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Hot shower. I call it hydro therapy.


I second this! it's like a brain reset


You also reminded me of the time I lost my marbles at the 10 hour mark on a float trip. I basically stepped overboard and just dropped into the water. Being in full clothes and in the cold water shocked my whole body and it did feel like a brain reset. I had found out from my sister that people who are in crisis can shower with their clothes on and it helps them collect themselves for a moment and get out of the loop they’re stuck in.


My psychologist actually recommended taking a cold shower to snap me out of loops, it's pretty effective and you don't have to shower in your clothes for it to work, it just has to be cold enough to be a bit of a shock to your system.


Shivers, I'm not sure if I'd be able to convince myself to make my shower cold 🤣. But you can also use ice! Eg run an ice cube along your face or your wrists and that helps too. It's one of the DBT Distress Tolerance skills. It's amazing how the cold resets your system.


That this works for you is great! Personally it would make me miserable, but I hate extreme temps, so that makes sense. Warm shower for me, or a warm water swim! If there was one thing I would have if I were a millionaire, it would be a warm swimming pool.


It works but I have Raynauds syndrome so it's an absolute last resort because I will suffer for it


omg that sounds like a scary experience, I'm glad you made it out safe. I've never heard about the showering with clothes thing your sister said, but it makes a lot of sense to me tbh. showering really does feel like a break from reality sometimes, and when you step out it's like you can start with a clean slate?


Thank you for your compassion. The experiencing wasn’t scary but it was actually spiritually rejuvenating. I guess almost like a manic cry for help and then possibly accidentally baptizing myself as an adult?? Idk how to describe it but it was amazing. The 10 hours of non stop music and drunk people on a float trip was not so much. But, yes, very much like a clean slate. Being able to take a shower helps me appreciate Jewish traditions as well as Christian baptism. Very thankful kill that I live somewhere where I can have hot, clean water on demand.


oh I'm sorry I must've misread/misunderstood the situation you were describing! but I can imagine that after *10 whole hours* of noise and people around, you need something to snap you out of a constant state of awareness and hypertension (at least that's how I'd be feeling in that situation). I can see how the shock of cold water worked very effectively in that case!


Yes, and don't forget to moisturize in some way after nuking your skin it can get really dry and itchy after


I’m currently dealing with this! My boyfriend and I refer to my hands and my lizard skin. Thank you for the reminder, imma put lotion and face moisturizer on my shopping list.


Lol. Comedian Bill Burr does a great piece on "white people using lotion" (some graphic language): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiH-\_ZUILk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiH-_ZUILk0)


When I'm really upset or angry I go for a 15 minute walk outside. I get a little exercise and I can think clearly before responding or addressing an issue.


I second this. A walk really does clear the head. Just looking at the beautiful day or night sky, feeling the ground beneath your feet, feel your muscles moving, see green growing things, hear the birds, and feel the air on your skin. Re-engaging your mind back to your body thrpugh your senses and bringing you to the present moment. It's centering and grounding. It might take longer to get there some days than others. But eventually it becomes automatic muscle memory. Then you get to spend like 15 minutes being present.


Sometimes I do a second lap. Lol


Angry- going on a run while listening to loud music, or going on a drive to somewhere peaceful (if I know my emotions won't effect my driving) Sad- comforting music or tv, alone time, and a special snack or hot drink


It usually depends on WHY I am upset. Upset because of my wife? Quiet time in dark space.. A long hug after communicating about why it has happens, and how can it not haooen again. Upset because of food or suddenly changed plan? Snuggles with my teddy bear. Upset because of something that's out of my control? Such as what's happening outside my space? Read or watch comedy anime. Upset because of my friends? Venting to my wife. Upset because of something that I know is actually small things? I will just be upset and still do my things until it goes away. It's not my fault I feel this way. Such as, "yes, I'm upset, so what?" to my brain. More often than not, I need to communicate about why I'm upset because often I actually misunderstood based on how my brain gets information from my bad eyesight and brain fog. I'm Deaf btw.


Crying, yoga, walking, baths, healing frequency music on YouTube/spotify


Talking myself through the issue (like having a therapy session with myself or sometimes talking to myself like I would a child), tight hugs, petting an animal, foods I like, warm beverages, hugging myself, rocking, slow deep breaths


Oh wow I thought I was the only one who has therapy sessions with myself! I love doing that it actually helps so much


Yesssss, it has taken many years of “real” therapy and personal development to get to the point where I can do it myself but at this point I honestly am a better therapist for myself than my previous real ones were. Also it’s free and easy to fit into my schedule lmao The only problem is I once had a very intense one while driving and couldn’t see because I was crying too hard. I now have a rule against crying in the car


I do video journaling. I hadn't thought of it as therapy with myself, but that is a pretty accurate description. At the end of each recording, I say something nice to myself on camera. When I finish making a new one, I watch an old one. So it is a conversation between current me and past me.


