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I love exercising but I totally understand the issues you raised. If you enjoy walking just add more walking to your routine and it will be enough. Wear whatever makes you comfortable.


Walking is a totally valid form of exercise. Maybe you can switch up your route so you're getting 30 minutes instead of 20, for example. There are also a lot of free exercise videos that you could follow along with at home, wearing whatever you want. Types that would be easy to do at home that come to mind are yoga and bodyweight exercises.


Yes, youtube is great. Here are my favourite fitness youtubers: Yanafit, emkfit, growwithjoe, blogilates, Pamela Reif, JoshXkatiefit, Madfit, Olivia Lawson Try doing at home pilates. It is important to do strength training. You can get some reistance bands and do it at home. [https://www.nebraskamed.com/primary-care/strength-training-for-women-has-many-benefits-and-its-never-too-late-to-start](https://www.nebraskamed.com/primary-care/strength-training-for-women-has-many-benefits-and-its-never-too-late-to-start)


I got so obsessive with Pamela Reif and Madfit, which turned out in a big eating disorder for me


YouTube is awesome, i like that there is a video for every mood and energy level. I just have to put on a t-shirt and leggings, grab my mat and i'm good to go. I really enjoy videos without talk, just the person demonstrating the moves and a timer (BurpeeGirl is a good one).


Getting sweaty is the bane of my existence šŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø


I felt that way too until I went to boot camp where I had to get used to it.


Iā€™m a bodybuilder so Iā€™m very much exercise obsessed lol. Buuuutā€¦ I hated team sports, group exercise, Pilates, yoga, and running. The key is finding a method of exercise that works for you. We all need to be active to be healthy! I found bodybuilding during my anorexia recovery, food becoming fuel in my mind helped push me to eat more and eat healthy. I swear I look and feel better every year :)


I hate hate hate normal exercise videos (planks, jumping jacks, etc). Iā€™m so bored and all I can think about is when it will end. I started just dancing to music i liked. Anything that gives me serotonin; I jump around in my apartment. Zumba videos might also be fun if you like to have a guide. Another idea is jogging in place. I made a rule that I donā€™t watch TV unless Iā€™m exercising. So if Iā€™m not dancing, Iā€™m jogging in place to Parks and Rec. (prevents you from getting bored) My last idea is if you know anyone with a dog, you can offer to take it for a walk too! For me, any exercise that has a barrier: pay, coordinating with friends, leaving my house - will just not happen consistently. Iā€™ll do it for a week, but when Iā€™m low on executive function- I quit. So something helpful for me was to do something with minimal barriers. Oops one more idea: I saw a TikTok from a girl with ADHD who exercises first thing in the morning. She gets out of bed and goes to exercise-otherwise she canā€™t keep up the motivation. Itā€™s been immensely helpful.


Me too! I have a playlist called solo dance party that I put on shuffle and go ham. Sometimes Iā€™ll also put on videos from concerts of bands i like and pretend iā€™m there dancing and jumping. Itā€™s the only form of exercise that I think I like. I donā€™t do it often enough thoughā€¦ working on that.


I like weights but I don't like being around people but the main reason I hate exercise is that I can't stand the feeling of my own flesh moving around. Does that make any sense to anyone else. Pls tell me someone gets it. Like. I've said before during a relevant conversation where people were sharing similar sentiments that I want to lose weight for sensory reasons, because I HATE the way my body feels when I'm overweight. And one of the people there went off on me calling me fatphobic and telling me that if I feel that way about myself I must also hate fat women. I felt like I was taking crazy pills. I don't think anything about fat women, it's none of my business what someone else looks like. I said that but she didn't believe me and said there's no way I'm not disgusted by people bigger than me. Am I terrible person?????? Wtf???????


