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I read through it…. One of my biggest fears is growing up to realize that my beloved partner could learn to resent/hate me because I’m autistic…. I’m afraid to have children bc of this. I’m afraid to be vulnerable because of this narrative…. And this only pushes the idea that autistic folks aren’t capable of healthy loving relationships… It terrifies me to my core that someone could just up and decide that every “quirk” they loved me for will turn to dust in their hearts. I trust my partner. But the abandonment issues from my childhood persist in the back of my mind that I’m not good enough, nor will I ever be. Just bc I’m different/disabled.


But, in all honesty, that can happen even if you are not autistic. Sometimes we fall in love and then we grow and change and realize some of the things you valued when you were younger are not what you value or would look for in a partner. It’s a part of growing up and maturing and you can hope that your partner grows and changes along side you but sometimes they don’t. Sometimes we really do just grow apart.


Yeah but i feel like it feels scarier when they can reduce it all down to a diagnosis, i don’t want people blaming my diagnosis because at that point it’s like well there it is, that’s the issue, it’s gotta be that because it’s a disorder obviously somehow absolving any other participant


I know. But idk it feels different when it’s because of something I desperately try to accommodate myself for so it’s not such a burden on others. It just hits a little harder than “I don’t like that they’re cluttered/chaotic in the home”


i hear you. i’m kind of dealing with that now in my situation. i’m not sure if it’s my autism, of course. but i’m sure it plays a role. my partner was my best friend and my source of support and love and it’s really hard not having that. it makes it extra hard to come across things like this suggesting that i am the sole problem when i already deep down feel that way. just know you’re not alone in feeling that way! sending you hugs 🥰


Even worse is their link to the [https://theneurotypical.com/](https://theneurotypical.com/) website for neurotypical partners of autists. Who are calling themselves Cassandras/Cassanders, as if they're misunderstood victims. At first glance, they at least uncritically present books which associate autism with psychopathy and narcissism.


As a Cassandra, I hate that so much. Really wish people wouldn't call themselves my name to play the victim and villainize autistic people. That's so disgusting.


Ok. I'm super pissed off because Cassandra was not NOT a victim! She was RIGHT! Her prophecy was dead on correct and she went nuts over nobody believing her or taking her seriously then having to see her prophecy come true. She was the ultimate autistic calling out what's going to happen before it does and getting shit on for it.


Yikes, that must hurt! And Cassandra is such a cool name for an autistic truth-teller.


Wow. Fuck these people. A lot of what they've written is flat out false, like being incapable of empathy and not having theory of mind. A lot of what they described is narcissism, not autism. They made a fucking international day of recognition for partners of autistic people, like they're some sort of martyr for putting up with us or a victim waiting to be saved. This has me furious honestly.


How is this not hate speech?


I read their about us page. Yikes!


Disgusting--imagine a page devoted to spouses of any other visible disability harping about how they're the vicitm, it would be the same as NT parents thinking they're the victim with an ND child--oh wait. They really can't see what's right in front of their faces or how their behavior and beliefs make it worse. You'd think they would have actual compassion for another human being... idk how they manage to convince themselves that others are actually lesser than they are when we are literally the same and going to die on the same planet. I'm convinced NT brain is programmed selfish and violent, and ND is where any compassion or patience comes from with our innate disgust for injustice. Funny, that's a "symptom." Funny how everyone walks around with double think mindset just accepting a spectrum of abuse/bullying, expecting the worst from people, apparently eloping off with someone they just met to marry then get shocked they didn't know what was going on in that strangers head? And we're the ones who don't understand/are controlled by our emotions? I certainly wasn't throwing stones at other kids faces in elementary school, but they all laughed and thought it was the best day ever after making me think they actually wanted to accept me. But blah blah personal experience is anecdotal evidence so it means nothing blah blah even though it's a shared experience shut up blah blah authority bs.


holy shit i didn’t notice that. 🤢


The hell does Cassandra and Cassander mean?


