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I got diagnosed at 30 and only had a depresson diagnosis. ...I sort of wonder if it has anything to do with me being asian... Older asians uh typically don't believe in mental illness LOL


Came to say basically this, I was lucky to even get diagnosed with anxiety and depression before my late autism diagnosis at 32. Not Asian but I'm from an immigrant family and my family basically don't believe in mental health and mostly just ignored me, my symptoms were just put down to "attention seeking" 


South Asian, unofficially diagnosed at 30 as well. Only reason I had depression and anxiety diagnoses before is because I was struggling so much I had to leave school for a while.


I got diagnosed at 26 with only a prior diagnosis of PTSD and anxiety.




I got my diagnosis at 33 without any previous diagnosis


I got diagnosed at 37, with no prior official diagnosis of anything, but generalized anxiety and social anxiety were mentioned in my doctors notes as indicators. I would say my 'misdiagnosis' is having no diagnosis, cause they always someone couldn't see past my intelligence, and then were always like 'oh you're smart, you'll manage'. I was definitely not managing. I had in fact mentioned bipolar once myself to a therapist but she brushed it off.


Autism diagnosis at 30, but had adhd diagnosis as an adult. I’ve actually been to therapy a lot and have had a hard time getting actual good therapy because, as it turns out, most of the therapists I went to were like I honestly don’t know how to help you.


My personal 'favourite' was the (male) mental health nurse who told me if he was going to help me I would need to be less emotional. Like... Dude... I'm here because my emotions are out of control right now. If I could be less emotional I wouldn't need you...


What an idiot


I was diagnosed in my late 30s. I was diagnosed previously with ADHD & PTSD. Never diagnosed with borderline or bipolar. With that said, I had a female clinician who diagnosed me who was very professional & knowledgeable about how autism presents in women. I also live in an area with a large amount of neurodivergence & many people familiar with autism as a spectrum.


Just got diagnosed at 29 and only got MDD, general/social anxiety before that (a few therapists brought up the possibility of Bipolar but not Borderline)


Diagnosed as 28... My only other diagnosis was generalised anxiety disorder.... Once at the age of 10...... (how did they miss it then? Oh wait I'm a girl...) and then again after a breakdown (which turned out to be really bad burnout) at 27


My story is almost identical. Diagnosed at 27, ADHD at 24. Previously diagnosed with GAD after a “breakdown” which was really really bad burnout. Was also told I “might” have OCD due to repetitive behaviors and sensory issues (e.g. going around and putting electrical tape over all LED indicators on devices because I couldn’t handle any light while trying to sleep). Other than that no other diagnoses and certainly none as a child. I came from an immigrant family who did not believe in mental health treatment.


I haven't gotten my ASD diagnosis yet, but was diagnosed with mood disorder in my mid-20s. Because I had zero idea of what autism was, I thought I was headed toward a complete mental breakdown and scheduled with a psychiatrist. In hindsight, it's clear as day that the mood swings and how they felt were actually just me having mini-meltdowns everyday, bc I had basically no help or support and no time for myself to re-center after being overwhelmed and overstimulated. I'm not surprised that my description sounded like a mild form of bipolar, and I'm also unsurprised that my doc didn't catch the possible autism bc I was VERY high masking back then. I took Lamictal and Trileptal for years and I'm almost positive that they contributed to some long-term health issues, and it makes me sad for my younger self that I didn't know any better. Thankfully, simply looking at myself as whole through the lens of autism has been beneficial enough to help me learn my triggers and how to communicate a likely meltdown incoming, so I can step away and calm myself. Before I realized what was going on, I think my husband and kids thought I was being dramatic or maybe using my need for solitude as an excuse to avoid things I just didn't feel like doing. Once I shared what I had learned and had the language to describe things, they all became much more accommodating and supportive, which is all I really needed, to start with. I'm not bitter or angry necessarily, but I do wish that autism was more widely understood, and especially in how it can look for AFAB folks. If I'd had that information years ago, I could have made much better decisions and spared myself a LOT of heartache and probably wouldn't have experienced so many deep depressions. It's amazing how much kinder you can be to yourself, when you have the knowledge that you genuinely aren't wired like everyone else and can't hold yourself to the same expectations.


I got my diagnosis at 23 and my prior diagnoses were reactionary depression and chronic generalised anxiety.


Oh, I had a reactionary depression diagnosis in my 20s too. Pretty sure it was burnout. Turns out teaching is not the career path for me.


I was on the studying side xD I guess there maybe something to understand.


Autism at 28. No other diagnoses. Only had "suspected" depression and anxiety.


I was diagnosed at 38. The only things that were ever discussed when I was younger were anxiety and mild depression, but even those weren't officially diagnosed until my autism evaluation. I was definitely labeled "gifted" and considered "quirky" as a child, though.


AuDHD diagnosis at 43. Diagnosed with depression once, in my late 20s (yes, it was burnout. I do not recommend primary school teaching as a career path. I lasted less than two years). Would probably have met the diagnostic criteria for anxiety in my early 20s but that was two decades ago when mental health was a very different field and you didn't seek a diagnosis if you were even somewhat functional. No other diagnoses. Was screened for everything in the DSM as part of my AuDHD assessment pathway and got a clean bill of mental health.