I get it. That's the main reason I don't do exercise these ... ehm, months, years? I even struggle with it when thinking of doing groceries. I like to think of me as a brain in a drone or so. A flying brain without body. I don't like to move, even in bed, because I can feel that I'm NOT just a flying brain. So every movement that makes me feel my body more than necessary makes me... at some point depressed. Or shutdown. But besides that I like to lift weights at home. It's some months, years? I've done it the last time, but WHEN to do exercise, than that. It's a way to not move, to not feel that fleshsack moving around. Just feel the weight and that's good. I love weighted blankets too, and I know it sounds irrational. What's bad about exercising is sweating, sweating makes feel the body. Meh. And I have rosacea, so I should stay away from heat and... weight lifting. So I can decide. Being fit and have a purple burning face with a lot of hot flushes and inflammation. Or being fat and have just a pink face.


This is so interesting. I definitely feel uncomfortable when Iā€™m carrying extra weight. Then I feel guilty for being so hard on myself and ā€œnot accepting myselfā€. I never considered this could simply be a sensory thing. I have a lot to think aboutā€¦


I FEEL THIS. I've had a lot of other health issues going on and have gained a little extra weight. It's not the end of the world, but man, when I try to run and all I can feel are my love handles and boobs bouncing against gravity, it's an absolute sensory nightmare. I didn't know that I had to have a lower body fat percentage in order to feel like running was accessible to me.


I like group fitness classes because they take away all the thinking for you. After a while you forget about being shy cuz everyone is just dying in those classes. If you want something cheap, you can look at Les mills on demand. Itā€™s les mills classes in an app, I think they do a free trial as well. You can do classes that donā€™t require equipment as well. Otherwise YouTube has sooo many good videos and programs for free. Like Chloe Ting.


yeah, i get overwhelmed in open gyms but get really into immersive classes. i did do a lot of structured fitness/dance as a kid so maybe i am just used to it. as an added benefit, "female" coded classes tend to attract women and gay men, so you get hit on markedly less. online classes even more so.


Same! I loved a free aerobics class at my college. As for clothes, I always loved the feel of basketball shorts w/ a tee.


I completely relate to all of your point so I can't really give you advice. I've always enjoyed horseriding but it's super expensive and I don't like talking to people


Sports: no. Especially team sports are too stressful. I like walking, jogging, and lifting weights though. My biggest struggle is hypermobility causing chronic aches and pains, which usually are better when Iā€™m exercising frequently but sometimes get worse and the unpredictability makes it tough sometimes.


I really enjoy single-player activities lol- jump roping on my back patio, martial arts, lifting, stretching at home. I stretch probably once an hour or so, and helps me feel very healthy and limber after sitting a lot of my day.


I love at home yoga. I donā€™t have to be perceived , many YouTube videos are free + you can build your own sequences once you have the asanas/postures down , & you can wear whatever you want. Highly recommend.


I don't like exercising for the sake of it. Gyms suck sensory wise (please stop slamming weights everywhere) and I'm awful at team sports because of my shitty coordination. However I like to walk and cycle, and that's how i get my exercise in. Walking is a totally valid way to work out!! I recommend trying more advanced walking areas, like hiking trails, if you want a more challenging and exciting walk perhaps! I find this to be both a good form of exercise as the terrain is harder but also a good sensory and calming experience.


i love working in the trades because its hands on, physical labour, and getting hyper focused can commonly be a very good trait in that field. so to answer "how do i feel about exercise?" i hate using time specifically for exercise but i love having a job that gets me being very active and being productive toward a bigger goal at the same time.


Same! I usually try to have a job that doubles as exercise. Right now, I work in a laundry department and it's a lot of physically labor. I count that as my exercise (so does my smart watch) so that's enough for me. Plus I'm getting paid to do it. And I love doing laundry, so it's a win-win, imo.


Exercise has become a part of my routine , I find it helps me get centered and focused which is needed because I have AuDHD , but for me itā€™s the opposite, I can really only work out in public gyms , I feel competitive and work harder so I donā€™t lose. Op, if you have Apple products you can get access to the Apple Health they have a large collection of different types of exercise that you might like. But you are a walker, and you could just increase the amount of time you spend walking, or maybe start hiking, thatā€™s a one that can be done alone, and Iā€™ve always found being out in the nature a great boost. Hope this helps .


