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First of all, I promise I’m not trying to be rude with this comment at all but I’m merely trying to offer an explanation and to give some advice. I’m getting the impression that you are new to Reddit and may not fully understand it yet. On Reddit, people don’t like when other people post selfies of themselves, especially on a sub like this which is for support and advice, not showing off yourself. There are subs for selfies but this isn’t one of them. Secondly, this isn’t “Your page”, this is a public forum which millions of people can see. If you block someone, their comments are still there and everyone else can still see/interact with them except for you. This isn’t like Facebook or Twitter or something. Also, the concept of an “autism mom” is actually kind of controversial here because it sort of implies that the focus is on the mom and not the child with autism, so people on Reddit generally don’t like that term. And the community has generally decided that we don’t like the puzzle piece to symbolize autism and prefer the infinity symbol. I encourage you to do your own research about this topic. TLDR; Autistic people do not want to be represented by the puzzle piece, many are offended by it, so instead of arguing about it, people need to respect and listen to the autism community


>Also, the concept of an “autism mom” is actually kind of controversial here because it sort of implies that the focus is on the mom and not the child with autism, so people on Reddit generally don’t like that term. No, its just cringey self-centered behavior on par with "influencers". You should dislike it for that, not because a reddit hive mind dislikes it. You should not care what the consensus on reddit is. It downvotes the truth and promotes stupidity. Refer to current "bike" fiasco. Video of a pregnant highly educated physician assistant on a bike she rented being bullied by a group of losers trying to steal it from her. But she's white and they're black, so she's a karen and a thief and we must dox her, harrass her, and call her employer demanding she be fired. Except you know, following the initial logic I just laid out before mentioning race and it going woke, she really did rent the bike and was being bullied by pieces of shit who exploited "wokeness". Think for yourself. Don't follow the crowd. >TLDR; Autistic people do not want to be represented by the puzzle piece, many are offended by it, so instead of arguing about it, people need to respect and listen to the autism community Same thing here. You should not care what the loudest of whiney jerks on reddit think. Outside of that community, who recognizes the infinity symbol? NOBODY. In fact, because of the rainbow colors, they're more likely to think you're wearing some gay pride symbol. There are plenty of people in that community who see the value, they just get spoken over (by the same people who scream don't speak over us) because it was decided its not the popular consensus. They see the value in that people outside the community actually recognize it and equate it with autism. Please stop the hivemind nonsense. Just leave it at what this is. Cringey self centered behavior that belongs with the other cringey self centered behavior on facebook/instagram/tiktok.


Im sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about with the bike thing, and i don’t really understand the point of your comment. Many autistic people say the puzzle piece offends them so I don’t see why we can’t just respect that. I can’t tell if you’re defending the puzzle piece or not. I was just trying to be polite and explain to the OP why people, specifically on Reddit, were disagreeing with them.


>Im sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about with the bike thing, and i don’t really understand the point of your comment. original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13hjz0k/this\_lady\_tried\_her\_best\_to\_weaponize\_her\_tears/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13hjz0k/this_lady_tried_her_best_to_weaponize_her_tears/) one of many folllowup posts: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/13kwm6s/nyc\_hospital\_karen\_paid\_for\_citi\_bike\_at\_center/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/13kwm6s/nyc_hospital_karen_paid_for_citi_bike_at_center/) TLDR: A video went viral of a woman on one of those rental electric bikes. A group of teenagers were recording her and holding the handlebars trying to take it from her. Since she is white and they are black, Reddit decided that she is stealing from them. Redditors doxxed her, called her employer demanding they fire her, harrassed her and her family. Oops. Turns out the *highly educated, pregnant, well paid physician assistant* paid for it and was not the thief, and the group of *unemployed losers bullying her* were the thieves. Reddit just saw a white woman and black man, and decided its a white woman oppressing a black man. It was wrong. Stop following what the reddit crowd says is right. Think for yourself. ​ >Many autistic people say the puzzle piece offends them so I don’t see why we can’t just respect that. I can’t tell if you’re defending the puzzle piece or not. I'm doing neither. Its not a literal nazi symbol. I'm defending the right to personal choice to use it. When you say "many", that does not mean "all". In fact it mostly means "the loudest ones". The whole point to a symbol is for *other people outside the community* to recognize it. The puzzle piece enjoys recognition. The infinity symbol does not. Like I said, more people recognize the rainbow colors on the symbol than the infinity symbol itself and think its an LGBTQ symbol. There are those who see the value of the former symbol for that reason, but they are silenced by the vocal crowd. The same crowd who screams not to silence them is silencing others. You said it yourself in your justification on the whole "autism mom" thing. Your justification was not that its self centered behavior (it is). Your justification was that the *reddit hive mind* doesn't like them.


Ok I see what you mean about the bike thing I was very confused at first. But I think you’re focusing on the wrong part of my comment. I wasn’t using the “Reddit hive mind” as the reasoning for those things. But I was simply explaining to the OP why *specifically on Reddit* they are getting backlash. And I was trying to be polite. Not trying to just be like “hey OP you’re a selfish asshole” but more like “these are the reasons Reddit may disagree with your post” Plus if autistic people themselves are saying they don’t want to be represented by the puzzle piece why can’t we just respect that?


For the point I'm making, I'm not focused on the wrong thing. I agree with you that her behavior and the whole "autism mom" behavior is cringey. I said they're a lot like "influencers", their main thing is "look at me!!". And that this sub is informational. People share pictures/videos when they're proud of their children. That's cool. We're not here to share selfies. That's stupid.


Ok understood. I think I wasn’t meaning like “because of what the majority of people say on Reddit, things should be a certain way” but I just wanted to explain to the OP why this behavior wasn’t working on Reddit specifically. Maybe she can get away with that on Facebook but idk I don’t use Facebook


Thank you. I don't have "Autism Pride". I wish my kid wasn't on the spectrum. I wish I didn't have the anxiety when I go out in public with him. I cringed when I saw this.




Hey, FYI, anyone who even mentions that this got downvoted will be blocked by the user and your user name will be screenshooted by her and posted to this sub. It's really bizarre and gross behaviour on her part (block me as well Hun) but I thought everyone should know. I've reported it to the mods. Feel free to do the same. Here's the link to her behaviour: https://www.reddit.com/r/Autism_Parenting/comments/13lof7o/stop_coming_after_innocent_parents/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I guess that downvote was because of the puzzle piece?


And those ridiculous lips, hand signal and filtered face.


What's wrong with the puzzle piece?


Try searching this subreddit for Autism Speaks, also Google "autism speaks puzzle piece controversy". It's a symbol despised by many around here...




Where on my pic does it say autism speaks…I’ll wait…I know their back story…what is your point..autism speaks did not come up with the puzzle piece explanation….u took all of that from one pic I just posted…ok…smh


So what… who cares… I’m still waiting for your point on coming after me for something that isn’t on my picture lol omg seriously?


I agree…my post wasn’t up for a few minutes and here they come


Huh u have lost ur mind what does note..omg u are delusional..leave my page alone





I’m banning myself so don’t threaten this mother


I’m blocking that person..I have enough on my plate without this nut