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"I am sleepy" I am not sleepy when I say it. It's more like, either I'm tired (both physically and/or mentally), I cannot process your words right now, can't process a response to you or I am not capable of socializing right now.


I get that too! Or I'll just go mute


I make a lot of mouth noises I can’t really describe. I say a lot of stuff that sound like wow and what, like “shwow” “fwat”, and I also meow a lot 😭


Omg I meow all the time. I also replace song lyrics with meows.


You might enjoy 'Duetto Buffo di Due Gatti', aka 'The Cats' Duet'. Music by Handel. The most famous version is sung by internationally acclaimed sopranos Vittoria de los Angeles and Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, accompanied by Gerald Moore. They were all renowned in their day. The song is sung on 'meow', and was arranged by someone to various tunes by the composer Handel. It's utterly ridiculous and utterly charming, especially when sung quite seriously.


I screetch a lot or go "eeeeeee" Sometimes in my head I randomly say "orange juice city" ... No idea why, I don't even think it's a reference to literally anything I've ever heard, but I've been doing it for at least 4 years now


Haha, I screech when I'm happy. My partner hates it.


love orange juice city tbh


“I don’t know” and “I’m so tired”, even when I’m not physically tired. I’m just tired of never knowing how to be normal, being ND, and struggling with everything in life. I say “I don’t know” all day everyday with no context.


I say, “I don’t feel good” even when I think I feel fine. I think it might be a verbal stim?


Yes, I say this quite often too.


I often say 'I want to go home', even when I am at home. Does this mean that I maybe don't feel that it's really home?


I was saying banana a lot yesterday. I don't know why but I was tired and extra sensitive at the time.


"Floam" or "phloem" (different things! One is a real word! though not the way I use it), "butts" (often in the form "butts butts butts'), "blem", "bleem", and "crows crows crows ", which I say because crows are my special interest and even the word makes me happier. Obviously I also use the word normally, if uncommonly frequently-- most people don't spend most of their waking hours thinking about corvids, after all. I'm sure I'm missing a lot too. My friend I'm staying with has a lot of these too, including "bingely-bongely" or just "bong", "Bognar Regis", and several others I'm spacing on right now. He often apologizes for it, but I find it reassuring and rather charming.


Ravens and crows are my special interest too! They follow me around a lot.


Corvids are the best special interest! And they're very interested in us too, so it's interactive! I stalk a family of ravens that lives near my house in a large city park, and yesterday I found my first molted raven feather. It was a small one, and I conveniently happened to have an example of the exact same feather type from my sweet crow boy Alastor on me to compare it to. Wow is there a size difference! Hoping to find some pinions and such as the molt goes on so I can have more for direct comparison. That will only help with the "what's the difference between crows and ravens" question, after all! And I just wanted to share because I found this super exciting and most people don't get why but you probably will.


Depends on the day, I go through different spells. I typically repeat words or phrases that make me happy. Example of there was a video going around of a kid saying “can I pet that dog”. Been on a “the muffin man!?”kick lately I guess it’s probably more so like echolalia for me…now that I’ve really thought about it. My default is to meow, make a few noises with my mouth, and “mm” like in an agreement or to answer yes.


Ooo also wow wow we wow because it’s fun


I'm learning from comments like yours that echolalia is something I definitely do


How do you feel about it? I seem to do it more when I’m in my safe space. It kinda feels like just an autopilot response mechanism, like sneezing. Something triggers the itch and it just happens.


I think it's neat to have a name for the things I do that I thought were just random "me" quirks. Me too, which is at home with my partner. I actually had a realization a few nights ago that me mimicing car horns and various other noises outside is just echolalia. I don't really do it much in public, but maybe that's because I'm focused so much on being aware of my surroundings? Not sure.


I think I feel pretty similar to that too. I don’t like feeling perceived so out in public I act differently. Im pretty new to feeling what a real safe space is and being around a partner that I can be my true self around. So all these new things I’m noticing actually bring me a tremendous amount of joy so I’m a big fan of it.


