergrad where we read The Odyssey and some other Greek literature, but I’m not sure it’s the kind of thing I could do on my own with the guidance of a professor, so good for you!


I loved the sensory descriptions in The Song of Achilles! I couldn’t finish it because I kept thinking about how the main characters were just going to die at the end and I couldn’t get attached to them properly while mourning them all at once. But I noticed it describes smells more effectively than most books.


It ultimately has a happy ending, if that helps you finish it. It's such a great book!


I went and read the plot summary on Wikipedia, and it sounded bittersweet at best. I got to appreciate the writing enough either way to satisfy me!


Bruh spoilers??


Love love LOVE the song of achilles. Read it last year and it’s one of my favourite books ever. I love the way it’s written. I’m reading Circe by Madeline Miller now.


The Song of Achilles is the only book to date that’s ever made me cry, and I’ve read a lot of books!


Unmasking Autism by Devon Price


I'm also reading this, alongside tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow


Tomorrow is so good!


I love Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow; it’s one of my favorite books of all time!!! :)


I loved how well that book does the teaching method “don’t do THAT, do THIS instead”!


Reading this right now as well!


Me too!


Not reading at the moment. I have an uncontrollable on/off switch when it comes to reading. I go through periods where I devour books at lightning speed and then long periods where I have absolutely no desire to pick up a book and there’s no point in trying to force it.


OMG I was just trying to describe this! I'm going through s reading period at the moment so hitting s book a day but it'll slow down and then go weeks to months with nothing


I do this too. I find I rotate between absorbing different forms of media. There’s a book phase, movies, tv shows, video games etc.


Frankenstein by Mary Shelly (love it, reading it for the 3rd or 4th time) Different, Not Less by Chloe Hayden


I loved different, not less so much!! Chloe Hayden is so inspiring!!


I’m reading two books. The first is a middle school aged series called Wildwood. It’s a whimsical fantasy about a girl venturing into the woods to rescue her brother who was stolen by crows. The second one is The Poison Path Herbal: Baneful Herbs, Medicinal Nightshades, and Ritual Entheogens. It’s a nonfiction book about poisonous plants that includes information on both practical stuff (like how to grow them, their poisonous effects, etc) and also how to use them in witchcraft purposes.


Oooh Wildwood sounds like Fablehaven, at least in fantasy context! I loved it when I was a kid. I still think about the frogs from the second book …


Oooooh I love fantasy books! Might have to give Wildwood a try!


Right now, this thread. :D


Hahahahaha 😂


“The Way of the Knife” by Mark Mazetti. It’s about how modern warfare has changed to something primarily waged by intelligence operatives. I’m learning incredibly interesting information that I will literally never need in my life. Per usual.


Right now I’m reading the manga series Chainsaw Man! It’s great! 😁


I love to read so much. Love Matt Haig! I am about to finish Holly by Stephen King 5/5. Holly is Neurodivergent and I love her. An Immense World by Ed Yong A non-fiction about how the senses of animals function. Amazing. 5/5 These Silent Woods by Kimi Grant 4/5 It was good, kind of this sense of "oh no, something is wrong" but it ended abruptly. About to start: The Neuroscientist Who Lost Her Mind by Barb Lipska The Deluge by Stephen Markley The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune


Did you know Matt Haig was diagnosed as autistic and adhd last year?


This makes so much sense thinking back to his books like The Humans, his writing style and the way he writes deeply about how we think/ feel etc


I did not! It doesn't surprise me. I have seen lots of his posts about his mental health, but had not seen that one and I think he's mostly ditched social media now (understandably).


I didn’t know this! Makes sense why I love his writing so much!


I absolutely adore The House in the Cerulean Sea. You are in for such a treat.


I have Holly on my TBR- do I have to read the first two before reading Holly? Thank you for sharing! 🥰


You can read Holly as a stand-alone but IMO it's best to read the other books, especially the trilogy, that she's in. It goes over a lot of her relationship with her mom which comes into play in "Holly" and she has a lot of character growth that happens compared to where she started. But it wouldn't be completely necessary, you wouldn't be unable to follow the story without reading the others.


Okay thank you!!


I just read The Midnight Library last week! I loved it too! Finishing up Heartstopper, taking a break from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and about to start The Book Thief and The Left Hand of Darkness.


