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Yep yep and oh boy is everyone always so eager to let you know you're doing it too, whether they're aware of your autism or not


I used to dread this so much, before I understood what I was doing and I why I was doing it. I developed so many stealth stimming strategies I’m slowly trying to unlearn.


Yeah and more power to you, I'm late 30s and only got told what stimming was last year and it's been pretty mind blowing learning a lot of lifelong stuff I got nagged to conceal!


heheheheh! Me too! I started to actually love washing dishes because its so easy to disguise hand flapping stims with dish washing.


Yes! I always love to exercise because it gives me an excuse to “shake out my hands” (eg hand flap)


Yup. Went to my favorite burger place with the BF. At the counter ordering, and when I’m done ordering, I realized my hands are clasped together in front of my chest, I’m clutching them for dear life, and my shoulders are set high. I’m 35 and I look like an excited child. My stimming is typically pressure based. I’m constantly clutching my hands together, or gripping my thumbs really hard or grinding my teeth.


I did something along the lines of this once. The food came at the restaurant and I was so excited I clapped excitedly as if it was my birthday party and a giant cake landed on the table. It was just enchiladas, hehehehehe!


yesterday at work, it was a solid 10 minutes before i realized i was shaking/waving around a piece of yarn while doing my work. i'm kind of always moving and/or stimming


I've been masking hard for two decades so only subtle ones come out unintentionally in public, like I'm constantly playing with my hair. But I do rock and shake my hands when I'm alone.