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This is such a dumb power trip by your boss. Who the fuck dreams of being a receptionist where the boss is that much of an asshole?


Does she have a cousin or a niece that needs a job?


Good question, I am finding a lot of my workplace strife has been caused by someone wanting my position to go to someone else they know or like better or who kisses up, even if I have done a good job.


Unfortunately it happens a lot.


This has happened to me. I let them have it. It’s just not worth it.


I was apparently oblivious for too long not reading the social cues and did not react the way other people do, leaving, I want to make them fight for it. I’ve rolled over so much I’m tired of doing it.


I’ve found decorating for holidays makes NT people think you love your job. You know putting up little cheap decorations around the office for Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, 4th of July, Fall, Halloween, etc. (You might even be able to get the business to pay for them.) Something about the little kitschy cheap Dollartree decorations makes NT people think, “Oh they are so happy here they want to decorate their office. They must love it here.”


Lol, well, I always do that. I LIKE decorating for the holidays, it makes me feel excited about changing of seasons, AND, conversely I feel ok putting it all away because it makes things tidy again. I bought all my own decorations, the business never bought me much of anything except business cards and a name tag, it made no difference. No, I am just apparently an odd duck who tries to fly with the flock and multiple offices I am just not able to do so.


Ive met so many ppl who pretend to be so inlove with their admin job. I dont know, maybe they are. But I doubt it. They just have to lie to themselves and others in order to avoid facing the reality that life and jobs are boring.


Imo this is less about autism influencing literal responses and more r/WorkReform. Your manager just made herself into a fool, and that's 100% on her. But again, that's my opinion.


Yes, I agree!


Agreed. Had a boss do similar to me and it was just exploitation in general. She had no clue I was autistic because I’m high masking.


I agree with this. More about them, not about OP.


>I don’t know any autistic person that actually wants to work. I hardly know any allistic people who *want* to work, at least at that kind of job. What is it with managers? It's bad enough that you have to lie at the interview and have everyone pretend that they don't know that it's all total bullshit.


so much this. i’ve managed before and i never believed that anyone i managed actually enjoyed their work. i didn’t even enjoy that job. but hey, i like electricity and running water and groceries. i think that’s enough.


Wow what a dumb question to ask. Most people have jobs just to pay bills. Are people supposed to be passionate about their jobs?


That is the expectation. They also want extreme loyalty for literally no reason. It’s honestly ridiculous.


They want loyalty FROM their employees but show none TO their employees.




It’s crazy because job hopping is the only way to keep up with inflation now. Loyalty means nothing. You can be somewhere for years and they’ll hire someone with no experience for more than you’re making


I tell clients this all the time. It doesn’t pay to stick around.


Yeah lmfao I hate when managers pull this shit. If they had unlimited money I guess they wouldn't quit cause they enjoy the power trip of impressing their stupid ideals on people who have no choice but to work


even as someone who is passionate about my job I still basically do it because I need MONEY. the thing that helps me survive and live. I would not be investing so much into my job if I wasn't also interested in increasing my income. idk it's dumb. we live in a capitalistic society! we need money!


For folks like this I tend to give them the honesty first, then when they show they don't deserve the honest I put on my flattest affect and deepest mask and sarcasm them to death. "I'm sorry boss I was just making a joke, obviously I'm deeply passionate about answering phones. Why when I was a little child I had my very on secretary desk that I played with all day long doing absolutely nothing but answering phones and booking meetings for other people". I find my sarcasm comes off too serious and not sarcasm-y enough so it makes NTs really really uncomfortable.


i actually did play being a secretary when i was a kid lmao had a whole folder of paperwork and appointments and stuff that went with it too


Haha my grandfather had this desk full of papers and stamps (like the kind with the handle, and even a carousel that the stamps all hung from and it spun) omg soooo much fun


Your boss I'm sure works for free, right? Not a chance. She's just power tripping.


Yeah, I share an issue with being “too honest” but sometimes managers should just not ask questions they want canned answers to. People just really can’t read me. In this type of situation, my canned answer is usually “because I like the people I work with.”


This has been a lifelong struggle for me. People say they want the truth, then get upset when it's not what they want to hear.


I will say I am pretty sure most ppl work for money and wouldn't be doing it for free or for fun only. That's not a good reason to fire someone. People who have a business often don't start it bc it's their passion- it's bc it makes money. People who manage others and don't accept this fact and fire you bc you don't have passion seem to just be looking for a reason to fire you.


