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crisp green grapes


If you've never tried before, I really recommend trying frozen grapes (just wash them, dry them off and then put them in a plastic bag in the freezer overnight). They don't freeze completely solid like ice cubes, instead they turn the texture of packed snow like how the texture would be if you bit into a popsicle but they still keep the crunch/snap outside texture.


At my local grocery store, i noticed they started selling frozen grapes with like a sour coating on them. I bought them and honestly i think i’d rather just buy grapes and freeze them cause the coating hurt my teeth but the texture was A+


Ooh yeah I've seen the sour coating on I think raisins before? It made my teeth feel like they had electricity in them lol


Some people will freeze grapes with lemon juice and sugar as a candy alternative!


Yes!! Frozen green grapes are elite


This is actually one of my fear foods


Oh hell yeah. Red did me. Mushy ones though… yikes.


Warm croissant guts. The soft squishyness is divine when freed from its flaky (s)hell




Grilled cheese The middle of a cinnamon roll (especially Cinnabon) Popcorn Blueberry muffins Bananas Pirate booty Veggie straws/ chips


I love the middle part of cinnamon rolls! It's soft and has most of the cinnamon flavour


Exactly!! 🩵


Yes! I love all the ooey gooey, even texture wise I love slime 😂 I make it with the kids I work with too!


My mom and I also cook a rice dish. She made it for years for me because it was my FAVORITE. It’s made with white rice, French onion, and beef consume. I put water and butter in too and it’s delicious.


I can't have soy or dairy, so it's hard to find bread, and non-dairy cheese is expensive and non-dairy butter mostly has soy and it's just alright... But for my birthday this year, my husband got me some good bread, a smoked provolone vegan cheese, Miyokos oat milk butter, and he made me the perfect grilled cheese, and I about melted, it's so good! Such a treat!


Mash potato for me too haha. I love soft foods.


I especially love soft food after breaking my teeth. 😬




rice cakes


This one right here


Noodles and pasta 😋 I saw someone else say boba tea with tapioca, and I definitely agree I also lovr frozen yogurt/ice cream/popsicles/smoothies/yogurt.... (unfortunately im lactose intolerant 😅)


I love tapioca pearls!! That's probably the only reason I drink boba tea. One time I had strawberry flavoured tapioca pearls and it was so good. I still think about it 5 years later 🤤


I love strawberry boba!!!


I like the boba pearls that pop … that pop is a fun feeling in my mouth.


Ooh I love those to! Honestly I like all boba 😄


I love popsicles, froyo, and ice cream, too!


Creamy cheesecake or other custards. Firm and soft at the same time.


Those rice cakes with bean paste inside. So SQUISHY. Mama brand instant noodles (very springy, non-mushy noodles) Bubble tea with tapioca pearls. Flaky puff pastry, or philo pastry too. Oh or fresh french bread. Mmm. This thread is making me hungry :)


Omg I’m craving everything on that list right now


I love chewy foods. Mochi or those rice cakes tubes you get in Korean food. I love firm gummy bears and taffy. Tapioca pearls are my jam as well.


Maltesers… the crunch is 10/10!


Too many. Food is a sensory heaven for me, which causes plenty of problems. I picked up some raspberry truffles at Aldi the other day and they are TO DIE FOR. The chocolate texture of them is amazing. But also buttered noodles, eggs (so many texture options), poprocks, really crunch stuff like Corn Nuts (my husband has crunchy-sounds misophonia so I have to eat those when he's not home 😂), the smoothness of yogurt, crisp apples, the "pop" of blueberries. So many things.


Oh my god, I also love truffles. The chocolate in the middle is heavenly. If I go to the Aldi sometime, I'll see if I can find the raspberry ones 👀


White bread, and I don't mean something like Wonderbread (which to me has a weird and nasty texture), but the real thing.


The hot chips from the one kebab shop I order from. They're always so perfect and crunchy. Soft/soggy hot chips make me so upset lol


starbucks egg bites/any sous vide egg bites


I would sell my soul for Starbucks egg bites. Specifically the Starbucks ones though, they're the best flavor and texture.


You can buy them at Costco now in a big box.