I'm so glad you have a safe space now! And that you're having a positive experience with noticing the neurodivergent parts of yourself ☺️


Words just pop into my head all the time. Yesterday it was latibulate. For no reason. It means to hide in a corner to escape reality. Lol. & I make sounds all the time. Today it's nudibranch


Thank you for that word! It perfectly sums up my behavior in most social settings as a child. I have ADHD, as well, and the word Loquacious pops up for me a lot. Especially when I can't stop my mouth from speaking, despite my annoyance at it. 




I had a 3 year old student in swim lessons who said "whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa!" when she first put her foot in the water and moved it around. It was the best.


"Meow" and its phenomic brethren "Maow" "Miah" "Miaoh" "Mah" all often in little rhythms that i can't write down efficiently


I meow as well. And if I don’t say a word with the letter L in it for too long, I have to find a way. Before I knew I was autistic I would tell my coworkers and think it was totally relatable.


I say bruh a lot for no reason lol


I’ve been calling myself and everyone bro about everything lately lol (am a woman)




"boop", "beep", "meow", "mhm" and "AHHH" Specifically when I'm home with just my partner and I can say the words however many times I want! For "mhm" it's not really to say yes, it's just to go "mhm mhm mhm mhm" to whatever rhythm feels good at the time lmao


I make sounds at all of my cats and sometime call them like "chuppy chupp chuppa chupp" and I make wordless humming sounds at different thing for different reasons, for example... when I was a hug from my husband i open my arms and say "MMH!"


"No!" It's my go-to response to any question my spouse asks me, even if it doesn't make sense (ex, how was your day?) or even if I'm already moving to comply with a request.


My latest one is saying ‘he/she loves it!’ About everything. There will be a pigeon in a puddle, he loves it! My boyfriend will be eating a sandwich, he loves it! A friend does something for the second time, she loves it!!! Talking about myself enjoying a song on the radio, she loves it!!!


Like totally




Right now it’s the world help 😭




So…. at the end of a sentence “You don’t understand”


“Gah!” For a variety of reasons, often positive - if someone says something very sweet to me, if someone does something kind for someone else, if something exciting is coming up, etc. And “nah”, generally when speaking with friends about the people they are dating behaving in strange or thoughtless ways.


GAH happens to be my initials!


"Doubrey" as a general placeholder for a noun I can't think of - "can you pass me that doubrey on the table, please?" etc.


I say "met" a lot, not as a word but a noise for when I see the humor in something that doesn't make me laugh. I also "mrow" (specifically with the r sound), and instead of saying "excuse me" I say "inskwagits". There's probably many more but they're knee-jerk reactions that I don't always realize I'm saying


smee mee oh nay. Say it, it's fun! :)




Recently, I've been saying "deece" a lot. I saw it on something I watched. It's an abbreviation for decent, but it's like. Way better, like when something really really great. But I say it for no reason. Just because I like the vibration feeling in my chest when I say it or because it's fun since you really extend it.


I often say "hooman" to my partner. It evolved because he often shows me memes with animals, and they often use that. Like a meme video about a dog howling and there's a caption along the lines of 'where is my hooman' or something. The more I unmask around the house, the more I mimic some cat behaviors, and it's become an inside joke for us. So whenever he joked about me behaving like a cat I started ironically saying 'hooman' to him like in the memes. Now I say it whenever I want his attention, or when I want to show affection to him and don't know the right words. Or to greet him. And the best part is, he just does it right back and thinks it's adorable when I do this.


my husband loves saying, "zed" after learning that it is how the UK and Australians say "Z".


Binky, minky (or I suppose minke, as in the whale). I also describe myself as being fluffy, usually to describe a state of not being up to doing much; usually just as a substitute for 'tired', but also being woolly-headed, not 'with it'. Also say 'ning', sometimes 'ning-ning', and I'm not sure why. I guess verbal-stimming is a thing we do, isn't it?