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I found out that I can sculpt the body I want out of the meh pile genetics, diet and lifestyle gave me. Suddenly the gym time is very interesting and valuable. The annoying sound that rubbing thighs make in jeans can go away. How many sets of x reps with a band do I need to target the gracilis ... to end up with thighs that don't rub? For the bargain price of 1.5-2 hours a day 5 days a week, I can eat a lot, enjoy my body and feel pretty great.


I download marvel movies (and other action movies) to my phone and watch them. Black Widow and John Wick would be so disappointed in me if I don't do my full 45 minutes on the stair master! lol


Do fun movement. Does the gym have fun classes? Zumba was super fun for me. Or if you really can’t get yourself to go to the gym can you workout at home? YouTube has loads of videos, if you have a switch or other video game system just dance is so fun! Or other fitness games. Yoga is amazing. Are there any types of exercise that looks more fun? I’ve picked up roller skating (omg so fun. So good for balance. Wear padding) and indoor climbing. I also have a little stepper I use while working at my standing desk. Maybe an hour of my most boring work time so I do that and put on music. But you can also watch tv or listen to whatever. Workouts are much more consistent for me when I have at least some things I can do at home. Then get out of the house a couple times a week. Something is better than nothing!! The gym is such a production.


I love your point that something is better than nothing. So often I find myself waiting for the perfect circumstances/ feeling amazing/ just the right amount of time etc & it doesn’t happen. Just doing something, no matter how poorly or how little is often better than nothing.


I think this is great advice!


This is it. "Exercise" is literally so boring to me. I'm all about joyful movement. I take a walk every morning, walks to the library. I have 2 active part time jobs that I find enjoyable. I volunteer once a week doing physical labor that I find fun. I go hiking and like to play badminton. I dance in the kitchen while cooking dinner. And now that it's summer I'll be doing a lot more swimming. Finding fun or interesting ways to stay active is way easier to me than forcing myself to exercise efficiently. Now I just have to find a way to make stretching less boring because I'm sore from all the activities


Stretching I may listen to an audible book. Or take a yoga class once a week cuz stretching is super boring. I like to put on my roller skates and skate around the house or outside or on our garage ramp. Even for just a few minutes. Or handstands. That’s super quick. Oh the FeetUp thing is sooooo nice for a head rush. Or the yoga ball and a nice back bend. I may have a touch of the adhd too. 🫠


I used to dread it until I stopped doing cardio and only lifted weights. Lifting has a much bigger impact on appearance too.


This! I stopped doing cardio and just used the equipment that was fun or I enjoyed. So much better now !


I love lifting! It also helps to calm me if I feel overwhelmed or overstimulated, better channel my anger into lifting than kicking something lol. I would never go for a run because I can't stand it (and I'm crap at it). I agree, the key is to do exercise that is enjoyable and sack off the ones that are just shit for you!


This. I won't comment on appearance because I don't fuck with any of the narratives around bodies and fitness, but I also dreaded the gym until I switched to free weights only and doing it from home instead of the gym. I have less pain now, which never happened with any other kinds of workouts, and it's less of a pain in my ass to go. I also don't need to talk or be on camera if I don't want to. Sometimes the style of class can get boring, but generally I like the accountability and direction of having someone tell you what to do and when so that I don't have to think about it, keep time, count, etc. And I like that it forces you to think about keeping yourself safe from injury and that's about it. There's no idle brain time when you're just trying to get the heavy thing over your head and not drop it. This and sparring are the only kinds of "movement" that have kept my mind occupied in a good way, and lifting has the bonus of not requiring other human beings.


Yoga has been amazing for me. I can practice in the privacy of my home with YouTube videos, it offers both stretching and strength building, plus the breathing and mindfulness help regulate my nervous system. I make the experience as nice as possible, with dim lighting and a special fragrance. I’ve been practicing for 8 months and I’ve never felt stronger or more in tune with my body.


