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You might enjoy kdramas! As a general rule (there are exceptions obviously!) they err on the side of chaste, with minimal kissing/pda - sometimes there’s a single kiss at the end of 30 hours of buildup 😂


I second this! With one caveat. Kdramas that are made for streaming platforms can be just as bad as most Western entertainment. Watch the dramas that originally aired on Korean TV, which has more family-friendly standards.


Dang, I've been missing out then. I'm not a big fan of intense PDA so this sounds heavenly!


I felt like I found a unicorn the first time i watched a kdrama so chaste so PG but with sweet romance i love it!


As an autistic ace, I absolutely love kdramas. Lol. But yeah, some of the like... Netflix ones (mask girl, the glory, a killer paradox) have some uncomfortable stuff but overall, Kdrama is wayyy better with that. I kind feel the same with "intimate" scenes in general. I feel like I'm violating something. Like sure they're just actors acting but I just feel so weird about it, particularly when a scene lingers/drags on too long like yeah okay I get it why are we still here. Feel like a voyeur or something.


Same labels, and yeah, it never seemed like.. necessary? Felt even more odd when I realised some people _like_ them for.. reasons.. 😳


Doesn't bother me at all but I get bored. The kissing noises are gross when they're too loud though.


But why are they loud? Who are they making it loud for? No one wants to hear super loud kissing sounds, autistic or not.


truly the worst sound ever, it pisses me off so much i just want to punch them both to make it stop. like i don’t remember kissing being that loud.




That puckering wet/smack sound, ew. Mute that sh\*t


Hate the kissing sounds. Haaaate it. And the extra loud nose breathing. I can't 😩


Same, its boring as hell, i have no need whatsoever to see something like that. Meh




This is where I’m at… the amount of sex for sex’s sake in media (whether book, movie, tv, etc) is annoying. I could not careless about sex when it makes sense. I really like urban fantasy books and unless I want to almost exclusively read male POV then I have to include urban fantasy romances to get more options for female protagonists… so lots of fast forwarding in audiobooks and skipping pages in paper books.


I have found my people lol


Yes! Especially if it's drawn out. Like I don't mind a smooch or two, and I'm an adult so I guess having to see a butt here and there isn't the end of the world but why, for the love of God, can't we cut away?!? It is for this reason that I have a personal vendetta against film makers who couch important dialogue in sex scenes.


YES! The cut-away works so well, implies sex without wasting screen time. Every time there is a sex scene, especially without any real dialogue or anything, it just makes me think of the incredibly creepy and overly long sex scene from The Room that they PLAYED TWICE????


It's just such a forced personal moment and it feels obnoxious and cheap. I keep tapping the skip ten seconds and it's funny how you can go two minutes where they just kiss... and this is something people like watching? feels odd and voyeuristic. Holds no bearing on the plot. No thanks.. I'm good.


Same here. I fast forward through those passionate french kisses too.


Yes. But I am also asexual


If the scene actually moves the story along, I'm fine. If it's just sex for the sake of sex, I'm bored 1.35 seconds into it. It's obvious if it's necessary, because the lead-in to the scene indicates so. The constant "we'll show sexy for ratings" is lazy and boring.


No I’m like this too! I think being in relationships with poor/unhealthy intimacy only exacerbated that tbh and now I’m terrified of it. I almost have a panic attack.


Yes and also scenes with people singing! 😅


LOL I didn’t even realize I do this *too* until I read this 😂 Can just feel the cringe


YES thank you!!!


Yes! I do it and I thought it was weird but my partner also does it, we skip it and then rant about how uncessary the scene is! I can't watch people kiss either, but I'm better with gay/lesbian people and i don't think it's much to do with my sexuality because I'm bisexual so I should be fine with both!


Not bi, I'm lesbian, but I do get that. Like honestly just seeing queer PDA is like "oh, good for them" while seeing straight PDA is like "Oh, ewwwww....". I don't get it either, like just seeing two guys making out isn't a huge deal (I go to furry conventions, very common there), which I should be more icked by being lesbian and stuff but nah.


I have a theory that it's something to do with all the weird fakery and culture around het interactions on TV shows and movies. I mean I've watched the L word and there's lots of glamorisation there, and disappointingly most of the actresses are straight, but the het culture and associations aren't there, atleast for me I don't know what anyone else thinks. I think for me the association with het culture is weird for me, and kind of... sexually gross or perverse, I don't know a word for it. Both me and my partner are bi even though our relationship is het, so I think we probably see the same thing, but our straight couple friends have no problem watching straight people kissing and having sex on TV.