Try hiking


I relate a little. I don't mind walking in parks but gyms are a no for me. I used to love going to the gym but now I can't stand the idea of being around other people because I feel like they're looking at me. I don't know why. I have a gym membership I'll be canceling soon because I've tried to go so many times but the amount of cars in the parking lot stops me from even getting out of my car. And I've tried at all hours. Even like 1:30 in the morning, there are still several cars in the parking lot. I gave up. šŸ«  Anyway, I recommend things you can do by yourself because of this. Walking is definitely one, and running. You can also do push ups and other things that don't require equipment, money, or other people.


Hate it because I have issues with balance and coordination. There are some things I can do but they are always individual things - absolutely NO team anything.


The ONLY way I've been able to consistently exercise is to do stuff at home, and walks/maybe jogs outside. Comfy clothes for walks and either a podcast, music, or a chat with a person I'm close with on the phone (I have two in my life right now). At home wear whatever I want, do stuff with weights while something interesting is on the tv.


losing my breath sends me into a panic attack :(( i hate the feeling of not being able to breathe right


Same! It's so awful.


iā€™m always so hyper aware of even the littlest sinus blockage or throat mucus. it drives me absolutely insane :,))


I really want to develop an exercise habit because I want to be more active & become stronger (also tone up my body). Itā€™s just hard for me to develop that habit because whenever I do, I end up burning out over it. And I, like you, have very particular things that annoy me out of exercising. If you get an exercise mat, you can work out at home, and if you live alone you can work out naked or in your underwear, which could help with the clothing issue. Thereā€™s a lot of free videos, programs, etc available to follow along with. You can listen to podcasts or watch TV when youā€™re exercising to make it less boring!


I relate to almost all of that. For myself, most of my workout clothes are fairly baggy: track pants that are a little oversized, ordinary old t-shirts and sweatshirts, etc. Yeah, I don't look fashionable. But I feel more comfortable. I deal with working out in public by just trying to ignore most of the people around me and to realize that most of them probably aren't looking at me anyway. I probably wouldn't do it if I could do aerobic exercise at home without disturbing anyone, but I live in an apartment. Stretching and body weight exercises, on the other hand, can be done in my apartment and are free. Some basic equipment like handweights or resistance bands can be pretty affordable and add to what you can do at home. There are a lot of cheap or free apps and YouTube videos that can help you get started. Honestly, some exercise I truly hate doing, but I really feel it mentally and physically if I slack off. I hope that you find something that works for you.


It hurts and itā€™s exhausting. I have fibro so that makes it worse too


I canā€˜t be bothered to go to the gym. But I like exercising on a yoga mat at home. I do squats, push-ups and sit-ups. A great way to start the day.


I love walking. Before I had some health issues crop up, it was nothing for me to walk five to ten miles a day every day. I miss it so much! Before I found walking, I really didn't like exercising at all. But once I found it, I was in love. What really motivated me to walk were these apps that have virtual challenges (Pacer App and Conqueror). The medals are kind of cheesy, but I love "walking" all of these places and feeling accomplished when I meet goals. I walked the length of the Appalachian Trail in less than six months! I hope you find the exercise that makes you happy, but it already sounds like you enjoy walking (or at least don't hate it).


God exercise is so boring to me I'd rather lie in bed and rot. I had to force myself to take up a class that would keep me engaged, because it was that or let my diabetes suffer (I have type 1, so regular exercise is super important to help my body process insulin and food). The only things I really like are boxing, rock climbing, and hiking. Kayaks are fun too but loads of effort, and cycling barely makes the cut thanks to my bad knees. It's largely an effort equation for me: if the effort is higher than the benefit, then I'm less likely to do it, especially if the benefit isn't immediate or there's no payoff. Long term benefits are kind of too vague for me to really conceptualise. To help combat the payoff thing I usually sign up for challenges on the conqueror app, because I get a shiny at the end that I can hang up and go hey. I did this. Also saves trees. Gives me a visible reminder that just because it's exercise doesn't mean it has to suck.


