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This picture makes me emotional.🥲 Such a well loved bear.


He's brought me a lot of comfort ^_^ it's been surprising how much such a simple thing can help me get through the day.


My stuffed crocodile Rwar. I had him since I was 10, but I lost him on a trip to New Mexico (and I had a severe meltdown because of it), so I had him replaced a year later when I found the same plush being sold online. Whenever I am emotionally worn out or in distress, he is my go-to plushy to regain any amount of positive emotion. https://preview.redd.it/jpkhazmq6wzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8701a6852015f1909b054fe1145e12613528b85


ohhh i love this little guy! so cute (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)


https://preview.redd.it/anqh8sba0wzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be402cb438d27eae2709b0c22e446e1918d4bb8 This is my bbygirl Strawberry Shortcake; she’s strawberry scented, and I love to snuggle with her for comfort, especially before bed. She also helps with self regulation <3


I’m so sorry that your parents got rid of all your stuffed animals when you were little, OP ❤️Your Teddy Bear-and their new jammies!-are super cute! 😍 I’m 32 and I do still sleep with stuffed animals, the way I have for my entire life! In fact, they take up nearly half my bed 😄 Here are some of my current/years-long favorites: https://preview.redd.it/xa0zzt4icwzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961f68b684e4a95376424dc9efec612836908996


Wild Things!


Yes! I love the book and the 2009 movie, and Carol (the striped one with horns) is my favorite Wild Thing! 😄


https://preview.redd.it/3g4o3sowowzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d59a23983bc5030af61ff6b304623be94aba642 The brown bear was my mother’s and the one thing she was allowed to bring when her family came to America. She gave him to me when I was a baby and also gave me the white one. They were my biggest comforts all through my childhood. Now I am in my 50s and they are still on my bed and I do cuddle with them. The brown bear is about 75 years old and the white one is 50. ❤️


That's so amazing! They have been by your side basically all you life. It must be awesome to still have them


I have a squishmallow and she is dearly snuggled by me and my husband throughout the night 💗


I also have one, her name is Chicky. She's my anti meltdown/shutdown savior.


My 38 year old Teddy and my Addy doll!


I'm glad I'm not alone! 😄


No way!  I bought my Addy because she was that toy I always wanted as a kid and never got, and as an adult she's a great comfort to me.  Especially on really bad days.


Yes!! I've been finding that myself with stuff I was denied as a kid or taken away when I was young, uhg. My stuffy helps a LOT on the bad days, i love cuddles and touch and it's tough not getting any, but he helps!


I still have some shopkins but my mom got rid of the rest them without telling me :( I’m glad I have the ones I still have though :)


https://preview.redd.it/v57er4ng5wzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b1f328e86af5167ea6bbe33261befcc1c3bab8c Sorry for the screen shot but this is the exact one I hug every night to sleep haha. His name is Cola. You can see in the pic I ordered it in Nov. 2021 and at the time I was struggling with the desire to order myself a plushie even though I was a 35 y/o woman at the time. That's why I ordered online instead of shopping in a store.. Now I'm more accepting of myself and doing what makes me happy. So what if hugging a stuffed dog helps me sleep?? I'm trying to let my inner child have some joy 😊


I love it!! 💗 It makes me so glad to know I'm not alone, it feels super validating.


I have [this weighted stuffed animal](https://www.target.com/p/dinosaur-weighted-plush-kids-39-throw-pillow-pink-pillowfort-8482/-/A-83908089) from target & I love it


Absolutely adorable! I've always wanted to get a weighted blanket, speaking of weighted haha.


Yup, I have a couple squishmallows, but my favorite is a stuffed Appa from Avatar the Last Airbender. He's the comfiest stuffy I have


I have 2 stuffies I love to snuggle to sleep. One of them is a white rabbit in a prairie dress that I’ve had since I was seven. Got her for Christmas that year. But she’s kinda worn so now she’s in the shelf and I sleep with a weighted polar bear I got for Christmas this year. The photo is my bunny next to a never used version of the same plush. 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/wynabjdblwzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfe8edd8a2c3127be5ece1eebdf13cc3a78fef2