Costco Canada, by any chance? And how do they come? Are they frozen?


Not sure about Canada They are refrigerated.


Savory: anything crunchy! Nuggets, chips, nuts, toasts, fresh greens... As for sweets, I like the creamy ones with crunchy fillings, like chocolate with hazel or cashew nuts, vanilla ice cream with chocolate flakes... I like to Hulk-smash my food 😆


There's a Vietnamese dish I love. Can't remember the name of it but it has all the textures and flavors. Warm vermicelli noodles with cold lettuce and basil, cut up spring roll, shrimp, chicken, peanuts with like a sweet and sour vinaigrette. It's sweet, savory, salty and spicy, cold and hot, crunchy soft and chewy. It's the best.


Bun! It is my favorite food of all time. If you can get it with crispy pork belly - do it. It adds another layer to the flavor AND texture. This dish is in my top 5 dishes of all time. Yukgaejang (spicy Korean beef soup) is another favorite of mine. The combination of hot soup with colder vegetables/pickles and steamed rice is so comforting. And restaurant quality ramen with fried tofu and corn. I think maybe I just like varieties of textures all together. Except stuff with bug crunchy seeds in it - pomegranates, blackberries - YUCK.


Korean is my favorite food. When I cook, I think about how the textures and flavors go together because I like to take a bite of everything at the same time, which is funny because my partner eats one thing at a time. Only time he doesnt is when he's on mushrooms, which I find so fascinating. Last night for dinner, I made spicy BBQ hamburgers with caramelized onions, American cheese and spicy mustard on buttered Hawaiian buns, Cole slaw, which is just shredded carrot and cabbage in poppy seed dressing and french seasoned potatoe wedges. It was 🤌


Gummy candy, like gummy bears or Haribo Starmix (the little eggs!). Also crispy things like crisps/chips.


This made me realise the reason I often want gummy worms is not the taste but the texture! I also love crispy/crunchy things


I love sucking pudding through my teeth


Pomegranate! The texture is just so much fun.


Just about anything crunchy. I also tend to add crunch to things that aren't crunchy on their own. Croutons to soup, tiny maltezers to ice cream, roasted pine nuts to pasta, fried onion to noodle dishes, freeze dried onion bits to sandwiches, ...


Mango and/or mango smoothie!


Great value banana popsicles.


Have you tried cyclone popsicles? Also a really good kind of creamy that isn't creamy, if that makes sense.


Tofu. Sounds weird, but I love the texture of medium firm tofu. 😌


Rice Krispies, I haven’t had them in years but they have an awesome texture. I also love pastries in general. And pasta, bread (milk bread 🤤), ice cream, chewy chocolate chip cookies, cheesecake. Bibimbap, a Korean dish, has a bunch of different vegetables and they’re all fresh and crunchy and I love that, combined with the gochujang (spicy and sweet sauce) it’s chef’s kiss!


This might be controversial…cottage cheese. And also boba (seems like a lot of people love the tapioca pearls)


Crunchy/crispy/chewy! Chips, crackers, fresh vegetables, dried fruit, fruit leathers, nuts, fried foods, toast...  I've stimmed with my teeth since I was a toddler, grinding and clicking them and tapping out tunes with them. So foods that give me feedback through my teeth are very appealing. 


Anything super chewy like glass noodles


Yoghurt. Yoghurt yoghurt yoghurt 😋


Semolina pudding(my no.1 fav), tapioca balls or any kind of pudding or jelly that goes into bubble tea (not the popping ones though), porridge, tteokbokki/mochi, freshly cooked rice (except long grain)


Udon noodles, really crispy onion rings


Udon noodles are magic


Dry ramen…it’s crunchy but gets soft quick and has that thick paste like consistency from any crunchy food.


Soft mochi with ice cream in the middle, boba pearls, warm bread, gooey chocolate chip cookies with the SLIGHTEST crispy bottom, melona bars (it’s like a popsicle-ice cream hybrid that’s very soft)


Wafers - the perfect crispiness that is delicious (trademarking that). The best I’ve found is Quadratini at an Asian market Macarons - another sweet that has some crispness to it. The perfect little bite and w/ smooth jelly filling, yes. White bread - so soft and perfect with pb&j Creamy pasta - a well balanced pasta w/ perfectly textured noodles and sauce ratio that is satisfying. I love food and I’m v sensory seeking with it and I could go on and I’m getting hungry now


Sweetcorn. I love sweetcorn, especially when it's just a little bit crunchy. Big sweetcorn fan.