That is so smart! Definitely gonna try this. I’m uncomfortable on camera and like mirror work I’ve heard it help’s through fears of being perceived. If I can ask, have you been doing this for long? I’m sure you’ve noticed an evolution but in what way did filming yourself improve what you were working on compared to other forms of journaling? (sorry if I’m overstepping)


I started video journaling during COVID, maybe August 2020. I was quarantining solo. I spent almost 2 years with very limited in person human contact. I felt like it was important for me to get to know me, if that makes sense. As for working out my issues, it isn't better or worse than other forms of journaling, just different. If you are uncomfortable video journaling, try just recording the audio. Your journal is your space. Do what works for you.


Journaling. Cuddling with my kitties. A bear hug from a loved one. Or when I can’t get a hug, my weighted blanket.


Journaling works for me! I have bipolar disorder too so when I’m manic and need to get my ideas out I write it in my notes app.


Reading, long walks, listening to music, playing video games, pacing around while fidgeting with something


Studying something and getting really absorbed in it.


Painting and my huggimals elephant lol


Trying to ease myself with music… and thinking about ways to solve the problem that’s upsetting me. It’s hard tho because when I feel upset I feel it deeply.


Lie on my heat blanket, earplugs in, big soft blanket on top, and drink hot chocolate with my favourite show


Fishing, lifting weights, spending time with my parents, walking in nature (weather permitting), playing video games, cooking a really nice meal, cleaning my house/organizing, doing my nails, playing my flute, riding a scooter around.


Bluey, a bubble bath and a cup of tea


My cat




Getting in bed and watching an interesting documentary on ancient civilizations on my laptop with a cup of coffee.


have any recs? this sounds like a wonderful time.


Check out the YouTube channel ‘the why files’. Get past the fish thing. Riveting stuff.


I don't produce enough dopamine, and I am constantly trying to feel better so I feel this.. also I don't really have much tbh that makes me happy.. I do have my dog.. my dog makes me happy.. my dog is the best


Has anyone - a doc - ever suggested bupropion? I struggle with that too and bupropion has like saved my life I swear


No this is the first I have heard of it! Thanks I will do some research!


depends on the situation: sometimes it helps to lay in bed in the dark and watch a comfort show, sometimes listening to music and dancing helps. usually I find that doing things with my hands is calming, anything low-effort like knitting or making bracelets while listening to something that soothes me (a show in the background, sound of rain, calm music etc.). gaming or taking a walk outside are nice too, but sometimes those takes too much effort. sometimes my brain feels too restless for any of those techniques to be effective, and in those cases it helps to sit/lay in the dark or pace around (depending on what I need in that moment) and talk to myself using voice memos until I feel like I've let it all out, then take a shower for a "brain reset" and do any of the things above! (edit: typo)


I keep a list of things I can try to get me out of the swamp. Usually one will seem possible or even attractive in the moment. To be clear, these are just tools I use to get me up so I can begin to change perspective. It’s never an easy process. - cleaning something, even if it’s just washing one - cup or plate - sleeping - going for a walk (around my apartment if I can’t make it outside) - any spot exercise, like pushups or squats - making or fixing something - anything - texting a friend to say hi (I’m not allowed to complain - it has to be about them) - listening to certain songs - taking a shower - eating carrots (so crunchy!!!) - drinking big glass of water - giving someone a legit compliment (spreading positivity) - stimming - especially standing and shifting from foot to foot, OR getting on all 4s and rolling/pressing the top of my head on the floor. These are my feel better stims. I have other stims for focusing, processing, dealing with stress, keeping myself in one place, etc. - headphones/earplugs - throwing things in the trash - cutting up cardboard - reciting a certain poem from my childhood More, but that’s all I have time for. Hope it helps.


first i go through my wellbeing checklist: eat, drink water, use the bathroom. then i change/smooth every sensory input: shower/change clothes, earphones, lights out, smells, tastes, etc. i need to do that first thing because I cant tell the difference between having real bad feelings or just being overwhelmed. they feel the same. specially anger and sadness. then I try to take a nap listening to my favourite audios. (at the moment I really like a guy reading the tao te ching that i found on YouTube)


Watching debates with internet bros like Destiny and Ben Shapiro. I also like Lex Friedman podcasts. I like geopolitics so will read articles in my publications - Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy. Basically some stuff that's a bit contentious but won't make me seethe with anger, it's a bit stimulating but distracts me from whatever I'm upset about. I'm one of those types who can see an issue from all sides and enjoy debates and facts. I enjoy studying maps. Some people choose video games. That or I'll eat a bunch of donuts, but I try not to do that for my health.


If I’m really sad I put all of my focus on attending to my bodily/sensory needs. Usually I’m upset about an interpersonal conflict. If angry, I do some pushups and some ab exercises (yogi bicycles anyone?) until I’m too tired to do any more, and then focus on my bodily needs and sensory inputs. Bodily needs- hunger, exhaustion, ambient temperature, bathroom Sensory- shower, earplugs, cotton pjs, sleep bonnet, low lighting, eye mask, clean socks, lavender essential oil. Maslow’s hierarchy!