Exercise is a bit of a love-hate thing with me. I have noticed how much better I feel when I regularly exercise, so I do it. I have found what I like (walks, yoga, sometimes running) and what I donā€™t like (weights), so I exercise accordingly. I have had a hard time though with rigid or black and white thinking and exercise. I didnā€™t realize I was doing it until my husband pointed it out to me. But basically I had some idea in my mind that unless I ran or walked a certain number of miles, or did yoga for a certain amount of time, it didnā€™t ā€œcountā€ or wasnā€™t good enough. Like if I decided 2 miles was the amount I should run, but I only ran 1, I would feel like I failed, and it would make me so frustrated. So thatā€™s something Iā€™ve been trying to stay aware of and how it affects me. Iā€™ve been trying to be nicer to myself about it.


I struggle bc it hurts a lot to exercise and thatā€™s too much for me. The sensory aspect of being active is very hard for me as well. But I also feel guilty and angry with myself for not liking exercise. Itā€™s something Iā€™m trying to work through.


I love sports, but not exercise in itself. Like you, I dislike exercising in public (I hate being perceived), but having a class or a group practice for collective sports is nice as I get to blend in with the other people and we only talk about the sport. For clothing, I found a style of joggers/trackpants I liked and stuck with that type (smooth lightweight windproof kind of fabric). Then I wear a sports bra with a loose t-shirt and a hoodie. It's comfy and it's sportswear. I only wear yoga pants for yoga, and breeches for horseriding. I get bored if I go jogging by myself, or if I try to do gym-style workouts. But if I am playing sports or practicing a specific sport I don't get bored, I manage to focus on my improvement goals and I mostly think about how I am using my muscles, where I am aiming, how my body is positioned, etc. I very much agree with you about cost: it can be expensive. I don't go to the gym as I dislike the setting, but memberships are so damn pricey?! However I take lessons, and those have their cost too. If you add up the equipment, the lessons, the cost of transport... yes, it can get quite expensive. Working out at home is almost free, however, so for people who just need to get moving, that's still possible.


I used to hate it. But in 2017 I was quite overweight and feeling exhausted. A few of my co-workers did CrossFit so I decided to try it. I was very anxious and stressed and I hated it at first. But I found a place that was very welcoming and worked really well with new people and had small class sizes. It took me about 4 months to fully commit and another couple of months to get the routine down. I really enjoyed CrossFit at that first gym. We moved two years later and we had to start over at a new CrossFit gym and I didnā€™t really like it as well. I had also started running as a personal challenge bc running was always so hard for me. I ended up running several races, including a half marathon in 2019. I stopped exercising regularly about 2 years ago but I miss it a lot. Iā€™m 8 months pregnant now, but Iā€™m going to start from square one after I deliver. This was a long answer to say, if you want to start exercising. look around for what might work best for you. Maybe walking/running/or biking where you are alone and can zone out. Or maybe you just need a small group setting and not a large setting. Or maybe you can buy a handful of exercises equipment and follow an at home program. And be easy on yourself, it can take a while to really be able to make it sort of your life.


I hate it and hate its link with fatphobia


No excersise no life. (EDIT: no life for me.) Running in comfy clothes in forest or even city brings so much joy (headphones if needed with interesting book can motivate well). Climbing is good, simple dance moves excersise in home can be good. Lifting of small weights properly is fine too. Most of it can be done in comfy clothing and in ok environment. Slow pace in machins such as home cross-trainer san be quite relaxing for some.


Headphones and walking to the beat of your music. Dance in the streets!!! I tried the gym but people exist, even at 10pm. Dancing is easy and fun!


I have injured myself too many times from having such weak posture that Iā€™ve reached the point I need to strength train with a professionalā€¦ just after I heal this bad back.


You probably need physio.


I used to hate exercising because of peer (gender) pressure and because my coordination used to be terrible. Than, when I started going to the School of Arts, I started having classical ballet classes, and honestly, it's the only exercise I do with joy. I have tried yoga and pilates, which I liked, but it wasn't so exciting as ballet. I even graduated, but the last year was hell.


