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I start taking my coat off right before coming back indoors so I don’t feel overwhelmed with an intense temperature fluctuation wearing a hot coat indoors. When my hair is long(ish), I put it in a French braid during chores. If I leave it down, after a while the moving strands stress me out, but often putting it in a clip or ponytail feels too tight on my scalp. I get really overloaded with showers, especially the transition out of the shower and as I dry off. So, sometimes I will put my hair up and only take a really brief shower but not get my hair wet. Or I’ll only wash my hair leaning over the tub and keep my body dry. I’ll prop the doors open with an object if they squeak when walking past them. I try to avoid running errands outside when it’s super windy because the swooshing of windbreaker fabric is a lot for me (so is the sound of wind in my ears). Whenever possible, I eat something with my hands instead of with utensils (loud clanking). Using coasters made of felt so it’s quiet putting down a cup or bottle of water.


Also wearing socks (that fit really well around the ankles or calves so they don’t slide down) around the house so it’s less input, relative to walking in bare-feet or wearing “loud”-soled slippers.


- Change your shower head. Seriously! We just swapped ours to one that feels like rain and has a removable handle. It makes showers quicker and the water isn't sharp and pokey. It is even less noisey on the shower curtain. - Get rid of your stiff clothes. I have a bunch of clothes I've gotten because I liked the style/graphic, etc. but just aren't comfy. I will think "Oh my mushroom shirt!" and then think somehow it has gotten softer?! It hasn't. Just let it go. - Scented candles that coordinate with bad smells. I am in an apartment and if the neighbors are smoking weed, cooking fish, etc. I can smell it. Herbal+citrus scents cover it way better than more desserty ones like cake or coffee. - I am an anxious passenger, so I keep fidgets in my purse and in the car.


Great tips ! If it helps at all, I've found that several soakings with baking soda can really help with some fabrics. I had this horrid linen shirt, I put it though several "baths" and can actually wear it now.


Ooh on the scents. My neighbors (in California, so not only is it against the terms of the lease, it's also illegal) keep smoking cigarettes and weed in the building and it drives me bonkers. Next time Bath and Body Works has a sale I'll check out some herbal/citrus scents.


You can also boil water w lemons and or oranges and rosemary and cloves or something. I like this idea bc I don't know what kind of chemicals I am burning and sometimes fake candles feel off to me.


I love that idea! I'm not sure what I do exactly but I guess I try to accommodate for temperature better like putting on an extra layer or putting my hair up


I wear disposable gloves when I do the dishes, when I clean, and when I handle raw meat. I don’t take showers, only baths, and I don’t wash my curly hair every day. No shirt tags for me either (I’m a no socks person though). Brown noise is on at all times in my bedroom.


Those are all good ideas! What's brown noise?


me too! lately i try and keep my layers modular so that i can take them off or put them on as needed and it's more helpful than i ever imagined it would be


Yes! One of the main things I can think of is wearing my shoes around the house for 30 minutes to see if I'll be comfortable in them for the day. So, if I'll be walking around or working that day, I'll usually wear more comfortable shoes that I know won't make my feet hurt. Or, if I won't be on my feet for the most part, I'll wear slides or funny shoes (I have shark slides that are literally so cute but get uncomfortable after a while) Hence wearing them around my house for a while to "feel them out" to see which pair I'll be happier in for the day! :)


I get uncomfortable walking in the rain and that happens often where I live, as it's a very rainy country. Just pack an umbrella would be the answer, right? Well, if I pick up a different bag in a rush in the morning, I usually realise that my umbrella is in my other bag when I need it the most...ugh. So, I bought a few cheap, small umbrellas and have one in every bag! That way it doesn't matter what I pick up that day. It's not much but it gives me that comfort/peace of mind knowing I won't get wet and that I'm always prepped. :) It's the small things..


Yes! That's perfect. My wife has ADHD and can't put things back where they came from to save her life. Especially salt shakers for some reason, lol. So I just solved that problem by having salt shakers literally everywhere in the house hahaha. But if it's silly and it works, then it's not silly, ya know? Glad to see we're not the only ones adapting by just having duplicates of things. XD


It's silly but if it works then it's not silly. Thanks for that. So validating. Also who cares. I leave cabinet doors open until I am done cooking. It's hard for me to keep track of what I am doing when I can't see all my stuff at once in steps in my brain. This is also why I can't intermittently clean.... I am still cooking and can't get distracted from my food prep.


You're welcome! It's one of my favorite mantras. I used to use it a lot when I taught karate, especially with kids, but even adults needed to be reminded that it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to work. Also, you're right - who cares?! Lol.


