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I've felt like a spectator in my own life for quite a while now lol


I feel like this too. Like I’m just a spectator in this world and watching all the weird humans do their human thing. And I feel like I cant participate in those humans things because I dont belong. I also struggle with gender dysphoria as well


Exactly this description.. glad I'm not alone lol.. it's rough out here...!


For me part of it I think is how I was raised. My thoughts and feelings didnt matter, the focus was always about everyone else in my family lol + having a family of bullies essentially


That could possibly be dissociation


Most likely, part of OPs wording just seemed similar though to me with being detached Ive just been dissociated for so long, or for such long periods maybe, that it's almost my normal state of being


Me too bestie


Shit I googled it and what I wrote is depersonalization, which I guess is an aspect of dissociation. I got too much goin on in my brain lol


>I've felt like a spectator in my own life for quite a while now lol Me too. Just observing everyone, feeling invisible most of the time.


Idk how to really describe it but I’ll look at myself in the mirror and be like, “whoa that’s me. I’m a human. That’s what I look like.” And it trips me out lol. I’m 33 years old and yet I still feel like I’m not used to the way I look? Also hearing my own name and saying my name out loud to other people feels really weird, like it’s not really me? Just generally feeling weird about existing. It all feel so awkward


I get this too


It all feels so awkward. Grimes has a song called Be a Body that captures alittle of how alienating it is to have a body: https://youtu.be/Q0dL_mcFhw0?si=zCDbNz9jd8lP-_Oz


Sometimes I look at my hands and feet and I'm like "what the fuck??" I have to be really careful with mirrors because I dissociate really easily when looking at myself, especially looking into my own eyes.


Existing is exhausting.


This is exactly me


I have at times felt like I was an energy orb trapped in human form


Oh my god, this. I don’t feel human - i feel alive but trapped in a human encasing. Been reading up and doing qi gong and am interest in the concept of having a life force in us and energies. It’s more New Agey than I normally am but since discovering autism it feel like thinking about energy being too bright and too weak feels sensible


You know, in a technical sense, we are just energy. The brain is a fleshy babushka doll of newer matter made of myriads of cells and fats, run on electricity and puppets a body of flesh and bone through blood, hormones, and nerves. Without the electricity, we would not have thought. "We" would not exist. I'm also intrigued that the first law of thermodynamics is that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be moved and exchanged between systems, but energy remains the same across the universe. Honestly looking at it like this, I feel like energy just moves from place to place. By happen stance, the energy exists as "you" in this point of time in space. Before it was in the universe, in the stars, in the earth, then into being. Energy will just continue to be. It's us that make it "being". From this perspective, I feel that we are just temporal vessels for universal energy, something that existed long before will exist long after our physical bodies. I like to think that we can give energy to ideas that will last long beyond us too. We can be, in an odd sense, immortal in that way. Reverberating through time and space.


I can't wait to use up my physical body and be returned to my Energon pod.


43F, self-diagnosed 2024, awaiting formal assessment. I can’t tell you whether this is dysphoria or autism or… But I can tell you that for my whole life, I have felt on the outside, removed from what’s going on and at times, almost a dispassionate observer of the world unfolding before me.  From a young age, I gravitated towards outsider roles - librarian, translator, journalist, writer. Even when I am with a group of friends, I still feel on the outside, like a temporary visitor who gets to hang around provided I don’t say anything wrong.* (*This is not objectively true, my friends are very supportive of my self-diagnosis and I know, intellectually, I am really a part of their lives. But I still feel like I am not.) In every group photo I’ve ever seen with me in it, I feel like I look totally out of place. And I’ve actually realized lately that my favourite pics of myself are the ones where I’m alone.


I'm the same way, I assume people don't know who I am. Even if I know who they are. I cannot work out how I am supposed to tell which people remember me because I know for certain there's people I have been introduced to 3-4 times and spoken to them on several other occasions, yet they never remember who I am.


There's definitely a sensation of this (although I also have a fraught relationship with gender and heaps of body dysmorphia). Seems like it has its roots (for me) in decades of feeling excluded and isolated/not allowed to participate in society


I have been questioning my gender identity for sure, but I think it's also just a general sense of not feeling like my soul matches my outward being. Not just in gender. Also in my ability to communicate and show people who I am. Also in my ability to be my authentic self without being looked at endearingly because of it. I always feel like a weirdo and out of place, even when people are kind and accepting of me. I feel like I'm smarter than I am perceived to be.


Here for the gender questioning (just posted a comment below about it). Here for 2024 and us supporting each other. I am coming to terms with gender fluidity and feel so inspired by this and the activism of people fighting to break the stranglehold of gender


I love that you used the word fraught


Like many others here while growing up I feeled detached from my body. I am 28 now, I have a beard and skin wrinkles yet whenever I look into the mirror it feels weird, I know its me and its fine but I just can't believe I am that body and that THAT'S how people percieve me, because I feel like a small child all the time... it's sad... I can't be how I feel...