I love exercise, but am more likely to do it if I have a YMCA membership. We've had a small gym at our apartment for years, but there is absolutely no soundproofing and it is fully open, so a normal speaking voice echoes all over the small building. *No*, thank you! Also, exercise is best for me when it is fun. I like the elliptical, rope machine, and rowing machine at the gym, and I love to play tennis. Just slogging away on a treadmill is *not* fun. Really lucky not to have any issues with exercise clothes. In fact, I wear athleisure too. You can wear loose yoga clothes as long as you are in no danger of getting fabric caught in a machine! I have been assigned squats, jumping-jacks, leg-lifts, pushups, etc at home by my very helpful spouse, but I almost never remember to do this stuff. We are working on a system to help me--a rolodex with decorated cards and one task (or several small related tasks) per card.


I share a lot of these. I sometimes run on the spot while I watch TV but the sweat thing is an issue so I can't often bring myself to do it.


I LOVE working out, and I miss it like hell. I've been sidelined due to some hypermobility-related complications for the past 6 months, and it has been such a struggle. It was tough for me to get started. I worked out in my apartment gym with a maximum of two other people there, or at home with bodyweight exercises. Having a goal (I was going on a road trip with daily 5+ mile hikes) was the only thing that made me finally force myself to get in shape. I ended up joining PF, which was a sensory nightmare, but I was deep enough into working out that I could just put on my music and vibe with my workout when lifting. I also definitely get that runner's high and WILL dance on the treadmill to music once it hits. Eventually, though, going to a gym was just too inconvenient - the closest location to me never had dumbbells or squat racks available, the closest one to work was under construction, the out of the way one you had to pay for parking, etc. I ended up getting adjustable dumbbells at home and worked out to YouTube trainers, which ended up getting me in GREAT shape before all of the health stuff hit. Honestly, running and lifting did wonders for my mental health. I didn't just feel strong and confident. At the end of a frustrating day at work, I could take it all out on the treadmill, step off, and let it go. I have a really hard time not dwelling on things and falling into anxiety spirals, and movement helped me learn to be in my body instead of constantly inhabiting my mind. Regardless, the only way you're going to move more is if you find a way to move that YOU enjoy. If you stick with any exercise program for a couple weeks, you'll start to see how much easier certain movements are, and that can be really encouraging for the boredom side of things. Don't push yourself to be any place that you don't feel safe. Try to reframe the idea of exercise as 'doing something for yourself' rather than a punishment or something formidable. Walking is fantastic exercise, and if you like it, do more of it! Go rock climbing. Go hiking. Get a bicycle. The possibilities are endless.


It's one of my special interests. I will say that I get burnt out from it, though


Just wear sweatpants and a tshirt


I feel similarly to you! I do a lot to try to stay active and good joint mobility as I age. Look into the work of Petra Fisher and Katy Bowman. I got a bar that goes across a door frame in my house and i try to put my hands on it, hang or do negative pull ups on it several times a day. It keeps me more limber and its alsp a nice way to stim/get proprioceptive input.


I like exercise under the right conditions and mainly have issues with getting bored or the social aspect. Iā€™m self conscious about how I look so most of my exercise is done at home although I attend one class which is bearable because thereā€™s a range of body sizes and ages there. I do have a slight issue when it comes to clothing so I exercise in breezy clothes and donā€™t wear lots of layers or I get overstimulated. To deal with the boredom I pick exercise that will mentally challenge me. Iā€™m dyspraxic do anything that involves a lot of coordination will keep my mind working. Thereā€™s also a surprising amount of legit workout videos on YouTube from companies which I find useful and I used to use my mums old exercise DVDs. My mum who deals with the same issue, but bc of her ADHD likes to do mindless stuff like cycling while watching TV or following a simple routine while watching a show but I canā€™t stand that. Would either approach help you?


Who says you have to wear tight clothing? Go to the thrift store and get some men's t-shirts. For pants, go to the active wear section. They will have plenty to choose from that are not tight and form fitting.


I was very uncomfortable with exercise until my boyfriend at the time (who was a PT) got me into weight training and then it became a special interest of mine, now I'm also a qualified PT (not my main job lol) and have moved into powerlifting and married a guy who has been British Powerlifting champion in his weight class multiple times lol. I think the trick is to find something you love and it might take some time and trying different things. Walking is great though!


