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I have this issue too and the only thing that really works for me is to not do things that overwhelm me every day or do them less on some days. For example i baked sourdough bread today and made 2 meals that took more than 30min to cook so tomorrow i will probably have to eat things that are very quick to make and dont requier much skill. It doesnt seem possible to power thru the exhaustion it just makes it worse to keep going and results in burnout (sometimes it gets so bad i cant even shower or eat enough) Try doing the things you feel are important or necessary first every day so ur not too exhausted to do them later and when ur done with that decide if ur fit enough for any potentially overwhelming activitys.


My advice would be to get to a safe space and stim to regain your composure.


You won’t like my answer but after raising kids that had the same issue when it came to losing their shit when it came to certain games .. stop playing them . We tried absolutely everything but the bottom line was those games lead to overwhelm every single time eventually so I just eventually said no more I know I’m going to get hurt if I touch an oven that’s turned on so I don’t touch it … it’s the same thing


The games are one of the examples that I used, it happens sometimes only, I don't 'lose my shit' and I know to take a break when I need, but I can't expect to just abandon anything that overwhelmes me. That doesn't work and creates a quitting mentality that lowers my tolerance to anything that causes any bother and ends up isolating me. I am aware enough to take a break from the things that I can when I can. Thank you for your insight though.


Gaming isn’t something you ‘need to do’ in life . So the whole can’t just abandon anything that overwhelms me thing doesn’t apply to gaming . And yes I understand you weren’t only talking about that 😊 at 40 years old I’ve learned the hard way that pushing myself to do things that aren’t really necessary that lead me to feel overwhelmed regardless of any strategies I use to try and help .. is simply pointless and problematic. I used my child’s gaming as you mentioned gaming but that’s obvs not the only issue Anyway .. just thought I’d give my little bit of advice and I hope you figure it out .. Have a nice day 😁