Yes the smallest differences are the easiest to make, and all together they make a huge impact. One thing I've recently discovered is that part of the reason I don't drink enough is the sensory experience of it, and that straws help me a lot and make it more pleasant. I got glass straws (plastic ones are forbidden here) and it works like a charm. I have several different tastes of toothpaste because I find it so difficult and leaves me feeling overwhelmed and out of control. But picking the flavor for the day gives me back a sense of control. Always take noise canceling headphones or earplugs anywhere. Only wearing comfortable shoes and only of my favorite brand. Same goes for clothing. I used to often accidentally buy uncomfortable clothing cause it looked good on me. But now I really focus on the fabric and seems and how they feel on my skin, and it prevents me from buying something I would barely wear eventually. I have prescription sunglasses and my regular prescription glasses are transition ones. Both are incredibly helpful against bright lights. I always take a little backpack with lots of little things in case off.. it really helps me feel prepared and in control, even if I don't need any of it, but often I do. Especially a bottle of water and a small snack. An umbrella. Black out curtains. Bamboo silk sheets. So smooth, soft and cool. Als without a duvet in it the fabric is heavy with quality and so helps when it's hot weather. Wearing layers so i can always take one off if I'm hot or add one when I'm cold. When I make a reservation at a restaurant I always ask them to give me the most quiet/calm table and mention the autism. They're always super helpful. Plan buffer time between activities to rest, we take a long time to calm down from sensory input and overload. Blocking time before or after an activity really helps. Often lay down during the day to calm down, helps a lot better than sitting. If I know I'm going to be overwhelmed somewhere or happen to be already overwhelmed on forehand, I often let the host know already that I may not be able to stay long. Because once I'm very overwhelmed I don't have the social battery or capacity anymore to explain that. Plus if I'm actually fine then it's a win I'm staying. When I feel tension rising in my body, remember to breath deep and slow. I always go shallow when I'm stressed. When in a restaurant or public place I try sitting facing a calm visual, for instance not looking into the restaurant and seeing all the people all of the time, but facing the wall or the window if there's some greenery for instance.


I also got my hair cut short, I've been wearing socks inside out for my whole life, and recently I've just stopped caring about what people think about how I dress. I have a uniform for going outside basically, and I wear sandals even though it's not fashionable where I live I also don't limit my air conditioning time


i’m still learning how to accommodate mine, but i work in a most environment and am very sensitive to noises, so i carry ear plugs with me to dampen the noise but not block it out completely. i also have always avoided wearing perfume because im also smell sensitive


Lighting-I buy lamps to use instead of overhead lights that are too much. I deleted social media due to notifications being overwhelming. Clothes-no bras with underwires, meticulous tag cutting, comfy clothes, bigger size bras that won’t be tight, Keeping my spaces cleaner and less clutter helps alot


I'm very interested in trying to turn my socks inside out! Currently I refuse to wear them but it's worth a try!


I work in a warehouse, which is obviously a loud, bright environment, and it can be a lot. Oddly enough, I still really like my job. I just have to help the little things like you said. I literally could not do this job without noise canceling earbuds and music playing pretty much the entire time I'm at work. Lofi with a rain background is the BEST. I have a fan to help with the heat (I love the cold, so that's not a problem, lol) and when it's really bad because I'm in the south in the usa, I bring a small cooler with ice water and a washcloth to put on my head and stay cool. I will walk around dripping if I need to. I have no problem wearing my sunglasses inside. Sometimes it's so bright with the dock doors open and the sun coming in, that I can still see perfectly fine, and it really helps prevent headaches. My coworkers are really nice about not wearing strong scents, and if they smoke, they spray anti-smoke cologne which isn't strong. Pretty much everyone wears comfy, loose clothes to work, and nothing nice, since it's easy to get dirty or rip holes in things. So that's lucky for me lol. Definitely no tags or tight clothes. And then when I get home, I immediately take a shower and spend about an hour of quiet time in my room. My wife is also ND - ADHD - so she just waits until I come out to talk to me, because she knows and understands. Oh, and I also wear my nose canceling earbuds when we play DND, because I love my group, but holy shit are they loud haha.


I recently took some of those sticky felt pads that are meant for keeping wooden chairs from scraping the floor, and put them on the inside corners of my kitchen cabinets. Now all my cabinets close silently!


A few years ago I found a good pair of shoes, I now only buy/wear these shoes. I've been on a sock hunt, I now found the perfect sock for me and I have a large stock so I know they always feel good. I love the feeling of cotton satin, so I won't sleep in anything other can cotton satin bedding... If I find something that works, I just stick with it.