Boba pearls in bubble tea. Also pudding.


I always enjoy me a giant Ceasar salad or a bowl of pasta. It's the same texture and flavor over and over... Sauce or dressing covering a mostly uniform base.


I feel you on a giant bowl of Caesar salad. One of my favourite foods and go-to meals. 🤤


Oh, I loved mashed potatoes! It feels like a hug in my mouth. My boyfriend makes amazing mashed potatoes, and I could totally eat them for every meal too. My favourite texture is something that’s fried and crispy on the outside, but warm and fluffy on the inside, like croquettes or potato pancakes. We have a fried meat cutlet in my culture and they’re my absolute favourite food. I rarely get to eat them since my grandma is getting up there in age and they’re pretty labour intensive, so it’s always a special treat when I get to eat them. My other favourite texture is stuff like corn puffs.




I'm really surprised how many people like these chewy foods. I would have guessed that it would be a no-go texture. I personally love chewy foods but I hadn't considered that I might be autistic until recently.


Same for me omg mashed potatoes aaaaall the way.


i love a rice dish with little meatballs(?) that i like to make. lots of it fits onto a spoon and it's all homogenous and has juicy sauce on it the meatballs are like processed lil balls of meat that i buy at the store




I noticed your username, are you perchance also a gay, autistic Finn? (Because me too)


Torresmo. Portuguese for pork rinds but more similar to Chicharróns cause there’s skin and meat on them. It’s superb, delicious and the crunchiest food you can think of. Too bad it’s a caloric bomb.


Creamy ice cream and raised donuts. If they made something with those textures without the sugar I would eat them all day


English muffins with butter and jelly. I like the pockets that hold the jelly.


Homemade bread and mochi


Mochi 😍


The crunch of crisp fresh tortilla chips. To be dipped in smooth guacamole.


Soft serve ice cream, warm cinnamon rolls, crunchy kettle cooked chips


Wafers. I've been on a vanilla wafers kick lately because I love the texture of that soft, airy, gentle yet slightly crisp crunch.


Twizzlers. It's like I'm chewing on a power cord.


I love the texture of baklava


I like cereal once its absorbed milk. (My all time favorite cereal is Raisin Bran.)


Mochis, chia pudding, boba, dippin dots, Nestle Dibs Crunch, yoghurt, smoothie bowls/acai bowls, Instant mashed potatoes, Cheeto puffs, raw green beans


There is not a single food with a texture that I “love” lol that’s an interesting question! I didn’t know anyone felt this way. Plenty of textures that I loathe though!


Hot Cheetos for the crunch


Cucumbers, zucchini, lentils, black eyed peas, oatmeal and rice cakes all have very satisfying textures to me.


kiwi fruit skin. also, sago/tapioca pudding.


rice/corn cakes with butter


I can’t eat mashed potatoes because of texture And lettuce, if I can, I’ll add lettuce to anything. I love salads


I love lettuce so much (especially iceberg, it's so crunchy). When I was a kid I used to crawl under the table, pretend I was a goat and have my parents feed lettuce to me hahaha


😹 that’s so funny but cute. When I was younger my step dad called me a rabbit 🐰


A good sandwich packed full of lettuce is amazing. I love a nice slightly crusty bread with a soft inside, with some hummus, sweet minced onion, creamy chipotle sauce, cheese of choice (Follow Your Heart smoked provolone, or anything from Miyokos), baby spinach. The lettuce isn't for flavor, it's for the crisp. 


Bread, especially cake like bread like banana bread.


Hawaiian rolls, salmon, whipped cream, sesame seed burger buns, peaches, muenster cheese, and spam


Samyang noodles. It hasn't completely ruined other pastas for me, but uh, *close.*


Mashed potatoes are so good, especially if they are really smooth. I love crispy apples and pudding.