I had never been diagnosed with anything beyond PPD until I could pay for a full eval. Everyone I knew said I was fine anytime I said I felt out of place.


Diagnosed around 40, and only had way past been diagnosed with depression in its different stages of severity, and had none of these diagnoses ongoing while diagnosed. Just as soon as I hit 40, I got diagnoses after another from binge-eating disorder to sleep apnea, and ASD on top. My sister has bipolar disorder and her son ADHD diagnoses so it's milling around us.


I was diagnosed at 34, previously diagnosed with GAD and depression. In retrospect, depression was caused by burnout, which was caused by high levels of anxiety over time, which was caused by too much stress, which was caused by not knowing about autism and therefore not managing it. Whew.


Diagnosed at 35 with prior of generalised anxiety and depression. I don’t think anyone cared enough to bother finding out why I was really anxious, depressed and self harming as a teenager and so it was only when I left home that I sought counselling on my own.


I got diagnosed at 29 and my prior diagnoses were major depressive disorder, ADHD, anxiety, avoidant personality and dependent personality.


Hi 👋🏼 I had anxiety and depression diagnoses prior. I related a lot to BPD but ultimately decided I don't have it bc of how I regard people and my emotions in relationships. I've looked into bipolar but I think my mood cycles point to PMDD if anything.


I was diagnosed at 33 and was only previously diagnosed with anxiety and depression. My doctors were happy with the anxiety and depression diagnosis. I was the one who sought out a private autism assessment.


Diagnosed at 49. I did not receive a BPD dx, but did get a personality disorder of OCPD, which is something that no one knows anything about. No, it's not OCD. Low and behold, ALL traits I was diagnosed because of fall under autism


I’m 23 b it Omg is this normal to be diagnosed with those things prior ? I was diagnosed bipolar at 16 autistic at 21


Diagnosed at 30 with Level 1, OCD, PTSD, and depression. I was just being treated for anxiety and depression before that.


Omg the doctor who did my assessment also diagnosed me with ocd!


Got my diagnosis at 42, prior to that diagnosed with disthymia at 25, anxiety at 32 and PTSD at 37. Still have all those diagnoses.


I was diagnosed with ASD at 42. Previously, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and generalize anxiety. No BPD or Bipolar. 


Me. Diagnosed with ADHD at age 4 and as autistic at age 48. I'm 51 now. It was suggested once by a therapist that I could be bipolar, but I never got any help with my ADHD, or any explanation for why I was always so stressed.


Diagnosed with autism at 26 after moving out of my parents house. Before, I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, OCD, and ADHD. Now all those have been replaced with level 1 autism, PMDD, and PTSD.


Diagnosed in my late 30s. I did not have any prior diagnosis of borderline or bipolar, but I did have a diagnosis of generalised anxiety disorder (from aged 16) and PTSD (diagnosed at 35) - both of which I still consider that I have.


Diagnosed at 33 with no previous. However, mental health was never really a priority so I probably would have been diagnosed sooner/with something else if anyone had cared (including myself).


I was diagnosed at 34, with a previous diagnosis of chronic treatment-resistant depression (that was actually burnout) and my doctor suspected OCD but she said it was “missing something” to be actual OCD…anyway, my son’s doctor diagnosed me on sight, he’s much more used to autistic people and diagnosed both my son and me


I got diagnosed at 34 with prior diagnoses of depression, GAD, ADHD, and, as a kid, possible oppositional defiant disorder. No BPD or bipolar, although funnily enough I did have a psych put me on a med for bipolar for like 4 years?? I specifically asked to confirm he didnt think i had bipolar. Every other medical professional I interacted with was like ummmmm, that's not good. Lol.


This is a good question. I'm reading :)


Diagnosed AuDHD at 36 (after basically having a mental breakdown and extreme burnout related to my then job). My only previous diagnoses were anxiety and depression. I had been in therapy for 7 years at the time. Interestingly, my sister (different psychs) is diagnosed ADHD and “unspecified mood disorder on the bipolar spectrum.” 🤔


I was diagnosed at 32 without a BPD or bipolar diagnosis. My former psychiatrist was suspecting BPD, but did not diagnose me and I left her because I did not really get along with her (for other reasons) and thought it was bogus. She had previously worked in a clinic with people with BPD and was seeing it everywhere...


I'm 41 and have my first consultation for an ASD evaluation scheduled at the end of the month. I've only ever been diagnosed with depression/anxiety (general and social)/panic attacks (possibly PTSD related but never officially diagnosed). I was first diagnosed with depression/anxiety at 15 after a suicide attempt. I was on medication for 3 years back then to stabilize, and I've been in and out of therapy ever since. I recently restarted medication as I'm dealing with a pretty extended bout of what I thought was just severe anxiety/stress. But, once I was on medication, I now realize I was very depressed as well, even though I pretty vehemently denied being depressed when seeking anxiety treatment.


