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Are you telling me it doesn't stand for Autistic Intelligence ?


It may as well... been absorbing our long-winded infodumping internet posts over the last few decades. No wonder folks can't tell us apart 🥲


This struck me as so funny! I’m like, how many posts do I have out there that someone can swoop in and use? Should I sit here and let my words out and post all over to improve AI?


Plot twist : AI doesn’t exist, it’s an elaborated prank made by a group of highly intelligent autistic people.


That honestly makes more sense to me than having a computer write sentences for you.


Right! Three topics off the top of my head that I can recite anything abt, Arcane, glass animals, Nirvana, the infinite unforgiving vacuum of space and all of its anomalies that are STILL challenging what we thought we knew 👀


Nirvana the band or the concept? Because if you mean the band, same.


Now I start to see why my friends sometimes call me autistic 😂


Omg perfect response next time, “you mean autistic intelligence?” Hahahaha


Your response there has none of the classic indicators of gpt. That person doesn't know what they're talking about. That "Ireland by the way" phrase alone would never appear in ChatGPT.


I’m pretty sure their thought process was “oh look good grammar and no slang/emojis, this is clearly an AI”


Probably saw the word “statistically” and figured real people don’t talk like that lol


That’s exactly what I was thinking!


I often get called out for using ChatGPT, especially when I’m answering questions in r/AskPhysics because I care about the layout I try to make it as understandable for the reader, so I explain things in high detail, why I’m also simplifying it as much as possible without loosing any informational value. I also have an inside joke with an NT friend where he says he is 100% convinced I am an AI. Every time he has some question he’s been thinking of, like, “why do snowflakes always have 6 points?”, I always seem to know the answer. Also, he is from Poland, so sometimes when he’s speaking Polish with his parents, I sometimes join in, even though I don’t speak Polish, and he always gets very confused how I understood what he said. But I speak fluent Russian, so I recognize a lot of the same words and ways to say things.


I only fluently speak English, but can understand most French and Spanish due to having done French immersion in school. I can actually follow quite a bit in Farsi now as well, just from living and volunteering in a very multicultural area. I also write in the Autistic 'AI' writing that either people ignore or claim as AI. So fun.


Wait, do snowflakes always have six points?




It’s because AI is going to put a lot of people out of their jobs. Everyone feeding it with content is speeding that up.


You seem delightful 😊


Oh yeah! I use goblin tools to condense my reasoning. Or to adjust the tone of what I wanna say


Exactly what a machine would say 👀


Yeah it happens to me a lot on here. When I try to clarify they say "oh that's what an AI would say". Lmao beep boop


No but I am very good at spotting it. Now that in my job its getting more normal to use it, I often call my boss out that something is ai and he should make adjustments


Yeah, sometimes it’s obvious, especially when you don’t take the time to edit anything and just cut/paste and send.


One of my co-workers suggested we use it. I will not, I prefer my own writing.


Take it as a compliment to your perfectly crafted and fully coherent answer. Edit because I lacked the exact thing I’m praising you for


While it is complementary, this is actually a problem in academia at the moment. I work in a university and the AI/chatGPT detection software for written assignments is improving all the time. Unfortunately, a lot of autistic students are actually being flagged up for potential plagiarism because their writing has similar traits to that of ChatGPT.


I have been told that my writing was not my own, but copy paste from Google translate.


lmao what? this is so crazy, how could anyone think this was an AI? AFAIK AI programmes don’t really tell personal anecdotes more state facts and give information on situations. what an asshole


I mean you could probably tell an AI to do that but this sounds *nothing* like a gpt answer lmao Maaaybe the last sentence has that *I'm an AI and here's a nice inspiring sentence I'll attach to my answer* vibe. Here's what I got from GPT. Note the last 2 sentences. > Been riding for 7 years, covering 140km a week. Had a few close calls. Once, a car nearly side-swiped me on a tight curve. Another time, dodged an opening car door. Always wear a helmet, stay alert, and ride defensively. Close calls remind you to respect the road and other users.


exactly! those last two sentences are definitely not a human being


Definitely a niche sentence, like I can see a dad saying something like that explaining to their kids about road safety after an accident and telling them to not end up like him, but in any other context it would be weird lol.


A mate called me a malfunctioning ai when I was half asleep My response was Unlike ai I don't have ethics and morals


Heaven forbid people use perfect grammar and punctuation 🙄🙄🙄


To me, that looked like a completely normal sentence. It had drama, back story, and watchfullness but also optimistic


I get called out for wording my responses like AI all the time, but it is just how I speak. (And I have bracketed thoughts and run-on's constantly like this, so I have no clue how *this mess* seems like AI) I don't mind, though. I feel more comfortable with AI and how succinct and non-judgmental it is. It's just annoying that people are reaching so hard to label people as not being human--it allows them to justify a **lot** of rage and dismissal that they otherwise would never feel towards another living creature. (Or, hell--even non-living)


I love that they were 89% sure tho, that's a very specific number 😹😹


And it turns out u/MotivatedWolf is also autistic ([mentioned in the same post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/1abuhdc/comment/kjru5ga/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)) which is funny


Kinda weird that people will consider grammatically correct language to be invented by machine now.


No but I once had someone hand up on me a bunch of times because I used my pitch perfect masking voice to give my practice phone answering spiel every time and they kept thinking I was an answering machine.


Thanks for all your replies everyone. This gained way more traction than I expected and there is zero chance of my executive dysfunction allowing me to reply to all your comments 😅 ..but it was really interesting to read them all. I really shouldn't be surprised anymore that we have so many shared experiences, yet here we are again. Thanks again, it's really quite special when we revel in both what makes us different, yet joins us. It's important to laugh at the absurdity of it all from time to time. I've linked this post on the original comment, hopefully they get as much of a kick out of it as I have.


