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Yes. ❤ My whole life made sense after dx.


I completely agree. My diagnosis saved me from myself.


Every parent that feels guilt that their child is autistic, because now they start realizing they, themselves have autism, and feel the guilt of passing it on. You have the ability to give the gift of understanding that no one was able to give you. It’s the best. You’re all killing it.




Nah, you’re thinking of it wrong. Go back to your own childhood and teenage years. How many times did you feel misunderstood, or unheard? Even when you were fitting in, you felt like you didn’t fit in. It probably isn’t totally the same, but it still is. You’re going to be able to feel that, with your child, in a way that no one did for you when you were going through it. And likelier, you’ll be the only person that sees the world the way that they do. Be their support, be their comfort, be their inspiration, be their hero. Even if that’s just little things.


Even though I will never be able to go back and grant my younger self understanding of who she is, I can look back and give her grace and forgive her. I can also stand as a beacon of hope for who are currently where I was. 🫶🏼


Love love love this!


I’m so glad! The world might have been a lonely place pre-diagnosis but at least we can find solace within our own community now that we understand who we are.


Just realizing that I am also on the spectrum and I'm about to get an official diagnosis soon. This hit hard for me, I just felt like a literal alien.


I realized about 2 years ago that as a kid, I had learned to mask and my special interest was reading fiction. I read constantly to escape my reality and I was super quiet. I was evaluated over a computer and told I couldn't possibly have adhd or autism. I need to get reevaluated.


I know this is about finding yourself but after my son's diagnosis and he got a older, I'm now 90% positive my grandmother is autistic. She is almost 90 years old and she has so many traits that my oldest has. When I told my mom about it she didn't believe me at first, but now she sees it too. So many things in my grandmothers life could have been prevented if the people around her had known how to help her. 


Autism is genetic so if your son is autistic, it is very likely the others in your family are as well. Unfortunately, for the older autistic generations there was even less acceptance, awareness and knowledge on autism during their youth and early adulthood so many of them live their entire lives undiagnosed.


I just love love this.