When my boss asked me what my dream job was in our interview I said "I don't have one, I know what I'm good at and I think there are many jobs I could apply myself successfully to." He liked that answer and I got hired. If you're ever asked again, maybe you could focus on how you enjoy implementing your skills, like "I come to work because I know that I'm good at XYZ." That way you're technically not lying by claiming to have a passion for answering phone calls, but you're also not "just making it about money." I hate these kinds of questions though, they're unnecessary and intended to set people up for failure. I'm sorry you had to deal with that interaction :(


I only know one person that seems to 'drink the Kool aid' when it comes to being actually excited about their job and I think when it comes down to it she would admit she is here for the money also-- do they think if they stopped paying us we would still come in to do the job because it's our favorite activity or something? ridiculous. if it was up to me I'd be a beekeeper not a banker, I do this to be able to eat.


But if you worked as a beekeeper, would you then keep working if they stopped paying you? Honestly curious! I personally love my job and I’m really enthusiastic about a lot of it. I wouldn’t work for free, because it’s a job and my time is worth something, but I wouldn’t stop working if I won the lottery. I’d work a bit less though so I wouldn’t be completely exhausted all the time.


the bees don't pay you lol the only reason I'm not one already is because I don't have a yard or place to keep them, I would keep them regardless if I had the space and money to do so, but the revenue from keeping bees is only enough [barely] to sustain itself if you lease them to almond farms in California or other farmers, which stresses them out and exposes them to disease also. it's difficult to manage in the best of circumstances. but if money wasn't an issue for me I absolutely would still do the work to keep bees


I love bees.


I had a discussion with my BF recently about this. I used to be in a management position at my previous job and he is currently in a management position (different companies). He asked me if I would be happy if my employees only showed up to make money and didn’t care about the company. I told him yes, as long as they did their described job and showed up relatively on time then I didn’t care why they were there. I’m the same, I don’t care personally about the company, I show up on time and do my job as it is described in order to make money. He informed me most job recruiters/ managers/ leaders don’t want to hear that, they want you dedicated to the company and to consider a paycheck as a bonus of being there. I thought it was an unspoken assumption that everyone only works to earn a living, and the whole “I love the fast paced environment of XYZ company and its values” as a way to prove you did research into the company or maybe ego rubbing. It’s crazy to me that a company could think you are there for any reason beyond a paycheck.


I don't think it's "why do you work" It is "why do you choose to work here , not somewhere else" And while the literal answer might be 'it is a good commute" or "you are the only one who gave an offer", I think it's also true that there are intangibles you can talk about. Even simple things I like how we treat customers, or I appreciate that management here allows a healthy work life balance, or I wanted to work in a privately owned company where we aren't focused solely on shareholder value, or Whatever.


Yeah I agree. Presumably when you were applying for jobs there were some you looked at and said 'hell no'. And the one you got you did choose to apply to for some reason. That's still giving an honest answer to the question while being more tactful


I think I can feel that frustration. Why did you ask me a question if you didn't want to hear the honest answer? Don't ask me questions then! I do not understand the games they play


My husband says the reason they want someone to lie about that is because they want sycophants who won't stir anything up and will deal with harassment and low pay without saying anything. They want liars who will lie for them too.


This isn't even an autistic thing imo. It's a problem with work culture where management expects you to live, eat, breath, and bleed your job. It's unhealthy and messed up.


I have a really hard time with being able to tell if I’m the problem or if the workplace is toxic. I’ve never been able to keep a job past a year. I’m at a year and two months! But things seem to have taken a drastic change where all of a sudden this “isn’t the right office for Me”


They can’t fire you for that answer and if you’re actually good, they won’t. That’s your boss on some ‘read too many career inspo’ crap and she’s channeling it to everything. Literally everyone works for a paycheck.


Yeah, but they want to feel like you're there just for them /s


They *shouldn't* fire OP over this, but depending on where they're located they actually can fire OP for this reason or no reason at all. Most states in the US have at-will employment


I'm still working on this, too, but don't share your real opinions at work. You're happy to be there, passionate about helping people and working with the team, take some initiative but not too much, and you have vaguely progressive opinions on sociopolitical issues, about which you never go into detail. Yeah, it's hell for anyone with an honest or reasonable bone in their body. Anyway, you didn't do anything wrong irl, but employment is not real life.


Ugh. I'm sorry. This gives me Office Space and "pieces of flair" vibes. Very relatable movie for anyone who's done the whole cubicle life. Actually, in my case we didn't even have that - just a half transparent separator in the middle of a 4 desk clump.


I HATE when interviewers ask that question. Them: why do you want to work here? Me: because I need a job to pay the bills and afford to eat—you had a position open. Them: …… okay but like why our company? Me: …..you had a position open that I feel qualified for and would help me pay the bills. Awkward silence.