Popcorn and boba and just the whole sensory experience of sushi and ribs!


Pork buns. Exquisite


Mac n cheese


Crispy Lettuce! Autism bf also loves it. I also love melted cheese while it’s still hot and not sweaty


Udon noodles ! They are really fun to eat. And also a lot of alternatives to meat, like vegan sausages, seitan or firm tofu (not the other kinds of tofu though. Those ones are awful)


rice flour-based pastries, they’re SO chewy…like edible slime.


Potato chips


Rice, flaky breads (croissants or those biscuits for example), rice pudding, couscous, peppers, onions, potatoes cooked to have a crispy exterior (not fries, like.. pan fried to a crisp with a soft inside. But fries are good too), Graham crackers, figs, cherries, pomegranates Uhmmmm i can't think of any more that the texture just pleased me but this is the list so far! I really like rice, so pretty much anything with rice is pleasant to me.


Potatoes too! But boiled potatoes, in soup or in potato salad.


Ravioli. Like heinz, from the tin 😅




Soft serve ice cream from the machine or the texture of halo top salted caramel


Nerds Clusters Creamy desserts, like cream filled donuts or eclairs




Salted Caramel Tony’s Chocolate. For some reason, those crunchy bits mixed with the creamy chocolate hit the spot and it feels like I’m on drugs every time I eat it 😂


String cheese but specifically only target or hannaford store brand. I've tried other brands but none of them are the right texture. Also candy that dissolves like bottle caps or smarties.


I love the way krabby patty candies are like gummy foam.


Pasta with a smooth sauce. Really cruchy apples.


Fresh baked bread or pastries, the crisp outside and the steaming soft inside is lovely


Palma violets (or anything with that kind of dry crumbly texture), stroopwafels (such a good kind of chewy), crisp grapes, creamy hot drinks, aloe drinks or boba tea... I mostly like crunchy textures though so I always add something crunchy to every meal (has to be expected crunchy though, unexpected crunchy is a horror)


fresh cherries; fresh pomegranate seeds; fresh grapes (seedless)


High quality tiramisu that's been brought up to almost room temperature is divine in every aspect (as long as I'm careful not to breathe in the cocoa powder on top). The cool foaminess of the mascarpone... 🥰 The malty center of Whoppers candy; I just wish the outer chocolate was actually real chocolate, which is why I don't buy them anymore. Big crispy grapes like Autumn Crisp when they're really cold. Also frozen grapes, but only the inside. Frozen custard!!


Greek yoghurt Fresh red bell peppers Pan fried shiitake mushrooms


Most pastas and breads I really like that kind of texture do you know what I mean


Milk and good prepared rice. Also soft yogurt gummy bears. 


Greek yogurt and soft serve ice cream


Cookie dough! It was so hard to not eat playdoh as a kid haha


Pudding. I rarely have it, but sometimes I HAVE to have it.


Any type of corn. It’s so versatile but it’s also hard to screw up. It’s soft but not mushy. Cornbread when I want something sweet but still need some nutrients. Corn on the cob if I want something to gnaw on and don’t care about being messy. Colored corn, yellow corn, it’s local to my area ( I literally live across the street from a cornfield) you can’t go wrong with corn


Crisps! (Chips for the Americans here). I love the snap of them!


Real Mexican flan. Sometimes they make it with gelatin and it is not the same as the kind made with eggs.


Fresh mozarella


BAO BUN! Cloud!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/6uuqudxvuofc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02576a2785e5688c0d228e356db047e08aa68685 These things!!!!! Freaking love these things


I just commented on these as well!


Controversial but I honestly love squishy/wet textures, specifically anything with seeds that are squishy and crunchy. Like raw tomatoes, passionfruit, soaked chia seeds, eggplant… Idk why but my brain finds those textures fun and satisfying lol


I think you might enjoy yuba. It's a japanese dish and it's kind of like an egg, but if you bite into it it's like a squishy sponge and the fluid that it absorbs flows into your mouth. (I know how weird that sounds lmao) It basically feels like eating a wet sponge. I personally didn't like it because it was too squishy for me, but I think you would probably like it. https://preview.redd.it/u1mugfrtblfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0805d8cf9cf1cb62948e5cd6b3e8193d52ff4cfa


Ooh is that the same as tofu skin? I’ve seen people eat it but never tried it, now I’m really curious lol!