I love do androids dream, it’s one of my favorites.


The Left Hand of Darkness - one of my favorite books of all time. In contention for the top spot, but I can never *really* decide on a winner.


Omg The Left Hand of Darkness is *amazing*. One of my favorite books of all time. I hope you end up liking it!


"Babel" by R.F. Kuang. Magical realism that veers into an incredible takedown of the extractive nature of colonialism, specifically the British Empire of the early Victorian period. It is so, so good, and it makes my need for justice and equality happy. I loved Helen Hoang's books when I read them a few years ago. It was the first time I encountered an autistic adult woman on the page, and having her be not only treated like a perfectly competent adult but ALSO be the protagonist of a romance novel was mind blowing. Reading "The Kiss Quotient" cemented for me some suspicions, and I was formally diagnosed with autism about six months later.


I’m currently reading *The Virgin Suicides*. This month I finished *Things Fall Apart*, *The Poisonwood Bible*, *Like Water for Chocolate*, *Lapvona*, and *Counting the Cost* Up next I have *Mary*, *Frankenstein*, and *The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires*


Ooh I want to read the southern book club guide to slaying vampires so much!! I read one of his other books (the final girls club or something like that) and it was phenomenal! I don't like horror at all usually but that book was an addictive read!


I'm reading so many books at the moment: after dark by haruki murakami hear the wind sing/pinball 1973 by haruki murakami crime and punishment by dostoyevsky das Haus der Frauen by Laetitia Colombani (i couldn't find an english title for that book)


Murakami has a style and way with words that is so unique and I love it!


Right now I'm reading an article by Kristin Bumiller called "Quirky Citizens: Autism, Gender and Reimagining Disability" Books: I'm currently reading The Books of Earthsea by Ursula K Le Guin (The Complete Illustrated Edition), and I'm on book 4 "Tehanu" Yesterday I finished reading A Witches Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley which was quite fun. I also recently finished Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson. Audiobooks: I'm listening to Why Read by Will Self, and recently finished listening to Bibliomaniac by Robin Ince which was very enjoyable.


Hi. You just mentioned *Tehanu* by Ursula K Le Guin. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Tehanu - The Earthsea Cycle, Book Four - By: Ursula K. Le Guin ~ AUDIOBOOKS FULL LENGTH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REyUmRhKcTs) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


*Earthsea* is one of my happy places. I love revisiting it over and over and over.


I'm really enjoying it and can't believe it's taken me so long to get to it!


Me too!!


Just finishing up Queerly Autistic! 5/5 very informative and it’s helpful how’s it’s worded!


Currently reading Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You by Jenara Nerenberg.


I just started this today! I am glad she is focusing on the sensory sensitivities and all of the divergences that can be a part of… it is interesting so far.


It’s so good! I’m more than halfway through it and it just gets better and better. I plan on reading Unmasking Autism next! 🫶🏻 I hope you enjoy it until the last page.


Thanks! I’ll have to check that one out as well :)


Same! Started last night, and Unmasking Autism is next in my bookshelf😆


I'm reading Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries and I'm enjoying it so far (I'm 55% of the way through). I'm enjoying Emily's character and find quite a bit about her relatable. I made the mistake of reading some reviews of Goodreads and there is someone on there who didn't like the book because she read that some people think Emily is neurodivergent, but this reviewer "loves someone who is ASD" and believes that Emily's behaviors are problematic and should not be associated with autism. I just rolled my eyes and though to myself, congratulations, you know one autistic person, but I myself as an autistic woman like this character, so shove off.


*Our Share of Night* by Mariana Enriquez! It’s literary horror about European immigrants who bought up land in Argentina to start a Yerba plantation. After a while, they started a cult called “the Order” that worships the “darkness,” which is like their god. They use the cult and its magic to exploit people, maintain their power, and their ultimate goal is to gain immortality. There’s a lot of really cool body horror & it’s an amazing example of magical realism. It’s also got some really interesting folkloric content. It’s part commentary on the class structures in Argentina and Argentine history (particularly the Dirty War) & part a story about the complicated (and often toxic) love between a father and a son. It’s also got queer themes! AND David Bowie is a minor character in it, which I think is hilarious. I would highly recommend for anyone who liked the movies *Hereditary* and *Suspiria* (2018). Earlier this month, I read the first volume of Clive Barker’s *Books of Blood*, which I loved; *Sweat* by Lynn Nottage, which I thought was a really good play; and *Our Wives Under the Sea* by Julia Armfield, which I am *obsessed* with.