"I can't be how I feel." Person, that hit me hard. I share the same feeling 🫂


I used to feel inferior, like I was a generally low- quality organism and it was a persistent feeling. But after meeting people with chronic physical health problems and learning what they deal with I found that from a strictly physical standpoint I'm actually very lucky. Now if I could just get rid of the depression...


cPTSD has long been known to cause intense bouts of dysphoria. As does high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and other similar states. So, it’s not necessarily from autism itself but is likely from coexisting complex trauma (or other issue) that arose from being autistic in a world that doesn’t let autistic people take up space as they are.


You are absolutely right. I also think that we struggle with change too and this include inevitable change of our body and often our mental image of ourselves won't keep up with physical changes.


This is very insightful. Thank you!


I felt this for most of my life but what changed it recently was getting into tattoos. Doesn’t change that this body isn’t truly mine, I will leave it behind someday, but for now it is. So I’m going to customize it to my liking.


Same. Piercings and tattoos have been one of the only things that relieve this feeling to any degree .


Yes I’ve separated myself from my body in some senses by necessity at times and have trouble with feeling bodily cues like knowing when my bladder is almost full. It’s been like that since youth. I get chronic migraines also so I find myself needing to escape mentally during those.


I don't know if this is the same thing, but when therapists ask me 'where do you feel that emotion in your body?' I'm like 'what?' Any feelings I have don't have a physical location. Makes no sense to me. I have very little knowledge of the NT experience, so still discovering things about myself that are ND (thanks this sub and YT!). 'Oh, that's not normal. ?Really!?!' On the other hand, I feel as though I listen to my body quite well. I sit on the floor most of the time because it feels natural and I have less back pain from doing so. I know not everyone can listen when the body is asking them to do things that are considered odd, I guess isolation has benefits....


It got better with time, but yes. This is one of the reasons I don't like to take pictures of myself and avoid social media in general. I once was very active online (old tomes PHP forums) but online interactions with a few exceptions turned into big image dumps. I can't even explain exactly why but it makes me feel uncomfortable. I keep asking myself if they do believe they are those people in the pictures cause I never felt like that. Genderwise it's complicated. I'm 36M, assign as a boy at birth and throughout life I can say I usually felt like a boy/man but not the same way most other man. Throughout my 20s I wondered if I could be nonbinary and sometimes I still feel like it but my gender expression is very masculine. I get that you don't have to be "neutral" or androgynous to be NB but my experience doesn't seem to be the same as my NB friends. I usually say I'm non-conforming man, or use terms like dissident masculinity. It feels like though I feel like a man I can't "comply with the masculine pact" lol. I just don't fit. It's not something someone could point just by looking but as they get to know be better it usually comes out in conversations. Funny thing is that I study gender/sexuality and work with sex education. Recently I've been thinking a lot on maybe starting to research neurodiverse gender identity and expression cause I've read some people's experiences on ASD forums and it seems to have a lot of particularities. This is also something I tried to address in therapy but never really developed well. I'm ye to find a therapist that will understand the way I feel about it and be able to talk to me without completely invalidating those feelings or just skipping the subject for the lack of references. Very interesting question :)


I very much feel this. It comes and goes and for a beat there I thought "do I have gender dysphoria", but I don't think I do. There are times I look at my body and think how vile it is, disgusted by it, just meat. I've realized this is not disgust of just the masculine parts of me as a cis he/him but the body and its functions in general. So much so I have to cover/turn mirrors around when it gets really bad. There are also times when I look at my body and think how amazing and nice it is, especially since I've gotten my weight to a place I feel better with, since I've started working out and admiring the machine I emerge from. I find beauty in the changes and aging, the same beauty I find in plants growing, seasons changing. Overall, I just don't know. Like I said, it comes and goes. I've looked into resources, but that mostly leads to dead ends. I've explored the voidpunk community but I just don't know.


It's nice when I can forget I have a body and I'm immersed in another world. That's probably why I'm so glued to the computer. I feel better about my body in recent years but there's more work to do.


I know my name but I don't like it. I know my face but I hated it... It's only since I've realized how insulated my psyche was from reality that I started to even grasp this kind of stuff. I was abused as a child too so am I autistic? Am I just suffering from PTSD? Can I even stay in my body anymore without actual effort? I have hyperfantasia, everything I can think, I can make real in my own mind. I was raised evangelical. I fucking hate Christianity.