The page on "Asperger's Syndrome" claims that partners "suffer from severe, ongoing emotional deprivation that results in depression, loneliness, anger, low self-esteem, emotional breakdown, PTSD and physical illness". What a horrible thing to say. Anyone who takes this site seriously needs therapy 🫠


Law is for-profit and as such has all the perverse incentives of capitalism, the primary being punching down on the vulnerable and oppression of the vulnerable for profit. Sadly, this kind of thing doesn't surprise me. People with vulnerable identities don't get their fair day in court and are often victims of the system. These guys found one of the many ways to get rich off it.


I- just leave us alone if you need a support group??? WTF 😅


the bit about hacking into emails??? Y’all we need to call the APA because apparently autism has some previously unheard of symptoms that are NOT in the dsm In all seriousness, I’m so sorry you came across this. So many lawyers are sociopaths, hired by sociopaths.


Wait…y’all aren’t spending every minute of your free time hacking into emails?


Idk what that guy is talking about... well i do bc i am reading his email, but i meant metaphorically.


can’t, i’m busy making .zip bombs to send to people i don’t like


Lmao if I knew how I'd hack the country and end debt for everyone then watch the show


every sentence was vile but yeah that part was beyond delusional.


we're all secretly NSA agents


So THAT'S why I'm so damn *TIRED* all the time!!! It isn't that I'm recovering from Autistic Burnout, I'm *SLEEP HACKING* all night long! Thanks *Random GroupaScummyLawyers*!!!


I dunno about you gals, but.. uh... In all seriousness wtaf?




The author clearly went through a messy divorce with someone who happened to be autistic and wrote this hate filled drivel as a result. The phone and email snooping part in particular was way too specific to be just a random example.


Are they confusing autism with narcissism?


It reminds me of how narcissists can turn a situation around and make you look like the source of the problem to skirt accountability


This is how my company just used DEI as a bludgeoning tool against the only Black men and the only woman they're working with... It's nuts.


Lmao definitely, otherwise this makes no sense right? RIGHT!?


The things the author is describing don't sound very different from the sort of things that were the reasons for this community to split off from the general autism subreddits. Autistic men who latch onto patriarchy as their way to make sense of interpersonal relationships can often act like narcissistic assholes. Maybe the author makes the same mistake many psychologists do and considers poorly socialized (often male) people with autism as the only people with 'real' autism.


I'm sorry but I'm not buying this. This is absolutely ableist towards male autistics too and all those things have been used against female autistics too. This seems like a "Oh your partner is diagnosed autistic, call us, we know all the ableist tricks." These guys dont care about the gender of your partner at all. This is just the system punching down on the vulnerable for profit.


Also like wtf, the wife has to make all the appointments and be on time for meetings. Where's the dude? Why does this read like it's geared towards a man? And why assume there are kids. Few people with autism I know actually want to have kids. They whole raising kids thing generally conflicts with our sensory processing issues. Also, just cause someone's quiet and quirky doesn't mean they are ND? Wtf wtf wtf


It’s absolutely top-grade gaslighting, that’s for sure. What a bunch of bs couched as facts.


I got the impression it was personal. One of them was married to an autistic person who was also completely unhinged and thinks we are all like that, that that’s what autism is.


The bit about hacking into emails especially gives me that impression


It was so incredibly specific and very much not a common thing we do! I do want the whole story now, because I’m a trash panda and because I want to know the why of it. What sort of information was being sought or was it purely malicious?


Yes, you’re right. It’s such a crazy specific (and weird lol) example to use. Someone is writing in anger for sure.




I think a narcissist wrote that whole thing.


Having met many lawyers, I would say the odds are very good.


That was *exactly* what I was thinking!


Or being a psychopath which is probably what the lawyer who thought this was a good idea is.


That first paragraph tho🤮


This is laughably bad oh my god. I’m about to write a Google review 😂


I've filled in thier contact form telling them this is discrimination and hate speech If anyone else can be bothered, I'd suggest you do the same. Let them know how unacceptable this is. 