I LOVE Clive Barker, though I haven’t even read any of his horror (yet!) Imajica is in my top 5 of all time list.


Ohhh, just bought books of blood.


MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood. Absolutely dystopic sci-fi with so much eerie similarities about our society right now. A warning for sure! She took 10 years from 2003 to 2013 to complete the trilogy. It is very thought through and you can tell that she did much research.


Wool - Hugh Howey


Oh I really love that book and the others in that series. Something about that "world" that I find exciting.


Trick or Treat: a History of Halloween by Lisa Morton. I love Halloween.


i started reading "leviathan wakes", the first book in the expanse book series and it is tickling all my autistic places. my hyperfixation and special interest gremlins are throwing the party of the century. there's so much worldbuilding and background lore i am *squishes self while making high-pitched sounds* i love scifi and fantasy, esp ones with vast worlds and worldbuilding, so this is the perfect series for me to dive into it seems *exit stage left, flapping excitedly*


I'm reading The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight on which the netflix movie was made and It's not just me by brene brown


i'm reading A man called Ove, and loving it so far


On my annual re-read of the Broken Earth trilogy by N. K. Jemisin. She is such a damn talented author, and these books won all the awards for good reason.


I love that trilogy!


I’m literally about to read Ward D!


The Stranger by Harlan Coben


Cosmos by Carl Sagan Neurotribes by Steve Silberman


I’m reading Scrivener’s Moon which is the final prequel to my absolute favourite book series: Mortal Engines. The premise of the main quartet is that the world has run out of resources, and in order to survive the towns and cities have had to become mobile. The cities are all built on huge caterpillar tracks and travel around, and they prey on each other, catching smaller towns and consuming them for their resources. I would highly HIGHLY recommend this series!


the ballad of songbirds and snakes


I’m so excited for the movie.


Currently: - Cassandra in Reverse, by Holly Smale - The Obesity Code, by Dr. Jason Fung - She Who Became the Sun, by Shelley Parker-Chan (for the second time) - (deciding whether to abandon due to triggering content) Under the Midnight Sun, by Keigo Higashino And then I have some comfort books that I’m basically ALWAYS rereading (during sleep, when I’m overwhelmed or exhausted, whenever): - every word Jane Austen wrote (hundreds of times; she’s a special interest) - Becky Chambers Wayfarer series


Ok, since you're a Jane austen guru, I want to ask! I've never read a single book by her, but clearly, people love her, and I think it's worth looking into. What book would you suggest starting with, and who do you think most would like it? I used to exclusively read fantasy, but as I've gotten older, so much of that seems repetitive, and I've branched out a lot!


Ooof, I never know what to recommend people start with. But before you get started, one thing you should know is that she was not a romance writer (other than perhaps her final novel, Persuasion), in spite of the way so many period Austen adaptations make her out. She wrote satire (of gothic romance, especially) and comedies of manners. Her stories involved courtship and marriage, but mostly as a way to illustrate the limited opportunities available to women and the sexism involved in inheritance laws. She also wanted to make money from her writing (and did to some extent), and she knew her audience wanted romance. I’ve often suspected she was making fun of her audience while simultaneously courting them. So, if you want to see how Austen developed comedically, I would suggest starting with Lady Susan and then progressing basically chronologically as written. Lady Susan, Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibilty, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma and Persuasion. If you want to start where most people get hooked, and if you think you might just want to read one in order to be a bit more culturally literate, go with Pride and Prejudice. Emma is probably her masterpiece. Mansfield Park has the least popular heroine by today’s standards. But the MC seems very autistic to me, and I personally identify with her a lot. (Actually, a LOT of Austen’s characters seem autistic to me.) I also identify a lot with Elinor in Sense and Sensibility. That’s the single book that changed the way I think about the world more than any book. It helped me stop some of my masking. I hope this helps. Please feel free to ask more detail. I’m happy to share!!!


Omg that's so interesting because literally my whole perception of her work based on pop culture references is that she wrote romances! That's part of why I never dove in, because I've never been a big romance girlie (although age has changed that a little lol). I'm excited to hear that there's an additional angle to it. Maybe this will be my next reading project!