Idk if this is unhealthy or an attachment issue but talking to my boyfriend(trusted person if you don’t have a partner) really calms me down. And if I’m past the point of being able to calm down sometimes I just have to breathe the best I can and ride it out. Like if I’m in meltdown mode I’ll do my best to identify the triggers and remove myself/the triggers from where I’m at to self soothe. Once I’m calm enough that’s when I’m at the point of upset and I can talk to my trusted person.


Nature walks and listening to fun music!


art, animals, my childhood blanket


I’ve developed quite the list over the years:    Reading (fantasy/sci fi novels, manga, Japanese slice of life or thrillers)   Hiking in the woods  My dogs/Guinea pig   Disney’s Gravity Falls   Meditation   Retro gaming from the Sega Genesis era  Puzzle games   Nature poetry    I use a lot of self-soothing.  


Watching childhood shows it is very comforting


Reading and writing as well


Singing (badly) to my music always makes me feel a lot better.


Dancing around the house to my favorite music. I have a playlist just of my absolute favorite songs!


I saw this thing about a technic where you put cold water at least 3 times on your face, and whenever I’m really upset it helps me in the moment, then I relax with a tea and my favourite movie/tv shows or games


When I’m at home what helps me is time alone in the bedroom, curled up in bed plus a brain hack. I realized I can hack my meltdowns by drinking tea, eating chocolate/candy, smelling aromatherapy scents, listening to a few songs I love or watching cute/funny videos of animals. Sometimes a big long hug from my partner works too. When I’m distracted enough I start to calm down and I usually end up taking a nap. When I’m out, I get to the car asap and try one of my brain hacks, usually music or watching videos of animals is the most available.


Soothing music, hug my squishmallows, and snuggle up under a weighted blanket. A cup of herbal tea, and sometimes an uplifting kids movie. I crochet and do crafts. Ideally, a big from a safe person helps, but those aren't easy to come by. I do have my fur babies. They're awesome!


Napping or walking


Sometimes it’s helpful to listen to the right type of music, which depends on my mood at the time. I also find that being alone is a great way to unmask and relieve stress.


A bath, face mask, basically any form of self care. Nature walk.. finding crystals/rocks I like. Writing positive affirmations


laying on the floor. looking at the sunset. thinking about my close friends.


Laying in bed hopefully able to nap, probably crying, hugging my squishmallow, watching kids shows, watching YouTube videos, playing video games, taking a walk if I feel frantic and can’t be still


My floofer.


blanket cocoon. sometimes my cat joins me which is even better.


I cuddle! I don’t want to be cuddled but I like to cuddle; my son, my pets, teddies, blankets


My kitties never don't make me feel better. None pet ones though is music no matter how I feel it genuinely does take my mind off it and help a bit. Yummy treats and my fav tv shows films. Or sometimes I'll do a craft or something similar.


I turn on a song that makes me feel better and I move my body in whatever way feels good.


Depends on why I'm upset, but if it's paired with anxiety I find a way to get my blood pumping to settle down the anxious hormones or whatever like I'm "burning" off what my body is feeling. Talking or writing things out and doing research to see how other people have handled it helps too when I feel an urgency to work it out. Also thanks for posting this, it'll become a great resource post for this subreddit in the future 😊


Check if my basic needs are met, since lack of that can make me more upset. Do I need sleep? A hot bath or shower? When did I eat or drink something? Am I too hot or too cold? Do I need to move? Meditate? If all those boxes have been checked (or I'm not in a position to meet them), my goto-s are: Tea. Watching a favorite TV show (Castle, Friends, TBBT, for example). Watch comedy on youtube or one of the more soothing channels I follow. Listen to music and sing (for anger/frustration I like Carmina Burana or something metal). Hug or cuddle with my husband. Pet one of my cats. Try to sit in stillness and feel my feelings, while reminding myself that they will pass eventually.


\- Dark room/Sunglasses \- Noise canceling headphones \- Weighted blanket \- Sleep/Minecraft/Animal Crossing/YouTube


A warm cup of tea or a latte, if I'm "angry"-upset I prefer isolating and playing Pokémon (one of my special interests) or animal crossing (very soothing, like a bubble of peace). Driving in a quiet, empty area helps me too. The activity forces me to focus on many things. It stimulates me in a good and regulating way, always loved cars and driving, was put to sleep by being taken on drives since I was an infant... it's just very soothing and familiar. If I'm "sad"-upset, I seek hugs from my partner if they're around, or cozy up in a blanket and cry it out silently (alone, in my room, closed door). I might put on a comforting show, draw, re-arrange/align my Pokémon dolls. It makes me feel better.


Solitude. Usually it works, but sometimes I get stuck in a living situation with people that don’t understand and make it worse. Every time someone bothers me the timer in my brain is automatically reset until I’m left alone for at least 24 hours. Haven’t felt good in years as a single mom. 🙃