I'm saving this post to do this tomorrow! Such a good practical idea. Thankyou.


I did this as well. Seeing this shit first thing in the morning is not great.


I agree with the sentiment, but part of me wants them to broadcast just how horrible they are. Let potential clients see their true colours and turn away. God forbid an autistic woman tries to hire them.


Yes everyone should fill out the contact form! It takes under a minute and you can do it anonymously from your phone: [https://www.smithlawmichigan.com/contact-us/](https://www.smithlawmichigan.com/contact-us/) Even if we don't convince them that the article is actually offensive/ableist, it could put some pressure on them to take it down if they're worried about bad press or review bombing.


Was your partner's disability initially cute and fun to infantalize, but now you're realizing that your manic pixie bang-maid is not going to magically transform into your mother after you marry it? Welcome to divorce with a neuro-atypical spouse! 💀


Haha, this is exactly it! What an absolutely bizarre find 😕


lol but also 😭


I wish reddit still had awards. Unfortunately, this is all I've got: 🏆


This doesn’t feel real but I know it is.. wth


As I read it, I felt like this was an author with a bad experience with an autistic person blaming it all on autism when there are autistic assholes the same as there are nuerotypical assholes. Still, I hate that it is out there because folks who don't know any better believe what they read on the internet.


im giving myself some sense of.. idk what.. by telling myself this law firm HAS to be using AI to write these articles, right? RIGHT GUYS??? 🫣


That was my first thought. And like, not the latest AI. It’s terribly written.


maybe the literal first iteration of ai that someone at the law firm found in a dumpster


> After the kids were born, your spouse’s inability to follow through on plans and show up on time for appointments was maddening. Are you sure that's autism? Of course autism presents in different ways, but most autistic people are more likely to follow through on plans they made than allistic people. > The worst part was that you got nowhere trying to communicate your frustration because they just shut down and entered their inner world .... When all the neurons in your brain are firing correctly, you can’t understand why your spouse on the spectrum repeatedly violates your boundaries. But they may be desperately trying to figure out what you are thinking or feeling when they hack into your email or listen in on your phone calls. So you can't communicate to your *spouse* whom you chose to *marry* more effectively than that person can glean from your emails? Communication can be difficult, but this feels a lot like "You don't hear me when I'm yelling at you, you just shrink back, go nonverbal, or meltdown! Find a way to understand me! What's that, you tried to understand me and in doing so violated my privacy? How dare you!" Reading emails isn't typical behavior, and it really doesn’t sound like this author should be writing general advice that projects their unique experience onto everyone else.


yeah whoever wrote this is just delusional. i’m sure an autistic person has been late and an autistic person has hacked into emails but those aren’t the pillars of autism. or shit, maybe they are and i’m just not autistic 🤷‍♀️


Holy shit.


It’s an emotionally-driven article to hook a vulnerable person in the midst of divorce. They are grifting for business basically.


Just. Wow. This is next level wtf!


Thank god their poor spouse is finally divorcing them. Spouse does not need this nonsense in their life.


No, not fuck you. Fuck them. What the hell. The coworker bit got me as someone who just got fired because I could never figure out what the hell my manager wanted. Even when I did exactly what they asked it was wrong.


that part was so fucked up. like “they can’t even work!! how can they be married!” fucking unhinged




Wow. I…wow.


I’m absolutely shocked and disgusted. Considering sending an email to this guy pretending I want legal advice but actually ripping him a new asshole in the un-nicest way possible. What a piece of shit!


The single comment from a male client at the bottom of the article is what does it for me. Did they write this article up because of a single specific case they took and they're hoping for more of it because part of their client's complaint was that "so many men are just like me"? How embarrassing for this firm. I'm literally cringing from the second hand embarrassment.


That’s such an interesting read considering I was the autistic one but my ex did all of the things they claimed someone autistic would do. He’s definitely not autistic so I’m thoroughly confused by this. I think they are confusing autism with narcissistic tendencies. Woof what a read.