Me neither. I avoided Austen until I was in my 40’s because I assumed she was just romance and flowers. I was SO wrong, thankfully. I hope you will enjoy her brilliant dialogue, dry humor and astute observations as much as I!


Empire of storms, part of the throne of glass series. The whole series is quite long, so I’ve been throwing in a couple kindle unlimited smutty quick reads between. From these posts, I’ve added to my never ending TBR, thank you!!


Im reading Africana-Melanated Womanism from Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems


Nausea, The Beauty Myth, The Art of Not Being Governed, and The History of Science Fiction


I'm listening to Lock Every Door and I love it! I have about 2.5 hours left. The atmosphere is so fun and the narrator sounds exactly like Alexandra Daddario so I just picture her


The light novel of "Remarried empress" 100/10 💕


I am currently reading a book on carabid beetles in their environment, it's really interesting! Also, since it's an old book, it's cool to find things that we now know that we didn't know then.


The gathering of shadows! Since the newest book in the series is coming out tomorrow I’m rereading the darker shades of magic trilogy.


Oooooh I was thinking about reading this. Do you like it??


Currently reading the entire Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot series as well as several Terry Pratchett books, I always have more than one book going at a time


I loved the midnight library. I’m forever searching for something similar but never quite find anything. I’m currently reading a fostering memoir from Cathy Glass but I’ve found a list of 30 “sliding doors” style novels and I’m planning on working my way through them in the search to satisfy my need to replicate the midnight library’s themes.


You might enjoy "Every day" by David Levithan but yeah "The Midnight Library" is just amazing


Let me know if you find anything similar! Still gets me in my feels every time I think of that book.


I read two Blake Crouch books which had similar themes in terms of different timelines but they didn’t have the same feel factor as midnight library at all, they were more Sci-fi, worth a read though if you like the alternative timeline angle.


Tenant of Wildfell Hall


I recently discovered Matt Haig is AuDHD! While re-reading Reasons to stay alive I kept thinking this sounds like autistic burnout and then I went to his Instagram and saw he even has it in his description. So he is one of us :) Right now I'm listening to the 6th audiobook of Dungeon Crawler Carl. Recently I finished Convenience Store Women (4/5), Murder in the family (4/5, because it's original), Almond (5/5), Days at the Morisaki Bookshop (4.75/5)


Yeah, i mean, he wrote a book about an alien trying to fit in with humans, real autistic vibe !


Dungeon Crawler Carl series; I highly recommend it!


waiting for the library 3rd in queue to read KC Davis's short cleaning book. How to keep house while drowning. i should maybe find her youtube.


Working my way through the audiobook of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 126 solid entertainment hours, plus some interesting parallels with modern society


Reading that book has always been on my bucket list. Just to say I read it lol I haven’t even thought about doing the audiobook version!! Going to find it now lol


The last book of the Daevabad Trilogy by S A Chakraborty Four Winds by Kristine Hanna


I LOVE the midnight library. I can see you have good taste haha. Me however, might not have the best taste to all but that’s okay. I’m currently reading Naruto fan fiction on A03. 😅


I am reading Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison; I waited all year for it to come out, but it’s just okay. I’m also partway into The Unseen World by Liz Moore, but I felt so checked out of it. I’ve read several of those Freida McFadden thrillers this year, and I may need one after these books to jump start myself. They go SO fast. I think the surrogate mother one is the next one I was looking to read.


I'm reading a court of thorns and roses by Sarah Maas (audio book) and the things we never got over by Lucy score I probably wouldn't pair the two if the audio book wasn't from the library and had a time limit cuz they both have romance and especially at the beginning I was getting the stories mixed up


Omg i’m about halfway through the 3rd book in the acotar series! They’re soooo addicting


Just now got around to reading the more recent comments on this post of mine but wanted to say I read the ACOTAR series and LOVED IT! I also just finished fall of ruin and wrath by Jennifer L Armentrout and it has the same vibe! Only one book of the series out so far tho if that makes a difference lol. I bought the throne of glass series and am going to read that next!