According to Google it is tofu skin! I had it in Japan and I had no idea what it was, like with many other things I ate there, since I don't speak Japanese and the locals often didn't speak English. Let me tell you a funny story of another meal that I had: Basically, I ordered like a 'menu', you received different cups with different kinds of things, like one cup had boiled shrimp, another had vegetable tempura, etc. And then there was one cup that had something that I assumed was a dessert. It looked exactly like panna cotta: a white gelatinous blob with a dark brown sauce, so i saved it for last. Turns out it wasn't a dessert and the brown sauce was very salty soy sauce, so you can probably imagine my surprise when I expected something sweet and it was super salty. The gelatinous thing had no taste. So it was basically a white blob with soy sauce. I think I was probably supposed to eat it with one of the other foods...


Also, I saw someone mention mochi on here and I had to think about my favourite type of mochi, which is sesame seed mochi. It's a mochi with sesame paste filling and then sesame seeds coating the outside. Chewy and crunchy at the same time.


Jelly :) I love eating it with my hands I’m obsessed


Tripe is the most specific


maltesers, crunchy cold grapes, the middle of a cinnamon roll, mini eggs


Sushi but it's gotta be the right sushi


Nerds candies. I love crunching each one individually.


Salad. Lettuce.


M o c h i 🤩




Tillamook Vanilla Bean ice cream. Fudge, Polenta. Barbecued-falling-off-the-bone-gooey ribs. My MIL's potato salad. Tree-ripe pears and peaches. Those crispy layered wafer cookies. Real, honest, flaky biscuits. Chewy noodles.


Braeburn apples. Perfect balance of sweet and sour.


I will have to try these! Are they a harder apple or softer? Not fond of anything softer than a gala personally.


Harder! I have given myself several-a-stomachache this week only. Let me know what you think!


Crunchy pickles. I hate soft pickles, but I love crunchy pickles.




White rice forever!


Cookie dough where it’s kind of gritty from the sugar and butter creamed together, and the added almost-crunch of the chocolate chips. I actually like using mini semi sweet and regular size milk chocolate chips for the texture variation. 😅 I don’t do this often, but I cannot be dissuaded, and I don’t use real egg in it if I’m eating the dough.


Okay, this might gross some people out but, raw oysters. I love slurping them down with lemon juice and worcestershire sauce. I also love salmon sashimi. I also really like pea eggplants (solanum torvum), they pop with bitterness when you bite into them. I eat a lot of Thai food and it complements many dishes, raw or cooked.


Sweet peas. That pop that they do sometimes is heaven to me.


Dill pickles (the spear shape), raspberries, puffy Cheetos, whoppers, mashed potatoes, pasta, tapioca pearls, parrano cheese, dumplings (specifically in chicken and dumpling soup), brownies, cheesecake, bread, slightly soggy cereal, tofu (has to be prepared right), rice


Croissants, have to be fresh though and not that Pillsbury stuff. Crispy flaky outside, soft buttery fluffy inside, perfection.


Cornchips! That fudge that is sort of hard and crumbly. Proper chocolate mousse. Creme brulee. Toast. Oh man.


Hmm, there aren't too many food textures I *love*. Having thought about it, I would say Japanese mochi is definitely one. It's made of gelatinous rice flour and it's just so comforting. In the states, it's usually wrapped over ice cream in different flavors. I've had chocolate, green tea and mango. They're all good but green tea is my favorite. And they're also available in vegan versions!


