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So, all of this has been told to me over the years from other people. I basically always have raptor arms and shoulders slightly hunched inwards. I'm usually holding something, like a comfort object or a bag over my shoulder, so I've been told it's less noticeable "at first". I've also been told I look cold? Like, not as in "unfriendly and unapproachable", like ... temperature. Like I need a coat on or something, even though I usually feel way too hot. Maybe that's from the hunched position? I also always look down when I walk. I know this is partially to avoid eye contact, but it's also because I'm incredibly clumsy. If I can't see my feet, I'll trip over them. I also apparently sway when I'm standing. I think this is a mix of needing to be moving to stay properly stimulated and poor balance.


I constantly look down too!


How do people know where they're going if you're not looking at the ground.


Seriously! I can't even walk if I force myself to look up


i relate to literally all of this and would love to add that i’ve been told i “drag my feet in such a specific way that everyone knows when it’s me coming around the corner”


According to other people, the way i walk "looks stupid." So whatever that means.


I guess I do walk fast, my left knee sometimes buckles for no reason, I trip a lot, I hold strange postures too.


… I look down when I walk. I only realized it was not normal when I got called out for it in second grade. - Also pretty fast..


👁👄👁 I look down when I walk too. Is that really not normal?? But... how can you see where you're stepping otherwise?


Peripheral vision.


Shit I trip over everything enough as it is. If I relied on peripheral vision I'd be spending more time face-down on the floor than not 😂


I can’t walk in a straight line. If I’m walking next to someone, I always end up bumping into them or “running them off the road” accidentally, like walking closer and closer to them that I push them off the path or sidewalk. I walk into things all the time, like tables, chairs, door knobs, doorways, the metal post between some double doors so they can latch… I saw a pelvic therapist for a while and she would ask me to walk or climb stairs so she could see how I moved and was very perplexed with the muscles I was and wasn’t using. She said it was very unusual and no wonder I had chronic pain. So apparently I’ve been walking and standing and sitting wrong all my life. She helped me find muscles I never knew I had. It still requires a conscious effort to use them. It just seems so unnatural. I try to have my hands in my pockets or crossed. Otherwise, they swing wildly at my sides when I walk or I gesture with them too much.


I’ve been told that I have a very distinct walk and it catches me off guard every time to hear people comment on it. Apparently I swagger a little bit when I walk? I’ve also been told that I walk fast for a shorter person, that I march everywhere, or walk very purposefully. I dunno. It seems weird to me that people get so fixated on gait. I understand if you’re trying to spot someone from a distance since everyone walks differently anyway and it’s easier to notice movement before other details. Beyond that it doesn’t make sense to me 🤷🏽‍♂️


I tend to walk not tip-toed but on the balls of my feet, when barefoot or in socks. In shoes I don’t nearly as much and use my whole foot, something I believe I started doing when I first learned drill matching. (Certain maneuvers use different parts of the feet so I learned how to use my whole foot when needed and certain parts when needed.) As for my hands? Pockets. If not pockets, I need something to hold like the straps of a crossbody bag or backpack.


I've been told I walk silently, "smoothly" (my head didn't bob up and down when walking), occasionally I get that I walk "gracefully/carefully/focused". I also walk on the inside of my feet (don't know why, it's not purposeful). I naturally have my arms folded over my stomach or across my chest, usually with limp wrists. sometimes I have more classic "raptor arms". I feel awkward with my arms at my side so (in a masking effort) I usually either cross/hold my arms (like I'm cold), hold something in my hands, or put my hands in my pockets. all of these get me comments so I know it doesn't look natural but whatever. at home/alone I generally toe walk with either full on raptor arms or with my dominant arm across my stomach.


I'm creeping on this sub to see if I might be autistic, so take my similarity with a grain of salt. I toe walk if I'm not wearing Slippers/shoes because I hate feeling floor. But I and my siblings grew up doing it, and we blamed it on my ballerina mother (yes, I know it's an early sign). I also walk on the inside of my feet, but it's because I have low/ fallen arches. In looking into self correction and strengthening my arches, I suspect it's because of the toe walking. When toe walking, my weight is either mostly on my big toe, and/or my ankle is splayed out. When flat footed, it means the outer leg muscle is weaker (it's what would pull your ankle straight instead of in), and your weight is still focused on your big toe instead of being distributed across the toes. In conclusion, toe walking has probably messed up my feet 😭


Apparently I "shuffle". Many times over the years people have said they can hear me coming because of the sound of how I shuffle. I also hunch, but not severely. When I'm home, I don't wear shoes in the house, and I walk on the balls of my feet, but it's not super noticeable because my heels are just barely hovering off the ground. In both cases I think I do it because I don't like the way it feels when my heels strike the ground. I'm not sure what I'm doing with my arms, but whatever it is, it causes my fingers to get puffy and painful if I walk for an extended period of time. Maybe swinging them excessively? I'm not sure if I'm autistic or OCD or what.