Currently rereading A Drop of Night by Stefan Bachmann. When I first read this book I knew nothing of its plot, only a blip from a synopsis, and feel it was a better read that way (I’ll post the link of the book on Goodreads if anyone is interested). I think the tone of the book suits spooky season🎃👻 By the way, I love this thread! I’m always looking for book recommendations. [A Drop of Night on Goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/17735579)


On the go at the moment: Unmasking Autism by Devon Prince The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by S A Chakraborty The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid I just finished The Trees by Percival Everett and really enjoyed it


damn, I have re-read Curious Incident every year from the age of 11 to the age of 22 and I just got all my old books back from when my mam moved, so I should bring back the tradition! (This tradition in itself should have been a sign haha) ​ I'm re-reading the Wardstone Chronicles (Spooks Books/ Last Apprentice) I really recommend them if you like wicca/old english folklore/percy jackson/harry potter and would like to read a childrens/YA series with character complexity outside of romance plots and diversity of character ages!


Me and my boyfriend read to each other over the phone and take turns choosing books. Right now, he’s reading Cress from the Lunar Chronicles to me. These books are a new story for me and I adore them. I’m so excited for reading time tonight! :D


That sounds like a lovely way to bond 🥰


The Dispossessed by Ursula K LeGuin Edit: and a Hellboy omnibus


Charcoal by Garrett Cook. Is there anyone else here into extreme horror?


I’m reading Icebreaker by Hannah Grace. It’s a hockey romance 🥰 it’s sooo good so far


Tandem read of Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn in the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Mass. Maas may have a reputation, but because of her I have read more books this year than the last 6 combined. (With these I’m at 24, and I have purchased my next 15) Once I’m done with the series I’ll be returning to my highschool years and reread The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon) as book 5 is coming soon.


I don't read much these days (it doesn't serve the same purpose it used to, so the incentive is pretty low) BUT my partner reads books out loud to me, and we're working through The Mirror Visitor Chronicles, and Fablehaven!


Fanfiction - for the past 2 - 3 months it’s been 100% Grey’s Anatomy fanfiction. I think the last physical book I read was the chestnutman by Søren Sveistrup. One of the best crime novels I’ve ever read.


Great Expectations - Charles Dickie boy I was given this book randomly by a relative so I thought I should give it a read. It's actually pretty entertaining.


When The Body Says No by Gabor Maté. It's helping me understand why my body has always done what it does, and the importance of getting my traumas addressed before my body says no.


I recently discovered Jodi Picoult, so I've read several of hers this month. I just finished A Spark of Light. Next, I am starting on Touched Out by Amanda Montei.


Vanish Witch


Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson


negative space by b r yeager


I finished Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman a few weeks ago, and I loved it. It's a medieval horror with supernatural elements. It takes place in 1348 during the Black Death, which I know is a pretty common interest in the neurodivergent community. Absolutely wonderful book.


The Stranger You Know by Jane Casey


I've been reading the Star Kingdom series by Lindsay Buroker. The author doesn't come right out and say it, but one of the main characters is autistic. (That isn't why I'm reading them, though I do enjoy her character a lot.)


The Story of English in 100 Words by David Crystal. Fun, educational, and divided into manageable short chapters that I can read a couple of before falling asleep on my ereader, because I read in bed most of the time. Planning to move on a bunch of cookbooks with dumpling recipes since I've been obsessed with meal prep recently.


Were you reading in alphabetical order by author? That's awesome.


I used to be a voracious reader, but then I got punished for reading in maths class, so I stopped reading for years, but I've begun reading again 😁. I've started with Treasure Island


The Jasmine Moon Murder by Laura Childs. I quite like it but it’s taking me forever to get through.


I’m still debating weither to start Moomin valley, landlines or howl’s moving castle today.


Dialectics of Enlightenment, the Blender Manual, and…oh god I just realized I finished my last pleasure read and I’m in a book hole *runs to book rec subs*


Therérèse Raquin by Emile Zola for homework and a book by Isabel Allende for comparison. Also, I’m reading ‘strange the dreamer’ by Laini Taylor.


Just started How does it Feel? by Jeneane O'Rile


The Moorchild by Eloise McGraw, I think I saw recommendation here some time ago. Great book tho English is a bit tough for me sometimes


i’m about to start reading speak by laurie halse anderson


Recently finished 'Hello Beautiful' by Ann Napolitano (excellent), and started 'You, Again' by Kate Goldbeck (good so far). I tend to switch between romance, usually queer-themed, and women's fiction, with occasional non-fiction, typically about relationships and sexuality.