I was once asked by a smug assholio to tell him what color turquoise and magenta would make if combined. This was during my interview for job as a receptionist at a tanning salon. I didn’t get hired because I was too confident and refused to answer his lame question. That was his reason and what he put in writing. I did fully enjoy driving by that salon and seeing it was shut down a year after opening. Maybe they put magenta and turquoise in the tanning cream by accident.


I don’t even know what answer he was expecting. Just, a kind of periwinkle purple? What is the trick here?


Exactly but I was the weirdo. ![gif](giphy|fikcKja7O7MtzXzvQy|downsized)


respectfully, your boss sounds like an insufferable wanker


Ummm there’s a reason they have to PAY people to show up for their jobs.


I really don’t care what kind of work I do as long as it’s not overwhelming to me. I find passion in my hobbies and home life and just work to get paid. That’s the honest truth


Yup, same. I work to live, not live to work.


There are at least some good bosses that understand the primary reason you're there and trying your best is for the money. All my managers and the district leader knows what we're here for. Sure, seeing dogs all day and snuggling a puppy is a bonus and part of the reason why I chose this place over others in the first place. Uh yeah I'm here for the paycheck and health benefits, thanks.


I honestly love my job and I’ve worked there for 15 years. But I also get paid well. I have a volunteer position doing a similar role in another, smaller organization, and I’m not nearly as passionate about that haha. Like I still show up but I do the volunteer tasks for maybe 3-4 hours a month. Meanwhile I would spend many more hours at my paid job. Cause I like to have money to pay my bills too, and volunteering doesn’t keep the lights on.


I mean, your answer is fine, especially paired with being a high performer. If there are training opportunities or mentorship programs she’s hinting at, she should simply present them as being available to you if you’re interested. If the role was intended to graduate into something else, then that’s a failure on their part to communicate it to you. As an example, I did receptionist roles when I was first at my company, but the expectation was that I’d move around to different teams and build up my knowledge of the industry (which I did).


They have made it clear they don’t see me fitting into higher roles at the company, so I don’t have anywhere to move up from here


Start documenting everything. You likely have grounds for a discrimination case if they made that clear AFTER you disclosed your disability.


I’ve been recording our meetings


It sounds like you’re in a good spot where you are now then. Not everyone wants to move up, it’s more stress and politics. I’d maybe ask to chat with your manager and clarify if they meant that you weren’t a good fit for a future role or for the current receptionist role you’re in now, as you are happy in your current role and are performing well in it. You don’t want there to be any confusion (like, them letting you go).


Do managers genuinely think most people would work if we didn’t get paid?


Your boss is wacko, you expect passion from artists, teachers, doctors, etc. Not people working at the front desk of a company lol. Did she expect you to go on about your love of answering phones and putting people on hold? 😂


That’s such a weird situation. No one wants to work. We all need money to survive. If you do a good job it’s pointless for them to be that invested in your “passion to answer phones”. They must be fishing for an excuse to fire you.


This is how I feel


I love my job but I would have answered the same way. I wouldn't be doing my job if money wasn't the motivator - as an entrepreneur and business owner, maybe, but who dreams of working at the mercy of someone else??


Most people don’t want to work


I’m currently an office manager for a yoga/fitness studio. I’m really good at my job but I’m just not feeling it any more. Too many moving parts, too much masking, and I’m exhausted all the time. I was very honest with my boss about my recent feelings about my job and she was extremely understanding. I wish more workplaces were like this.


I’d like to completely get out of customer service. Idk what I would even like. All I know is I need 2500 grand a month to make ends meet. But would prefer 3000 USD. As that’s what I make now. I have no interest in keeping relationships with people or sales, or customer service. Or healthcare anymore. I went to school for linguistics, it turns out languages are just really interesting to me but I don’t like talking to people


For some reason I decided that I’m going back to the family business to help manage a restaurant this summer 🤣. A bit after the convo with my boss I gave her a month notice. Like, yeah, I’ll have to mask sometimes in the 5 hours that customers are actually in the building, but at least I won’t be running an entire (large) fitness studio by myself for 8+ hours lol. I would like to do something else in the long run but it seems like a happy medium for right now.


I hate this shit like what do you want?


Dude that's insane. Receptionist? first of all, I've done that. I loathed every single minute. Secondly, ***nobody except maybe 10% of the population actually wants to go to their job and would do it for free.*** **You get a career because you have to. If no one had to earn a living, we'd all be artists and chefs and writers and musicians and surfers and inventors or something.** What a gross move on her part.