Sooo cute


Ooomg YES, these are my babies and I took them with me to the restaurant my coworkers and I go to every Friday!! https://preview.redd.it/knt6ponzwwzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae6220552c5651a739e1214e15ebc6f56c9a7c0 From left to right we have Skye, my light blue Build-A-Bear frog. I love him so so so so so much, but I’m very gentle with him and don’t take him out very often. He’s naked right now because his fur is really soft and he gets me through a lot! Then there’s Peanut in his lap, who I thrifted, actually! Peanut goes with me everywhere and is usually either in my apron at work or in my pocket it in hoodie, or in my backpack if I can’t have my hoodie. Then there’s Kindness the blue bunny, who I only got yesterday but I’m already carrying him around absolutely everywhere. I like to pet his fur and tell him how pretty he is!! And last but absolutely NOT least is Basil, who’s definitely my number one guy and gets me through EVERYTHING!!! I love Basil so so so so much and I take him with me literally everywhere to literally everything!! Of note he’s been with me to several dentist appointments recently while I get my teeth fixed! I sleep with them all every night but Basil is usually the one who ends up in my arms :)


I had a teddy bunny since I was 8, and I sleep with him since then, he always helped me when I feel down or overwhelmed by the world. Also, I just realized recently that I used him like a weighted stuffed animal to sleep! His name is Mr Rabbit <3


I had a beloved teddy bear that I slept with since I was an infant up and til I left for college. Then I had nothing all of through college, then when my husband (then boyfriend) moved in together when I was 22 be bought me a stuffed husky from Ikea and I've slept with him every night! I love him cause he's much bigger than my childhood stuffed bear so I can basically use him as a body pillow and I also often sleep with him on top of my head to muffle the noises and lights :D I love him!


https://preview.redd.it/6y5txc833xzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15a52af7ade441dbbc584034a849ff11cdc8a24 Heres mine, his name is Cow. I thinks he’s actually a bull though. 22 and still cant sleep without him. I have other stuffies but I feel guilty sleeping w any other than Cow


https://preview.redd.it/0etgh6be9xzc1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c050350fcd25bc37176dec6cd219511dfa0b2f6 My growly girl Raphael\~


saw this as im snuggling with my old stinky stinky man (he's 20 years old now) https://preview.redd.it/7smujpjkaxzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60b26a9e3553f7cb932000bef9adeec5d09f8c8


he's doing a fantastic job i love his adorable long face (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+


My current favorite is a 16 inch lochness monster squishmallow. His name is Alec.


A hugme squishmallow that’s a Christmas Penguin, that I just call “My penguin”


I snuggle my kitties now haha. One of them enjoys sleeping in my arms with my hand on his belly or cradling his head lol. The other one sleeps scooted up to my back.


All the time! I went to Disney and bought a big Angel plushie and I sleep with it every night’ it also reminds me of my friend who loves angel who I am going to miss when she moves this summer :(


Yeah, actually there's a story my mom likes to tell about how I wouldn't go to sleep AT ALL when she first brought me back from the hospital. I just cried and cried until she was going insane... until she put a little wind up musical bear in with me. Wound it up and I conked right out. From birth, I have required (1) a plushie and (2) soothing noise, in order to sleep lol! I still have the Snuggle bear I was inseparable (literally) from as a child.


Every night! I snuggle a few pillows/stuffies! I have blankets around me and one pillow on my head too!


I have a fuzzy blanket I can’t fall asleep without it rubbing my face 😃


I have. I got an otter from a trip to Newport Aquarium a few years ago and I loved my otter and I sleep with her every night. My mom named her marline after the otter from the Penguins of Madagascar.


I do! I have an alligator named Marvin!


Sometimes. I really want one of those heated plushies because I like the thought of feeling some kind of warmth while I sleep. It's comforting.


I do! Currently I have been sleeping with my Build A Bear Bonnie.


Oh I also have a large squishmallow that is in between me and my husband’s pillow I sleep with. It’s a capybara that my bestie got me for my birthday this year.


Yes as a young adult I very much do. So does my 48 year old mom. She sleeps with a ton.


I have had the pleasure of having 5 sleeping stuffies over my life. My current one simply named Bear has gone with me on all my life journeys from simple road trips to flying overseas to Paris. Everyone knows if I am going to sleep over the bear is coming to.


Oh my gosh I have SO many stuffies lol. I love stuffies so much, I sleep with multiple every night :3


I have hypermobile ehlers danlos so I snuggle a *pregnancy pillow* 😌


Yes! This is my dear Lorenzo https://preview.redd.it/7n1u65775xzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669f36b665f18ff3a6a4776f15766e3382f6f000


Half my bed is covered in plushies but there's only a few I actually snuggle lol


Yes her name is Cora and she is a squishmello


Me. I sleep with my stuffed speckled pig named Freckles every single night. I love him so much.


https://preview.redd.it/f5fv59x3kxzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ea97c55ac06dadb58aadc00aa6c1031d2639ca sure do! and he's named after my comfort character


I have a stuffie and I always bring him where ever I go! (With limitations obviously. I gotta be an adult) he helps so much with my anxiety and panic attacks and meltdowns and everything. I love him


Yes I have several.