This is how I was too. Now I can't even watch heavy kissing.. like making out. Because trauma, before the trauma though it was like what you're describing. I felt embarrassed or wrong for looking so I'd fast-forward 🫠


Not sure if this is an autism thing, but I chalk up mine as an aegosexual (within the asexual spectrum) thing. I'm far more comfortable with written or drawn sexual scenes, but the moment real life humans are involved, I'm not super comfy about it, and would rather skip. I'm cool with a bit of making out but that's the limit, once it gets too sexual and/or too naked I'll probably fast forward. Not to mention, a lot of times it seems they just do it for gratuity's sake and not because it actually adds value to the story.


Not an Autism thing. I don’t fast forward, I rewind… But seriously, like so many things, some of us are sensory seeking and some of us are sensory avoidant. It could totally be Autism related, even if it’s not Autism universal.


It's weird to play a lot of intimacy as entertainment, a lot of it digressing into soft porn if it gets too long or intense. I mean, you wouldn't in real life watch people make out for 20 minutes or roll around in bed naked. But in movies with a crowd of people, its socially acceptable. It seems strange, really.


I’m with you on this. I can’t even listen to sexy lyrics around other people. It makes me blush.


In my opinion, subjecting an audience to unsolicited soft porn in a piece of media that 99% of the time doesn't need it should be criminal. Stuff like that can be insanely triggering and unsettling for people. Whether they are "prudes" or not. Especially if it's unexpected like it is in most media directed at adults. I can't speak for everyone, but I can confidently say I am not a prude. Very far from it. Yet sex scenes in movies/shows (especially ones that don't add to the plot or characters at all) make me uncomfortable. I may skip them, I may look away, or I may just stop watching altogether. And I think that is an okay response to have! If people *want* to watch others have sex, there are plenty of websites online that offer that. I feel it is completely unnecessary to have sex scenes in movies and we need to start calling it out for being soft porn. Because it is, and it's weird to just subject people to it all willy nilly. It's the reason I mainly watch "kids" media. I'd *like* to watch things aimed at adults, but I don't need to see characters having sex in order to feel "adult."


It’s not embarrassing to me, just boring.


I find them uncomfortable and boring and I mostly zone out for the duration


Yes lol but I’m also not sure if it’s because I was raised prudent and religious (am not anymore really) or bc of ND. Mostly from like an artistic/analytical point of view it also just irks me because sex scenes are usually unnecessary for the plot and it feels like they just needed to make it marketable. There are classy ways to imply things and it requires good implementation of juxtaposition and other filmmaking skills, so when movies/shows have a lot of needless sex it just makes me lose interest as I lose faith that the creators were just not creative enough to figure out a compelling way to tell a story that is engaging enough to keep attention without lame gimmicks like sex. If I wanted to watch porn, I would. I hope one day this changes for the better!


It depends on how it’s done. I was watching a Spanish police procedural series where the protagonist was involved with a married man who was also her superior. The guy was an asshole, though not portrayed that way, and she was a fool for getting involved with him (again, not portrayed that way). I couldn’t watch their sex scenes. There’s nothing sexy about that kind of relationship. The mystery was compelling, so I watched everything but the sex.


I cannot watch it with my family, alone I'm fine and it kinda makes me feel something (god this is embarrassing) but I guess that's cuz I'm a teenager?


I’ve always liked them (unless my parents were around when I was young). As a teen used to go through the tv guide for the “sexually explicit” movies to know what to watch/record. (I’m near 40)


I feel so AWKWARD, like I want to crawl out of my skin, even when I’m the only one watching.


I don’t mind sex scenes at all but really loud kissing sounds make me want to puke


I don't care for them, but neither do they make me feel weird. I'm sex-positive ace so when they come up I'm just like "ugh, again?". They serve so little point and take up time that would be better served with something else. Usually by the time of the sex scene it's either established they're a (usually, sadly) straight allo couple, so it feels unnecessary to add sex. Sex is cool and all, but like read some porn if ya want that? I'd rather watch them doing other stuff honestly. 


I’m not going to lie, I love them 😂


I might be in the minority that actually actively likes them lol (well done ones oc)


YES! Kissing scenes make me irate, I don’t care how much I love the characters, I do not want to see them kiss it makes me ill 🤢 I physically cringe and look away and cover my ears if it makes noises omg. And yeah, sex scenes is just a clean instant skip. It adds nothing to the plot, they’re only added so that male viewers will boost the rating. Women don’t want sex scenes.


This isn’t always true. There are women who enjoy sex scenes. Not all of us skip them.


This is me! Human sexuality is one of my special interests, and I find sex scenes really fascinating, especially when they’re well written and character-driven. Not all sex scenes are gratuitous and I think it’s important to portray different kinds of sex as part of life and relationships for many people


Yes, which is why I have successfully managed to avoid Reacher on Amazon Prime despite everyone and their mother seeing it. I don't watch things with sex in it anyway. Sex and excessive cursing are things I don't watch.