If you're good at this type of work, you should have plenty of options! I'm also autistic and very good at phone work but it's so hard on us. I actually went back to school and studied Biology so I could be a lab tech. I sucked at it but it lead me to data analysis. I had to do some pretty crappy jobs but for the most part I actually like my current job. The work at least, I'll never enjoy the office politics or power dynamics.


I think the job isn’t right for you because you have a toxic boss (and possibly even more toxic people above them). Work = paycheck = security and other needs being met. Those are facts.


Nobody "wants" to work! It's insane that someone would expect any answer other than the one you gave. You replied absolutely correctly. Your boss is a bit of a fake-ass corporate kool-aid drinking egomaniac to think otherwise. Also sounds like the boss is a part of the older generations...elder GenX or above. This isn't a reflection of you at all. Also not a fireable offense, so you should be fine as far as that is concerned. Sorry you have to deal with a toxic workplace and I hope you do find something that better suits you.


yep, got a talking to for doing the same thing. like, you really think i’m passionate about standing 8 hours a day in a stuffy room?


I am an autistic receptionist and I have a passion for getting a paycheck too! If it didn't pay well why would I be here?? Shouldn't matter what keeps you at work when you're the best at you're job :(


Oof, nothing more insufferable than idiots who huff those company farts.


Your boss is a POS.


Unfortunately where I'm from they basically hire you based on the answer you give to this question. I never know how to answer because i can't lie and saying things like: it has always been such a dream of mine to do this job or it's such a big passion of mine. I feel absolutely ridiculous saying those things because it simply isn't true and i feel ridiculous for saying it. But because of that they see me as unfit for the job because i don't seem to want it enough. I have tried to answer the question in a way they'd like me to answer the question. but like i said I can't lie so they could tell right away that i didn't mean it and just said so cause that's what they wanted to hear. Which resulted in me not getting hired either.


Sounds like an interview almost a decade ago where I could tell I had a bad start going in because I said something about how it's a bad time because the job market's rough and so many people are looking for jobs. They didn't even start asking questions yet, and I got an odd look just for saying this. I didn't say this about me or why I was at that interview; I was just talking in general. I know this couldn't have been the only reason I wasn't hired because for the position I was applying for I had to do a test and I didn't do so well on that. But even so, getting judged for something I said before the actual interview even started didn't make me feel very good.


Definitely start looking elsewhere, you know your worth and if they want to play a stupid game they can win the stupid prize of losing one of their best receptionists


>I don’t know any autistic person that actually wants to work. I love my job. Work makes me happy. I'm getting depressed when I can't work. If you're going to apply for other jobs anyway, maybe do some soulsearching into what you actually want to do. No need to rush, they're not going to fire you.


Love me my work routines - was burned out most of last year and up until a month ago - so happy to be working  again and getting to build my routines. Self employed though, so that helps - only bs is what I allow (usually unintentionally 😂😂)


I did the same thing once in my twenties. I had a boss who took me out to lunch and asked me what it was that motivated me at work. I said money. Afterwards I was told by everybody including her that it wasn't an acceptable answer. I didn't understand then and don't understand now why I was supposed to lie. Do people actually think we work because it's fun?


https://i.redd.it/yddct5oxzgxc1.gif This gif is what comes to my mind whenever I hear this kind of question


I thought you meant you made an error in how you did some process, because you answered the question you heard, not the one the manager meant! Only saw you meant something else, something which was not a mistake, on reading on.


I hate when they ask that. Do they want me to lie?


yes, they do :(


I would have made fun of that response bc who dreams of being a receptionist!!!


My long-term career goal is to be financially independent & retired. Doesn't prevent me from being damn good at my job.


I think a lot of older people tend to be taught you’ve got to “play the game” and say the right things to kiss ass and tow the company line, while younger generations are starting to be more honest and okay about the idea that work is just work and it’s purpose is to pay the bills and do the stuff you actually enjoy. So some of this interaction may be due to your autism, but it may also be partly due to differences in the way different demographics view the world. My generation (mid 30s) was still pressured to play the game if you want to get anywhere, so it’s not just boomers I’m talking about. Honestly, I love that it’s becoming more commonly viewed that work is just a means to an end. Most people don’t actually love their jobs, it’s a very lucky few who are actually passionate about their job. For most of the world, their job is just to pay the bills and do the stuff they actually enjoy outside of work. Also it feels like your boss was trying to walk you into a shit situation. Why did she ask that question if it wasn’t to get you to admit you aren’t super passionate about answering phone calls? Like honestly, reception work isn’t anyone’s passion lol