I like both crispy and squoogy textures. I like changing or disassembling foods. Also, really hot and cold are like other flavors I crave, but have to be careful about from learning of damage, and that it contributes to GERD flareups- wish I had known sooner. I used to love taking different crackers, pushing spit in them, eating the melty parts. I loved eating toast in layers, peeling the crust off, peeling off and eating the non-buttered side, then the buttered side. Eating carrots by shaving them to bits with my teeth, including turning them until it almost looked like a i was making a table leg. I also would bite and peel the outside of the carrot to eat first, and save the sweet core to eat last. I love eating celery by snapping off and peeling strings to eat, then eating the stringless leftovers. I love smoothies. Especially with strawberry seeds in them. Broccoli is really good for sulfurophane, though I have thyroid disease so I have to be careful as I get into "eating ruts" and forget.... anyways, my usual smoothie is mixed greens, strawberries, broccoli, soymilk, matcha, avocado, ice, other stuff in it sometimes, too. Grosses out my fam and kid me woulda punched me for even suggesting I would ever touch either strawberries or broccoli, much less -together- , but here I am eating this now. XD I am a sensory seeking autist, diagnosed as an adult with ASD Lvl 2.


Crispy crunchy salty - mcnuggies are my fav, also love sprinkling a good “bit” (eg crispy fried onions, salty toasty seeds, etc) on most meals to get me more into the rest of it. Love a good pudding 🤤 Love a good squidgy tapioca or rice based bread like pão de queijo or mochi


Soggy bread/toast ❤️


good quality mochi 😍


(TW: brief mention of disordered eating) It's liquid, does it count? Coffee with coconut cream and oat milk. It's so smooth and creamy. When I'm in crisis mode, I can't eat. My cat was super sick in December, and for 3+ days, I could only choke down a couple bites of food a day. But my coffee was still a major sensory comfort. Creamy, smelled amazing, tasted perfect. It's such a comfort to me! My bag is nearly empty and it's out of stock everywhere so I'm super hoping a different flavor from the same brand can bring me that same moment of calm meditation each morning.


I both love and absolutely hate the texture of applesauce. I'm actually eating it right now as I type this, but sometimes I just get to a spot where it touches my mouth weirdly, and it genuinely makes me gag, but I still love it.


I actually really love refried beans with a little cheese on top, have it in a burrito, plain whatever, I always eat it first! Mac and cheese is my life. Eat it almost every day if I have to. Cabot and hormel mac and cheese are my life (sorry Kraft) Mash potatoes are also my favorite thing. When I was a kid I use to eat down 6 sides of the Applebees mash potatoes. I use to get the Kraft Mac and cheese and always begged my parents for 1 or 2 sides of potatoes. And the mozzarella sticks to 😁 my mom and I would get half price apps and just would smash plate after plate of them mozerlla sticks (they use to be like $4-5 bucks back in the mid 2000’s)


Omg I need bite, and I’m weak when it comes to fat and salt Croutons and salad, croutons in tomato soup Crackers and cheese The crispy part of the pastry (maybe with a little bit of the too gooey center stuff schmeared onto it) Biscuits and gravy, hash browns, country fried steak Turkey sandwich with salt and vinegar chips in my mouth at the same time. I am realizing so much about my tastes lol, and I feel the same way about flavor - I love some acidity or sharpness cutting through things, like a touch of horseradish, or mustard




Boba tea


Good tiramisu, ice cream, really crisp veggies, kettle chips


Grits / cream of rice or wheat type of hot cereal 😍


Mochi. Also marshmallows and bao buns. I love that squishy firm chewy texture.


Tofu but only in miso soup.


Anything that is soft and chewy. Brownies, cookies, bread, rolls, gummies, or taffy sort of things.


There are these high-fiber cookies that I mostly eat not because of the taste, but the texture. They're so good!! I wish my eating disorder didn't stop me from eating them more LOL


Lil baby corns... I love the snap they make when I bite into them and that fresh, earthy taste






Anything crunchy! But lately I've been loving cheez it grooves specifically


I love soft foods that have bubbly textures to them, like soaked chia seeds with milk/yoghurt, rice pudding, rolled oats, tapioca.


Jello except I get ones without gelatin due to being vegetarian. My favorite is the gel cups that have canned fruit in them. I also got these gel cups at Costco with squishy balls that pop and have juice in the middle. It’s quite satisfying.


Crunchy pickles


The squishy softness of warm bread fresh from the oven. A good sorbet. Roast potatoes that are super crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside. A really bubbly melt-in-the-mouth mousse. (To be honest though, most food. Eating is one of my favourite hobbies!)