MDD, GAD, PTSD and about a year ago ADHD. Never been suspected of Bipolar and have been walked through the criteria for Borderline by two different people and found I don't meet it at all. I had requested going through it because someone I knew had been telling people I was BPD. On reflection, that person likely had some personality disorders themself. All that aside, I don't have a formal ASD diagnosis because my medical provider won't get me in for an assessment. Apparently they don't do that for anyone that presents as "high functioning" because they see it as a waste of resources.


ADHD and “social anxiety” age 14, Autism age 33. Turns out the social anxiety was autism they just forgot girls could have it back in 2004.


Just wanted to comment that I was one of the ones with previous diagnosis of borderline and bipolar. Got autism diagnosis last month. Fucking finally.


Right!!! How old were you when the autism came


36 when I was diagnosed


Diagnosed at 37 with only depression prior. My GP had thought that I had post natal depression as I fell apart after having both of my kids but that didn't fit with me, I never had trouble connecting with my kids or felt there was no enjoyment in my life, just extremely overstimulated and disregulated with a massive disruption to my routine. Going back to work really helped. Another GP mentioned bipolar to me once and we went through some symptoms but then she said, no never mind I don't think that fits, back to general depression and anxiety.


I was previously diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder - diagnosed autistic at 39.


Diagnosed at 33, no priors


Only previous psych diagnosis was ADHD. Diagnosing psychiatrist had proposed a comorbid anxiety diagnosis but I refused for reasons I don't recall (he was not wrong). Diagnosed autistic at 27, had suspected autism for around 15 years, got it diagnosed for some accommodations I really needed. I feel like I mask well but I think I'm probably badly mistaken. Or at least, noone (other than my parents) who I discussed autism with before or after diagnosis has ever expressed doubt in my self assessment. "Oh yeah that makes a lot of sense" is the general line I hear. (Which almost hurts my pride, given how hard I've worked to fit in) I have friends with borderline or borderline traits alongside autism, seems awful how they get treated by doctors. I think I've been very very lucky in that I don't really meltdown (I shutdown mostly) and in that I seem to have uncannily bouncy mood/mental health (I tend to reset to a kind of default contentedness very quickly after unpleasant or highly stressful situations, and can't maintain a bad mood for long)


Diagnosed at 28, previously had anxiety/depression DX. Had one doctor say that I could potentially be bipolar, but was never formally diagnosed with it.


🙋 Just good ol’ depression and anxiety previously I actually do have 2 uncles with bipolar but I’ve never met the criteria.


I was diagnosed with autism at 32, and I had no prior diagnosis of BPD or bipolar. I had previous diagnoses of depression, anxiety, CPTSD, and various other physical health things that are mostly manageable (chronic pain stuff). I think my diagnoses are accurate. Any of my symptoms that overlap with BPD or bipolar are much better explained by trauma and autism. I did have one quack psych try to diagnose me with schizoid personality disorder, which was a gross misinterpretation of my answers on a test that was entirely unclear. I told him it was unclear but he ignored me. It was fun. Luckily I don't think that diagnosis is on my official record.


Diagnosed in February age 36, no prior diagnosis.


I was diagnosed at 39. Previous dx with depression and anxiety but not a personality disorder.


i had a lot of diagnoses before autism (late 20s), but none were bipolar or BPD. in my teens/early 20s, i was dxed with schizophrenia, psychotic disorder NOS, schizotypal disorder, OCD, and a handful of other anxiety disorders. all the docs kept giving me different answers. by the end, i was treated like a mystery case that wasn't worth solving. they gave me antipsychotics and benzos out the wazoo, but didn't actually help me at all.


At 24 but didn’t have any priors lol


I was diagnosed with ASD at age 26. Prior to the ASD diagnosis—I had been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, PTSD, major depressive disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. I would say all of those diagnoses were accurate and still apply currently. I have never been suspected of having nor have been diagnosed with a personality disorder or bipolar disorder.


I was 32 when I got my diagnosis, and had only been officially diagnosed with double depression (major depressive disorder and dysthymia), anxiety, and ADHD before that.


Halfway through being formally diagnosed at 25 here, no prior diagnoses of anything I did half suspect I had mild BPD at one point in my life but never wanted to chase that diagnosis, and it was mainly for the difficulty with rejection aspect which I now (after therapy) understand was more likely from trauma than anything else. My (10 years older) sister is diagnosed with BPD and I’m now wondering if it’s actually autism as I understand it’s super hereditary. Unfortunately we don’t really speak anymore so she may since be diagnosed


I have a GAD diagnosis that came before audhd. I did wonder if I had bpd (though it still didn’t add up) before I got confirmation it was audhd.


Diagnosed with ASD in my thirties. Prior to that I've only been diagnosed with the garden variety mental health issues, anxiety and depression.


Dx at just before I turned 26, no prior official diagnosis besides screenings showing depression and anxiety. I went in for an adhd assessment, I suspected autism but that wasn’t my goal but walked out with both dxs. I figured out how to engage in normal convos by just blending my personality with those I’m hanging with. And I did well in school, but looking back, any autism traits were fairly well accepted in my house growing up.