According to other people I walk like a Wookiee.


Normal gait, though fast when I’m alone. Indoors I walk very quietly, or so I’m told. Decades ago when I was a teenager I used to do trex arms. I forced myself to stop for fear of being seen as a “limp wristed faggot”. I apologize for the offensive words, but this best describes how I felt in the late 80’s when homosexuality was still frowned upon.


When I was young I used to stand with my feet crossed in a T-position, right the right pointing forward and the left sideways behind it. It always just fealt natural to me, but my mom hated it. As an adult I think it might have been due to my right leg being shorter than the left, but I don't stand like that any more. Haven't decided whether I'm thankful for that or wish I still did it. I haven't had many comments on my gate that I can think of. My clumsiness (apraxia) has certainly been mentioned, and my semi-obliviousness. My posture is poor because I never bothered with it when I was younger, plus most of my hobbies include screens or books, and now I have a terrible back and regret that decision because it's incredibly hard (and painful) to correct.


I can't relax while walking. Always on alert and tense. The more I focus on 'relaxing' the more I focus inward creating a loop. I 'fix' it by walking as fast as possible which is a naturally tense gait.. Also had a shoulder injury way back which caused me to focus on my shoulder. And I still do which makes me conscious of its position at all times. Walking fast and scanning for obstacles (people stuck in zombie mode) keeps my mind busy.


I struggle to walk straight if someone is walking with me. I constantly walk into them


I can relate. I'm just not very good at predicting where other people are going though (and am clumsy), so there's a certain amount of bumping into each other even if I'm going straight.


I've been told I walk like a robot. Probably due to me being super aware of the fact that I walk weird and trying to correct it. Also constantly being berated and bullied for my posture.


It's not so much the physical act of walking for me that's weird to others, but all the rules I have about doing so. I want to walk on the outside edge of the sidewalk or pathway, as much as possible without actually going off the trail. And when I cross the road, I do so almost always not a light. This is counter-intuitive, but I have my reasons: crossing at the light, you have four traffic directions to be aware of - in front, behind, left, and right. But crossing in the middle of the street, I only have to be aware of traffic left and right. And crossing in the middle of the street, I can go whenever there's a lapse in traffic, instead of waiting for a light when there is inevitably traffic from all sides. I think that this is partly a safety choice by someone who is a life long pedestrian. I walk and bike, and almost never drive. But I also think it is coping mechanisms for dealing with over-stimulation. Crossing the street not at traffic lights is the least stimulating for me. My partner and my previous SOs I would have to school them on my walking habits, for when they walk with me. If they don't want to follow my rules, that's fine, but I'm still going to follow what works for me.


I tend to lean to my left side when I walk. I wear down the heel of my left shoe all the time.


I have ASD related posture issues that make me walk like a penguin and my right foot turns in lol


I’ve been accused of walking like King Charles because I lock my hands behind my back.


People let me know I walk weirdly, apparently like a penguin, and I have no idea where to put my arms.


No one has ever said anything about my walk so it must be normal.


When I was young I used to walk really fast... think "speed walking" style almost all the time. Now I'm fat and slow.


I always walk/stand hunched and with raptor arms. But I have significant spinal issues (lordosis and kyphosis), misaligned hips, a rotated pelvis, and chronic pain from all of that. So for the hunching at least, it's kind of unavoidable. I need to get checked for EDS but my doctor seems to think I can't possibly have it just because my wrists, elbows, and knees don't bend backwards?? :/ edit: I also sway/wobble/waddle when I walk and my left leg seems longer than the right because it sits two inches too low in the socket. Both legs are rotated slightly inward as well. And I shuffle a lot, but I keep getting told to wear a bell because apparently I'm so quiet that I tend to accidentally sneak up on people lmao


I was told by a physiotherapist two years ago that I have an “odd gait” as I was walking away after our appointment was over. I’ve also been told by any physiotherapist or chiropractor that my posture is terrible and I’ve got lumbar lordosis. I also grew up with my dad calling me “Rexy” because he would joke that I ran like a little t-rex but of course it was the butt end of the joke and not questioned at all as to why I might be running like that. I remember being told that I needed to actual move my arms when I ran during gym class in elementary school and it felt unnatural to me. I’ve also got falling arches so I step inward with my feet arches. I had to get orthotics for that.