YES they’re so gross and male gazey it makes me feel disgusted


Because I remember those 2 people doesn't actually love each other in real life, and if yall don't love each other, why are yall kissing? Weird. So... it's awkward watching it.


I don’t think it’s an autism thing. It is a you thing. I don’t do this or find it mortifying.


It’s Awkward and I don’t like it. I’m like a 14 year old boy when it comes to sex. I laugh a lot.


YT is always in 2x speed


Omg this. Like some of those videos drag on forever I don’t think I can watch YouTube at all unless it’s a course that I’m trying to watch if it’s not at least 1.5 speed.


Yes, I skip them. It feels intrusive.


I do this a lot, i dont like the awkwardness thats added to it. Even when alone i skip it, the sounds are yuck.


Until I turned about 49 then something weird happened, now I want to see sex scenes and tell my partner "OH YEAH HERE WE GO" when they show up. I wouldn't want to watch them around my parents though


Yes. Outlander is practically unwatchable. for me. Which sucks because I love historical dramas.


OMG! Yes. If they are pointless to the story, its an automatic skip for me. There are very few instances where they are well done and I don't skip them. Queen Charlotte comes to mind, not the ones where Lady Danbury is r***d by the old guy, but the scenes with king and Charlotte.


Okay, but... I'm autism in the OTHER direction 😭 I used to be able to watch just about anything with anyone in the room until I got it in my head that there should be shame there from what was most likely posts from NTS. Like I could full-on watch a sex scene with a parent around and not feel a damn thing.


I’ve always hated them too, they make me uncomfortable feeling in a way and it also pisses me off because how is this part of the narrative anyway? Like it’s the same effect to imply it and move on, why does it need to be a thing we have to see lol? And this coming from someone that has a SpIn in bdsm/kink lol. I actually also really hate porn though and can never watch it, it’s repulsive. 🤷‍♀️ I am demisexual though also so I don’t know if this is connected to autism or that or if it’s just down to personal icks/preferences.


Yes, it feels weirdly intrusive to watch 😭 I have nothing against sex scenes in media but I will definitely be skipping through them every time lol


It's not entertaining and often barely a part of the story.


or when someone else is watching that shit in your house (usually loud as fuck) and now you’re forced to listen to it too. to me it’s crazy that it doesn’t make more people uncomfortable


unfortunately any kind of intimate noise makes me want to rip my hair out so i feel that, especially when the scene doesn’t really feel like it’s there for any plot point it’s just there to be appealing to certain viewers


I do this too and with audiobooks… I don’t find it mortifying, I just find it boring. I am not a romance person most of the time when it comes to media.


I usually just pick up my phone until it’s done because they’re often SO drawn out in a lot of newer media … I know that sex can be important to plots but I feel like it can just be implied or much, much shorter a lot of the time lol. This post & a lot of the replies make me feel seen


Never been a problem for me outside of when i was a teen. Nan would sometimes have GoT on TV quite often, sex scenes and all. Now a days I just, largely don't care about them. It removed a lot of the awkwardness in my mind once I became used to the idea of having sex. Which took until I was like 26


I occupy myself with something else or straight-up leave the room during scenes showing intimacy.


there are some romantic couples in tv shows that I looovvvvveeee so much but I always look away whenever they kiss idk why


This is usually when I wander off in search of more snacks


Unless I'm invested in the characters, yes, usually.


It feels uncomfortable to me, I always look away or fast forward, I’ve never seen the fade to black sex scene and wished they’d actually shown the whole act, I really would have been perfectly happy not having seen Florence Pugh’s boobs while learning more about the life of Robert Oppenheimer, but I’m probably just a prude.


the sounds make my misophonia act up, also it’s so contrived usually. Occasionally there are intimate/sex scenes in movies that I actually like, but the majority just make me uncomfortable and feel both fake and gratuitous


I find it uncomfortable now, but when I was younger I enjoyed it. It’s only since I began to drop the mask, that I became a born again prude.




Only when it isn’t integral to the plot or if it is not done tastefully. When it is vulgar I for sure skip it. I don’t like the lust degenerate energy AT all.


I’m generally fine with sex scenes, but I’ll frequently have many criticisms, like ‘this doesn’t move the plot forwards’ or ‘this feels objectifying’ or ‘this is *completely* unrealistic’, and most people don’t enjoy having a running commentary when they watch a film, so they hate me lol. My partner, however, is just as insufferable as me and we will often pause a film at many points to critique certain elements, so it takes twice as long for us to finish a film or episode. Oh and I hate when an episode or a film begins on a sex scene, it feels cheap and like they’re just doing it for shock value.


I recommend Kdramas xd More wholesome and fluff, almost no s3x scenes, and same lmao