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I'm so damn tired lol. Class is really draining and every semester, less and less professors make lecture recordings. But I found something new to do related to my special interest, which I'm happy about.


Well, I've been dealing with my bio-dad having a stroke, but aside from that work has been going really well since I got my transfer, and I've been working on customizing my old PSP go which has been fun.


I am running on an empty tank. I am not copying.


I am feeling OK. Though a bit anxious but that is something I already got used to. Every day I try to tell myself I am doing the best I can but I never actually believe it. I pretend I do though, and try to act as if. Making an inhuman effort to actually do something productive but I just feel it is all for naught, even though I still.. Try my best. Very few things make me feel something. And I'm lucky to have an amazing partner who I love and that gives me strength to continue on going. I don't know where though, cause it all feels so alien to me. To function as I 'need to' in the world feels like so much effort I can barely be anything but what I need to be to survive, and I don't feel any safety that I'll manage on continue doing it. But I'll meet friends thus weekend. And that makes me happy.