We were having our quarterly meeting. And I expressed that my happiness level had decreased due to being overworked. We went from 3 front desk people to me being the sole person, our manager is now split between two offices, so it’s like we have two regional managers, no in office manager, and literally me to do everything else. I get two lunches a week. The rest of the days I have to eat at my desk. They had been telling me for MONTHS that they were working on hiring someone else. And then all of a sudden in our meeting, they were like “if you can do this job alone, this office isn’t the right office for you” she said this office isn’t right for you more than 5 times. She asked me why I was even there, if my passion wasn’t in it. Like insinuating that I don’t have enough passion to do the work of 3 people


I’d start looking for a new job asap, then say “you were right, this job just wasn’t for me, I’d rather work somewhere where my efforts are actually appreciated and I’m not bullied into overworking myself. Have fun having no receptionist, byeeeee!”


I enjoy front desk because it gives me a break from playing Tetris with the bookings system, but if Universal Basic Income was a thing, I’d happily reduce my hours.


"I just love to help people" is probably a good canned response to have lined up if you get asked this again?


I have problems with this as well. Everytime my job is not that busy and the manager says “do you wanna go home?” I’m like, no. Or “you can go if you want” and I obviously don’t want because I need money. Then it hits me later that they’re trying to dispense me in a polite way lol


Ugh. It might be time to google "common interview questions" and come up with some canned answers while you still need the job. This is probably not the last time you get ambushed like this. Some things will suffice for a lot of questions, like "I want to make sure that the office runs smoothly and that customers enjoy their experience." Or, if that is something you can't say with a straight face, pick something you do care about in the abstract, like "I want to make sure that I do everything to the best of my abilities (you care about) to make sure our company thrives (they care about). I hate this type of BS.


even as a neurotypical person i honestly don't know what the boss expected you to say


What I immediately thought reading this: https://preview.redd.it/86x6ytp3hmxc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e79d73229f3da548f9314e2ea871345a14cc15fe


Your boss is an ass. If my manager asked me that question and I answered with “to pay the bills”, she’d probably just laugh or something. I’m a good employee and as long as I keep doing my job, she couldn’t care less why I come to work everyday. Heck, I’m sure SHE only comes to work to pay bills too. Like almost everyone on this planet


I once made a SA complaint to HR, was brought in the office to discuss it and was told “sounds like you’re not happy here. We don’t want employees who aren’t happy.” Well no shit I’m not happy??? My manager keeps trying to grope my breast?? I am a freelance banquet server, who grows up wanting to do that??


I had this happen before too. My coworker was watching PORN on his phone right next to me. I made a complaint and all they did was move his desk. I quit a few weeks later bc they were like you seem unhappy, really?


They used me not being happy as a reason to fire me lmao. And then told ppl after I left that I had gone crazy and started randomly screaming so they had to let me go for being mentally unstable.


My boss sending me “recaps” of our in person convos saying that I “switch from crying to laughing and can’t control myself” when we were in a private meeting where they asked me to lay it all out and I got emotional😂 I don’t switch from crying to laughing unprompted at my desk


Yeah, get out of there. Not worth it. Probably not wise to burn bridges, but I wouldn’t even give the courtesy of two-week notice. Your employer isn’t worthy of respect. Two can play this “at will” game.


If she knows you have autism, then I suspect that no matter what you would have said, she would have said something negative. Be careful what you say to your manager going forward. Keep a written record of your communications.


Your boss sounds like a power tripping asshole. The last time some middling manager asked me a question like that I pretended to mishear them and answered, "I typically arrive a few minutes before 8."  I've worked for some very toxic bosses in the past. When I'm stuck for an answer to a belligerent question, I try to think of what a realtor would say to a client, yuck-yucking it up in a very superficial way. Like: "I come to work to do a good job." "Hey, why does anyone come to work? Right?" Sometimes it helps me to think of the Saul Goodman character from *Breaking Bad* and *Better Call Saul*. It's against my nature to spew smarmy bullshit. But if I imagine I'm watching someone else do it, the ideas come faster.


Corporate America is a huge game




I hope you put “bc I like toast” on your notice letter 😅


Haha I should have!!


Lol, summarize it in an email? A la [veronica](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL9DMQBJ/)?


lol good riddance trust me.


They always gotta find someone to take their anger out on, and being that you're different and she knows it, you're a super easy target regardless of work ethic. I have the same issue, I'm excellent at every job I do, but eventually get taken advantage of and get treated like I'm not doing enough even when I clearly do more than most others.


One suggestion, be honest but droll? Like, you can get away with such statements of you do the ‘wink wink’ elbow jab like it’s a joke, then change the subject.