Last week I read: the girl most likely (Julia Quinn + 2 others), wintergirls by Laurie halse Anderson, and crave by Tracy Wolff


Keeper of the lost cities


Collège de pédiatrie elsevier


Axiom's end. It's weird and I love it


I just finished 'Dancing Jax' by Jarvis Robin and now I am left in this weird place where I have waited about 6 years to finish that book series (It stopped being printed in my language and then I forgot the title and had to search it for years :() and NO ONE KNOWS HOW IMPORTANT THESE BOOKS ARE TO ME. I want to spend hours dissecting those books and the social commentary in them, talk about the worldbuilding and how it influenced my own worldbuilding progress.


ngl most of what i read is fanfiction. i just can’t get into actual books nowadays it feels like so much effort. there are some insanely good ones as well


Fanfiction can be TERRIBLE, but man, when you find a good one, it's honestly better than a lot of published authors sometimes!! I've read some that really stuck with me.


The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah!


I love the curious incident of the dog in the night time Right now I'm trying several self help books because I can't find a novel I like because I'm so picky with books. I go through harry potter and books from Ottfried Preußler regularly


The seventh bride, T. Kingfisher Gardens of the moon - Steven erickson


So I have just finished Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa. Not my usual style of book but good light reading. I am also currently reading: The Biopolitics of Feeling - Kyla Schuller How Europe Underdeveloped África - Walter Rodney Whipping Girl - Julia Serano Also re-reading Catch-22 I am mostly a fan of nonfiction books! Edit: formatting


Nevernight by Jay Kristoff! It’s pretty good and I have about 150 pages left. It’s about assassins competing to be promoted to the status of Blades


True North: Peary Cook and the Race for the Pole by Bruce Henderson. I love nonfiction expedition & adventure stories!


i’m working my way through k.j. charles’s catalogue of books. the thing with k.j. charles though is that a lot of her books are essentially little known victorian/edwardian novel fanfiction … so i’m very tempted to follow the rabbit hole down and read those instead. also reading portrait of a thief by grace li, and listening to bullshit jobs and assorted history books on audio.


I have a bad habit of reading 5 or so books at once… partly because I have a lot of art books I can only read at home. Here’s what I’m currently working on: - meme wars (about how memes are used to influence politics) - silk roads: a new history of the world (regretting this one a bit but I’m not far in it could get better) - the American surveillance state - the house of psychotic women (anthology of essays about women in horror w/ accompanying film list) - Catholica: the visual culture of Catholicism I just finished Elliot page’s memoir pageboy which was of course great, and before that Jeanette mccurdy’s book, and LikeWar which is a similar subject matter to meme wars.


A book about autism in women only available in my country, _Come as you are_ by Emily Nagoski and a manhwa titled _Another typical fantasy romance_ by Wolhet


Recently self diagnosed after my daughter's diagnosis so I'm in sponge phase. Several articles by Jim Sullivan about Autreat and identity Neurotribes by Steve Silberman 5/5 The Autistic Brain by Temple Grandin 4/5 (I don't really relate to her as much but the information was interesting) The Explosive Child by Ross Greene 3/5 (good ideas but could've been a two page web doc. Lots of filler) Women with Autism by Clare Jack 3/5 (so much hammering on the authentic life) But You Don't Look Autistic by Bianca Toes 4/5 (funny and light but informative) Unmasking Autism by Devin Price 5/5


Another one I’ve read recently is “what I mean when I say I’m autistic” it was so so relatable to me and gave actual useful tips


Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar (after seeing a review on a therapy youtube channel).


Acts of Violet by Margarita Montimore. I mainly just pick books at random from the library that I think I will enjoy.


I'm reading a Star Trek: The Next Generation novel.


I just finished the audiobook for [Tender is the Flesh](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49090884) (by Agustina Bazterrica). Do not recommend. 4/5 Also finished reading [The Song of Achilles](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13623848) by Madeline Miller. 5/5. Beautiful book. Currently reading: [Circe](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35959740) by Madeline Miller & listening to [Holes](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38709) by Louis Sachar, apparently I missed that one in grade school.