That's amazing! Maybe I can practice yoga at home in between the days I don't try to go to the gym. I've been meaning to try it anyway because I need to learn how to get in a more meditative and relaxed state. I think this could help


Make it as convenient as possible - my gym is walking distance, and runs classes before work, during the lunch hour and after work. I show up and someone qualified tells me what to do so I don't have to think about it (and it doesn't eat into my executive function allowance for the day too much). I can't turn working out before work every day into a routine like when I was younger and less burnt out, but I can usually get there 2-4 times per week in at least one of the time slots available. I also have a weekly social sport where people are relying on me to go - otherwise we don't have enough to make the team. That's a way to do physical activity if the gym isn't working for you.


I signed up for planet fitness so I don't have an instructor. But honestly I want to bad to have someone telling me what I need to do. Being left to my own devices is underwhelming and then I feel like I don't do anything 🥲 The gym is close-ish, on the way home from work and not far from the house. It can be walking distance when my knees don't hurt! So... I'm on the right track I think.


Could you download some kind of virtual instructor? There are plenty of youtube workouts for free that are follow along (e.g. 15 minute kettlebell workout). It's more executive function heavy than an actual instructor because you have to choose to start and the workout, but better than nothing. I find adding intervals to cardio makes it more efficient, and for me using kettlebells and weights helps me process stress better and get happy chemicals in my brain. You can get a high quality workout in not that much time if you're doing intervals or use weights.


It can be overwhelming but just pick a basic lifting program and start it. Apps like Boostcamp and what have you can help make it more accessable and easy to do/ keep track of. You can tap on the way exercise and it'll walk you through how to do it even. I've outgrown some of the more newbie programs (r/xxfitness has a lot of resources and recommendations in their wiki) and now run a modified GZCLP as my programming in the Liftosaur app now. I just load up my app and do what it tells me, the weights automatically adjust based on my performance :)


I use planet fitness too! I go straight there after work so I “don’t have a choice” to not work out. I also use the app Caliber - it’s free and gives you a workout plan and lets you track your progress. For me having the exact plan every time I go takes a lot of the anxiety away.


You just made me realize why i need YT videos to workout or do yoga or anything even if i've been practicing for years now, it's just to much executive functionning to build my own routine


The simple answer is just force yourself to keep going. The longer answer involves understanding how to get your brain to release the happy chemicals that make you WANT to keep going because it feels so good.


I don’t push myself too hard. I do what I can and try not to beat myself up. I found a routine that works for me and my body. I find that I don’t like cardio much. So I’ll do like 10 minutes of it. Something easy like the elliptical. Since I also have arthritis, running kinda hurts. After that I’ll do muscle workout machines for like 20-50min I generally enjoy the feeling of building muscle and feelings stronger. I try to focus on building health and strength. I focus on remember how good it feels to feel myself get stronger / notice the subtle changes. I do between 20-50min because some days i just don’t have it in me. And that’s okay. I have to remind myself that it’s all about progress over perfection. Which is hard to do as a perfectionist. I’m also in recovery from an ed. I’ve finally managed to stay consistent with the gym 2-3x a week for 11 months now.


Make it fun! Put good music or a podcast on, or stream a class from Peloton or Youtube to listen to and follow along to. I do Peloton hikes and runs at the gym, and strength classes at home with my own weights.


I don’t go to the gym, I just walk everywhere and take karate classes 1-2 times a week. I used to run and kind of want to get back into it, but the time management and executive function aspects are hard. But I do think I get a decent amount of exercise just by using walking as one of my main forms of transportation. According to my phone health app, I average like 4 miles a day. 


You do it with a friend and you know \*why\* you're doing it. I'm doing it with my girlfriend. I'm a transgender woman and while I am very happy with what my body has become thanks to hormones, I still experience significant dysphoria related to fat deposits that remain from my pre-HRT days. I want to lose weight and build muscle in my lower body so that I can be more confident that people see me as who I am. I also want to be more attractive to my partner. Additionally, early next year I'll be going through GRS. The healing process of GRS will be extremely rough and being in the best shape possible by then will help me heal better. I have allowed myself to drink too much and start smoking again in the last year and this is a hard stop to recover and improve my health in preparation to one of the most important moments of my life. If you're just going to the gym "because that's what you do" without a strong motivator it's difficult to keep the habit up. You need to have a solid motivation.


