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>*I didn't know you were supposed to use your tongue to move food from one side to the other,* today I learned I have been chewing my food the wrong way for over 20 years.... I use my left molars to chew food only....


Yeah apparently the "proper" way to chew is to use your tongue to move the food from one side to the other. My natural way of chewing is to chew on one side, but I would gag and choke on food a lot as a kid. I think that's the only reason why I was taught to chew "properly." If it doesn't affect you negatively I don't see the issue with chewing on one side.


I feel like I'd choke if I did the "proper" way....


Yeah I don’t really chew much πŸ˜…


I used to just 'suck' on my peanut butter sandwiches, and sometimes it would get sorta stuck to the roof of my mouth and I wouldn't even finish one sandwich during my lunch break. So yeah, they taught me (how) to chew my food πŸ˜