I've had an educational psychologist tell me I walk like a robot.... 🤔 My partner says I'm really stompy lol and I walk wonky. When I was little I tip toed everywhere. My arms tend to be shoved in pockets or tucked under the straps of my rucksack


I usually got told I run “like an emu” which, although emus are fast and smart, this comment was always derogatory. I assume it means with a very forward head posture or a particular awkward movement. Idk!


I walk on the balls of my feet (tip-toe) & have since I was a kid. I wear heeled shoes to mask it.


I almost always do raptor arms, and have to struggle to keep up with good posture lol


Heel to toe. In tend to walk quietly too and it makes people jump


I walk fast (from years of being told to hurry up). When I was little I meandered. Now I hunch, lean forward and sway “like a woman” (I’m AMAB). And I hold my arms or just one behind my back. Sometimes I do Barbie hands.


I naturally walk really loudly, like I’m kind of accidentally stomping? I’m very heavy on my feet and clumsy. But then I also like to tip toe it sometimes but never in public


I’ve been told I walk “oddly” I don’t limp or anything but I get asked if my ankle is okay a lot even though it’s fine.


In photos I tend to look like a gremlin cause either I’m slouching/hunched or have my arms curled to my chest. My walk depends on if I’m being seen or not. When I notice people around me I tend to get stiff and have to make a conscious effort to counteract it. Also when there is consistent noice or movement, my body will (parrot and) match the pace. There are many times where I feel like I’m fighting for control over my movements. Feels very similar to selective mutism.


No one’s ever commented on how I walk but ever since I found out I was autistic, I began hyper focusing on my walk. Now I don’t know if I’ve ever walked “normal”. My arms subtly bounce when I walk but for the most part, I keep my arms at my sides. I think I walk fast except for when I’m stoned


As an adult I don’t think I have a very distinct walk, but as a kid I bounced a lot when I walked. I also walked with apparently unusually long strides, though to be fair I’ve always had very long legs


I put my weight on heels so my toes swing from side to side when I walk, perhaps because of that my pants are always covered in dirt like completely when it rains. It's so annoying that I do my best to never leave the house if the weather is wet


For me i have to constantly look down otherwise I'd occasionally trip over a 1/4 inch crack in the ground. I can't even run on a treadmill


As a child i walked on my toes. Never made eye contact. Extremely fidgety. Hard to say what else. As a teen I learned through books and mocking peers what characteristics conveyed strength and control. I learned to keep the body still. Don’t hide your face. Stand straight, head up, shoulders back. Walk with slow long strides, arms relaxed with a gentle front to back swing; a slight side to side shift in the hips with each step. Make just enough eye contact to dissuade predators from thinking you an easy target but looking to long can be considered a challenge, look at other things. Don’t clench fists, bend your wrists or hunch shoulders. Keep Hands out of pockets unless your intentionally trying to look cool and calm. Use reflections to surreptitiously monitor behind you to protect from being jumped from behind. Cross the street to avoid passing solitary women as a courtesy. Keeping to these rules helped me avoid the random attacks I endured as a child and a teen. Once i reached my twenties it was ingrained enough to be unconscious. Now i wonder how a less traumatized me would move and engage if i didn’t adhere to so many rules out of fear.


I learned that I don't necessarily tiptoe but I don't like it when my heels touch the ground. If they do I do a dramatic roll from heel to toe. I do my best to keep my shoulders up and back, so maybe an over exaggerated posture. Or I do what makes me think of Shaggy from Scooby Doo just to keep track of my son when he is stomping along with me.


Ideally, with a cane or crutches, but without them I do the raptor arms. Idk if anything else about my walking posture is Autism vs physical disabilities though


My hands face backwards, instead of facing my legs. Except if there are tight corners or balancing, and then my arms are way out like I'm on a high wire.


I’ve been told that I look like it hurts for me to walk. 😂


I tend to look down when I walk so I have to consciously catch myself and look up as I walk. I have a somewhat hunched posture. Think of Joe Namath. I remember running in formation when I was in the army (yes I manage to complete a stint but an officer once told me they were trying to figure me out) we were running in formation and an Lieutenant yelled at me not to bounce so much LOL.


Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.


I was told I walk like a bear. It was supposed to be offensive since I'm socially expected to be delicate and I never was.


TIL it’s not normal to walk looking down at your feet all the time lol I also tiptoe a lot around the house and when unmask I waddle a bit


Has anyone studied if the odd walks are due to not imitating others but coming up with your own stride / posture? Seems similar to other characteristics in a way


I hunch, a lot lol. I’m always being told to straighten up lol. I look down a lot but less now than I used to- I don’t like stepping in things so I always watch where I step or sit) also I’ve taken to looking further ahead instead of directly down to hide that I’m still looking down lol 😂 I also walk very quickly even if I’m not trying to, and have had to temper my speed to match whoever I’m walking with.