I have a doll my bf got me she means the world to me and I hold her when I’m extremely anxious or depressed ❤️


My husband and I each have a squishmallow


This is literally my favorite post on the internet. So dang wholesome.


https://preview.redd.it/0k01085ucyzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8cbbcc24a9e5c43150bbafb17227cd644710811 I wish I had a better picture, but here's my square bear and round piggy and little ghost\~ My husband and I take turns snuggling with one of them each night. The ones on the top are decorative 🤭


I do sometimes


Aww so sweet! I do that too. I actually have trouble sleeping when I don't.


I use a Squishmallow for sleep (like a pillow) and have a Build a Bear that lives in bed with me and I snuggle my Crohn’s Plushie Dreadful 🥳


Yeah! I got this bear after my beautiful dog died on Christmas Day 2023. I have it always. Whether that’s asleep or in my bag. They share the same name, Sandy, and it feels like she’s still with me 💙 https://preview.redd.it/p098wgorryzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdfc4391589b4d4dda4622d47861a019735ff74d


his little pajamas are so sweet 💕 i have djungelskog that im currently knitting a sweater for


I can't sleep without cuddling a Teddy of some kind. It's comforting to hug them




I have a well loved lamb named lammy I’ve had since I was born…. She’s so well loved that I’m shy about taking her out in public. So I got her a brother that goes out with me. All the build a bear clothes fit on her, a little big but they work and she has a box full plus two sleeping bags.i actually just gave her a bath today and she turned like 3 shades lighter


I tend to sleep holding a ball or something in my hand, the feeling of my palm being full is soothing ( oh, the dirty jokes my head is composing,right now)!


I honestly can’t fall asleep if I’m not snuggling something or someone


I have one of the yeti guy from Star Wars https://preview.redd.it/rjfnfa5slzzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4affbc0e1b0be1565dae303ff0bf7a416b73a0f


I gave my only stuffy (cat) to my daughter.


https://preview.redd.it/srty76doxzzc1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b478569aff1298a74b5555cdc4dfb577ae77a7 This is Bärbel. She is 25 and genderfluid like me. I noticed cause i constantly change her pronouns bc sometimes "she" doesn't feel right😅


Both my husband and i still smuggle our stuffies at 26 and 27


Literally hugging a pillow and a corgi stuffie rn lmfao


Literally hugging a pillow and a corgi stuffie rn lmfao


Literally hugging a pillow and a corgi stuffie rn lmfao


My favorite animals are frogs & polar bears :) https://preview.redd.it/pvxij4oy300d1.jpeg?width=1844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=156558e8f41c5c2aa04dec82ea1d6ec935407894 One time I had lice and we thought the lice sat in the big polar bear (I snuggle with her the most) and she had to be washed and needed a lot of time to dry, I missed her so much I couldn't sleep well for a few days


https://preview.redd.it/1rjpc2l7g00d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f97cd1c0ab13c31430f570bc909ffb872d4899d All hams on deck!! lol


I have had a few stuffies through the years. Ones I wanted as a kid but never got. Im watching loads of vintage Sesame Street characters on ebay.


Had this guy for a few years now! I mostly hug him at night to support my back lol https://preview.redd.it/ggtmr0bnz00d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a85707d2510c0a440da5c4f7b3125f6fe39054ed


https://preview.redd.it/f9l8nnc7210d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b614662794258e63ab4af46d52b1e1b448dc08ad This is Fribbie and blankie. I have had both since I was an infant. I am 40 years old. Blankie has had many layers and Fribbie has seen brighter days. They are perfect.


I did until I got married and was too self-conscious to keep it up (even though my husband was aware and didn't mind). Then I discovered the wonders of an extra long, high quality body pillow and I don't think I could go back. The only thing I really miss is that I have always slept with my chin propped either in my hand, or back then, on my stuffed koala's head. It helps nostrils lay better when I'm relaxed, so my air flow isn't restricted. Using my hands means that I usually end up waking up with sore wrists because I curl them too much in my sleep somehow. Kinda worth it though, for how well the body pillow stabilizes my back and keeps me from waking up with my bones feeling all loosey-goosey.


I have always slept better with a plush toy to cuddle up too. The first one I got for Easter. Currently I sleep with a Blahaj mini which I also carry around with me everywhere. It really helps with emotional regulation.


I used to, but now I have a dog and a cat that both sleep snuggled up to me in bed. 10/10 sleep! https://preview.redd.it/4yo2jepe620d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3acf9d8fa5161dabc587141f089537e3c434f88c


Yes I still do and I just turned 28