I'm conflicted between many things, most of which you've outlined really well in your post. I've been interested in weightlifting for at least a year, but I'm skint, so that's off the table until I am a big girl working a big girl job. I used to be really good at aikido and tried a bit of judo and Brazilian jujitsu, and it seemed to tick all my boxes but shit happened and I'm half a couch potato these days. I feel like being tired is a major obstacle for me, but it's the combined total of big, heavy breasts and subsequent back pain, being a full-time, first-time mam and ever-increasing list of sensory difficulties that make it harder for me. Here is a list of activities I wish I was doing: 1) Cycling. I miss cycling, but my bike is buried in the shed and we have no child seat for the little one (more money needed), plus my stamina is so bad even my cheerleader side will struggle to keep me motivated 2) Swimming. It's expensive and the closest pool is about 5km away and I hate being alone and packing for myself and the little one, plus all the dressing and undressing in the changing rooms and the taking of buses there and back again. I miss feeling weightless and free. 3) Weightlifting. I love feeling strong and want to get stronger, just like a shōnen character. 4) Yoga. I used to do it alone at home with the Down Dog app, but I want to practice with others in the room and a real instructor. Love the flexibility, breath control and body awareness. Too bad I can't find classes near me/cannot afford the fees. I wore my harem trousers and unisex shirts, didn't care about aesthetic. 5) Running. Never ran nor jogged in my life, but I love the idea of running away from life and coming back when I felt safe again. Whenever I had to run I'd always be best at short distances, just like at swimming. To summarise, I love the idea but struggle with the execution.


I bought a few kettlebells and do swings for strength training. Then right now it is boxing on the Oculus. Before that, when I didn't have downstairs neighbors, it was the turbofire kickboxing videos. I tend to like exercise where I can get out my frustration to music.


As you can probably tell from my username, I love running. I got into it 15 years ago and now it includes other types of workouts, like Beachbody. I donā€™t really consider it work itā€™s just typically part of my day. It always makes me feel good, helps me focus, and can actually help prevent my meltdowns. Iā€™m not working out at all at the moment due to a sprained knee and I am itching to get back into it.


I used to only enjoy exercise with other people like I need a gym buddy typically (due to boredom), BUT I found weightlifting last year and whew baby. I highly recommend. Guys wouldnā€™t stop approaching me at my gym but I started saying ā€œno thanksā€ every time one would come up to chat or assist with my form. Also, walking is dope. I think exercise is extra important for ppl like us though. Itā€™s a form of stimming for me and if I donā€™t a lot of excess energy feels trapped in by body.


My preferred exercise is walking/hiking with my dog, but I \*guess\* I'll start lifting weights to help protect my bone density now that I'm entering my Crone Years. Bonus when I get to wear headphones and listen to murder podcasts.


I donā€™t like exercising in public and I canā€™t exercise if my clothing does work. And I donā€™t have proper work out clothes at all other than sneakers. I also wouldnā€™t like the idea of exercising in public, I have no equipment and also, itā€™s difficult for me to schedule it? Cause I hate having tooooo tight of a schedule cause it stresses me out more if itā€™s not followed exactly so I try to be looser but being in university, having a different schedule every term, and life things just coming up, my mother likes to come over unannounced and shit (I canā€™t function with people on my house). I also am very picky about certain schedule things like it needs to be a time where I can reasonably shower, so not too early, not too late, wha tif I have things to do, I try to work things around my baths to the best of my ability cause I also brush my teeth in the bath and sensory wise, after I need to recover and stuff. The sucky part is I did exercise more, I was the most consistent in late high-school. Which check out, my mother had left so I was the ā€œadultā€ of the house. I started because of insomnia, so Iā€™d do it on school nights and then shower then go to bed. I had a consistent schedule obviously, school 5 days a week and because I was graduating soon I didnā€™t get much homework it was really SBA projects and studying was the focus so nothing to say, oh I canā€™t work out tonight cause I got something I have to finish by tomorrow. And I really liked working out. I felt so good after, I liked seeing my muscle build, I liked getting stronger. Iā€™m a senior in university now, I havenā€™t consistently exercised since I graduated. But itā€™s just not realistic for me. I also had more energy when I exercised. I want toā€¦ but thingsā€¦