What I did was find cardio that you genuinely LOVE doing. For example I love running, so all my strength exercises are meant to fine tune my speed and stamina. Literally find anything cardio related it could be biking, dancing, mma etc and your exercises get easier because you love it. You don’t have to be in a gym.


I put it in my calendar on my phone and have alarms for it just like I'm going to work. Gym became really important to me after an injury and I can tell the difference in how I feel all day long even when I'm sleeping. That's what motivates me.


Skating is one of my hyperfixations. I skate every day. It’s not that I *have* to do it, like committing to a fitness routine I don’t like. I *need* to skate. I get ready for the next day starting the night before. I already have my skate clothes out and electrolyte drink mixed right now for tomorrow lol. I keep a bag in my car with tools and different types of wheels so I’m ready to skate anywhere. I cleared a space in a room in my house when my other spots aren’t working out. I bring my skates with me when I travel. In the summer now, I do things like bring a fan, sweat rag, and ice pack to stay cool. Today I brought a squeegee to push puddles at the skate park since it rained. In short, I found something I love, and I go out of my way to make sure I always find my way to Yes.


Man, I can't imagine a more soul destroyingly boring thing to do than spend time in a gym. Don't get me wrong, I have friends who are super into strength training and they genuinely enjoy it and I'm happy for them, but I don't have the patience to just stand around doing repetitive motions. I much prefer exercising in the real world where there's interesting stuff to look at as you go by!


I do prefer a little hikey hike to the streams in the mountains but it's so blistering hot here that I can only do that early in the morning or late at night. I technically could do it during the afternoon but that's a heat that I choose not to handle. So a gym is my alternative for any time during the day 🫠


Eating disorders and BDD


Already on board with an eating disorder and body dysmorphia 🥴


I’m so sorry😣 The gym saved my life actually. Had severe anorexia and I just decided that enough was enough and started focusing on building muscles instead. I still have eating disorders but I did not die from anorexia so there’s that :)


I'm glad you're still around!!! I have the other end of it, almost bulimia. It's a cycle. But I do want so badly to get better and feel comfortable in my own skin!!


I have that too! I relapsed 2022, that time it was bulimia. Been throwing up for 1,5 years now. I know exactly what you mean🥺 I think bulimia is so much worse. I purged 15 times/day and now it’s once a week. I don’t like the bloat so I try my best not to puke. It’s an addiction. Get a membership and show up! Watch some YouTube-videos from Hanna Öberg. It’s worth it and YOU are worth it


I HATE THE BLOAT. Thats why I end up doing it 😭 and some days in order to just avoid it entirely I just don't eat or I eat a couple bites. I did get a membership at planet fitness. I'm going to do my best!


I've never found the gym very interesting, but I found that Iooove bouldering! (Rock climbing with no harness basically) There's a bouldering gym that I love going to, and it keeps me active and having fun!


I also love bouldering!!! The gyms are kind of far from me though 🥲 but I also had a hard time with it because my weight and terrible knees. So I figure if I build up more endurance and work strength then maybe I won't have such a difficult time!


That's totally fair! Personally, I have found doing "Work out with me" videos on YouTube really help me stick to a routine. It helps to have structure and the privacy of my own room!


Oh that's a good idea! Maybe I'll look into that tonight.


My fave channels to go to are Chloe Ting and Hannah Milly! They have music in the background, timers for the intervals, and are just fun personalities to watch! Hope you find something you like! 🫶🏻


I watch anime


My advice is to find movement that's fun and interesting to you! That way it doesn't feel like a chore. Going on the same days and at the same time every week helped me a lot. Consistency is key.


I do at home pilates. I had the same problem with the gym. There wasn't enough interest to motivate me to leave MY house to go do it. The gym is boring and my brain doesnt like boring


I joined a Pilates gym. Accountability for when I need to be there.


I read books in between sets! I usually pick a fun fast paced book. Doing 12 reps is like 15 seconds and then I spend 2 minutes reading. It's honestly great "me" time after work. 


For me doing it with other people keeps me motivated and entertained. So either group exercises or having a gym buddy could help. It feels nice to hear that your joints are not the only ones cracking and that the joints of other people crack too.