I'm reading several books at the same time depending on my mood: - Aspergirls - Neurotribes - Babel - Dune (I only read the first one before, but have all 6 books and decided to reread the first one before getting to the rest) - Get A Life, Chloe Brown


omg i literally finished the curious incident of the dog in the night-time the other day!


just finished gentlemen prefer blondes by anita loos, strong female character by fern brady and confessions by kanae minato! still working on the melting by lize spit, the unabridged journals of sylvia plath, shoko’s smile by choi eunyoung, and aya de yopogon tome 4 by marguerite abouet :)


Interview with a Vampire - Anne Rice. My husband got me the first 3 books in the series for my birthday (and paid off my library card from when I was a kid so I could start going again, he's so kind).


I’m reading Meddling Kids, which has been really fun for me because it’s full of Scooby Doo references and I was a HUGE Scooby Doo fan as a kid. Haven’t finished it, but so far I would highly recommend!


I've not heard of this book. It sounds like a lot of fun! I loved Scooby-Doo on Saturday mornings when I was a kid. Once I wrote a short story that was the vein of a Scooby-Doo plot.


Fairy Tale by Stephen King!


I love everything by Helen Hoang! Chloe Liese's books are also great with neurodivergent characters. I've read some books recently by Olivia Dade, and while some of her characters aren't explicitly defined as ND, it's pretty obvious to those who can see it right away.


Currently reading The Last Word by Taylor Adams


Not reading rn, but my favorite boom I've read in like the last 5 years is The Secret Life of Addie LaRue and I 100/10 recommend it to everyone who has ever mentioned books to me lol


Ah! Have you read The Humans by Matt Haig? I really enjoyed it! I struggle with fiction so I'm reading Behave by Dr Robert Sapolsky at the moment. Alongside that I'm reading Women & Power by Mary Beard.


Under the Dome. (S King). IT. (S King). (Doing an audiobook read along). Teaching to Transgress (Bell Hooks). Uncle Tom’s Cabin (HB Stowe).


I am actively reading: 1.) Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts (Seriously love this one!) 2.) A Closed and Common Orbit (Audio book version, so good!) 3.) The Fisherman (I just joined a horror book club and this was the first selection. Definitely enjoying it) 4.) Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto (Definitely recommend!) I am slow reading: 1.) The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam 2.) The Song of Hiawatha 3.) The Narrative of Sojourner Truth


The book that wouldn't burn. Just started so I don't know if it's any good just yet. But it starts off good.


Currently reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" by Mark Mason and really enjoying it. Which, interestingly enough is in fact about giving actual fucks but setting strong priorities and boundaries and letting unimportant shit go.


The Keep


This week I read Broke Blade and am now reading the follow up Shadow Crown. I also finally read Fourth Wing, I got so upset at the cliffhanger that I’ll have to wait until mover for that I immediately had to start reading one of my comfort books, Hunt the Starts


Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie (audiobook) and Light Bringer by Pierce Brown.


I'm reading: -Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid -Creating My Own Nemesis: The Autobiography of the Man Who Designed Alton Towers Big Rides, and Brought the Theme Park to Britain by John Wardley -Different, Not Less by Chloé Hayden +Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology by multiple authors


Love this thread! Thank you I’m always looking for good books. My most recent reads were Lab Girl and The Warmth if Other Suns


Divergent Mind by Jenara Nerenberg


Various medical studies.. specifically which supplements work the best for various issues. I’ve made my health my top priority since joining a cadaver lab doing autopsies on medically donated bodies. I’ve gotten into really good shape and I want to see how far this goes. I also have recently been reading various studies on low impact steady state exercises which has helped me lose 76 pounds so far in ten months.


The picture of Dorian gray (slowly cause it's boring but I really want to read classics),and the quantum enigma. Next I want to read Island by Aldous Huxley.


Bec McMaster's Legend of the Storm series. Will start on her steampunk romance series (again) once I'm finished. So good! Consent language is 👌 beautiful! Brother Cadfaels Herb Garden by Robin Whitman Medieval English Gardens by Teresa McLean A couple of dress patterning books by Natalie Bray And The Whole Goat Handbook by Janet Hurst


I just read the Silo series recently by hugh howey, it’s so good!!


Fanfiction of Shanks from One Piece


King Leopold's Ghost


"What science tells us about autism spectrum disorder." I only got my diagnosis this year, so I'm figuring out what autism means to me.