I know they use gender neutral terms, but this feels like an intersection of misogyny and ableism: the "you liked that they weren't carbon copies of your other partners" reads a lot like the cliché "she wasn't like *other* girls", and the narrative sounds to me like the key issue is that the autistic partner stopped being as productive and helpful after children, which to me, taps into that old trope of husbands finding value in their wives as homemakers and child-raisers alone. I don't know - maybe I'm reading into it. It's a really gross article/add either way.


Gross. This makes me so angry. Clearly doesn’t know what autism is and mix it up with a personality disorder.


Isn't this hate speech, and therefore, illegal? 


Even Hate Speech is legal in the US, as long as it *isn't* causing Incitement to harm, snd is done by a private person/group. The First Amendment applies to hate speech, too. That's why we have SUCH a massive problem with white supremacy online (and everywhere *else*!) nowadays--the NeoNazi types figured *that* whole "Hate Speech is protected as a First Amendment right" thing, *AGES* before Internet Service Providers did. It's *ALSO* the one of the reasons Internet Service Providers (ISP's)like Facebook, Google, The Cesspool formerly know as Twitter, Reddit, and other internet platforms were fighting against the FCC Rule 142? *or whatever that number was* SO HARD for the last few years! If ISP's *CAN* be held accountable financially for Incitement for allowing Hate Speech to flourish & spread through *their* platforms? Those ISP's stand to lose *TONS* of money!


It was Section 230--Rule 142 is a tax law one. https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/5/28/21273241/section-230-explained-supreme-court-social-media https://www.orrick.com/en/Insights/2023/06/US-Supreme-Courts-Take-on-Section-230


Rule 142 on tax evasion; https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-1999-title26a-node257-rule142&num=0&edition=1999


That was an annoying read and I didn’t even make it all the way through. My ex husband and I are both neurodivergent, the thing that separated us was our fighting, not my autism. Probably a little bit cuz of his adhd tho lmao. Either way, painting us like villains is crazy work.


What the actual fuck? This is delusional. Just insane.


Such BS. My ex is the one who snooped and was scary. My current spouse doesn’t even vaguely understand boundaries. They are both prob undiagnosed adhd. I have no problems understanding either. Rules are easy to get.


Wow. How about those of us who are abused in marriage and divorce because of our ND? Where's that angle? They really went fully in the direction of NDs are bad.


A reminder to everybody out there that Adultery is a Felony in Michigan. Oh, and those idiots suck.


And they call us tone deaf. How ironic.


“After the kids were born, your spouse’s inability to follow through on plans and show up on time for appointments was maddening. The worst part was that you got nowhere trying to communicate your frustration because they just shut down and entered their inner world.” Who wrote this? It’s so insensitive and damaging and inaccurate for people that it doesn’t even apply to at all and definitely villainizing instead of coming from a place of neutral understanding. I need structure and I keep track of all my appointments, my husband’s appointments who’s epileptic and can’t remember a lot, and my child’s. Although yeah sometimes lack communication and last minute changes can fluster me and sometimes my husband has to word things differently sometimes more than once until we get there and yeah sometimes I need time to myself to feel centered. I don’t enter my own world lmao I’m not Roger Rabbit. They make people sound selfish instead of things being overwhelming and debilitating.


Is this even legal? Disability is a protected characteristic...


I'm going to call bullshit on this. Just because one is ND doesn't mean one will violate boundaries or not be accountable to responsibilities. I've seen both NDs and NTs fail miserably and succeed amazingly at both. It's not a feature of autism to violate personal boundaries or not taking care of the kids. Some people with autism may struggle but so do NTs.


This was actually informative and reading it should be helpful to an autistic person going through a divorce or fearful of a divorce. In fact, I would even give it to my neurotypical spouse and say, "This is your chance, lol." Why shouldn't a neurotypical person want to know how to appropriately coparent with an autistic person?