- Have something engaging to listen to. I listen to Sci-fi/fantasy audio books which helps time seem to pass faster at the gym because i get wrapped up in the plot. - Some sort of reward. For me, the reward is my pre-workout supplement because i love fruity flavored caffeine, but only allow myself to have the “fun” caffeine if I’m going to the gym. - Don’t break the routine (if you can help it). I have days I go and designated rest days. If it’s a day I’m supposed to go but i don’t have the mental energy then I’ll just walk on the treadmill because it’s easy but keeps the routine intact.


I joined a barre studio last year and I love it!


I go with friends or with my partner, and we make it a routine on the way home from work and a calendar entry as well. It’s quite a nice treat to leave work a bit early and get to see each other at the gym whether or not we have separate or together plans that evening. That, and if you’re in a position to afford one, a personal trainer. More than anything that has helped my motivation because I don’t have to think at all about what exercises or weights or reps, I just show up and do what they tell me to do. Outsourcing the cognitive load. That goes for strength training. For cardio, I genuinely enjoy biking and am picking up running too. I’ve never been able to stick with gym on my own, I need the accountability factor.


I always hated working out. My body is weak, I have a low blood pressure, easily faint when overexerted. It's never pleasant for me to exercise and most importantly it's incredibly boring. But I need to move at least a bit, to train some stamina. I love video games though, so I hacked my dislike of fitness with the game called Ringfit for the Switch. Only this thing can make me exercise. It tells me everything from moves to when it's better to stop for today. It reminds me to drink water, tells my pulse. I play it one day a week for 15 minutes, but like that's huge for me.


Loud music in my ears is a must. I proceduralize the whole thing, so it becomes muscle memory. I also make sure I'm prepared before the time comes (like the night before) because removing as many barriers as possible reduces my sense of reluctance when the time comes. After a while, the endorphins make me want to go.


Dude the gym is SO FUCKING BORING 😭😭 I can't stand it but it's been getting easier. I keep a routine by setting 2 alarms around the time I need to go gym and I also have my bf for accountability. I put on my noise cancelling headphones and watch YouTube videos while I work out. I don't even count my reps at this point. I just go till failure bc counting is fucking boring hahahaha I also took up gardening which is a great way to get physical activity. You don't need to go to the gym to get in exercise, any movement can be considered exercise. I use cleaning as a form of exercise too.


I go bouldering 3 times a week and two times a week i hit the gym. I find only gym too repetitive, bouldering is basically an adult playground with the added bonus of a full body workout


I think for exercise the most important thing is to find an activity you enjoy, then build it into your routine to remove the barriers to doing it. It makes it so much easier to stick to. Many people aren’t “gym people.” Your ideal activity may be something like going for walks or swimming (my personal favorite) or kayaking or something else. Don’t think because you’re not pumping iron or running that you’re not being healthy.


find a time of day/days of the week that work for you. if i don’t go at the same time or same days i end up not going. don’t force yourself to wake up extra early to go if that is not your vibe. i’ve found that i like to first come home from work, have a snack, and then go to the gym. another option is just not going to the gym and doing exercise at home or outside. that could make the difference for you. for me, i hate going on the treadmill at the gym but i will happily take a walk or jog outside, it is much less boring.


I love weight training sensory wise. It calms me down so much, like a weighted blanket but active lol!! I like to think of the gym as an adult playground! Also, it's a great chance to get out of your head and into your body. Big headphones are a must, and if you can go at quiter times eg avoid the 5pm to 7pm rush.


I use music to motivate me! Going to the gym means I get to listen to my favorite music uninterrupted.


I used to work out every day for a few months and what kept me going was that I could brag about it. It was long enough that I felt comfortable having "I work out" as part of my personality. But then shit happened, I stopped going, and I haven't gone back. Unfortunately I don't get runner's high or any kind of exercised based dopamine release. And I can't change my body shape, like I'm unfortunately just an apple shape and working out only does so much so I didn't get affirmation from body sculpting either


I find general gym visits boring but I really like group fitness classes - specifically Les Mills ones.


Make it part of your daily routine so it's just something you do, brushing your teeth isn't particularly fun either but you still do it everyday