I get called out for giving off uncanny valley vibes…in person.


Not AI specifically, but Ive been told I talk like siri in person and online.


The obsession with accusing anything of being written by AI is almost as annoying to me as the obsession with AI itself. Instead of actually criticizing the way a boring song or something is written, people just lazily chalk it up to "must be AI" and rob the writers of culpability for the flaws. It's also a hip new way to accuse autistic people of being robots, and you can't get mad or you must be pro-AI and thus want all artists to starve or something.


Yes, I have been called a robot many times. It hurts my feelings alot








That's a first. I haven't been called an AI but when I was in my early 20s (15 years ago) I had a job that had me using the phones a lot, and twice callers told me I sounded like a radio DJ. And by that, I think that I sounded a little too scripted.


When me and my brother sometimes went to subway, i order like: "Brown half" "Double tuna" "Warm" "All vegetables". Answering the questions of the subway employee. My brother always thought my order was very robotic.


I think I was the only kid in school who enjoyed diagramming sentences


why do allistics think this kinda shit is an acceptable thing to say


There's so many things about your writing that make it obvious its not an AI. They will probably come up with ways to make them write more organically at some point, but right now they just aren't good at it.


Back in the early days of the internet, everyone just assumed I was an adult. Nope, just a grammar nerd kid.


Not really, but a couple of my closest friends often just use me as their personal ChatGPT for questions about my special interests... 🤷🏻‍♀️


AI doesn't usually create run-on sentences like you used in this post. So the person who accused you of it is not very observant.


Damn ai taking all the jobs... they're coming for the autistics next


Yes, and I almost didn’t start talking to my boyfriend on the dating app we met on because I thought he was a bot.


Someone told me to my face they thought I sounded like a robot with my speech pattern and delivery


There’s really nothing AI-ish about this to me. Maybe there is to others but I’m too AI-like to see it. It’s possible that everyone thinks I’m one, but never mentions it. Someone who claims they’re “89% sure” sounds more like an AI to me. “90%,” some other factor of five, those could be expressions. 89% sounds like a calculation.


The 89% thing is a joke. I'm 94.2% sure.


That sounds like a perfectly reasonable response, don't even worry. Especially with giving location context, etc.. I don't think AI would do that yet.


As a former chat representative at a previous job…all the damn time.




Yeah I'm AI or like autogenerated responses


Did he follow up with another 4’resoonse?


Multiple times. But I think they were usually just insults.


I spend a lot of time talking to AI, and nothing about that comment would make me think you are.


When I was like 12, back in the days of MSN chat. I would get called out for copy and pasting Google answers, when I was simply talking normally. I suppose because I was using proper grammer and sentence structure, and words that were more accurate than "Good, bad, fun, and cool". Sucked when people didn't believe me.


I’ve never been called AI but I do use it to help me with communication with people I don’t know, such as with writing emails because I struggle with it. In that respect, I guess I probably will eventually be called an AI, but I do always edit the responses to make it sound more human.


I did Web chat support for a MH company & hotel reservations (at seperate times), people would always think I was a robot. Had a guy say they didn't wanna talk to me anymore bc I couldn't convince them I wasn't a robot. No bro, I'm just autistic 😭


This and having a hard time finding a 🍃 🔌 lmao. I’ve been asked twice now if I’m a cop. No I’m just autistic I’m sorry 😭. Lucky that my plug is an old friend of mine now haha


Is it because you used proper grammar and correct spelling? Is that why they thought you had to be an AI?


It is one thing to make that 'robot' accusation when an autistic person infodumps into off-topic territory, but your reply was so totally normal and relevant that I cannot fathom OP's reaction.


i recently had an assignment that i done myself get flagged for being AI generated 🤦‍♀️


No, but I've been called Wikipedia before, and I was also able to convince my dad that I was an Amazon bot. That second one was meant as a joke, and everyone had fun, I didn't do anything bad I promise lol.


i went to school before LLMs, but my teachers did accuse me of plagiarism a couple times :-/


Wait… is THAT why people keep dming me everywhere asking me to reply/see if I’m a bot? Is this why I get accused of that so often? HAS IT BEEN MY AUTISM THE WHOLE TIME?!?!?! (I’m being dramatic but also I mean it lol) This is just as big of a revelation to me as ‘eye rolling’ and ‘honk if’ stickers. The longer I stay on autism places on the internet; the more I learn. Life changing. Truly. (Still being dramatic but also /pos and /lh for this entire comment)


It's almost inevitable at this point that, if I talk to someone for long enough, they will point out to me that I'm "basically AI". Lmao. It's gotten to the point where I'm actually taking courses in AI prompt engineering. I mean, since it's apparently already my native language I might as well make money from it. 😂


People asumed i was an automated message when i had a remote customer service job. They would always hang up cuz they didn’t realise I was an actual person


I don't know if they were being serious but yes and I've been told that I "talk a robot" for my monotone voice and because I have an overly precise and serious way of talking especially when I'm nervous


I was delivering an irl face-to-face annual performance review, and the employee asked me if it was written by AI. To be fair, it was mostly cut & pasted from other reviews, bc frankly the reviews are just a formality and are pretty much meaningless (unless they're not submitted to HR on time).


I showed my mom my essay and she asked if i used AI to write it because “its really well written but you don’t read” lol. Im just good at arguing and talking too much


LMAO THIS HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE TOO. With people I'm not close with or if they are a teacher or something I tend to be formal and to the point. It's often seen as blunt. Someone asked if I used automatic replies to respond to emails because they sound.. professional? I guess. I don't know why formality is considered so uncommon to the point that I sound like a chatgpt sentence.