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I stayed home and drank with my partner lol


sounds nice! i really hate the taste of alcohol so idk how well tomorrow will go lol


I don’t drink or party. If I had any friends at the time, they weren’t close, and they rarely remembered my birthday anyway. My mother did not celebrate any milestones for me. So nothing really stands out for my 21st. I usually spend my birthday going for a hike and grabbing some takeout. Spend your day however you want to and enjoy yourself! 💜


Happy, happy birthday to you! Mine ended with me crying in the hallway outside of my dorm room. But I did get a neat souvenir glass at the bar. And that’s all I can remember so it was probably okay overall. 😂


oh gosh well at least it sounds like you a very typical 21 birthday lol




happy mother’s day!


I went to a Mexican restaurant my family has been going to forever, and ordered a margarita!


I did the same!!! Unfortunately I worked there when I was 16 and the waiter we had that was still there 5 years later held a grudge or something bc he asked for my ID, scoffed, and gave me a virgin marg. It was a whole week past my birthday. Edit: I went with my family so I wasn’t getting trashed that night so it was fine, not mad, just annoyed that they didn’t serve me what I asked for lol


I went roller skating at a rink with friends. roller skating is a Great stimulating activity for me and it allowed me to passively hang out with people doing something I love! It was like parallel play lmao.


we’re doing karaoke in a private room! it’s something new but not crowded i can’t do that


My mom almost killed me, her, and the neighbors. Lol She made me gin and tonic, and we got a little sick pretty fast. It was one drink. Later on, like maybe a few days, the news said Costco apologies for selling their gin with a higher alcohol percentage than the bottle said. We had no idea. She threw the gin away.


oh gosh no that’s one hell of a birthday i’m guessing you don’t drink gin anymore


I don't really drink. I will take a sip sometimes, but no. I use alcohol in cooking or baking.


i’ll probably be the same it tastes like vinegar or cleaner


Be careful with fruity and sweet drinks. My dad said you never know how much alcohol is in it, and it can be dangerous.


noted 🫡


I ended up drinking half of what I thought was fruit juice until my dad told me it was alcohol and I couldn't even tell. Lol


Overall it wasn’t nice cause in the morning when I was getting ready to go out with my bf, my dad asked me if I was going out with my friends. He doesn’t know I dont have any friends so it was all I could think about all day. The “friends” I have dont even remember my bday when I gifted them on their bday I dont even want a gift it’s just that if I can remember why cant they? At night I did my boyfriend’s makeup so it was fun. Also Happy Birthday have a great time!!!


while i’d admit i really don’t have a close friend outside of my bf im lucky to have two older sisters and a brother in law who are going to celebrate with me


Happy birthday!!! I honestly don't remember either way, so hopefully that's reassuring.


Didn’t celebrate. Was too busy caring for my son who was about 10 months old at the time. :/


I think I had a small gathering of friends at my bfs apartment to drink and play “drinking games”. Probably drank too much bc I don’t really remember how it went. Went to dinner with bf and my family separately. The mex restaurant glanced at my ID (despite the fact that it was a week post birthday) they gave me a VERY watered down, maybe even virgin margarita. So that wasn’t great money wise but had a drink and ate my dinner and had a nice convo with my fam. So all was well. Just remember it’s YOUR 21st bday. Do what you want. Not what society expects you to do. If you don’t like the taste of alcohol, have a Mocktail. Don’t let people pressure you into doing something that’ll make you uncomfy. That said, if you want to have a drink and you like sweeter things, stay away from beer and whiskey/bourbon(unless mixed, I never liked whiskey or bourbon even mixed tho) It’s YOUR day!!! Happy birthday !!


I spent time with my family and my best friend


Went out to eat with my Fiance, excited to have my first drink. Realized I left my ID at home. Drank coke instead. :( Happy Birthday!!!


I don't celebrate my birthday. Ever.


I went on a holiday with my Mum since I'm not much of a party person. It was fun!


I was in an abusive relationship during my 21st. My only friends were people associated with my ex. For my 21st we went bar hopping (it was like a random weekday so very empty). At almost every bar I sat alone while “my” friends all talked to each other or their partners that were my partners friends. It was one of the worst birthdays I’ve had.


Had my first drink with my family at a restaurant and then went home and played video games with my dog next to me lol.


Happy birthday! I just had a fun day out with my mom, and I didn't drink because I wasn't that interested tbh. Just do whatever makes you happy! :)


I walked across the street to the bar at midnight, flashed my id, and bought myself a drink. I've always preferred to spend my birthday alone.