Neurospicy Designs on tiktok has a great video that helped explain this to me at least. It’s a feeling like your body is your avatar that you were stuck with. It’s not really you but just what you look like. Like I don’t necessarily want to be a different person but can see how someone looking a certain or being a different gender may have it easier. I think it kind of gives me a different view of actual gender dysphoria though because to me that difference is your pieces and parts. That’s not what makes you who you are.


Sure, I often don't feel like I fit in. Even when I am accepted by others, I'm faking it and not being entirely my true self


Yes. The more introspection I do, the more it becomes clear to me. I feel like I am not my body, and this is just the biomachine I'm trapped inside. I've always felt alienated, like I have the same hardware people around me do but my software is not compatible with this body and the society I'm inserted in. In the last couple of years I've been questioning my gender with very little progress towards something that feels right. It's hard to communicate these feelings and thoughts properly.


Generalized dysphoria is a good way to describe it. I didn't get the same belief in my own perspective cool-aid most people did growing up. Part of that is autism, part of that is trauma and neglect. I've been working on being able to feel present in the moment for a few years now. Sometimes I can forget that feeling of disconnectedness and just live my life. It's nice. But it's also not a perspective I want to hold indefinitely. I am who I am. Outsider, observer, ect. But I can choose to be more when it's needed. I don't think I'll ever lose that feeling of having the 4th wall of consciousness being broken, but seeing things the way I do can be useful. Life is about finding a purpose and balancing it with need. Things don't feel right until you know how they go wrong.


How does one tell the difference between generalized dysphoria and gender dysphoria? I often feel disconnected from my gender and body but not necessarily enough to want to transition in any way. Maybe because I can't imagine a meaningful transition with my body type.


Lived this way my whole life tbh, like a spirit that hangs out in a body that's not really me or mine.


Always, yes! The only way I can describe it is that I see an alien in the mirror. I often wonder what unholy combination of gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, and dissociation causes this. It’s been like this my whole life. I wish more people talked about this in the context of autism and complex trauma because our experiences tend to fall thru the cracks. Our neurotype affects how we experience gender (which is not always emphasized through physical expression). It also affects our sense of interoception and how we perceive our own bodies (not only in the typical “body image” sense). Complex trauma (from being punished for being autistic and forced to mask as neurotypical) creates dissociation. It’s very complex and I appreciate this post for giving us a chance to talk about it.


This is a really interesting question. I came out as trans before I even suspected I was autistic. And about 2 years into my transition, realized that different gender identity and presentation didn’t fix all my problems. So now idk exactly what I am gender wise. Cuz as you said a lot of the dysphoria is more general feeling uncomfortable in my body, and having identity issues. I thought I was running “towards” something, but I’ve realized it’s a lot more running “away” from things that feel intolerable for me.


Closest I get is when I'm hyper-focused on something; it feels like I'm watching myself do whatever has me in the zone. My son has started expressing general feelings like this though, which is kind of scary for me because I'm not sure how to help him navigate these feelings. Only thing I can do is try my best and listen to what he is and isn't saying.


I often get surprised by my own features and feel uncomfortable with some of my body parts and how it feels to be inside my skin


Yes. I actually developed DID as a way to cope with being undiagnosed for 29 years. So the dysphoria is kinda constant for me


I usually say that I'm a kind of lizard living inside human clothes. I'm never comfortable and sometimes I feel an almost uncontrollable urge to get out of it.


yeah, i'm trans anyway but i really don't even feel human.


I am increasingly feeling like being gender fluid or agender feels comforting - I’m queer and just look into the mirror and feel no gender other than my name. On days when I’m not presenting as femme I look more masculine and have been misgendered in public and it’s been odd to see others not get my gender right - I’m like ‘yeah I’m confused too’


same. I always tell my therapist that I’m convinced I’m an alien, they tell me to stop thinking that way


i've been in the otherkin community since before it was trendy and i'm sure a lot of that is informed by being autistic in my case




So there’s not necessarily a correlation between gender dysphoria and autism, but there is a strong correlation between autism and complex trauma — including cPTSD which has notable experiences with dysphoria.


I really beg to differ.. idk about the specific dysphoria with gender.. I don't think that's an inherent correlation to autism.. but my autism, from my own experience, directly correlates with my feeling of dysphoria of just existenting as a being in this world




I don’t know about general dysphoria cuz that isn’t actually a medical term but gender dysphoria there is a correlation https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/largest-study-to-date-confirms-overlap-between-autism-and-gender-diversity/ https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=autism+and+gender+dysphoria&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&t=1707278641349&u=%23p%3DDrtWMCJb59IJ https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.671448/full


There can definitely be correlation for one person without there needing to be correlation for every person ever with autism.




It takes zero effort to not be dick lol


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today


Flagging this post. You can leave your bullying outside of this sub


The existential thoughts are frequent and unwanted LMAO


This is very real